Quarterly Conversations with the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Quarterly Conversations with the
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
10 am to 11 am CT
To register, simply click on the link: https://www.webcaster4.com/Webcast/Page/584/7626
You will be prompted to enter your first name, last name, and email address.
1. Welcome + webinar overview
(Erik Soell, Julie Stackhouse)
2. Accounting hot topics
 Current trends and challenges associated with the
allowance for loan and lease losses (ALLL)
 Early thoughts on implementing a new Current Expected
Credit Loss (CECL) accounting standard
 Current accounting hot topics
(Steve Merriett)
3. Q&A
(Julie Stackhouse)
 If you would like to submit a question before the call, please email it
to rapid@stls.frb.org.
 On the day of the call, you can submit questions several ways.
− Via webinar chat: You can submit a question via the chat box in the webinar tool. Your
question will only be seen by our presenters.
− Via phone: If you are dialing in today, press *1 on your phone.
− Via email: rapid@stls.frb.org.
Next call: Wednesday, August 12, 2015, 10am CT
Quarterly Conversations with the
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Our thanks to Arvest Bank in Bentonville, Arkansas
for hosting today’s conversation.
Julie Stackhouse and Steve Merriett
are our speakers for today’s conversation.