Module Specification 1. 1. Factual information Module title Tuberculosis Level NQF Level 5 Module tutor Viv Marsh Credit value Module type Distance Learning Optional Module Notional learning hours 15 (CATS) 7.5 (ECTS) 150 2. Rationale for the module and its links with other modules The incidence of tuberculosis is increasing. The early detection and appropriate management of tuberculosis is essential in improving the prognosis and outcome of people with tuberculosis. With its focus on a multi system disease that requires long term treatment and has significant physical, social and psychological impact on individuals and their families this module fits well within the undergraduate long-term conditions programmes. It is underpinned by the principles of evidence based healthcare and incorporates key concepts of the NHS Long-Term Conditions agenda. Its focus on a specific area of care complements and underpins the concepts of the compulsory modules by enabling students to develop skills in a broad range of related subject areas. As such, the module has strong links with the other optional disease focussed modules offered within the programme pathways. 3. Aims of the module This module is suitable for all healthcare workers who may be involved in the care of people with tuberculosis (TB) and their families. Successful students of the module demonstrate competent and safe practice in the diagnosis, treatment and management of TB patients. Sound knowledge underpinned by essential practical skills and techniques equips them to take responsibility for the care of such patients. 4. Pre-requisite modules or specified entry requirements None Specified Tuberculosis NQF Level 5 5. Intended learning outcomes A. Knowledge and understanding Learning and teaching strategy At the end of the module, learners will be able to: Comprehensive distance learning materials supported by interactive activities. A1: Analyse the prevalence and causes of TB and evaluate the success of preventative measures Further support from student support services in controlling the incidence of the disease including telephone & e-mail support and a globally comprehensive student guide. A2: Assess the effects of TB on the respiratory tract and other systems B. Cognitive skills Learning and teaching strategy At the end of the module learners will be able to: Comprehensive distance learning materials supported by interactive activities. B1: Analyse the factors necessary to provide good nursing care of patients with TB, and apply Further support from student support services these to special circumstances such as HIV including telephone & e-mail support and a infection comprehensive student guide. C. Practical and professional skills Learning and teaching strategy At the end of the module, learners will be able to: Comprehensive distance learning materials supported by interactive activities. C1: C2: Select and justify methods for diagnosing TB Further support from student support services Assess the effectiveness of treatment options including telephone & e-mail support and a in different situations related to current comprehensive student guide. evidence based practice. D Key transferable skills Learning and teaching strategy At the end of the module, learners will be able to: Comprehensive distance learning materials supported by interactive activities. D1: Examine the role of clinical audit, clinical governance and public health issues when Further support from student support services planning care including telephone & e-mail support and a comprehensive student guide. Tuberculosis NQF Level 5 6. Indicative content. The subjects covered include: Prevalence, epidemiology and prevention Diagnostic techniques and their interpretation Treatment options, encompassing drug therapy, direct observation of therapy short course (DOTS) Patient care and management and infection control Patient education Public health issues Social components of TB management: including ethnic and cultural groups, socioeconomic, deprivation, homelessness 7. Assessment strategy, assessment methods and their relative weightings Students are assessed by written assignment. Students are required to submit a 2,500 word, fully referenced assignment, based on a specific patient scenario. This must provide evidence of the application of knowledge and understanding of the detection and management of tuberculosis, and demonstrate a multi-disciplinary approach to care. The assignment comprises 100% of the overall module mark. Criteria for a pass Students must achieve a minimum of 40% in the assignment to pass the module. Reassessment is as per the regulations in the Student Guide. 8. Mapping of assessment tasks to learning outcomes Assessment Tasks Assignment (100%) Learning Outcome A1: A2: B1: C1: C2: D1: Analyse the prevalence and causes of TB and evaluate the success of preventative measures in controlling the incidence of the disease globally Assess the effects of TB on the respiratory tract and other systems Analyse the factors necessary to provide good nursing care of patients with TB, and apply these to special circumstances such as HIV infection Select and justify methods for diagnosing TB Assess the effectiveness of treatment options in different situations related to current evidence based practice Examine the role of clinical audit, clinical governance and public health issues when planning care Tuberculosis NQF Level 5 9. Teaching staff associated with the module Tutor’s name and contact details Contact hours 9-5 Mon-Fri Viv Marsh, Education for Health E-Mail: 10. Key reading list Author The National Collaborating Centre for Chronic Conditions. The National Collaborating Centre for Chronic Conditions. Year 2011 2012 Title Tuberculosis: Clinical diagnosis and management of tuberculosis, and measures for its prevention and control. TB management for hard to reach groups Publisher Royal College of Physicians Location London Royal College of Physicians London 11. Other indicative text (e.g. websites) Tuberculosis NQF Level 5
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