Reset Form Print Form Submit By Email How to Talk to Members: Handling Difficult Members & Situations Wednesday, June 27, 2012 9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Hawaii Time Barry Thompson, CRCM, Thompson Consulting Group, LLC Registration Deadline: June 13, 2012 We all know and have heard that members are the lifeblood of the credit union and frontline staff and call center personnel are the true face of the credit union. However, in the day-to-day, we sometimes forget how our surroundings affect the person entering our lobby and how staff interactions with members determine whether your credit union flourishes or fails. In this webinar, staff/member interpersonal communications that can result in compliments, conflicts, or account closings will be analyzed. Real-life examples of staff in normal business encounters that exploded into difficult situations will be examined. Many of the reasons for member/staff confrontations are easily identified: the language used may be combative, unfriendly or condescending. The member may misinterpret the message or be angry over a situation beyond their control. This webinar will provide staff with skills and techniques to handle even the most difficult situations. HIGHLIGHTS Ø Know the only times you should say, “No!” Ø Understand how your language, demeanor and people's perception of you impact your message Ø Learn how to remain calm and why this is crucial Ø Know when humor is not appropriate WHO SHOULD ATTEND? This informative session is designed for frontline staff, branch managers, call center personnel, security staff, and anyone with daily member contact. Live Webinar - $200 REGISTRATION OPTIONS The Live Webinar option allows you to have one telephone connection for the audio portion and one Internet Connection (from a single computer terminal) to view online visuals as the presentation is delivered. You may have as many people as you like listen from your office speaker phone. Registrants receive a toll-free number and pass code that will allow entrance to the seminar. The session will be approximately 90 minutes, including question and answer sessions. Webinar materials, including instructions, pin number, and handouts will be emailed two days prior to the live broadcast. You will need the most current version of Adobe Reader available free at On-Demand Web Link** and Free CD ROM* - $200 Can't attend the live webinar? The On-Demand Web Link is a recording of the live event including audio, visual, and handouts. We even provide the presenter's email address so you may ask follow up questions. Two days prior to the webinar, you will receive an email with the web link. This web link can be viewed anytime 24/7, beginning six business days AFTER the webinar and will expire six months after the live program date. But there's more…as an added bonus, you will also receive a free audio/ visual CD ROM. The CD ROM includes the original audio/visual presentation, the question and answer sessions, and the handouts. Use the on-demand link or this “off-the-shelf” training program for those that could not attend the live webinar and for future training. *CD ROM for PC use only **All materials are subject to copyright and intended for your credit union's use only. Both Live Webinar and On-Demand Web Link (includes free CD-ROM) - $250 Includes registration options above. Webinar instructions will be emailed to contact person two days prior to webinar. If you have any questions, please contact Education & Meeting Coordination Officer Liz Ott at or 203.6404 (Oahu) or 888.331.5646 (neighbor islands). WEBINAR REGISTRATION FORM June 27 - How to Talk to Members: Handling Difficult Members & Situations Please check registration option(s): $200 Live Webinar Credit Union Name: Phone No.: Contact Person: Title: $200 On-Demand Web Link $250 Both Required: Instructions will be sent to this email address eMail Address: Required: Free CDs will be mailed to this address Mailing Address: City, State, Zip Code: Total Amount Enclosed: Please mail your completed form and payment to : Hawaii Credit Union League 1654 S. King Street Honolulu, HI 96826-2097 eCheck payment available. Go to Click on link to eCheck payment form
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