FROM THE DESK OF THE PRESIDENT March 2015 Gentlemen: Greetings to all. It is so nice to see the large turnout and enthusiastic participation at our recent lunches. Kudos go to the monthly chairmen and to Alex Kugushev, the Program Chairman, for providing a continuous flow of interesting and engaging speakers. West Whittaker was the February chairman and did not disappoint, having arranged several excellent programs. This month’s chairman, Richard De Bono, continues the trend—see above for details. JANUS PROJECT: As you know, the Board has undertaken a project to find ways of honoring Il Cenacolo’s rich history as we plan for the future. As part of this project, we will be focusing on Il Cenacolo as the main subject for our weekly programs in May. Past President Ron Fenolio is the chairman that month and he is already planning a series of sessions which will help us better understand and appreciate our past. Concurrently, the Board is also exploring several new ideas which will guide us in the future. There are some exciting projects being considered. SFIAC MENU ADDITION: Thanks to Paul Alioto, our weekly host at the San Francisco Italian Athletic Club, there will be a third choice for lunch each week. A pasta main course will also be available from now on. MAN OR WOMAN OF THE YEAR: Although we have just recently celebrated the announcement of Dave Giannini as Man of the Year, the Board will soon be considering candidates for selection next year. This person does not have to be a member and does not have to be male. He or she needs to be someone who has worked tirelessly and effectively to enhance the Italian culture in San Francisco. This is a pretty broad description, and one that provides flexibility. Any member can put a name forward for consideration. If you have an idea, please inform a Board member. A TALENT CALL: The Program Chairman’s message includes a call for Cenacolisti to consider making a presentation at lunch. He has described it well, so I call your attention to his message. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: One of the great sources of satisfaction as a Cenacolista has been the opportunity to serve as a member of the Board of Directors. We have an especially dynamic group of gentlemen serving on the Board now, and our meetings are spirited and interesting. The days of just arranging for the monthly speakers are over. That function is ably handled by our Program Chairman, who maintains an ever growing list of very interesting speaker prospects for the Board members to consider as they plan the schedule. The most important functions concern the business of the club. As we go forward, there are many important issues under discussion such as Italian language education, ongoing relations with the Merola Program, financial planning, among others. In June, a few vacancies will occur on the Board, as members rotate off. I ask all Cenacolisti to consider Board service. It is very rewarding and a lot of fun. The Board meets once a month at lunch for about two hours. If you would like to learn more or have any questions, please approach me or any Officer or Board member. You’ll be glad that you did. Amicizia e divertimento per tutti! —Chuck Stagliano, Il Presidente
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