Nomination guidelines Be part of Queensland’s largest youth performing arts shows live at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, Friday 17 and Saturday 18 July 2015. Contents 1. Contact information.................................................................................................1 2. What is Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage?.............................................2 3. Nomination process.................................................................................................3 4. Vocalists..................................................................................................................5 Featured vocalists.................................................................................................... 5 Backing vocalists...................................................................................................... 6 5. Choir.......................................................................................................................7 Massed choir........................................................................................................... 7 Core choir................................................................................................................. 8 6. Dance......................................................................................................................9 Featured dancers...................................................................................................... 9 Massed dancers..................................................................................................... 11 7. Symphony orchestra..............................................................................................12 8. The James Morrison Creative Generation Big Band.................................................13 9. Stand-alone variety................................................................................................14 10. Drumline..............................................................................................................15 11. Student stage crew..............................................................................................16 12. Teacher crew........................................................................................................17 13. Film crew.............................................................................................................18 14. Frequently asked questions.................................................................................19 15. Project consent form............................................................................................22 16. Terms and conditions...........................................................................................29 140002 17. DVD identification form........................................................................................30 1. Contact information For general enquiries, please contact: Laura Waldron Operations manager Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage Ph: 07 3328 6630 Fax: 07 3328 6669 Mob: 0427 622 379 Email: Website: For specific category enquiries, please contact: Laura Waldron Dance, featured and backing vocalist, stand-alone variety, student and teacher crew manager Email: Ph: 07 3328 6630 Larissa Hansen Choir, drumline and film crew coordinator Email: Ph: 07 3328 6628 Rhondda Wetton Symphony orchestra manager Email: Ph: 07 3328 6642 Raquel Gracey Big band manager Email: Ph: 07 3328 6620 Photos throughout: Madhouse Studios Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage 2015 Nomination guidelines 1 2. What is Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage? Over the past 10 years, Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage (CGEN) has given students, teachers and school communities the opportunity to be involved in a large-scale, award-winning event. Since its inception, the professionally produced spectacular has grown from 550 students in 2005 to a cast of over 1800 and is nationally renowned for its outstanding and vibrant display of state school talent. In 2015, CGEN will celebrate its eleventh year as Queensland’s largest youth performing arts event at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre (BCEC) with four performances on Friday 17 and Saturday 18 July. Student performers will come together to rehearse items covering a mix of musical genres such as classical, rock, pop, musical theatre, hip hop and jazz. We expect the 600 dancers, 600 choristers, 65 symphony orchestra members, musicians for The James Morrison Creative Generation Big Band, drumline, featured vocalists, 2 Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage 2015 film and stage crew and variety acts will range from Prep to Year 12 and will come from more than 100 state schools from around the state. CGEN rehearsals will provide an opportunity for performing arts students to display and extend their talents and affiliations with professional artists beyond those ordinarily available in schools. Auditions, workshops and rehearsals will give students a taste of the performing arts industry that has put many Queenslanders on the international stage. The confidence, self-esteem and experience gained from being involved with CGEN will help to prepare students for life beyond the school gate. Additionally, the Queensland College of Teachers acknowledges that CGEN is a quality professional development opportunity for teachers allowing new skills, knowledge and practices to be brought back to the classroom. CGEN 2015 will be an exciting experience for all involved! Nomination guidelines 3. Nomination process Step 1 – Nomination There are three steps to the nomination process for all categories: • featured vocalists • backing vocalists • massed choir • core choir • featured dancers • massed dancers • symphony orchestra • The James Morrison Creative Generation Big Band • drumline • stand-alone variety (student-devised work and school-based work) • student stage crew • teacher crew • film crew. Step 1 – Nomination An online nomination, including submission of audition footage, must be entered by the coordinating teacher on behalf of the student/s. Coordinating teachers will be asked to complete all school contact information once providing the contact details for up to four teachers. Coordinating teachers must then complete all participant nomination information. Step 2 – Invitation Students who are successful in being selected to be a part of CGEN will be sent an official invitation letter via the coordinating teacher of their school. The invitation will outline the next step in the process, which may include a call-back audition, a casting day, a workshop or a series of rehearsals. Step 3 – Acceptance After being signed by the required person/s noted on the form to acknowledge the student’s or group’s acceptance into the program, the official notice must be returned by the coordinating teacher on behalf of the students to the CGEN team member managing the category. Coordinating teachers should login to the CGEN OnePortal teamsite. The OnePortal teamsite is located at: https://team.oneportal.deta. Coordinating teachers must strictly adhere to the following dates: • Friday 12 December 2014 – nominations close for all categories except symphony orchestra and big band. Audition footage is also required on this date for featured vocalists, backing vocalists, choir, massed dancers, stand-alone variety, drumline and film crew. • Friday 13 February 2015 – nominations close for students entering Year 7/8 or students at a new school in 2015 except symphony orchestra and big band. Audition footage is also required on this date for Year 7/8 students and students at a new school in the categories of featured vocalists, backing vocalists, choir, massed dancers, stand-alone variety, drumline and film crew. • Friday 27 February 2015 – nominations close for symphony orchestra and big band students. All audition footage due for big band and symphony orchestra. Before finalising the nomination, the coordinating teacher will be asked to check a box acknowledging: • the school principal where the student is enrolled has endorsed the nomination • all students nominating for a place in the program have returned to the school a completed (unamended) CGEN 2015 project consent form. If an unamended form is not returned, students are not able to participate in the program • all students will be required to return an additional unamended consent form for the television broadcast in early 2015. If an unamended TV broadcast consent form is not returned, students are not able to participate in the program • nomination and participation fact sheets 1 and 2 have been distributed and understood by all related personnel supporting the students’ participation in the program • parents/guardians and students understand the entire program, and the expectations and level of commitment required Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage 2015 Nomination guidelines 3 • all school team members supporting the students’ participation in the program understand the expectations and level of commitment required • all students (and parents/guardians of those students) understand the Department of Education, Training and Employment is collecting personal information, and will handle this material in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2009 and the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006 • they have read, understood and agree to the terms and conditions of the program. Audition footage • Option 1 – upload to the specified Learning Place Edtube album when prompted during the nomination process. • Option 2 – save audition footage to a DVD and mail to the CGEN office at the following address: Laura Waldron Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage Community Engagement and Partnerships Department of Education, Training and Employment PO Box 15033 City East QLD 4002 All mailed DVDs must be accompanied by a DVD identification form (see page 30). Please ensure video footage on the DVD is formatted so it can be viewed on a standard DVD player and TV, not only on a computer. Hard copy audition materials and supporting documentation will not be returned. Please keep a copy for school records if required. General requirements for audition footage • One file is to be submitted per nomination (except where a big band or symphony orchestra student is nominating for more than one instrument). Where a category requests two or more pieces of footage, please combine two pieces of footage into one file. • Teachers nominating a student for separate categories (e.g. featured vocalist and dance) must upload a separate audition file or mail a separate DVD for each nomination (except symphony orchestra and big band where the same footage may be used). • Symphony orchestra and/or big band: a separate DVD is required for each student or each instrument type — trumpet, violin etc – to allow distribution to specialist auditioners. • If mailing audition footage, it is acceptable to combine the nominations for each category (e.g. all school featured vocalist auditions) onto one DVD, except for symphony orchestra and big band as these must be separated by instrument group. • Total file length per nomination must be between two and four minutes (except for symphony orchestra, big band and film crew. See the relevant pages in this guideline for these requirements) • Only film crew audition footage should be in high resolution. Low resolution files are acceptable for all other categories provided the sound and image quality is adequate for panel members to make a sound judgment. If uploading footage to edTube, the size of the audition files should not exceed 20 MB. • Include work from 2014 in the audition footage, where possible. • It is preferred that student auditions should be performed to accompaniment. • Student auditions should be introduced by either a student or Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage 2015 Categories requiring support material It is a requirement that nominations for the following categories are supported by written documentation: • student stage crew • teacher crew • film crew. Audition footage may be submitted two ways: 4 an adult who must identify: – individual student or group name – name of category –school – number of students about to perform – style or title of piece performed. Written documentation may include a current résumé, letters of support, photos or newspaper clippings. Support material must not exceed four single A4 pages (two pages double-sided) and will not be returned. All featured dancers will automatically be invited to an audition day. No written documentation or audition footage is to be submitted for students nominating for this group. Step 2 – Invitation Students who are successful in being selected to be a part of CGEN will be sent an official invitation letter via the coordinating teacher of their school. The invitation will outline the next step in the process, which may include a call-back audition, a casting day, a workshop or a series of rehearsals. Coordinating teachers will be sent the official invitations via email by: • Monday 16 February 2015 for featured and backing vocalists, featured and massed dance and stand-alone variety performers • Wednesday 18 February 2015 for choir • Monday 23 February 2015 for film crew • Monday 23 March 2015 for symphony orchestra, MOST and drumline • Monday 27 April 2015 for student and teacher stage crew. Although some students may not be invited to be a part of the original nomination category they applied for, they may be offered a place in an alternative category. For example, an individual student nominating for the stand-alone variety category may instead be invited to attend the featured vocalist first call-back audition. Step 3 – Acceptance After being signed by the required person/s noted on the form to acknowledge the student’s or group’s acceptance into the program, the official notice must be returned by the coordinating teacher on behalf of the students to the CGEN team member managing the category. Nomination guidelines 4. Vocalists Featured vocalists Featured vocalists (FV) may perform as soloists in the show, or may perform as part of small or large vocal ensembles. FVs may be primary or secondary students. FVs will be selected for: their vocal and performance skills; the suitability of the repertoire presented; their ability to understand and convey the intent of the song; the effort put into preparing the presentation; and their posture and deportment as displayed in the audition footage. FVs invited to attend the first call-back audition will be required in Brisbane on either 2, 3 or 4 March 2015. If students are successful at the first call-back audition, they will be requested to attend a second three-day call-back audition in Brisbane from 21–23 March 2015. Students who are successful at the second call-back audition will be advised of their confirmed invitation into the FV category. Students who are unsuccessful at either call-back audition may choose to accept an alternative invitation if this has been offered (e.g. core or massed choir). FVs may also be provided with other performance opportunities throughout the year. At the discretion of the executive producer/ creative director and the vocalist manager, FVs may be considered as event entertainment for other high-profile events managed by the Department of Education, Training and Employment. Special notes • FVs who performed in CGEN in 2014 will automatically be invited to the first call-back audition on receipt of their 2015 nomination. • All other students nominating for the FV category must submit audition footage. Please also ensure the audition footage satisfies the general requirements as outlined on page 4 in this document. • FVs (including those from regional areas) are expected to attend every rehearsal unless otherwise negotiated with the vocalist manager. • Coordinating teachers are reminded to read fact sheet 1 which outlines all supervision matters. Key timelines for featured vocalists Fri 12 December 2014 Nominations and audition footage due Fri 13 February 2015 Nominations and audition footage due for new and Year 7/8 students Mon 16 February 2015 Invitations issued for first call-back audition Mon 2 – Wed 4 March 2015 First call-back audition Fri 6 March 2015 Invitations issued for second call-back audition Sat 21 – Mon 23 March 2015 Second call-back audition Wed 25 March 2015 Invitations issued to join the CGEN cast Sun 19 – Mon 20 April 2015 FV and BV casting rehearsal Fri 15 – Sat 16 May 2015 FV and BV vocal rehearsal Fri 29 – Sun 31 May 2015 Featured Artists’ Workshop Sat 13 – Sun 14 June 2015 FV and BV vocal rehearsal Wed 1 July 2015 FV and BV movement rehearsal Thur 2 – Fri 3 July 2015 FV and BV direction days with executive producer/creative director Sat 4 July 2015 FV and BV vocal rehearsal Sat 11 July 2015 FV and BV vocal rehearsal Sun 12 July 2015 Sitzprobe Wed 15 July 2015 Sound check Thur 16 July 2015 Full cast rehearsal and technical rehearsal Fri 17 July 2015 Full cast dress rehearsal, schools’ preview and evening performance Sat 18 July 2015 Matinee and evening performance Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage 2015 Nomination guidelines 5 Backing vocalists Backing vocalists (BV) will provide backing vocals for a variety of items in the show. It is critical students have experience in choral or vocal ensembles and possess the ability to read music and perform harmonies. BVs are predominantly upper secondary students. BVs will be selected for their vocal and performance skills, including the inherent timbre/tone of their voice, pitch and rhythmic accuracy; the suitability of the repertoire presented; their ability to understand and convey the intent of the song; the effort put into preparing the presentation; and their posture and deportment as displayed in the audition footage. • BVs (including those from regional areas) are expected to attend every rehearsal unless otherwise negotiated with the vocalist manager. • Coordinating teachers are reminded to read fact sheet 1 which outlines all supervision matters. Key timelines for backing vocalists Fri 12 December 2014 Nominations and audition footage due Fri 13 February 2015 Nominations and audition footage due for new and Year 7/8 students BVs invited to attend the first call-back audition will be required in Brisbane on either 2, 3 or 4 March 2015. Mon 16 February 2015 Invitations issued for first call-back audition Mon 2 – Wed 4 March 2015 First call-back audition If students are successful at the first call-back audition, they will be requested to attend a second three-day call-back audition in Brisbane from 21–23 March 2015. Fri 6 March 2015 Invitations issued for second call-back audition Sat 21 – Mon 23 March 2015 Second call-back audition Wed 25 March 2015 Invitations issued to join the CGEN cast Students who are successful at the second call-back audition will be advised of their confirmed invitation into the BV category. Sat 18 April 2015 First BV rehearsal Sun 19 – Mon 20 April 2015 FV and BV casting rehearsal Students who are unsuccessful at either call-back audition may choose to accept an alternative invitation if this has been offered (e.g. core or massed choir). Fri 15 – Sat 16 May 2015 FV and BV vocal rehearsal Sun 17 May 2015 Second BV rehearsal Fri 29 – Sun 31 May 2015 Featured Artists’ Workshop It is possible the choir director may identify potential BVs at any of the choir rehearsals. This will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis. Sat 13 – Sun 14 June 2015 FV and BV vocal rehearsal Tue 30 June 2015 Third BV rehearsal BVs may also be provided with other performance opportunities throughout the year. At the discretion of the executive producer/ creative director and the vocalist manager, BVs may be considered as event entertainment for other high-profile events managed by the Department of Education, Training and Employment. Wed 1 July 2015 FV and BV movement rehearsal Thur 2 – Fri 3 July 2015 FV and BV direction days with executive producer/creative director Sat 4 July 2015 FV and BV vocal rehearsal Sat 11 July 2015 FV and BV vocal rehearsal Special notes Sun 12 July 2015 Sitzprobe • BVs who performed in CGEN in 2014 will automatically be invited to the first call-back audition on receipt of their 2015 nomination. • All other students nominating for the BV category must submit audition footage. Please also ensure the audition footage satisfies the general requirements as outlined on page 4 in this document. Wed 15 July 2015 Sound check Thur 16 July 2015 Full cast rehearsal and technical rehearsal Fri 17 July 2015 Full cast dress rehearsal, schools’ preview and evening performance Sat 18 July 2015 Matinee and evening performance 6 Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage 2015 Nomination guidelines 5. Choir The core and massed choirs will incorporate the voices of more than 600 students from both primary and secondary schools. Choirs will be selected for the inherent timbre/tone/balance of their voices; pitch and rhythmic accuracy of repertoire performed; the ability to perform as an ensemble; the accuracy of memory in performing the repertoire and choreographed moves (where appropriate); the demonstrated effort put into preparing the presentation; the ability to understand and convey the intent of the song; and their posture and deportment during the presentation. • It is acceptable that individual students may nominate for this category if the school is not nominating a choral ensemble. • Coordinating teachers are reminded to read fact sheet 1 which outlines all supervision matters. Key timelines for massed choir Fri 12 December 2014 Nominations and audition footage due Fri 16 February 2015 Nominations due for new and Year 7/8 students Wed 18 February 2015 Invitations issued Invitations will depend on a number of factors, including: the requirement for the particular type of voice in the ensemble (e.g. soprano, alto, etc.) and the number of seats allocated to the choir as part of the final production concept. Final choir numbers may change pending venue and staging capacity. This is a venue restriction. Mon 9 March 2015 South cell rehearsal 1 Tues 10 March 2015 South cell rehearsal 2 Thur 12 March 2015 North cell rehearsal 1 Fri 13 March 2015 North cell rehearsal 2 Mon 16 March 2015 West cell rehearsal 1 It is possible the choir director may identify potential backing vocalists (BV) at any of the choir rehearsals. This situation will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis. Tue 17 March 2015 West cell rehearsal 2 Thur 26 March 2015 East cell rehearsal 1 Fri 27 March 2015 East cell rehearsal 2 Wed 1 April 2015 Regional cell web conference rehearsal (a specific time will be allocated for each participating school) Thur 2 April 2015 Regional cell web conference rehearsal (a specific time will be allocated for each participating school) Mon 25 May 2015 Massed choir A combined rehearsal (North) Tues 26 May 2015 Massed choir B combined rehearsal (South) Sun 21 June 2015 Full combined school choir rehearsal Thur 16 July 2015 Massed choir rehearsal backstage at BCEC – am Thur 16 July 2015 Full cast rehearsal and technical rehearsal – pm Fri 17 July 2015 Full cast dress rehearsal, schools’ preview and evening performance Sat 18 July 2015 Matinee and evening performance Massed choir The massed choir will incorporate the voices of more than 500 students who will perform significant choral feature works, in addition to providing a spectacular aural and visual backdrop for the other performers on stage. The massed choir will be divided into four metropolitan cells — north, south, east and west — plus one regional cell. Choirs will be allocated to a cell when they are invited into the program. The choir director will conduct a two-day introductory rehearsal in March with the metropolitan cells. Regionals schools may attend metropolitan cell rehearsals if they wish to travel. Alternatively the choir director will conduct short web conference rehearsals with regional schools in April if schools choose to participate. A second rehearsal with the choir director and assistant choir directors will take place in May. Metropolitan cells will combine at this time to form larger groups. Regional choirs may take the opportunity to join this rehearsal. The third rehearsal with the choir director will take place in June in Brisbane. This will involve all schools. Regional schools are strongly encouraged to attend this rehearsal. All choir teachers, including those at regional schools, will receive teaching material for each choir piece. Choir teachers are responsible for rehearsing the repertoire from the sheet music provided between scheduled rehearsals (metropolitan schools) and in the lead-up to show week (regional schools). Massed choir teachers are encouraged to perform alongside their students throughout all rehearsals and performances. Teacher participation is also necessary to assist with supervision of students. During show week, including performances at the BCEC, the massed choir will be led by assistant choir conductors, not the choir director. Special notes • All choirs nominating for the massed choir category must submit audition footage of two pieces, with at least one piece, if possible, being in two or more vocal parts. Please also ensure the audition footage satisfies the general requirements as outlined on page 4 in this document. Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage 2015 Nomination guidelines 7 Core choir The core choir will incorporate the voices of 100 students who will perform the entire choral and choral-backing repertoire for the performances. The students in the core choir are predominantly secondary school age; however, coordinating teachers of very talented primary students should still consider nominating them. It is desirable that groups nominating for core choir are a balanced mix of soprano, alto, tenor and bass for secondary choirs and soprano and alto for primary. The core choir will be required to attend six rehearsals between March and July. All rehearsals are in Brisbane with the choir director. All choir teachers, including those at regional schools, will receive teaching material for each choir piece. Choir teachers are responsible for rehearsing the repertoire from the sheet music provided between scheduled rehearsals. As not all teachers can sit with the core choir during performances they may choose to sit with the massed choir or be backstage. Up to three teachers will be selected to be core choir supervisors for show week and they must perform with the choir. During show week, including performances at the BCEC, the core choir will be led by the choir director. • It is acceptable that individual students may nominate for this category if the school is not nominating a choral ensemble. • All core choristers (including those from regional areas) are expected to attend every rehearsal. • Coordinating teachers are reminded to read fact sheet 1 which outlines all supervision matters. Key timelines for core choir Fri 12 December 2014 Nominations and audition footage due Fri 13 February 2015 Nominations due for new and Year 7/8 students Wed 18 February 2015 Invitations issued Mon 30 March 2015 Core choir rehearsal 1 Tues 31 March 2015 Core choir rehearsal 2 Mon 27 April 2015 Core choir rehearsal 3 Mon 18 May 2015 Core choir rehearsal 4 Sat 30 May 2015 Core choir attend Featured Artists’ Workshop Sun 21 June 2015 Full combined school choir rehearsal Wed 15 July 2015 Sound check Thur 16 July 2015 Core choir rehearsal 5 – am Thur 16 July 2015 Full cast rehearsal and technical rehearsal – pm Fri 17 July 2015 Full cast dress rehearsal, schools’ preview and evening performance Sat 18 July 2015 Matinee and evening performance Special notes • All choirs nominating for the core choir category must submit audition footage of two pieces in two or more vocal parts. Please also ensure the audition footage satisfies the general requirements as outlined on page 4 in this document. 8 Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage 2015 Nomination guidelines 6. Dance The featured and massed dance cast includes more than 600 students from both primary and secondary schools. From March to July, the dancers work together with students from other schools and renowned choreographers to present an extravaganza of colour, energy, lifts and spins. Dancers are selected for placement in items including: simple and emotive, storytelling works; technically difficult contemporary dance pieces; musical theatre medleys; lively hip-hop displays; tap dances; classical ballet items; and massed spectacle presentations. Casting of dancers will depend on a number of factors, including: the requirement for the particular style of dancer in the show; the technical capabilities of each dancer; the creative concept of each item and its relationship to the whole show; the choreographic vision for each piece; and the number of dancers required, as dictated by the final production concept. All dancers who accept their invitation are automatically cast (participation compulsory) in the finale alongside the entire cast. A limited number of students may have the privilege of performing in small group items including solos, duos, trios and quartets. There is a position in the program for any student interested in dance. It is not a requirement that all students nominating undertake dance lessons at school or are enrolled in dance training after school hours. Featured dancers Featured dancers are those primary and secondary students who are dedicated to their art form, competent and confident in a range of dance styles, and able to take direction from professional choreographers who work quickly to deliver complex, creative, and at times high-energy routines. Featured dancers should view their experience in the program as a way to build on their already developed technical skills and performance capabilities. Teachers are required to consider these factors and to use professional judgment when nominating students for the featured dance category. All featured dancers will be required to attend significantly more rehearsals than massed dancers at a range of locations across Brisbane from March to July. Attendance at all of these rehearsals is compulsory or dancers will risk exclusion from featured dance items. These dancers will be expected to purchase, borrow, hire or make more costumes than students participating as massed dancers. All students nominating as featured dancers must attend an audition day on Saturday 7 March 2015 (primary) and Sunday 8 March 2015 (secondary). All secondary students nominating for featured dance must also attend a secondary massed dance casting day on Saturday 14 March 2015. The featured dance category will be made up of two components. CGEN Dance Company Up to 25 secondary students will be selected for the CGEN Dance Company. These students will be those dancers who display outstanding performance and technical ability. This group of students may be cast in 2 to 10 items, including massed dances involving more than 600 students. These students may also be provided with other performance opportunities throughout the year. At the discretion of the executive producer/creative director and the dance manager, the company dancers may be considered as event entertainment for other highprofile events managed by the Department of Education, Training and Employment. CGEN Dance Ensemble CGEN Dance Ensemble students will consist of four groups (junior primary, primary, junior secondary and secondary) and would be expected to display a high level of technical and performance ability. Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage 2015 Nomination guidelines 9 Up to 80 students will be selected for the CGEN Dance Ensemble. Special notes These students will be from the following year levels: • junior primary – Prep to Year 3 • primary – Years 4–6 • junior secondary – Years 7–9 • secondary – Years 10–12. • Audition footage is not required for any student nominating as a featured dancer, as these students will be required to attend an audition day on Saturday 7 March 2015 (primary) and Sunday 8 March 2015 (secondary). • Featured dancers (including those from regional areas) are expected to attend every audition, casting, rehearsal and performance. • All schools will receive a music CD to enable extra rehearsals to take place as required. • Coordinating teachers are reminded to read fact sheet 1 which outlines all supervision matters. • Dates for rehearsals below will be divided into secondary and primary once dance items are confirmed. This group of students may be cast in up to eight items, including massed dances involving more than 600 students. These students may also be provided with other performance opportunities throughout the year. At the discretion of the executive producer/creative director and the dance manager, the ensemble dancers may be considered as event entertainment for other high-profile events managed by the Department of Education, Training and Employment. 10 Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage 2015 Key timelines for featured dancers Fri 12 December 2014 Nominations due Fri 13 February 2015 Nominations due for new and Year 7/8 students Mon 16 February 2015 Invitations issued to schools for featured dance audition Fri 27 February 2015 Attendance numbers due for featured dance audition Sat 7 March 2015 Featured dance auditions – primary Sun 8 March 2015 Featured dance auditions – secondary Sat 14 March 2015 Secondary massed dance casting day. Students that attended secondary featured dance auditions are also required Fri 20 March 2015 Dance item allocations sent to schools Mon 23 March 2015 Costume lists and payment forms sent to schools Tues 31 March 2015 Dance acceptance forms and costume sizes due to be returned Sat 2 May 2015 Featured dance rehearsal Sat 9 May 2015 Featured dance rehearsal Sun 17 May 2015 Featured dance rehearsal Sun 24 May 2015 Featured dance rehearsal Fri 29 May – Sun 31 May 2015 Featured Artists’ Workshop Sat 13 June 2015 Featured dance rehearsal Sun 14 June 2015 Costume pickup day Sat 20 June 2015 Featured dance rehearsal Sun 21 June 2015 Featured dance rehearsal Sat 27 June 2015 Featured dance rehearsal Sun 28 June 2015 Dress rehearsal with executive producer/creative director and lighting designer – Act 1 Mon 29 June 2015 Dress rehearsal with executive producer/creative director and lighting designer – Act 2 Tues 30 June 2015 Featured dance rehearsal Wed 1 July 2015 Featured dance rehearsal Thurs 2 July 2015 Featured dance rehearsal Sat 11 July 2015 Dance rehearsal contingency day Sun 12 July 2015 Dance rehearsal contingency day Wed 15 July 2015 Combined dance rehearsal and blocking Thur 16 July 2015 Full cast rehearsal and technical rehearsal Fri 17 July 2015 Full cast dress rehearsal, schools’ preview and evening performance Sat 18 July 2015 Matinee and evening performance Nomination guidelines Massed dancers Key timelines for massed dance Massed dance items involve primary and secondary students joining together to perform the work of professional choreographers. Fri 12 December 2014 Nominations due Fri 13 February 2015 Nominations due for new and Year 7/8 students Mon 16 February 2015 Invitations issued to schools for secondary massed casting (metro) Fri 27 February 2015 Attendance numbers due for secondary massed casting (metro) Sat 14 March 2015 Secondary massed dance casting day (metro schools only) Teachers must ensure the students they nominate can cope with the demands of the rehearsals and performances and are encouraged to audition their students at school before submitting a nomination on their behalf. Fri 20 March 2015 Dance item allocations sent to schools Mon 23 March 2015 Costume lists and payment forms sent to schools Tues 31 March 2015 Dance acceptance forms and costume sizes due to be returned Massed dancers may be invited to perform in two or more items, including dances involving more than 600 students. Sun 3 May 2015 Massed dance rehearsal Sat 9 May 2015 Massed dance rehearsal Metropolitan massed dancers will be required to attend all rehearsals with their choreographers. Depending on the complexity of each item, teachers may choose to schedule additional rehearsals at their schools. Sat 16 May 2015 Massed dance rehearsal Fri 22 May 2015 Regional massed dance teaching material sent to schools Sat 23 May 2015 Massed dance rehearsal Regional massed dancers are not required to travel to Brisbane for rehearsals until show week in July. Sun 31 May 2015 Massed dance rehearsal Sat 13 June 2015 Massed dance rehearsal Teaching material will be supplied to schools in regional areas. This may be electronic footage. Sun 14 June 2015 Massed dance rehearsal and costume pickup day Sat 20 June 2015 Massed dance rehearsal Where electronic footage is made available, primarily for the purpose of regional schools, this does not negate the requirement of metropolitan dancers to be in attendance at all rehearsals with the choreographer. Sun 21 June 2015 Massed dance rehearsal Sat 27 June 2015 Massed dance rehearsal Sun 28 June 2015 Dress rehearsal with executive producer/creative director and lighting designer – Act 1 Special notes Mon 29 June 2015 Dress rehearsal with executive producer/creative director and lighting designer – Act 2 Sat 11 July 2015 Dance rehearsal contingency day Sun 12 July 2015 Dance rehearsal contingency day Mon 13 July 2015 Regional massed dance rehearsal (TBC) Tue 14 July 2015 Regional massed dance rehearsal (TBC) Wed 15 July 2015 Combined dance rehearsal and blocking Thur 16 July 2015 Full cast rehearsal and technical rehearsal Fri 17 July 2015 Full cast dress rehearsal, schools’ preview and evening performance Sat 18 July 2015 Matinee and evening performance Massed dancers are those students with an interest in dance, with musicality and enthusiasm, who are capable of performing a variety of simple movements in straight lines with minimal formation changes. Some cannon and directional changes may be involved in the choreography, and in general the level of dancer catered for will be beginner to intermediate level. • All schools (primary and secondary) are required to submit audition footage as part of the nomination process. Please ensure the audition footage satisfies the general requirements as outlined on page 4 in this document. • All secondary students will be required to attend the secondary casting day on Saturday 14 March 2015. • Metropolitan dancers are expected to attend every casting, rehearsal and performance. • All schools will receive a music CD to enable extra rehearsals to take place as required. • Coordinating teachers are reminded to read fact sheet 1 which outlines all supervision matters. • Dates for the rehearsals below will be divided into secondary and primary once dance items are confirmed. Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage 2015 Nomination guidelines 11 7. Symphony orchestra The CGEN symphony orchestra, made up of secondary school students only, will provide the main accompaniment to the vocal, dance and feature items in the show. The repertoire will be varied, covering a wide range of classical and popular music styles. Metropolitan students will be required to attend all scheduled rehearsals. A rehearsal schedule for regional students will be developed through negotiation with the symphony orchestra manager on a case-by-case basis once invitation letters have been issued. Secondary school students who are proficient on the following instruments are invited to nominate: Flute Clarinet Alto saxophone* Tenor saxophone* Trumpet Violin Minimum audition level Level 5, Instrumental Music Curriculum (approximately Grade 6–7 AMEB) Oboe Bassoon Bass clarinet Baritone saxophone* French horn Trombone Bass trombone Tuba Viola Cello Double bass Harp Percussion** Minimum audition level Level 4, Instrumental Music Curriculum (approximately Grade 5–6 AMEB) Please note: Special consideration may be given to students who have not yet achieved the above levels, depending on the level of nominations received. * Although saxophones are not usually included in a symphony orchestra, there are opportunities for alto, tenor and baritone saxophone players. Due to the nature of orchestral repertoire selected for the show, saxophonists may only be required to perform in a portion of the orchestra’s accompaniments. This may be an important consideration, particularly for regional students, when deciding whether to nominate. **Percussionists should be proficient on both tuned and untuned percussion. Combined nomination process To apply for the CGEN symphony orchestra, an online nomination form must be completed and audition footage must be submitted by Friday 27 February 2015. During the online nomination process, coordinating teachers will be requested to indicate whether students are nominating for Creative Generation Excellence Awards in Instrumental Music (MOST) 2015 (only), the CGEN symphony orchestra (only) or both programs. MOST is a 10-day residential camp for musically outstanding students from Queensland state secondary schools. The program extends gifted and talented instrumental music students through a series of intensive rehearsals, workshops, tutorials and performances with professional conductors, instructors and tutors. A nomination form is available on the MOST and CGEN websites, and on the CGEN OnePortal teamsite. Students should print and complete this form, including parental signature and return to their teacher so he/she can complete all the required information on OnePortal. Special notes • Audition requirements are the same for MOST and the CGEN symphony orchestra. • Students are asked to prepare an audition of two prepared pieces or excerpts in different styles, lasting no less than five and no longer than eight minutes in total, and one chromatic scale of the student’s choice that demonstrates their full range. • An accompanist or CD backing may be used. • A student nominating for two or more instruments (e.g. trumpet and bass) must upload or mail separate audition footage files for each instrument. • Students nominating for flute are encouraged to include one piccolo solo in addition to their two prepared pieces or excerpts. • If a student has nominated for the CGEN symphony orchestra on trumpet, trombone, saxophone or percussion, they will not be considered for The James Morrison Creative Generation Big Band unless they also indicate they wish to be considered for MOST. See the big band category section (page 13) for more details. • Students nominating for percussion should prepare pieces or excerpts showing timpani, snare drum and mallet playing. • Please ensure the audition footage also satisfies the general requirements as outlined on page 4 in this document. • Coordinating teachers are reminded to read fact sheet 1 which outlines all supervision matters. • To assist teachers to collect student information, students should print and complete a MOST/ CGEN symphony orchestra nomination form available on the CGEN OnePortal teamsite and the CGEN website. Key timelines for symphony orchestra Fri 27 February 2015 Nominations and audition footage due for MOST and CGEN symphony orchestra Mon 23 March 2015 Invitations issued Mon 20 April 2015 Symphony orchestra rehearsal 5.30 pm – 7.30 pm Sun 26 April 2015 Symphony orchestra tutorials 1 pm – 4 pm Tues 28 April 2015 Symphony orchestra rehearsal 5.30 pm – 7.30 pm Sat 11 July 2015 Symphony orchestra rehearsal (full day) Sun 12 July 2015 Sitzprobe (full day orchestra rehearsal) Wed 15 July 2015 Sound check (full day) Thur 16 July 2015 Full day cast rehearsal and technical rehearsal Fri 17 July 2015 Full day dress rehearsal, schools’ preview and evening performances Sat 18 July 2015 Matinee and evening performance An additional rehearsal may be scheduled depending on repertoire requirements. 12 Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage 2015 Nomination guidelines 8. The James Morrison Creative Generation Big Band Secondary students wishing to be considered for The James Morrison Creative Generation Big Band must nominate and be accepted into the Creative Generation Excellence Awards for Instrumental Music (MOST) 2015 program. MOST is a 10-day residential camp for musically outstanding students from Queensland state secondary schools. The program extends gifted and talented instrumental music students through a series of intensive rehearsals, workshops, tutorials and performances with professional conductors, instructors and tutors. MOST 2015 will be held from Monday 22 June – Thursday 2 July 2015 in Brisbane. Students selected for the MOST big band will: • participate in all MOST residential program activities • be invited to participate in The James Morrison Creative Generation Big Band which will perform at CGEN. • Students nominating for drum kit, piano, guitar or bass do not have to prepare a chromatic scale. • An accompanist or CD backing may be used. • A student nominating for two or more instruments (e.g. trumpet and bass) must upload or mail separate audition footage files for each instrument. • Please ensure the audition footage also satisfies the general requirements as outlined on page 4 in this document. • Coordinating teachers are reminded to read fact sheet 1 which outlines all supervision matters. • To assist teachers to collect student information, students should print and complete a MOST/big band/symphony orchestra nomination form available on the CGEN OnePortal teamsite and CGEN website. Key timelines for MOST/The James Morrison Creative Generation Big Band A student must be accepted into MOST before they will be considered for a position in the MOST big band and The James Morrison Creative Generation Big Band. Fri 27 February 2015 Nominations and audition footage due Mon 23 March 2015 Invitations and rehearsal schedule issued. Final schedule is dependent upon the membership of the band To apply for MOST 2015, an online nomination form must be completed and audition footage must be submitted by Friday 27 February 2015. Mon 22 June –Thurs 2 July 2015 MOST residential program Wed 15 July 2015 Sound check (full day) During the online nomination process, coordinating teachers will be requested to indicate whether students are nominating for MOST 2015 (only), the CGEN Symphony Orchestra (only) or both. Thurs 16 July 2015 Full day cast rehearsal and technical rehearsal Fri 17 July 2015 Full day cast dress rehearsal, schools’ preview and evening performance Sat 18 July 2015 Matinee and evening performance Combined nomination process A nomination form is available on the MOST and CGEN websites, and on the CGEN OnePortal teamsite. Students should print and complete this form, including parental signature and return to their teacher so he/she can complete all the required information on OnePortal. Secondary students who are proficient on the following instruments are invited to nominate for MOST 2015: Flute Clarinet Alto saxophone Oboe Bassoon Bass Clarinet Baritone Saxophone French horn Trombone Bass Trombone Percussion* Euphonium** Tuba Harp Drum kit Piano Guitar Bass Tenor saxophone Trumpet Violin Viola Cello Double bass Minimum audition level Level 5, Instrumental Music Curriculum (Approximately Grade 6–7 AMEB) Minimum audition level Level 4, Instrumental Music Curriculum (Approximately Grade 5–6 AMEB) Special consideration may be given to less advanced oboe, bassoon, baritone saxophone, and string bass students depending upon the quality of nominations received. *Percussionists should be proficient on both tuned and untuned percussion. **Euphonium is not required in the CGEN symphony orchestra Ability to competently perform big band repertoire rated by the publisher at approximately level/grade 4 Special notes • Students are asked to prepare an audition of two prepared pieces or excerpts in different styles, lasting no less than five and no longer than eight minutes in total, and one chromatic scale of the student’s choice that demonstrates their full range. Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage 2015 Nomination guidelines 13 9. Stand-alone variety A stand-alone variety item is a pre-prepared item ready for performance. Stand-alone variety items may either be student-devised works or school-based items. Any work ready for performance, including singer/songwriters, beat boxers, bands, cultural ensembles, dance teams, solo musicians and string quartets created, rehearsed and led by current state school students, teachers or professional consultants appointed by the school, may nominate for this category. Even those ‘variety acts’ not usually expected in performing arts activities (e.g. skateboarders, aerialists, jugglers and BMX tricksters) are highly sought after. Prior to nominating any stand-alone variety items, appropriate permissions must be sought by the coordinating teacher if an external consultant has assisted the students or school in any way to create the work. Students may be from primary or secondary schools, and may be selected for items in the show, or as roving foyer entertainers that perform pre-show entertainment or at interval. It is possible the final works accepted for performance (e.g. music selection) may be negotiated on a case-by-case basis by the category manager or executive producer/creative director with the students and the coordinating teacher. If a stand-alone variety item is not accepted into the show, or the performers are not comfortable performing an alternative selection as an outcome of the negotiations with the executive producer/ creative director, students may be invited to participate in another category. Special notes • Students are asked to prepare an audition of two prepared pieces or excerpts. • Please also ensure the audition footage satisfies the general requirements as outlined on page 4 in this document. • Coordinating teachers are reminded to read fact sheet 1 which outlines all supervision matters. Key timelines for stand-alone variety Fri 12 December 2014 Nominations and audition footage due Stand-alone variety items will be required to rehearse their items at their own locations at a time that suits all parties involved. Students may also be called for extra rehearsals with the category manager or executive producer/creative director, and these extra commitments will be outlined throughout the process. Fri 13 February 2015 Nominations and audition footage for new and Year 7/8 students due Mon 16 February 2015 Invitations issued Wed 4 March 2015 Call-back audition Wed 25 March 2015 Invitations issued to join the CGEN cast Invitation and casting will depend on a number of factors, including the requirement for the particular style of performance in the show, the technical capabilities of each performer, the creative concept of each item and its relationship to the whole show, and the final production concept as directed by the executive producer/creative director. Wed 15 July 2015 Rehearsal and sound check Thur 16 July 2015 Full cast rehearsal and technical rehearsal Fri 17 July 2015 Full cast dress rehearsal, schools’ preview and evening performances Sat 18 July 2015 Matinee and evening performance 14 Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage 2015 Nomination guidelines 10. Drumline Special notes The drumline will incorporate 30 –100 secondary student drummers, including 20 djembe drummers to take part in a massed drum performance. The drumline, supported by the combined choir, symphony orchestra and featured and backing vocalists, will fill the arena and will be facilitated by specialist percussion tutors. • Please ensure the audition footage satisfies the general requirements as outlined on page 4 in this document. • Coordinating teachers are reminded to read fact sheet 1 which outlines all supervision matters. Key timelines for drumline All performers should be able to supply their own or their school’s marching drums, with a harness, except for djembe drums which will be supplied. The drumline will use the American Marching Drumline technique and will be made up of: • marching snare drums, tenors (quads & quints) and bass •djembe. Metropolitan students will be required to attend all rehearsals. Drummers from regional areas will be provided with a separate rehearsal schedule accompanying the official invitation letters. Fri 12 December 2014 Nominations due Fri 13 February 2015 Nominations due for new and Year 7/8 students Mon 23 March 2015 Invitations and rehearsal schedule issued. Final schedule is dependent upon the membership of the drumline. Sat 27 June 2015 Drumline rehearsal Tues 14 July 2015 Drumline rehearsal Wed 15 July 2015 Rehearsal and sound check Schools will be provided with music, both written and MP3 and students should know how to play their music from memory before the rehearsals. Style and performance elements will be taught during the rehearsals. Thur 16 July 2015 Full cast rehearsal and technical rehearsal Fri 17 July 2015 Full cast dress rehearsal, schools’ preview and evening performances Sat 18 July 2015 Matinee and evening performance Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage 2015 Nomination guidelines 15 11. Student stage crew Students interested in working as part of the behind-the-scenes action with the props team or stage management crew will work closely with teachers and professionals on the production team. Only Year 10, 11 and 12 state school students should nominate. Students will be required at the BCEC for the first time on Tuesday 14 July 2015 through until Saturday 18 July 2015. All members of the crew work long hours consistent with the professional staff members involved in the production. The environment is supportive of the show and the pace of the action is categorised by what is happening in the tunnels, on the arena and backstage. At times, the pace may be fast and may require some problem-solving activities. It is critical all members take direction from the professionals and work as a team. Special notes • Support material is to accompany each nomination (except 2014 crew members who are reapplying) and is to be emailed by the coordinating teacher at the same time as completing the online process. 16 Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage 2015 • Crew who participated in CGEN 2014 are not required to submit support material as their nomination will be considered based on their participation in the 2014 show. • Support material must include any information that clearly outlines all previous production or stage crew experience and training associated with the role. • Support material must not exceed four single A4 pages and should be emailed to Laura Waldron (laura.waldron@dete.qld. by Friday 12 December 2014. Key timelines for student stage crew Fri 12 December 2014 Nominations and support material due Mon 27 April 2015 Invitations issued Tue 14 July 2015 Stage crew information session and venue tour at BCEC Wed 15 July 2015 Sound check and dance blocking day Thur 16 July 2015 Full cast rehearsal and technical rehearsal Fri 17 July 2015 Full cast dress rehearsal, schools’ preview and evening performances Sat 18 July 2015 Matinee and evening performance Nomination guidelines 12. Teacher crew Teachers interested in working as part of the behind-the-scenes action with the CGEN team, professional production team, and with other teachers and students, will get an even closer insight into the dynamics and complexities of CGEN. All members of the crew work long hours consistent with the professional staff members involved in the production. The environment is supportive of the show, and the pace of the action is categorised by what is happening in the tunnels, on the arena and backstage. At times the pace may be fast and may require some problem-solving activities. It is critical all members take direction from the professionals and work as a team. During show week, teachers will be required at the BCEC up until, and including, the last performance on Saturday night. TRS may be paid to teacher crew. Category support Teachers interested in the roles related to the CGEN performance categories will work closely with students, teachers and professionals, undertaking tasks such as project management, supervision, pastoral care of the students or arena direction (e.g. working with the dance manager as part of the dance team). During the online nomination process, teachers will be required to nominate their preference for one of the following categories: Vocalist support Assisting the vocalist manager and supervising students during the BCEC rehearsals and performances. Vocalist support crew may also be required to attend additional rehearsals prior to show week. Choir Stage support Teachers interested in the roles oriented around the stage will work closely with students and professionals on the production team. Teachers may also be required to mentor student stage crew members. During the online nomination process teachers will be required to nominate their preference for one of the following categories: Props team Working with professional show mechanists, the stage crew manager and student stage crew to ensure all props are ready prior to performance and are moved on and off stage at the appropriate times. Tunnel team Working in conjunction with the show caller and backstage team to ensure all performers enter and exit the stage at appropriate times. There are four main entrances to the stage. Backstage team Working in conjunction with the tunnel team to ensure all performers arrive at their tunnel entrances several items prior to their performance time. The backstage managers are located in the dressing rooms, and the role is primarily one of welfare. Assisting the choir coordinator and choir director during the BCEC rehearsals and performances. Choir support crew may also be required to attend additional rehearsals prior to show week. Dance Assisting the dance manager, executive producer/creative director and choreographers during the BCEC rehearsals and performances. Dance support crew may also be required to attend additional rehearsals prior to show week. Symphony orchestra and big band Assisting the symphony orchestra and big band manager during the BCEC rehearsals and performances. Symphony orchestra and big band support crew may also be required to attend additional rehearsals prior to show week. Special notes • Support material is to accompany each nomination (except 2014 crew members who are reapplying) and is to be emailed by the teacher at the same time as completing the online process. • Crew who participated in CGEN in 2014 are not required to submit support material as their nomination will be considered based on their participation in the 2014 show. • Support material must include any information that clearly outlines all previous production or stage crew experience and training associated with the role. • Support material must not exceed four single A4 pages and should be emailed to Laura Waldron (laura.waldron@dete.qld. by Friday 12 December 2014. Key timelines for teacher crew Fri 12 December 2014 Nominations and support material due Mon 27 April 2015 Invitations issued Tue 14 July 2015 Stage crew information session and venue tour at BCEC Wed 15 July 2015 Sound check and dance blocking day Thur 16 July 2015 Full cast rehearsal and technical rehearsal Fri 17 July 2015 Full cast dress rehearsal, schools’ preview and evening performances Sat 18 July 2015 Matinee and evening performance Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage 2015 Nomination guidelines 17 13. Film crew Secondary media students interested in designing and producing film productions and animations are encouraged to nominate to have the opportunity to work in teams to develop creative video clips and documentaries of behind the scenes, rehearsals and the CGEN shows. Clips produced may be used for media and marketing purposes on the official website, Facebook and YouTube pages. All nominating students must demonstrate technical and artistic proficiency in video production, innovative or unique design and the ability to express and communicate ideas to an audience. Students can nominate for one or more roles and some students may be selected for their ability to perform multiple roles. In 2015, students may nominate for one of the following roles: • camera operator (live footage and time-lapse) •interviewer •editor* • computer graphics artist (Adobe After Effects, 2D or 3D animation). * Students nominating for an editing role must be able to commit a significant amount of time to the project between July and September 2015. Individual crew member nomination Successful applicants will be placed in a film crew with students from other schools. A balance between roles will be sought to enable a complete crew to be formed. School team nomination Three to four students from the same school, with varying roles from the list above, can nominate as a ready-made, complete crew. Special notes • Audition footage should be no more than five minutes in length. • Work presented as audition footage must demonstrate the role the student is nominating for. It may have been completed individually or as a member of a small group. The student’s role in the completion of a group production must be clearly identified in the credits. • Teachers must submit on each student’s behalf support material via email at the same time as completing the online nomination. • Nominations that have no support material will not be considered. • Support material must include any information that clearly outlines all previous experience and training associated with the role. • Please also ensure the audition footage satisfies the general requirements as outlined on page 4 in this document. • Coordinating teachers are reminded to read fact sheet 1 which outlines all supervision matters. • Support material must not exceed four single A4 pages and should be emailed to Larissa Hansen (larissa.hansen@dete. by Friday 12 December 2014. Key timelines for film crew Fri 12 December 2014 Nominations and supporting material due Mon 23 February 2015 Invitations issued All planning documents and rehearsal commitments outlined 18 Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage 2015 Mon 27 April 2015 Design brief and extensive planning documents issued Fri 22 May 2015 Draft planning documents due Fri 12 June 2015 Final planning documents due Sun 12 – Sat 18 July 2015 Show week (hours of commitment to be outlined in invitation and negotiated dependent on role, crew and expected outcome) July – September 2015 Ongoing commitments for editors (negotiated on a case-by-case basis) Nomination guidelines 14. Frequently asked questions 1. Who should nominate a student? Nominations must be made by a registered DETE state school teacher. Opportunities exist for crew in the categories of: • student stage crew • teacher crew • film crew. The teacher entering the nomination should consider themselves the ‘coordinating teacher’. For a full explanation of each category, please read the related sections in this nomination guideline. Parents/guardians are not authorised to nominate a student unless the person is an employee of a DETE state school and is willing to take on the role of the coordinating teacher. Part of the role of the coordinating teacher is to receive and distribute all information pertaining to the school, parents/ guardians and students throughout the audition period, rehearsals and show week. The coordinating teacher may also be required at rehearsals and backstage during show week. TRS is not paid to coordinating teachers; however they are offered tickets to the matinee show on Friday 17 July 2015 at the BCEC. More information regarding the role of the coordinating teacher may be found on the CGEN website and OnePortal teamsite. Fact sheet 1 outlines all expectations of those teachers wishing to support the students on their CGEN journey. 2. When do nominations close? Coordinating teachers must visit the OnePortal teamsite and enter all information requested in the nomination survey by: • Friday 12 December 2014 – nominations close for all categories except symphony orchestra and big band. Audition footage is also required on this date for featured vocalists, backing vocalists, choir, massed dancers, stand-alone variety and film crew. • Friday 13 February 2015 – nominations close for students entering Year 7/8 or students at a new school in 2015 except symphony orchestra and big band. Audition footage is also required on this date for Year 7/8 students and students at a new school in the categories of featured vocalists, backing vocalists, choir, massed dancers, stand-alone variety and film crew. • Friday 27 February 2015 – nominations close for symphony orchestra and big band students. All audition footage due for big band and symphony orchestra. 3. What nomination categories exist? The creative content and cast of each year’s show is determined by who nominates to be a part of it. We urge coordinating teachers to consider all their students, all of the skills of their students, and state school students beyond their immediate school who would benefit from being a part of CGEN 2015. Performance opportunities exist for individuals and groups in the categories of: • featured vocalists • backing vocalists • massed choir • core choir • featured dancers • massed dancers • symphony orchestra • The James Morrison Creative Generation Big Band •drumline • stand-alone variety (student-devised work and school-based work). 4. What involvement do the staff at the student’s school need to have? The nomination process ensures that key staff are aware of their students’ participation in the program. The coordinating teacher is responsible for entering the nomination information and for being the point of contact for the CGEN team; however, the principal of the school where the student is enrolled must endorse and approve each nomination. The relevant principal may be contacted if the CGEN team has any concerns regarding students, teachers or principal-approved supervisors at any time throughout the program. Fact sheet 1 on the OnePortal teamsite and CGEN website outlines the expectations and level of commitment of all school staff. 5. When is the school not required to send supervisors for their students? Officers of DETE and CGEN contractors employed by the department may supervise students during all rehearsals for featured and backing vocalists, symphony orchestra, big band, dance company and drumline. Supervision may still be required for the above listed category’s auditions, castings and show week commitments. Explicit information about category-specific supervision arrangements will be communicated in invitation letters. 6. Is every student nominated individually? The coordinating teacher may nominate students as individuals, for example in the case of a featured vocalist or musician, or where there is only one student from a school. Where a teacher has a large group, whole-year level or performance troupe they wish to nominate, this should be done as a group. 7. How are the students auditioned and selected? Depending on which category the student has been nominated for, students may be auditioned as individuals or as part of a group by experienced and respected artists, tutors and mentors. Where a formal audition has taken place, feedback is not always given to each student individually. The panel’s decision is final, and is always in the best interests of the student in line with the creative vision of the show, developed by the executive producer/creative director. For more information regarding the auditions and selection process, please read the sections related to each category in this nomination guideline. Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage 2015 Nomination guidelines 19 8. How are the student stage crew, teacher crew and film crews selected? The manager of the crews considers each nomination based on numbers required, skill level, past experience in similar arts activities, and suitability for the role. TRS may be funded for members of the teacher crew (only). 9. How are the students cast and positioned in each item of the show? Each year, the show is coordinated by the executive producer/ creative director in collaboration with the CGEN team. Students are allocated to their item based on a number of criteria, including technique, age, height, best-fit, skill level, ‘look’ of the item, and appropriateness of that student for the item as decided by the executive producer/creative director. Choir students are seated according to voice type and total numbers of students in a school group, in addition to requests specifically made by the choir director in terms of performance skills and understanding of the intent of each song. 10. Are there any items participants are automatically required to perform in? Every performer is automatically cast in the finale and must perform as part of the whole cast (excluding student, teacher and film crew). If a student is selected as a featured performer and they are from a school that has been accepted as part of a regional item (e.g. ‘dancers representing the Darling Downs’) then that student must also perform as part of the regional item, as a representative of their school. 11. Are Year 7 students considered primary or secondary? In 2015, all students in Year 7 will be considered as secondary students. Students are cast into items on a case-by-case basis and therefore may also be allocated to their item based on the criteria outlined above in FAQ 7. 12. Will the student always be cast into an item, or can they perform something they already have prepared? Coordinating teachers are encouraged to nominate items that are ready for performance. Items could include primary and secondary dance crews, stage bands or rock bands, beat boxers, solo musicians, percussion ensembles, string quartets, chamber ensembles and even those ‘variety acts’ not usually expected in performing arts activities (e.g. skateboarders, aerialists, jugglers and BMX tricksters). We call items ready for performance ‘standalone variety’. 14. What is the definition of ‘regional’? As a general rule students from the Sunshine Coast, Moreton Bay, Gold Coast, Logan, Redlands, Ipswich, Somerset (south of Toogoolawah only) and Scenic Rim council regions are considered metropolitan, and therefore should attend all scheduled rehearsals. Teaching material is usually made available for regional students to enable rehearsals to run at a time and place suitable for students and teachers. For more information about rehearsal commitments, please read the sections related to each category in this nomination guideline or contact the category manager. More information regarding the expectations and level of commitment of students and parents/guardians may be found in fact sheet 2 on the OnePortal teamsite and CGEN website. 15. How will news and information be shared by the CGEN team? Parents/guardians should be reminded to contact their CGEN coordinating teacher at their school in the first instance. The CGEN team will not be aware of individual circumstances for each student, or organisational details for each school, and therefore may not understand enquiries or be able to give appropriate advice. Information about CGEN is made freely available in the following formats: • a newsletter-style email will be sent to coordinating teachers on a fortnightly basis (this may include amendments or updates to the teacher information book) • fact sheets, schedules and forms are uploaded to the CGEN OnePortal teamsite ( sites/creativegeneration/default.aspx) regularly •the CGEN website ( is updated as news and information come to hand • show week books, including all details for the BCEC, are forwarded to coordinating teachers closer to the show. Coordinating teachers are encouraged to collect and forward (with permission) student and parent/guardian contact emails to the CGEN operations manager, who will add these to any CGEN mailing lists. All information in this guideline is correct at the time of printing. Amendments to key information will be communicated in a timely manner to the coordinating teacher. 16. Key timelines The dates listed in this nomination guideline are correct at the time of printing. There may be changes to the schedules, but where possible, all disruptions or cancellations will be kept to a minimum. All amendments to schedules will be communicated to coordinating teachers. 13. What commitment do parents/guardians need to make to the program? Before nominating any student, coordinating teachers are advised to discuss with parents/guardians factors relating to costs, rehearsal and show week attendance, communication pathways, costume requirements, participant responsibilities, school responsibilities and travel arrangements. 20 Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage 2015 Nomination guidelines 17. Who organises and pays for travel, accommodation and associated costs to participate? The Department of Education, Training and Employment is unable to provide funds to support any student’s involvement in CGEN. It is the responsibility of each school at the discretion of the principal to assist invited students, but not necessarily pay for, appropriate travel, accommodation and associated arrangements related to their participation in the program. We strongly encourage schools to coordinate community fundraising activities to support student participation in accordance with information available at corp/commmark/Pages/Sponsorship.aspx Where travel, accommodation and associated bookings have been made for students and support personnel to attend auditions, castings, workshops and performances (e.g. flights and hotel stays) it is highly recommended insurance be purchased. 18. What are the likely costs to be involved? There is no cost to nominate for CGEN. Wherever applicable costs for factors including, but not limited to costumes, associated travel and accommodation bookings, the provision of props/gear and general involvement in the program are to be met by participants. All effort is made to keep costs to a minimum. The Department of Education, Training and Employment cannot be held liable for any costs associated with any disruption to, amendment or cancellation of any element of the program or a student’s planned participation in the program. 19. Where do I find OnePortal and edTube assistance? Fact sheet 3 outlines the process for completing the online nomination for all categories. All fact sheets can be found on the CGEN OnePortal teamsite and CGEN website. For assistance with OnePortal and edTube, contact the CGEN operations manager. 20. What other information should I read before nominating any students? Please ensure the coordinating teacher, other supporting teachers, the students, the parents/guardians and principal of the school where the students are enrolled have read and understood the information in: • Fact sheet 1 – Coordinating teacher’s and supervisor’s roles • Fact sheet 2 – Participant’s responsibilities • Fact sheet 3 – How to nominate online. All fact sheets can be found on the CGEN OnePortal teamsite and CGEN website. Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage 2015 Nomination guidelines 21 15. Project consent form 1 I GIVE CONSENT On behalf of the individual identified in Section 6 of this Consent Form (the Individual), the person or persons signing this Consent Form (the Signatory)* grant consent to and license the Department of Education, Training and Employment (the Department) and any other Department or Agency of the State of Queensland (the State) to use, record and disclose the Individual’s: • name, image, recording and any other identifying information specified in the Project Details section of this Consent Form (personal information); and • copyright material, including their written, artistic or musical works or video or sound recordings (Individual work), created in connection with the Project identified in the Project Details section of this Consent Form. The Signatory also irrevocably and unconditionally consents to the Individual being attributed or not attributed as the author of the Individual work in a form and manner acceptable to the Department or the State. *Note: If the Individual is under 18 years of age, the Signatory must be a parent or guardian of the Individual. The Individual must also sign if he or she is under 18 and able to give and understand the consent. If the Individual is 18 or older, the Signatory and the Individual will be the same person. 2 FOR THE PURPOSE OF This consent only applies to the Department and the State using, including recording or disclosing, the Individual’s personal information or Individual work, and permitting other persons to do so, for: • the purposes identified in the Project Details section of this Consent Form; • the purposes of public relations, promotion, advertising, media and commercial activities concerning the Project. This only includes via the internet, iTunes U and Social Media Websites if the relevant website is identified as a permitted website for the Project in Section 5 of this Consent Form; and • where the material is uploaded to iTunes U, a Social Media Website or other website, – any purposes, commercial or otherwise, required by operators of the websites as a condition of uploading the personal information or Individual work; and – transfer of the personal information outside of Australia in the course of the operation of the website. 3 FOR THE DURATION OF If the Department, the State or another person permitted by them is using the Individual’s personal information or Individual work, or has entered into contractual obligations in relation to the Department’s material that incorporates the Individual’s personal information or Individual work, the consent will continue in relation to that material until the use is complete or until the contractual obligations come to an end. It is not possible for the Signatory or the Individual to withdraw the Individual’s personal information or Individual work or revoke this consent in relation to such existing uses of that material. If you do wish to revoke or modify this consent in relation to any further new uses of the Individual’s personal information or Individual work, the Individual or the Signatory should send a notice in writing to the person nominated in Section 8 of this Consent Form. After that notice is received, the Department and the State will still be able to continue the existing uses, but will not be able to make any further new use of the Individual’s personal information or Individual work. The Signatory acknowledges that where material is uploaded to a Social Media website or other website: • the use and contractual obligations may be perpetual and irrevocable; and • it may not be possible to ensure that all copies of the material are deleted or cease to be used, and the Department and the State will not be responsible for doing so. 22 Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage 2015 Nomination guidelines 4 I UNDERSTAND THAT • ‘Project’ means the project described in the Project Details section of this Consent Form. • ‘Use’ includes: – to create, make copies of, reproduce, modify, adapt or retain in any form, including by camera, video, digital recorder, webcam, mobile phone or any other device; and – to distribute, publish or communicate in any form, including in newsletters and other print media, television and via the internet, iTunes U and Social Media Websites, in whole or in part, and to permit other persons to do so. • The Signatory or the Individual will not be paid for giving this Consent or the use of the Individual’s personal information or Individual work. • This Consent Form revokes and replaces all previous consent forms in relation to the use of the Individual’s personal information or Individual work in the Project (subject to any limitations on revocation in those consent forms). • This Consent Form is a legally binding and enforceable agreement between the Signatory and the Department or the State. • Nothing in this Consent Form limits the rights that the Department or the State reserve in relation to the use of the Individual’s personal information or Individual work, copyright or other intellectual property under any other law. • The ‘Department’ and the ‘State’ include the officers and employees of the Department and the State engaged in performing services for the Department and the State. • ‘Social Media Website’ includes any website operated by a third party which facilitates the uploading and sharing of user generated content, including social and professional networking websites, web forums, blogs and wikis. The definition includes (without limitation) the following websites currently managed by the Department: – Facebook: – YouTube: – Twitter: as amended or replaced from time to time. • ‘iTunes U’ is an online digital content download service operated by Apple Pty Ltd or its affiliates for the purpose of enabling educational institutions to make educational materials and other content available through Apple’s iTunes software. The definition includes (without limitation) the following iTunes U Site currently operated by the Department: • – DETE 2 Go: [] This consent only extends to the Social Media Websites and other websites specified in the Project Details section of this Consent Form. • This consent extends to the Department and the State: – disclosing the Individual’s personal information and Individual work to the Department’s and the State’s agents, contractors and volunteers for the purpose of performing services for the Department and the State; and – permitting those persons to use, record and disclose such material to the same extent as the Department and the State are entitled to deal with the Individual’s personal information and Individual work. Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage 2015 Nomination guidelines 23 5 PROJECT DETAILS Name and description of Project: Creative Generation Incorporating: Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage (CGEN) 2015 Creative Generation Excellence Awards in Instrumental Music (MOST) 2015 Description of what is to be made, used, retained or reproduced: Individual’s copyright material Individual’s name Individual’s image Individual’s recording Image or recording includes photographs, videos, films or sound recordings of the Individual. Description of copyright material, image, recording or other personal information: Students may be photographed, filmed and/or interviewed at CGEN auditions, casting, rehearsals, performances and CGEN media opportunities singing, dancing, acting, talking and/or playing instruments. Students may be photographed, filmed and/or interviewed during the MOST 2015 residential camp and gala concert and media opportunities talking and/or playing instruments. Description of the purpose for which the personal information or Individual work is required (i.e. details of the nature and scope of the use of the personal information or Individual work), and the medium of reproduction (e.g. paper, electronic or other form). How will the personal information or Individual work be made, used, retained or reproduced, and will it be distributed, disclosed, published or communicated to any third parties or to the broader public (e.g. on the internet)? The copyright material, image, recording or name is required for: (a) all printed and electronic promotions, publications and performances related to Creative Generation by the Department of Education, Training and Employment. (b) all recordings and DVDs produced during the production of the Project and distributed by the Department to all participating schools, students, teachers, professional artists, suppliers, contractors and sponsorship partners including online distribution via dedicated website at and community/events/creativegeneration/artsawards/mostawards. This includes recordings and DVDs provided to third parties (such as specialist consultants contracted by the Department) who will need to see such information during the initial process of the Project including nomination, audition and selection. (c) any broadcasts of, or parts of, Creative Generation. The Department may copy, alter, adapt, and utilise: (d) all aspects of the Individual’s Work and the Project including its promotion in any way the Department sees fit, at any time, anywhere in the world, by any means and may licence, authorise or otherwise transfer the rights in the Project to others to do the same. For example, performances may be published or broadcast nationally and/or internationally from time to time. (e) the Individual’s Work, copyright material, image, recording or name in any way the Department sees fit, at any time. For example, images will be retained on the Creative Generation websites, Facebook, YouTube and may be used to promote Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage (CGEN) 2016 and Creative Generation Excellence Awards in Instrumental Music (MOST) 2017 or other Department of Education, Training and Employment activities. Description of the timeframe during which the Individual’s name, image, recording or Individual work is required (e.g. Is it for onetime use? For what date or dates?): Consent to continue indefinitely for all purposes described in this Consent Form until consent is revoked in accordance with Section 3. Name of the departmental position/person responsible for the making, usage, storage, reproduction, distribution, publication or communication of the Individual’s personal information or Individual work: Chris Brandt, Director, Community Engagement and Partnerships, Department of Education, Training and Employment. Name that should be used in association with the Individual or the Individual’s image or Individual work: Full name First name only No name Other: [Print] Will the Individual’s personal information or Individual work be published on the iTunes U Site, a Social Media Website or another website (i.e. permanently published to the public)? Yes 24 No Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage 2015 Nomination guidelines If yes, which of the websites below (as amended or replaced from time to time) will the Individual’s personal information or Individual work be published on: Facebook Page: The Department’s Facebook page is publicly accessible by all internet users. The Department may share information, photographs and videos related to the Department’s programs, activities and initiatives (including the Project) with users through its Facebook page. YouTube Channel: The Department’s YouTube channel is publicly accessible by all internet users. The Department may share videos related to the Department’s programs, activities and initiatives (including the Project) with users through its YouTube channel. The Department does not permit users to download its videos uploaded to its YouTube channel. However third party applications may be used to overcome the Department’s settings. Twitter Profile: The Department’s Twitter profile is publicly accessible by all internet users. The Department may share information, photographs and videos related to the Department’s programs, activities and initiatives (including the Project) with users through its Twitter profile. iTunes U Site: [] The Department’s iTunes U Site is a dedicated store on iTunes U which provides online digital educational materials and other content for download. It is publicly accessible by all internet users who have established an iTunes account. The Department may share information, photographs and videos related to the Department’s programs, activities and initiatives (including the Project) with users through its iTunes U Site. Official Websites: The Department’s official websites are publicly accessible by all internet users. The Department may share information, photographs and videos related to the Department’s programs, activities and initiatives (including the Project) with users through its official websites. Other: Provide a short description, and the website address, of the other website/s: 1. Facebook Page: The Official Creative Generation State Schools Onstage page The Project’s Facebook page is publicly accessible by all Internet users. The Department may share information, photographs and videos related to the Department’s programs, activities and initiatives (including the Project) with users through its Facebook page. 2. Twitter Profile: The Project’s Twitter profile is publicly accessible by all Internet users. The Department may share information, photographs and videos related to the Department’s programs, activities and initiatives (including the Project) with users through its Twitter profile. 3 YouTube Channel: The Creative Generation - State Schools Onstage channel is publicly accessible by all internet users. The Department may share videos relating to the Creative Generation programs with users through its YouTube channel. The Department does not permit users to download its videos uploaded to its YouTube channel. However third party applications may be used to overcome the Department’s settings. Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage 2015 Nomination guidelines 25 6 DETAILS IT IS NOT COMPULSORY FOR YOU TO PROVIDE THIS CONSENT Name of Individual Address of Individual Name of organisation, school or TAFE (at which the Individual is enrolled, employed, or works as a volunteer, if any): 7 Signature of the Individual (if over 18 years of age, or if under 18 years of age and capable of understanding and giving this consent) Date Signature of the parent or guardian (required if the Individual is under 18 years of age) Date Name of signing parent or guardian Address of signing parent or guardian / / / / NOTE The Department will use its best endeavours to ensure the person signing this Consent Form is authorised to do so, but takes no responsibility for circumstances in which it is misled as to the identity or authority or ability of a person to provide consent. If you require a copy of this signed Consent Form, or if you wish to revoke this consent, please contact: Odette Moore, Senior Community Engagement and Events Officer, Community Engagement and Partnerships, Phone: 07 3227 6048. 26 Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage 2015 Nomination guidelines 8 INFORMATION What is this consent for? This Consent Form authorises the Department and the State to use the Individual’s personal information and copyright material, together with information about the Individual’s participation in Departmental and State initiatives, for the purposes specified in the Project Details section of the Consent Form. This consent covers the entire or partial use of the Individual’s personal information and copyright material in conjunction with other words and images. For example, the Individual’s personal information and copyright material may appear in school or TAFE newsletters, magazines, websites (including iTunes U and Social Media Websites) and other school, TAFE, departmental or State publications, as well as in television advertising, videos, brochures, forms, public relations displays, annual reports, press advertising, internal documents such as manuals, websites, certificates and strategic plans, and posters and other promotional material. There may also be occasions on which the Department may approve the media, such as local newspapers and television stations, using information and copyright material in relation to the Individual (for example, where the Individual is involved in dramatic or musical performances, sporting activities or award ceremonies). Websites Individuals and Signatories should be aware that publication of an Individual’s personal information and Individual work on websites, including iTunes U and Social Media Websites is similar to publication in newsletters, magazines, brochures, etc; however publication on websites is publication of that material to the world at large. Individuals and Signatories should be aware that the publication of an Individual’s personal information and Individual work,by the Department or the State, on a website typically constitutes a permanent and publicly available record of that material. This means that anyone may be able to copy and use an Individual’s personal information and Individual work that has been published on a website for any purpose and without the consent or knowledge of the Department, the State or the Individual. Individuals or Signatories should not grant their consent to the Department or the State to use an Individual’s personal information or Individual work in connection with a website if the Individual or the Signatory does not agree to the material being permanently available to the public. If an Individual’s personal information or Individual work is published on a website, that material will be governed by the privacy policy and terms of use of the relevant website. The Department or State cannot reasonably control how an Individual’s personal information or Individual work is used by third parties once the material has been published ona website which is not under the direct control of the Department, for example, iTunes U and Social Media Websites. What is copyright material? An Individual’s copyright material may include written work (e.g. stories and poems), paintings, pictures, drawings, designs, photographs, videos, films, music, performance, recordings, computer programs, websites, sculptures, fashion, metal- or wood-works made by them or to which they contributed. In the case of students, it includes, but is not limited to, work that they create in the course of their studies during the time they are enrolled at a State school. These materials may form part of their academic assessment or be part of their studies generally and may attract copyright. The Department understands that students and volunteers generally own the intellectual property rights in the material they create and that this Consent Form is not meant to transfer the Individual’s ownership of the intellectual property in their copyright material. This Consent Form does not provide for copyright consent in relation to copyright works an Individual creates in the course of employment (whether or not the material is created in normal work hours or using departmental facilities or equipment). Where copyright material is created by a State employee while performing their duties under the terms of their employment, the copyright is owned by the State as the employer (section 35 Copyright Act 1968). There are limited exceptions to this including, for example, where the copyright material is created by an employee pursuant to a prior agreement with the employer. Generally, the deciding factor is whether the employee is performing their official duties. In addition, section 176 of the Copyright Act 1968 applies where the work was created by or under the direction or control of the State. However, moral rights may still apply to copyright material created by an employee. The Queensland Public Sector Intellectual Property Principles provide further information on intellectual property. If as an employee you have any further queries about the ownership of the intellectual property in respect of the works you create you should contact the Legal and Administrative Law Branch. What is personal information? Personal information includes information or opinions, whether true or not, about an individual whose identity is apparent or can reasonably be ascertained from the information or opinion. This includes the Individual’s name, image or video or sound recording. It also includes the Individual’s educational information such as the Individual’s assessment and results, and health information and court orders provided to the Department, where such information may enable the Individual to be identified. Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage 2015 Nomination guidelines 27 What happens to the Consent Form once it is completed and signed? The Consent Form is retained by the Department and it will be placed on the Project file. The Individual or Signatory may request a copy of the signed form by contacting the person nominated in Section 7 of this Consent Form. What if I give my consent and later change my mind? The consent will be in effect from the date the Consent Form is signed. The Department and the State will then start using the Individual’s personal information and Individual work to create material incorporating the Individual’s personal information and Individual work and entering into contractual obligations in relation to that material. If you wish to later modify or revoke this consent, the Individual or the Signatory should send a notice in writing to the person nominated in Section 7 of this Consent Form. After that notice is received, the Department and the State will not make any new additional use of the Individual work, but any existing uses will continue. Where the Department or another person uploads material to iTunes U, a Social Media Website or other website, it may need to accept contractual obligations that are perpetual and irrevocable. It may not be possible to ensure that all copies of the material are deleted or cease to be used, and the Department and the State cannot take responsibility for doing so. Privacy The consent to the recording, use and disclosure of the Individual’s personal information and Individual work is required in accordance with the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth), the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006 and the Information Privacy Act 2009. Personal information will be stored securely. The Department will only disclose the Individual’s personal information in accordance with the consent, except where authorised or required by law. If you wish to access or correct any of the personal information on this form or discuss how it has been dealt with, or if you have a concern or complaint about the way the Individual’s personal information has been collected, used, stored or disclosed, please contact the relevant organisation, school or TAFE Institute. 28 Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage 2015 Nomination guidelines 16. Terms and conditions In these terms and conditions ‘the department’ means the State of Queensland acting through the Department of Education, Training and Employment. 1. Information on how to nominate and participate in Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage including all program guidelines, information books, forms and fact sheets, form part of these terms and conditions. Participation in the program will be considered acceptance of these terms and conditions. 2. The department (ABN 76 337 613 647) is the owner of the Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage program. 3. Once entered, details are not transferable to any other person or organisation or school. 4. Late, partially completed or nominations that do not satisfy the nomination requirements or program guidelines at the time of the program entry closing may be judged as ineligible for participation in the program. 5. All information submitted must be true and correct as at the time of nomination. 6. The decision made by the department to accept a student/school as eligible to proceed to the next stage of the program is final and no correspondence will be entered into. 7. The department accepts no responsibility for inability or failure to submit or nominate by the final date. 8. The nominee grants the department the right to use personal information (including student details, photographs and/or video) in accordance with the Project Consent Form. 9. By providing material (including student details, photographs and/or video) to the entry portal the nominee warrants they either own the material or have acquired sufficient right to use the material for the purpose of the program and agree to indemnify the department against any loss or damages caused by breach of this warranty. 10.Where a nominee is a part of a group or cluster, the person completing the nomination must be an authorised representative of the group and all organisations/schools affiliated with each person. 11.Where there is more than one category or stage, each category or stage may have individual eligibility criteria as well as judging criteria. 12.Although every effort will be made to ensure project materials (including certificates, prizes and awards) are sent to the address stated on the nomination, the department takes no responsibility for lost or misdirected items not received by students/schools. 13.The department will not be responsible for any problems or technical malfunction of any network or lines, servers, providers, computer equipment, software, traffic congestion on the Internet, etc. including, but not limited to, any injury or damage to participants or any other person’s computer related to or resulting from participation in or downloading any materials in this program. 14.The department will not be responsible for any failure by sponsors and partners to fulfil their contractual obligations made between the department and the sponsor. 15.If for any reason the program is unable to run as planned including causes beyond the control of the department, the department may at its sole discretion cancel, suspend or modify the program. 16.The program may be withdrawn at any time without notice. 17.The participant agrees to indemnify the department against any loss or damages caused by a cancellation, suspension, modification or withdrawal of the program. 18.These terms and conditions may be altered where necessary, and any changes will be notified on the program’s website. 19.The department reserves the right, at any time, to verify the validity of a nomination, reject a nomination or disqualify a nomination that is not in accordance with these terms and conditions. Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage 2015 Nomination guidelines 29 18. DVD identification form • DVDs must be clearly labelled on the cover and on the disk with the school name, the category and performers’ names, and have a completed identification form attached. • Each item on the DVD should be introduced by a student or an adult who must identify: – individual student or group name – name of category –school – number of students about to perform – style or title of piece performed. • A separate DVD and DVD identification form is required for each category to be auditioned. This will enable separate selection panels to view the audition material simultaneously. • For symphony orchestra and MOST nominations, a separate DVD is required for each student or each instrument type — trumpet, violin etc — to allow distribution to specialist auditioners. • Please photocopy this form as required. • Please do not include whole-of-school performance events or concerts, as these will not be viewed. • Audition material will not be returned. Please keep a copy for school records if required. SCHOOL:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CONTACT TEACHER:______________________________________________________________________________________________________ STUDENT NAME (if applicable):_____________________________________________________________________________________________ CATEGORY (tick): Featured vocalist Backing vocalist Core choir Massed choir Featured dance Symphony orchestra Big band Drumline Film crew Stand-alone item Massed dance INSTRUMENT (if applicable):_______________________________________________________________________________________________ Item no. on DVD Title or name No. in group 1 2 3 4 5 Please mail audition footage to Laura Waldron Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage Community Engagement and Partnerships Department of Education, Training and Employment PO Box 15033 City East QLD 4002 30 Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage 2015 Nomination guidelines Name of item (instrumentalists must supply composer name)
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