here - 2nd European Congress on Tattoo and Pigment Research

Sponsor and Exhibitor Information
ECTP 2015
2nd European Congress on Tattoo and Pigment Research
29-30 April 2015
Brugge, Belgium
Invitation to support the 2nd European Congress on Tattoo and Pigment Research
Dear industry partners,
The 2nd ECTP congress held in Brugge, Belgium, 29-30 April 2015 is organised to present cutting edge
research on tattoos and industrial pigments ranging from basic research to clinical research including health
aspects and social sciences.
The congress invites chemists, biologists, physicists, toxicologists, formulation scientists, medical doctors
including dermatologists and plastic surgeons, epidemiologists, sociologists and experts working with
regulatory affairs to attend and to contribute with their presentations.
The research object tattoos, pigments, skin and health was neglected in the past. The 1st congress held in
Copenhagen in November 2013 was a historical start up and establishment of a platform for achievements
in recognition of the obvious knowledge and performance gap of the field relative to the fact that several
millions of Europeans are tattooed with chemical substances and products of widely unknown specification,
purity and sterility exposing them to uncertainty and risks. Such situation carries known and undiscovered
hazardous health effects. The 2nd congress in Brugge follows up on the achievements in Copenhagen by
offering an excellent scientific programme on the latest research in the field.
The congress shall be balanced and evaluate pros and cons recognizing reality of the world of today. The
congress shall by bringing international experts together fulfil its aims and materialise cooperation,
networking and synergy as a way to develop this research field in European countries as well as
By supporting the congress, your company will gain valuable information and access to the experts involved
in this area.
We hope to see you in Brugge in 2015.
Kind regards on behalf of the ESTP board and the Local Organising Committee
ECTP 2015 Congress Chair
ESTP Research Chairman
Christa De Cuyper, MD
Dermatology Department
AZ Sint-Jan
Brugge, Belgium
Jørgen Serup, MD, Professor
Department of Dermatology
Bispebjerg University Hospital
Copenhagen, Denmark
Local Organising Committee 2015
Congress Chairman: Christa De Cuyper, MD, Dermatology Department, AZ Sint-Jan, Brugge, Belgium
Davy D’Hollander, Antwerp
Ann Goossens , KU Leuven
Serge Coopman, Antwerp
ESTP Board
Society Chairman: Jørgen Serup, Professor, DMSc, Bispebjerg University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark
Vice-chairman: Nicolas Kluger, MD, Montpellier University Hospital, Montpellier, France & University of
Treasurer: Wolfgang Bäumler, Professor PhD., University of Regensburg, Germany
Secretary: Christa De Cuyper, MD, Dermatology Department, AZ Sint-Jan, Brugge, Belgium
International Scientific Faculty
Jørgen Serup, Professor, DMSc, Bispebjerg University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark
Nicolas Kluger, MD, Montpellier University Hospital, Montpellier, France & University of Helsinki
Werner Aberer, Professor, Dr. med., Medical University of Graz, Graz Austria
Maurice A. Adatto, MD, Founder & Medical Director, SKINPULSE Dermatology, Laser & Beauty Centers,
Geneva, Switzerland
Enzo Berardesca, MD, Professor, Director Clinical Dermatology, San Gallicano Dermatological Institute,
Rome, Italy
Wolfgang Bäumler, Professor PhD., University of Regensburg, Germany
Christa De Cuyper, MD, Dermatology Department, AZ Sint-Jarr, Brugge, Belgium
Ana M Giménez-Arnau, MD, Hospital del Mar. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Marléne Isaksson, DMSc, Associate Professor, Lund University, Malmoe, Sweden
Bo Jørgensen, Chief Surgion, Bispebjerg University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark
Andreas Katsambas, DMSc, Past-President of EADV, University of Athens, Andreas Sygros Hospital, Athens,
Jana Kazandjieva, MD, PhD, Ass. Professor, Medical University, Sofia, Bulgaria.
Moshe Lapidoth M.D, MPH., Rabin Medical Center, Petach Tikva, Israel
Laura Malinauskiena MD, DMSc, Vilnius University, Antakalnio Hospital Alelrgy Center, Vilnius, Lithuania
Anna Zalewska-Janowska, MD, Dept. of Dermatology, University of Lotz, Poland
Ester Serra, MD (Co-opted), Hospital de la Santa Creu, Sant Pau, Barcelona, Spain
Juan Franciser Silvestra MD (Co-opted), Hospital Universitario de Alicante Spain
Preliminary Programme 2015
The sessions will address the following matters:
History - Epidemiology and the tattooist
Public Health Issues
Manufacturer and more research on material
Cosmetic tattoos-dermatography
Poster sessions and clinical cases
ECTP 2015 Preliminary Programme
29 April 2015
Registration and coffee
Welcome / Opening
Session 1
Coffee and Exhibition
Session 2
Lunch and Exhibition
Session 3
Session 4
Coffee and Exhibition
Poster discussion and Clinical Cases
Congress Dinner
30 April 2015
Session 5
Session 6
Coffee break and exhibition
Session 7
Lunch and exhibition
Session 8
Session 9
Coffee break and exhibition
Thank you and good bye
Sponsor and exhibition opportunities
Gold Sponsorship - €8.500
The Gold sponsorship includes:
Congress Bags excl. production costs with 1 free insert.
Advert in final programme, 1 page after Tattoo pictures at the front or normal advert
6 sqm Exhibition space with 4 exhibitor registrations
Banner with link on congress website
Recognition as Gold Sponsor in the conference material, website and at the venue.
Silver Sponsorship - €5.000
The Silver sponsorship includes:
1 free insert in conference bag
4 sqm Exhibition space with 3 exhibitor registrations
Banner with link on congress website
Recognition as Silver Sponsor in the conference material, website and at the venue.
Bronze Sponsorship - €3500
The Bronze sponsorship includes:
1 free insert in conference bag
4 sqm Exhibition space with 2 exhibitor registrations
Banner with link on congress website
Recognition as Bronze Sponsor in the conference material, website and at the venue.
4 sqm - €1.500
6 sqm - €2.500
Additional sqm €200/sqm
The exhibition stand includes: 1 Table, 2+ chairs, electricity, 2 exhibitor registrations per 4 sqm and
company name on congress website.
Exhibition stands are allocated in advance by the secretariat, i.e. a first-come-first-served principle does not
apply here.
The programme has allocated plenty of time for all participants to visit the exhibition. All breaks and
catering take place in exhibition area.
Other Sponsorships
Advert final programme - €1.000
A4, 4 colour
Lanyards - €2.000
Excl. production cost
Pen and notepads - €1.000
Excl. production cost
All prices excl. VAT.
Bookings should be made by email to CAP Partner (see details below) and should incl. the following
Type of sponsorship / size of exhibition space
Invoice address
PO No. if needed
Terms of payment
25% of the total amounts will be invoiced and are due 14 days upon ordering. The remaining amount will
be invoiced March 2015.
For any cancellation of stand booking, sponsorships, etc. before 1 March 2015 a cancellation fee of 25% will
For cancellations postmarked after 1 March 2015 no refunds will apply.
All bookings should be made by email or fax to the conference secretariat and should contain an invoice
address, PO number if needed and VAT No.
Sponsor and exhibitor contact
CAP Partner
Contact: Karen Svaneborg
Tel: +45 70 20 03 05
Fax: +45 70 20 03 15
Conference website:
European Society of Tattoo and Pigment Research website: