Title: Location: Ref ID: Determination: Not Assessed Public Advice Given Dardanup Residue Disposal Facility Shire of Dardanup CMS14180 Date Received: 16-03-2015 Referror: Proponent: Strategen Environmental Consultants Pty Ltd Cristal Pigment Australia Contact: Telephone: Mr Roger Banks 97924797 Preliminary Environmental Factors: Potential Significant Effects: Public Comments on Referral Information: Date More Information Received: 23-04-2015 Procedure: Flora and Vegetation, Terrestrial Fauna, Inland Waters Environmental Quality, Terrestrial Environmental Quality, Rehabilitation and Closure The proposal will result in the loss of Flora and Vegetation and habitat supporting Terrestrial Fauna, potentially impacting on the natural values of the Whicher Scarp. The proposal also has the potential to impact on the quality of ground and surface water. Assess-API A: Assess - API B : Assess-PER: Do Not Assess: TOTAL COMMENTS : 0 0 1 0 1 Chairman's Initials: Explanation of Decision: The EPA considers that the likely environmental effects of the proposal are not so significant as to warrant formal assessment. The potential environmental impacts on Flora and Vegetation and Terrestrial Fauna can be adequately dealt with under Part V Division 2 (Clearing) of the Environmental Protection Act 1986. The potential environmental impacts on Inland Waters Environment Quality, Terrestrial Environmental Quality and Rehabilitation and Decommissioning can be adequately dealt with under Part V of the Environmental Protection Act 1986. $ Aruf r Date Signed: Appeals close: 2 June 2015 I3-CX- ZO(C Title: Location: Ref ID: Goldfields Highway Wiluna to Meekatharra Portlink Project Shire of Meekathara and Shire of Wiluna CMS15094 Date Received: Referror: Proponent: Main Roads WA Main Roads WA Contact: Telephone: Mr Shane Power 90801400 Preliminary Environmental Factors: Potential Significant Effects: Public Comments on Referral Information: 26-03-2015 Determination: Not Assessed: Dealt with under Part V Division 2 of the Act (Clearing) Date More Information Received: Procedure: Flora and Vegetation, Terrestrial Fauna The proposal would result in the clearing of approximately 520 hectares of flora and vegetation. The clearing of this vegetation has the potential to adversely impact terrestrial fauna through habitat loss. Assess - API A : Assess - API B : Assess-PER: Do Not Assess : TOTAL COMMENTS : 0 0 1 0 1 Chairman's Initials: Explanation of Decision: The EPA considers that the likely environmental effects of the proposal are not so significant as to warrant formal assessment. The potential impacts can be adequately managed to meet the EPA's objectives through implementation of the proposal consistent with the referral documentation and through Part V (clearing) of the Environmental Protection Act 1986. jL,V y/7 f Date Signed: 1 Zoi Environmental Protection Authority Weekly Record of Determinations for S48A Referrals Scheme Title: Location: Ref ID: Date Received: Peel Region Scheme Amendment 039-57 Lot 101 Mandurah Road Lakelands CMS15003 22-04-2015 Determination: Scheme Not Assessed: No Advice Given (no appeals) Date Sufficient Information Received: Referror: Responsible Authority: Contact: Telephone: Environmental Factors: Procedure: Western Australian Planning Commission Mr Steve Van Sambeeck 95864600 None Chairman's Initials: Ay y/7 Potential Significant Effects: None Management: None (/ Date Signed: l2>-0^-2o(C Environmental Protection Authority Weekly Record of Determinations for S48A Referrals Scheme Title: Location: Ref ID: Date Received: Shire of Dardanup - Town Planning Scheme 3 - Amendment 190 Lot 4580 Panizza Road CMS15125 29-04-2015 Determination: Scheme Not Assessed: No Advice Given (no appeals) Date Sufficient Information Received: Referror: Responsible Authority: Contact: Telephone: Environmental Factors: Procedure: Shire of Dardanup Mr Jake Whistler 97240000 None Chairman's Initials: Potential Significant Effects: Management: None Not Required frf Date Signed: 13-S"- Zo\S Environmental Protection Authority Weekly Record of Determinations for S48A Referrals Scheme Title: Location: RefID: Date Received: Town of East Fremantle - Town Planning Scheme 3 - Amendment 11 Richmond and Richmond Hill Precincts East Fremantle CMS15130 04-05-2015 Determination: Scheme Not Assessed: No Advice Given (no appeals) Date Sufficient Information Received: Referror: Responsible Authority: Contact: Telephone: Environmental Factors: Procedure: Town of East Fremantle Mr Andrew Malone 93399324 None Chairman's Initials: Potential Significant Effects: Management: None Not Required jrt Date Signed: l^-OC-Qoi^ Environmental Protection Authority Weekly Record of Determinations for S48A Referrals Scheme Title: Location: RefID: Date Received: City of Busselton - Local Planning Scheme 21 - Amendment 10 Pre-Fabricated Building Busselton CMS15131 04-05-2015 Determination: Scheme Not Assessed: No Advice Given (no appeals) Date Sufficient Information Received: Referror: Responsible Authority: Contact: Telephone: Environmental Factors: Procedure: City of Busselton Mr Anthony Rowe 97810444 None Chairman's Initials: Potential Significant Effects: Management: None Not Required fir Date Signed: l 3>-or- 2<Dtr Environmental Protection Authority Weekly Record of Determinations for S48A Referrals Scheme Title: Location: Ref ID: Date Received: City of Albany - Local Planning Scheme 1 - Amendment 8 Lot 103 Cockburn Road and Lot 104 Campbell Road Mira Mar CMS15132 05-05-2015 Determination: Scheme Not Assessed: No Advice Given (no appeals) Date Sufficient Information Received: Referror: Responsible Authority: Contact: Telephone: Environmental Factors: Procedure: City of Albany Mr Craig McMurtie 98419333 None Chairman's Initials: Potential Significant Effects: Management: None Not Required /rt Date Signed: IV-0S --2OIS-
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