DISTRICT 22B NEWSLETTER April, 2015 Volume 10, Issue 1 D I S T R I C T G OV E R N O R ’ S MESSAGE DISTRICT OFFICERS DG Joseph Schanno 60 Watertown Road Berlin, MD 21811 410-603-6457 - Res. 410-603-6457 - Cell Email: jfschanno@comcast.net 1st VDG Wayne Cole 2640 Meadowbrook Avenue Federalsburg, MD 21632 410-754-5594 - Res. 410-943-0200 - Bus. 443-786-3943 - Cell Email: waynecole66@hotmail.com 2nd VDG Glenn Owens 11330 Urieville Lane Worton, MD 21678 410-778-2279 - Work 410-708-6078 - Cell Email: glennmowens@gmail.com CS Dalton Mann, PDG 22944 Lyn Oaks Drive Preston, MD 21655 410-673-9085 - Res. 410-310-6660 - Cell Email: dmann@bluecrab.org CT Jeffrey T Beever 3811 Seymour Drive Trappe, MD 21673 410-476-4309 - Res. 410-476-4309 - Bus. 443-497-3066 - Cell Email: bamp1@verizon.net District 22B Web Site: www.e-district.org/sites/22B INSIDE ISSUE: THIS DG’s Message 1 Committee Reports 2 Obituaries 7 International & Multiple District Events 7 Zone, Region and District Events 7 Roster Book Changes 7 Editor’s Notes 7 Club Activities and 8 Club Events Completed 18 International President Joseph Preston .Lions Clubs International officially launched our Centennial celebration on July 8, 2014 at the organization’s International convention in Toronto with the announcement of the LCI Centennial Service Challenge. The Chairperson of the Challenge is Past International President J. Frank Moore III. He has stated that the service challenge is an ambitious call to action of Lions around the world to serve 100 million people before June 30, 2018. Lions have a vibrant past, a famous quote of Melvin Jones, “You can’t get very far until you start to do something for somebody else.” Upon that principle our motto “We Serve” emerged. Year in and out since 1917 Lions have grown providing service around the world by meeting humanitarian needs in local communities. Lions lend a hand and support efforts not only locally but around the world. Every day, the Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) works to fulfill their mission: "To support the efforts of Lions clubs worldwide in serving their local communities and the world community as they carry out essential humanitarian service projects." The need for Lions is as great now as it has ever been. The Centennial celebration slogan is “Where There’s a Need, There’s a Lion.” Lions are not bound to one area of service. The ability to decide what local service needs to be met is flexible, leaving decisions to the local clubs. Every Lion is a Lion, or should be a Lion, ingrained and first dedicated with the principle of fulfilling our motto. The organization and operation of clubs is also flexible. Every Lion must be a member of a club. The membership of a club may structure operations, meetings and projects in a way that best fits the needs of their membership, to be inviting, to use the appropriate forms of technology to keep members connected and manage club business. While many clubs maintain traditions passed down from generation to generation, most traditions are optional, with the current membership free to add, abandon, and modify how a club is operated. If a group of twenty or more people wish to join the cause of Lions but are unable to find a club that fits their needs, they may charter a new club even if it is in the same community, or nearby. How better can we honor our past or go with strength into the next hundred years then to engage in service? To this end LCI is asking each club to participate in four Global Service Action Campaigns throughout each year. In each of the campaigns the clubs decide when to serve and which projects are right for their club. The campaigns are Engaging Our Youth, Sharing the Vision, Reliving Hunger and Protecting Our Environment. Detailed information about the Challenge and the individual campaigns is available at LionsClubs.org. You are also able to download material from the 22B website or simply send an email to jfschanno@comcast.net. The Lions internet site also has much information and testimonials about projects already undertaken by clubs around the world. One or more of these projects may be suitable to your club. Use the service campaigns to encourage member participation or even to attract new members. Assign each campaign different members of the club. Go outside the club to obtain input from the community to identify needs that have not been met. The Club Excellence program including Community needs assessment are great guides to venturing into unfamiliar parts of communities. Use the Just Ask Recruiting Guide to develop a membership campaign to run concurrently with each of the Centennial Service campaigns. We can do it. Let’s do it. DISTRICT 22B NEWSLETTER COMMITTTEE REPORTS Page 2 DISTRICT 22B NEWSLETTER COMMITTTEE REPORTS CONTINUED Page 3 DISTRICT 22B NEWSLETTER COMMITTTEE REPORTS CONTINUED Page 4 DISTRICT 22B NEWSLETTER COMMITTTEE REPORTS CONTINUED Page 5 DISTRICT 22B NEWSLETTER Page 6 COMMITTTEE REPORTS CONTINUED USA/CANADA FORUM Each year Lions from across North America gather for three days of training, sharing, fellowship and rededication to the world’s largest, and by far, most active service organization. This event is the USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum. This year’s Forum will be September 17-19 at Grand Rapids, Michigan. If you have been before you know how wonderful those three days will be. If you have never been, you will be in for a treat of three great days of learning, fun and socializing. You will have the change to meet past and present International officers. Hope to meet current LCI President Joe Preston, the person behind the great programs of Strengthen the Pride. President Joe is a natural motivational speaker with a deep commitment and love for all things Lions- you will not want to miss him. The seminars being offered are a mix of ordinary titles to ones you never guessed you see at a Lions event: Club Presidents; Your Club Your Way; Community Service Builds Clubs; Lead Follow or Get Out of the Way; Hello I’m Your New Member, I’m Leaving; Young Punks vs. Old Geezers; Nurturing the Next Generation; Stop Recycling Leaders; Beer Brewing, and much more. Yes -- Beer Brewing -- Grand Rapids is very well known for great craft breweries. Round out the great seminars with some fun. One of the top ten vacation cities for beer lovers. If beer is not your game, Grand Rapids is renowned for farm-to-fork restaurants, museums, the Lake Michigan Shoreline and more. The Forum includes several events with special guest speakers to entertain and motivate you. Attendees will return home charged or recharged, inspired to bring themselves and their clubs to new heights of service and fellowship. Every Lion is invited. First year attendees are given royal treatment as officers from around the world will go out of their way to shake hands and welcome you to the Forum. Grand Rapids is close enough to drive to in one day. Some Lions of District 22B are organizing a caravan to travel as a group. More news of this to follow. Interested, contact PDG Charlene Travers or DG Joe Schanno. Go to lionsforum.org for more DISTRICT 22B NEWSLETTER Page 7 OBITUARIES Andrea Nichole Joyner - Crisfield Academy High School LEO Club - 15 years old INTERNATIONAL & MULTIPLE DISTRICT EVENTS MD22 Convention - Dover Downs Hotel and Casino - May 18-21, 2015 USA/Canada Forum - Grand Rapids, Michigan - September 17-19, 2015 ZONE, REGION and DISTRICT EVENTS ROSTER BOOK CHANGES Page 55 Secretary Kenneth S. Hearn Email: kandehearn@yahoo.com If you have any Changes to the Roster Book please contact PDG Dal Mann at 410-673-9085 or dmann@bluecrab.org or Lion Joe Wood at 410-482-2244 or jpwood@verizon.net. EDITOR’S NOTES If any Club or Committee Chair has something they would like for me to include in the District Newsletter please send me the information at jpwood@verizon.net by the 10th of each month and I will try to include it in the Newsletter. I would like to have anything that is happening during the next month and any projects that you have completed included in the Newsletter. Club Communication Chairs please distribute to your Club Members! DISTRICT 22B NEWSLETTER Page 8 CLUB ACTIVITIES AND EVENTS CECILTON: They are collecting shoes for the needy. The program is called Footsteps. CONOWINGO: They will be holding a 5K Run on the 9th of May beginning at 12 noon at the Conowingo Park (Flyer Attached). EASTON: They will be holding their 75th Anniversary Celebration on the 2nd of May (Flyer Attached). FRUITLAND: They will be holding a Spaghetti Dinner on the 25th of April beginning at 4 PM at St. John’s UMC (Flyer Attached). GREENSBORO: They will be holding their 3rd Annual Marty Gangemi Memorial Car Show on the 7th of June (Flyer Attached). PRINCESS ANNE: They will be holding their 5th Annual Lion Sam Boston Memorial Golf Tournament on the 16th of May at the Great Hope Golf Course (Flyer Attached). RIDGELY: They are holding a Fishing Trip Raffle to be drawn on May 24, 2015 (Flyer Attached). They will also be holding their 36th Annual Strawberry Festival on the 24th of May at the Martin Sutton Park (Flyer Attached). Along with the Strawberry Festival they are holding the Strawberry Chase 5K (Flyer Attached). DISTRICT 22B NEWSLETTER CLUB ACTIVITIES AND EVENTS Page 9 DISTRICT 22B NEWSLETTER Page 10 CLUB ACTIVITIES AND EVENTS CONTINUED Easton Lions Club You are cordially invited to attend the 75th Anniversary of the Easton Lions Club. Please join us at the Easton Elks Lodge on May 2nd of 2015 at 6pm. (502 Dutchmans Lane, Easton, MD 21601) Tickets are $50 each. Our guest speaker will be State Representative Johnny Mautz If you have any questions, please call me at 410-476-5825. The Easton Lions Club thanks you for your help! Regards, RSVP by April 1st with check made out to the Easton Lions Club PO Box 1202 Easton, MD 21601 DISTRICT 22B NEWSLETTER CLUB ACTIVITIES AND EVENTS Page 11 DISTRICT 22B NEWSLETTER Page 12 CLUB ACTIVITIES AND EVENTS CONTINUED DISTRICT 22B NEWSLETTER Page 13 CLUB ACTIVITIES AND EVENTS CONTINUED DISTRICT 22B NEWSLETTER Page 14 CLUB ACTIVITIES AND EVENTS CONTINUED DISTRICT 22B NEWSLETTER Page 15 CLUB ACTIVITIES AND EVENTS CONTINUED DISTRICT 22B NEWSLETTER Page 16 CLUB ACTIVITIES AND EVENTS CONTINUED DISTRICT 22B NEWSLETTER CLUB EVENTS COMPLETED Page 17 DISTRICT 22B NEWSLETTER Page 18 CLUB ACTIVITIES & EVENTS COMPLETED Lion Brinsfield Lowe received a Presidential Certificate of Appreciation at the Sharptown 75th Anniversary held on the 11th of April. Shown above Lion Brinsfield receives the Certificate from PID Richard Chaffinch. Cecilton Lions Club King Lion Ma Carroll recently addressed the members of the Cecilton County LEO Club. Shown above left from left to right are Lion John Bunnell (Club Advisor), King Lion Ma Carroll and LEO club President Angel Lowe. Above right are the members of the Club. The Conowingo Lions Club recently received a $1000 donation from the Old Dominion Electric Company toward their upcoming 5K Run. DISTRICT 22B NEWSLETTER Page 19 CLUB ACTIVITIES & EVENTS COMPLETED The Easton Lions club made a donation to Channel Marker, Inc.at its last meeting. They have been providing mental health support and rehabilitation services to adults and children in our local communities for thirty two years. Their motto is " Like a marker on the Bay, we help each other find a way". Laura Higgins, Adult Services Director spoke to the club about the need for continued support and how much she appreciated the donation. Pictured are Frank Divillio, Lions Club first VP, Laura Higgins and Lion Erik Higgins an employee of Channel Markers, Inc. The Easton Lions Club at its last meeting presented Talbot Hospice with a donation. Mary Ellen Shea spoke to the club about what Talbot Hospice provides for their residents and their families who are facing the challenges of a currently progressing, life limited illness. Pictured are Lion John Morris presenting check to Mary Ellen Shea. The Easton High School Leo Club delivered the non-slip socks today to the Neighborhood Service Center as a project the club did recently. The Leo club is in it's 10 year helping and supporting the community and school. The Easton Lions Club sponsors the Leos. DISTRICT 22B NEWSLETTER Page 20 CLUB ACTIVITIES & EVENTS COMPLETED The Greensboro Lions have been busy with their spring projects. Above left some of the 200+ kids are shown participating in their Annual Easter Egg Hunt. Above right are the winners of their Annual Little Miss Greensboro Pageant. They also completed Kids Sight Screening, Little League Parade and Barbecue. The Rising Sun Lions Club held their Annual Ham and Oyster Dinner on the 10th of April. Shown above left are the Lions who served the meal and above right are the Oyster Patters preparing the oysters. Below left the Lions are preparing to march in the Little League Parade on the 11th of April. Below right the AgIndustrial is shown presenting their donation to the Rising Sun Lions Club Healthcare Program.
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