“Strengthening TB Control in prisons of M/XDR-TB high

11-15 May, 2015
Baku, Azerbaijan
International course for Policy makers and Health Care providers involved in planning and
implementation of Tuberculosis services in the Penal institutions of Eastern Europe and Central Asia
“Strengthening TB Control in prisons of M/XDR-TB high-burden countries”
WHO Collaborating Centre on Prevention and Control of Tuberculosis in Prisons, Specialized
Treatment Institution, Main Medical Department of the Ministry of Justice of Azerbaijan Republic
Tuberculosis (TB) remains a major global health problem. It ranks as the second leading cause of
death from an infectious disease worldwide. Globally in 2012, an estimated 450,000 people developed
multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB). WHO indicates that 3.6% of newly diagnosed TB cases
and 20% of those previously treated for TB had MDR-TB. On average, an estimated 9.6% of MDRTB cases have extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis (XDR-TB). Globally, only 48% of MDR-TB
patients in the 2010 cohort of detected cases were successfully treated, reflecting high mortality rates
and loss to follow-up. Notification rates of TB cases in prisons in all Europe Region countries are
multiple times higher than the rates found in the general population. The demographics of the prison
population, in addition to the situational and environmental vulnerabilities of the prison setting
increase the risk of TB among prisoners.
To reduce the burden of TB in prisons, a comprehensive package of measures is required. These
include early Diagnosis by systematic screening and Rapid Diagnostics, proper Infection Control,
supervised and complete TB treatment with appropriate drugs, treatment of co-morbidities including
HIV, Diabetes, Hepatitis and substance use disorders, and continuity of Care in the Public Sector when
a prisoners under treatment are released.
The five-day training agenda incorporates all key aspects of TB Control Program in light of prison
specificities. As a result participants will gain comprehensive knowledge on planning, implementation
and monitoring of effective TB services for detainees with respect to ethical and regulatory
The course is organized by the Training Center (TC), Main Medical Department of the Ministry of
Justice of Azerbaijan Republic as a WHO Collaborating Centre on prevention and control of
Tuberculosis in Prisons. The TC is functioning within Azerbaijan Prison Tuberculosis Control
Program where internationally recommended strategy for TB control has been employed since 1995.
For all these years the Program was supported by WHO, ICRC, the Global Funds and other
international agencies. The Program achievements were internationally recognized by external NTP
reviews and the Green Light Committee. Attainments have been reflected in WHO Regional Office for
Europe publications as “The Consolidated Action Plan to Prevent and Combat MDR- and XDR-TB in
the WHO European Region, 2011-2015” and “Best practices in prevention, control and care for drugresistant tuberculosis”. Moreover, the Program got International Corrections and Prisons Association
Correctional Health Care Award in 2013.
To strengthen the capacity in preventing and controlling Drug Resistant Tuberculosis in Penal
institutions according to the most updated, evidence-based, internationally-recommended policies and
Target audience
Policy makers and Health Care providers involved in planning and implementation of Tuberculosis
services in the Penal institutions (defined as places of confinement including police cells, pre-trial and
post-trial penitentiaries, reformatories, etc.) of Eastern Europe and Central Asia.
By the end of the course, the participants will have a better understanding on how to organize effective
TB-control interventions in their Penal institutions.
The trainers
course are
Control in prison Program and WHO.
senior TB
experts working in Azerbaijan TB
The course consists of lectures, plenary discussions, practical exercises, group work, visits to penal
institutions where Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment of Tuberculosis, as well as other-related
conditions, are performed.
Training language
The course language is Russian. English interpretation will be also provided when needed.
The course fee
The five-day course fee is 1500 EUR for one person which includes: visa support (if necessary),
welcome at the airport and transfer to the Hotel (four stars); accommodation at the single standard
room from 10 to 16 May (6 nights); full board (3 times per day meals and coffee breaks), course
material, transport for field visits, dinner and touristic journey to Baku. The course fee does not cover
journey to Baku as well as per-diems or any other financial support.
Deadline for application
Candidates are required to submit their application no later than 1 April 2015. Number of training
participants is limited to 15.
In case of application submission or any training related questions please refer to focal person for
WHO Collaborating Centre on prevention and control of Tuberculosis in Prisons - Elmira Gurbanova
(e.gurbanova@prisonhealth.az) and/or to TC (training_centre@prisonhealth.az).
We thank you for your interest in our training course and hope to see you in Baku!
1. Training Agenda
2. Application form