The King is Coming Old-time radio show December 14, 2014 / written by Dave Thomas The King is Coming tells the story of one “golden days of radio” station presenting the Christmas story in a way you have not heard it before. WBPC will be broadcasting a Christmas special featuring music and stories. Mr. George Sams, as owner and manager, is excited to share the true meaning of Christmas with as many people as possible. Mr. Sams spares no expense by bringing in “big time” entertainers to act out the Christmas story. One of the stars of the show, Reginald King, feels that the whole crazy production is beneath his high standards. Will the Christmas music, and the love of the wacky WBPC staff be enough to help Reginald remember what Christmas is all about? Come find out December 14 as Bay Pointe church presents the Christmas musical The King is Coming. A U D I T I O N S & I N F O R M AT I O N N I G H T / Monday, October 20, 6:30 pm Join us in the lobby to meet the Directors, audition for a part, pick up your music and other details on costumes and rehearsals. We’re so glad you are considering this opportunity to share the story of Jesus’ birth in a fun and compelling way. The goals of “The King is Coming” are: • To share the Christmas story to the Bay Pointe family and area community in a creative way. • To teach our children and students the power of working together in community for one common goal. • To give God all glory through our singing and acting. It’s about HIM. COST We are asking for a donation of $5 per choir & cast member (or $15 per family) to help cover the cost of purchasing music & recording tracks for rehearsals & performances as well as sets/props. Make checks payable to BPCC & write “Radio Show” in the MEMO line. TEAM LEADERS Drama Directors Dave Thomas, Terase VanRheenen and Maggie O’Brien Choir Director Stephanie Wesley Administrative Emily Hale Graphics/Promotion Stephanie McCrumb Support Drew Hale, Vicki Hughes Questions? Contact Emily Hale at or 922-9882. ~ C H O I R I N F O R M AT I O N ~ PRE-K CHOIR New this year...We will assemble a choir with our little ones. They will rehearse a couple songs in class on Sundays. These kids will join us for the dress rehearsal/cast party on Saturday, Dec. 13 at 9:30 am. On the day of the show, they will simply join the production for the first part to perform their songs and then join their families after. CHOIR REHEARSALS - Attendance is vital; please make every effort to be at each one. Kids’ Choir (Grades 1-5): Sundays, 10:30-11:15* in the Conference Room SUNDAYS*: Oct. 26; Nov. 9, 16, 23; Dec. 7 SATURDAY Dec. 13, 9:30-noon in Auditorium (MANDATORY Dress Rehearsal) *IMPORTANT NOTE: Sunday Rehearsals take place between services. Kids who attend the 9:15 service will be escorted across the hall to Conference Room at the end of class & parents can pick them up after rehearsal IN CONFERENCE ROOM. Kids who attend the 11:15 service will need to sign in (with a parent) before coming to rehearsal IN CONFERENCE ROOM. We’ll escort them to class for the 11:15 service. Parents can pick children up at class. Adult Choir (6th Grade- Adult): Mondays, 6:30 - 8:00 pm in Auditorium/Prayer Room MONDAYS: Oct. 27; Nov. 3, 10, 17, 24; Dec. 1, 8 SATURDAY Dec. 13, 9:30-noon in Auditorium (MANDATORY Dress Rehearsal) DRAMA / D E TA I L S O N B A C K - D R A M A I N F O R M AT I O N - Auditions for the following parts will take place on Monday, October 20 at 6:30 pm. Review the list below and let us know if you would like to audition for a specific part or if you would like to be placed as directors see fit. A script will be provided. Cast will be announce on Tuesday, October 21 through email. Before you audition, review the rehearsal and make sure you can commit to every one. - CAST OF CHARACTERS - Mr. George Sams (He is 40 + years old) Owner and manager of radio station WBPC. He is extremely giving and kind hearted. Tommy “Two Cents” (Teenager to adult) Street-smart wisecracker who knows all the “latest” slang. He is rough around the edges but has a heart of gold. Reginald King (He is 30 + years old) Pompous actor and performer. He has a hard time remembering the lessons of his youth. Frances Silvertongue (He or she is teen to adult) Long-suffering sarcastic assistant to Reginald King. Gloria Heavensong (She is 20+ years old) Society considers her to be a washed up actress. Still “talented”, she certainly has her priorities right. Tan N. Baum (He is 30+ years old) Christmas tree farm owner and pitchman. He loves life and Christmas. Nan N. Baum (She is 30+ years old) Maker of Possum treats and pitch woman. She is energetic and dramatic. Announcer (He or she is teen to adult) WBPC radio announcer Foley (He or she is teen to adult) Produces everyday sound effects for radio dramas Stage Hand He or she is 10 years old to teen. Helps with “radio” production and interacts with audience. The WBPC players The players are children to adult. Help present the radio dramas and commercials through acting and sound effects. DRAMA REHEARSALS Attendance is vital; please make every effort to be at each one. MONDAYS @ 6:30-8:00 pm in Auditorium: Oct. 27; Nov. 3, 10, 17, 24; Dec. 1, 8 THURSDAY Dec. 11 @ 6:30-8:00 pm in Auditorium (MANDATORY Tech Rehearsal) SATURDAY Dec. 13 @ 9:30-noon in Auditorium (MANDATORY Dress Rehearsal) SUNDAY PERFORMANCES: December 15 at 9:15 & 11:15 am
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