Newsletter BUDGET NEWS 2015 PROSPECTIVE CANDIDATE FORUM Thursday, May 7, 2015 7:00 p.m., High School BUDGET HEARING Thursday, May 7, 2015 Immediately following Forum BUDGET VOTE AND ELECTION OF BOARD MEMBER Tuesday, May 19, 2015 11:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m., High School Absentee Ballots Applications for an Absentee Ballot are available from the District Clerk or can be downloaded from the District Site: Dear Community Members, The Eldred CSD will be presenting their budget for the 2015-2016 school year for public approval on May 19, 2015. Our spending plan is $ 205,015.00 dollars less than it was five years ago in 2009-2010. The budget increase is a modest 0.83% over the amended 2014-205 budget plan. The budget does not reduce programs for our students but rather adds opportunities for them. The budget incorporates a second full day Pre-K class, it provides money to support the school lunch program, money to replace the driver’s education car, sets aside money for buses and provides money to do necessary repairs to our facilities that have been long overdue. The Board has made every effort to be fiscally conservative while maintaining current levels of programming. The budget being presented is within the allowable tax levy limit with exclusions. State aid only increased by a paltry $ 75,000.00 over the previous year. However, by reallocating line items the Board has been able to develop a budget which is programmatically and fiscally sound and prudent. You are encouraged to come out and vote. There will be a public hearing on the budget and meet the candidate forum on Thursday, May 7, 2015 at 7:00 PM at the high school. The actual budget vote is Tuesday, May 19, 2015 from 11:00 AM – 9:00 PM at the high school. Sincerely, The ECSD Board of Education Douglas Reiser, President, Amador Laput, Vice-President, Linda Bohs, Member, Carol Bliefernich, Member, James Burns, Member May 13th: Deadline for obtaining an absentee ballot application if ballot is to be MAILED May 18th: Deadline for obtaining an absentee ballot application if ballot is to be picked up in PERSON May 19th: Deadline for accepting absentee ballots by 5pm at polling place (JSHS) Qualifications for Voting •Must be a citizen of the United States •Must be 18 years or older •Must be a resident of the school district for 30 days prior to May 19, 2015 •Must be registered with the school district or registered for general elections Missy VanSeggen was the winner of the “I’m Not a Replacement... “ Contest sponsored by the following organizations ; TFAC Tobacco Free Action Communities of Ulster, Dutchess and Sullivan; Public Health; Kick Butts Day and Reality Check of above are Mr. Dufour, Melissa VanSeggen, Teacher Maureen Petkus and two members from the council. **Due to an error, we are reprinting the Honor Roll information for the sixth grade from Mackenzie Elementary School for the Second Marking Period. Sixth Grade: - Bodin Stutz, Daniel J. Giglio, Ty Theodore Smith, Christopher John Lilly, Erin C. Brown, Gabriella DelRio, Matthew A.J. Bieler, Katie L. Innella, Maddison P. Wong, Mark Everret Edwards, Jr., Louis C. Innella • • • • • • • • Budget Initiatives Expands Universal PreK to two full day classes Maintains current staffing and programs for students Includes funding to support the school lunch program Includes funding to replace the driver education vehicle Includes funding increases for technology updates Funds planned maintenance on projects considered health & safety priorities Funds a replacement maintenance/plow truck Includes funds to purchase used school buses to replace vehicles that have reached the end of their useful life 1 1 Eldred Central School District Budget Format In accordance with Chapter 436 of the Laws of 1997 and the Commissioner’s regulations [Educational Law section 1716(4)], school districts are now required to present their budgets in three separate expenditure components: 1. Administrative 2. Program 3. Capital In addition, employee benefits are to be distributed in all three components so that the cost of benefits follows salaries (both current and post-retirement).The 2015-2016 Budget has been distributed into the three required expenditure components. ESTIMATED SCHOOL TAXES 2015 - 2016 2014-2015 TAX RATE TAX RATE ESTIMATED DEERPARK 23.372513 24.045571 HIGHLAND 14.918624 15.348236 LUMBERLAND 14.023506 14.427342 TUSTEN 25.613709 26.351308 TAXABLE VALUE TAXABLE VALUE TAXABLE VALUE $100,000.00 $150,000.00 $200,000.00 $2,404.56 $1,534.82 $1,442.73 $2,635.13 $3,606.84 $2,302.24 $2,164.10 $3,952.70 $4,809.11 $3,069.65 $2,885.47 $5,270.26 * Per $1000 of Assessed Value Based on July 1, 2013 Tax Roll Assessment 2015-2016 Proposed Revenue Breakdown State Aid Other Revenue Real Estate taxes 5,466,429 1,257,872 9,873,684 Total Proposed Revenues 16,597,985 Revenues Real Estate Taxes 59% 2015-2016 Proposed Expenditures Breakdown Program Expenditures Capital Expenditures Administration Expenditures 11,863,460 3,098,736 1,635,789 Total Proposed Expenditures 16,597,985 Expenditures State Aid 33% Other Revenue 8% Administration 10% Program 19% Capital 71% Shown left: On Monday, March 23, the Eldred Key Elements were invited to the State Capitol building in Albany by Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther to be recognized for their participation and achievement of performing at Carnegie Hall in New York City. The group was given a private tour of the Capitol, and was invited to sing in the Assembly Chamber by the Sgt. Of Arms, Wayne Jackson. The group performed for assembly members as they were filing in preparing for their afternoon session. The students were then later recognized on the assembly floor during session. 2 The Mackenzie “Coding Academy” is reaching out to a selection of students in 5th and 6th grade to learn the basics of computer programming (coding). It is being implemented using a coteaching model with Michael and Maria Nealon. Over the course of 10 weeks, the students, on Friday afternoons, will learn the basics of computer programming using Scratch. Scratch is a design-based learning approach to creative computing developed by MIT to teach the basics of coding without the actual code but concentrates on the logic of programming. Creative computing supports the development of personal connections to computing by drawing upon creativity, imagination, and interests. The activities in the Scratch curriculum guide are designed to explore computational thinking concepts (sequence, loops, parallelism, events, conditionals, operators, data), practices (working iteratively and incrementally, testing and debugging, reusing and remixing, abstracting and modularizing), and perspectives (expressing, connecting, questioning). The Academy is also incorporating a Quest Based Learning (QBL) environment to engage and motivate students to help with assignments (quests). Scratch will serve as the core curriculum of the Academy while 3D GameLab will assist with the management of the program. Students are also learning how to create and upload assignments using Google Drive and Google Classroom. They are researching the origins of computer programming and pioneers of the field. Budget 2015 Eldred THE BALLOT YES NO PROPOSITION 1 Shall the following resolution be adopted to wit: RESOLVED, that the Board of Education of the Eldred Central School District is hereby authorized to expend during the 2015-2016 school year $16,597,985.00 and to levy the necessary tax therefore. YES NO PROPOSITION 2 Shall the following resolution be adopted to wit: RESOLVED, that the Board of Education of the School District is hereby authorized to levy taxes annually in the amount of fourteen thousand five hundred dollars ($14,500) and to pay over such monies to the Board of Trustees of the Sunshine Hall Free Library. YES NO BOARD MEMBER Vacated seat of James Burns 5-Year Term July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2020 James Burns What do you get when you put kids and a dog together? A photo filled with cuteness! Please welcome River, our therapy dog. Follow her blog on Ms. Lombardi’s school webpage. You will learn all about the creation of this program thanks to our school leaders who believe in kids and know the educational and emotional benefits a fourlegged critter can offer. Brian Siegel Eldred High School art students viewed the Catskill Art Society Sullivan County High School Art Show this past month. Our students placed first and third in Digital Art, second place in color photography and first place in black and white photography and first place in ceramics. Shown left are Samantha Laput and Catherine Nicholson enjoying the show. 3 Eldred Central School District Meet the Candidate: Mr. James Burns Meet the Candidate: Mr. Brian Siegel My wife Joan, and I decided years ago to raise our family in the Eldred Central School District. Joan is a graduate of Eldred Central School, and this was the foundation for our decision. We built our home 30 years ago in Yulan, Town of Highland and it is here that we raised our five children. Ryan, Matt, and Craig experienced grades K through 12 at ECS; while Jenna and Sheila are currently juniors. As planned, all of our children took full advantage of every opportunity that ECS has to offer; including academics, sports, art, music and clubs. They were surrounded by outstanding teachers, staff and coaches that truly cared and delivered the goods that make each of them successful today. As a family we have been fully engaged in the Eldred Youth League, Boy Scouts, Girls Scouts, and community volunteerism. Along the way we have meet so many of the outstanding individuals that comprise our school district, and formed lasting relationships with them. I am a graduate of Delaware Valley High School in Milford. PA. I am a United States Marine Corps veteran. I attended Arizona Western College, and graduated from King’s College Wilkes-Barre, PA with a Bachelor’s of Art degree in Criminal Justice/History. I have been employed by the United States Postal Service for more than 30 years. I am the A/Manager of Post Office Operations in Orange, Rockland and Westchester Counties. My responsibilities include customer and employee safety, employee development/mentoring, budget preparation, budget performance, revenue generation and protection, customer relations, labor relations, and facility care and maintenance. I have been a School Board Member at the Eldred Central School since 2010. As a member of the Board of Education I represent all members of the Eldred Central School community. Each member of the community, including taxpayers, parents, students, teachers and administrators have a voice in the process. If re-elected, I will actively seek and respect the opinion of all of those involved in the public education process. I am excited about my re-election, and look forward to serving the school district for another 5 year term. Trust experience and vote for me on May 19th. PROSPECTIVE CANDIDATE FORUM Thursday, May 7, 2015 I’m running for School Board to represent the interests of ALL members of our community. As parents and taxpayers, we are partners in our children’s future. The longterm success of our school district requires a careful and respectful balance of the needs of our young families with the financial reality of our broader taxpayer community. As a father of 3 young children in Eldred’s graduating classes of 2024, 2027 and 2031, our school is very important to my family. I feel it’s my responsible to help provide a first-class education for all of Eldred’s kids – today, and for many years to come. Even in a small school like ours, we owe our children the very best academic, athletic and extracurricular programs. I’m also a taxpayer and concerned citizen. I’m a neighbor and friend to the many people in our community who do not have children in our school but certainly have a stake in its success. I appreciate the challenges faced by our taxpayers, particularly our working families and fixed-income seniors. We’re all in this together. Our school budgets and capital plans must align with the financial reality of our community. I fiercely opposed last year’s $5M bond proposal because I feared the additional debt and tax burden would threaten the long-term fitness of our school. We need to be careful planners – fiscally responsible, realistic, respectful of our taxpayers, compassionate, and always mindful of the long-term outlook. I created the “Eldred Parents & Taxpayers Forum” Facebook page to shine a light on various issues affecting our school district and to encourage public input and participation. As a member of the School Board, I will find new ways to encourage people to interact with the School Board and participate in the process. Finally, I believe education decisions should made by parents, teachers and locally-elected school boards. Unfortunately, the state and federal government have accelerated their takeover of public education, with highstakes standardized tests and one-size-fits-all curriculum schemes. I will fight to keep the politicians, bureaucrats and corporations out of our classrooms, and regain local control of our schools. To inspire some real positive change, please vote for me on Tuesday May 19th. Thank you! 7:00 p.m., High School Central Administration Superintendent of Schools Robert M. Dufour District Clerk Bonnie Robertson District Treasurer Ruth Luis Board of Education Douglas Reiser, President Amador Laput, Vice-President Linda Bohs, Member Carol Bliefernich, Member James Burns, Member Administrative Offices 600 Route 55 PO Box 249 Eldred, NY 12732 Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 324 Port Jervis, NY 12771 TO LOCAL POSTAL PATRON 4
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