Latest Newsletter

Dear Church Family,
Welcome to the season of Advent! The word Advent
means “coming” or “arrival.” The focus of the entire season is the
celebration of the birth of Jesus the Christ in His first Advent; and
the anticipation of the return of Christ the King in His Second Advent. Thus, Advent is far more than simply marking a 2,000 yearold event in history. It is celebrating a truth about God, the revelation of God in Christ whereby all creation might be reconciled to
This year the new Church year begins on Sunday, November 30 , with the “Hanging of the Greens” at all three worship
services. How do we prepare our spiritual bodies for this the
greatest of all gifts, when we are surrounded by the material
spirit of Christmas?
The spirit of Advent is expressed well in the parable of the
bridesmaids who are anxiously awaiting the coming of the bridegroom (Matthew 25:1-13). There is a profound joy at the bridegroom’s expected coming, and yet a warning of the need for
preparation echoes through the parable. But even then, the prayer
of Advent is still O Come, O Come, Emmanuel, and ransom captive Israel!
I hope you have a blessed Advent and a very Merry
In Christian love,
To help you prepare to hear
God’s Word at worship:
Readings for December 7
Isaiah 40:1-11
Psalm 85:1-2, 8-13
2 Peter 3:8-15a
Mark 1:1-8
Readings for December 14
Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11
Psalm 126
1 Thessalonians 5:16-28
John 1:6-8, 19-28
Readings for December 21
2 Samuel 7:1-11, 16
Luke 1:47-55
Romans 16:25-27
Luke 1:26-38
Readings for Christmas Eve
Isaiah 9:2-7
Psalm 96
Titus 2:11-14
Luke 2:1-20
Readings for December 28
Isaiah 61:10 - 62:3
Psalm 148
Galatians 4:4-7
Luke 2:22-40
Amazing Grace
Living Nativity
One of the very special events that
happen at Grace Church is our Living
Christmas Eve Nativity. We will present
the Living Nativity at all three Christmas
Eve services: 5, 7 and 9 pm. Children
and adult volunteers are needed. Sign-up
sheets will be in the Narthex area. The
parts and costume sizes are listed on a
display board. We will draw a name for
duplicate requests. Everyone participating must attend rehearsal!
Christmas Eve
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Practice schedule is as follows:
5 pm Christmas Eve worship service –
rehearsal at 6 pm Thursday, 12/18
7 and 9 pm Christmas Eve services –
rehearsal Wednesday, 12/17 at 7 pm
Children’s Service 5 pm
A service for our children
and those young of heart.
Don’t be shy adults! Those who
have participated in the past agree that
this is a wonderful opportunity to be part
of a meaningful celebration of the birth of
our Savior!
Family Service 7 pm
A service designed especially for families with
carols, candlelight, and our living nativity.
Candlelight Service 9 pm
This service will combine carols, candlelight,
special music and our inspiring nativity.
Dressers are needed for each service
too. To be a part of this ministry, please
contact Linda Stuart at 533-1527.
Sunday, December 28, 2014
Come as you are!
Join your Grace Church family for
Sunday School from 9:30 to 10:30 am
followed by a
Combined Worship Service at 10:45 am
Children are encouraged to bring a toy
along for the Children’s Message that day –
A Blessing of the Toys!
December 2014
Have Breakfast With Santa
Let Heaven & Nature Sing!
Bring the
kids to the AllPurpose Room
on Saturday,
December 13th
to have a delicious breakfast
and visit with
Santa and Mrs.
Claus. Breakfast will be
served from 8
to 10 am. The
meal is $7 for
adults and $3
for children 10
and under.
Look for a sign-
The Wagoner Caroling Party has
outgrown the Wagoner home! That’s a
good thing!
Come join us on Friday, December
19 , at 6 pm, in the All-Purpose Room of
Grace Church. We will enjoy good food,
fellowship and fun … oh, and caroling and
hot chocolate too!
A sign-up sheet is at the Welcome
Center so Tami can plan on just the right
amount of good eats for our carolers.
up at the Welcome Center.
Don’t forget to bring your camera!
You’ll want a photo with the jolly old guy.
See you there!
Holiday Happenings
Friday, December 5
Grace Christian Child Care’s Christmas Program 6-8 pm
Wednesday, December 10 Longwood Garden Trip
Saturday, December 13
Santa’s Breakfast 8 to 10 am
Lunch with Santa, 11:30 to 1:30 pm
Sunday, December 14
GUMY & TYKids Holiday Potluck
Friday, December 19
Christmas Caroling at 6 pm (meet in the APR)
Wednesday, December 24 Worship Services at 5, 7 and 9 pm
Saturday, December 27
De-waxing of the Sanctuary at 9 am
Sunday, December 28
Combined Blessing of the Toys Worship Service at 10:45 am
Amazing Grace
Help Spread God’s Love
During this Holiday Season, please remember the various mission opportunities
available at Grace.
 Bundles of Warmth Supporting the Race Track Chaplaincy of
America - donation items needed: men’s hats,
gloves, scarves, blankets, full-size toiletries
shampoo, deodorant, bars of soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, 4 yards of coordinating
fleece fabric to make blankets on Blanket Sunday, January 25, 2015.
 Neighborhood Center Donations of unwrapped gifts for infants, children and youth. The Christmas Wish List is
located on the Missions Table in the Narthex.
The last day to bring a gift is Sunday, December 7th. Remember those who are less fortunate.
 Heifer International – You Can Help
Change the World! Information and gift order
forms are available on the Missions Table in
the Narthex. Help yourself!
Blessed is the season
which engages
the whole world
in a conspiracy of love.
 World Vision - The 2013 Gift Catalog is
available on the Missions Table in the Narthex. If interested in donating from this catalog, please contact Sandy Grimes at 566-2897
or in the Church Office.
Hamilton Mabie
Thank you for supporting the Mission
ministry of Grace UMC!
December 2014
Santa’s Luncheon
Saturday, December 13th
Covenant is an in-depth group Bible Study
that centers around our relationships with God, with
each other and with the world. Rev. John will be
leading this small group study. The 24-week study
covers the whole Bible by moving between the Old
and New Testaments while discussing books from
each in a way that shows the interconnectedness of
scriptures as a whole. It differs from other Bible
studies in that it emphasizes the biblical concept of
the Covenant – the enduring commitment between
God and people – as a unifying pattern throughout
the entire Bible. It underscores the unique relationship that God chooses with us as God’s people.
To help the Covenant group deal with busy schedules, the episodes are structured in a
modular way to provide flexibility without sacrificing committed study. Three eight-week
segments each explore a different aspect of Covenant life. Each will examine what Covenant
means, and the progression of a Covenant relationship with God. We will begin the second
eight-week segment, Living the Covenant, on Thursday, January 8th. Classes will meet weekly
from 5:50 pm to 6:55 pm, in the LGI/Choir Room. You can join us for the second session even
if you did not participate in the first session.
If you would like to sponsor altar
flowers, please sign the Flower Chart located
on the Narthex bulletin board. Select the
Sunday of your choice and write the wording on the chart you would like included in
the Sunday bulletin announcements. You
can also contact Kathy or Tammy in the
Church Office by calling 566-2897. If you’d
prefer to email, the Church’s general email
address is A donation
of $30 is greatly appreciated. Thank you in
advance for your cooperation.
Amazing Grace
Thank you!
iBlast Creative Ministries would like to thank
everyone for your help and support of our recent
festival. To Rev. John and Sandy, the office staff,
everyone who donated snacks and drinks, those
who assisted with parking or in the kitchen, those
who helped tear down and clean after the festival,
thank you for helping to make this a great event
where 200 individuals were able to come and be
inspired and learn ways to share the gospel.
Grace Church is incredibly blessed! Thank you for allowing us to share our facility and
people to reach so many. It is amazing what we can do with God’s help when we work together and let our lights shine for Him.
Save the Dates
 4th annual iBlast Creative Ministries Grace Family, and Friends Night, Friday, January 30,
2015 - Spaghetti Dinner at 6 pm, Outreach Program at 7:15 pm in the Sanctuary. Feel free to
invite your friends and families!
God’s Girls will meet Thursday, December 4th and 18th, from 2:45 to 4:30 pm.
iBlast will rehearse on Sundays in December from 4:45 to 6:15 pm.
Look at all these smiling faces! Grace’s TY Kids had a ball at their Lock-In November 21st & 22nd.
The Advisors kept the kids busy all night with games, food, and lots and lots of fun!
December 2014
D e c e m b er 2 01 4
4 God’s Girls
2:45 pm
GCCC Christmas
Church Family Dinner Program 6 pm
served from 5-6:30pm
Angel Choir 6 pm
Junior Praise 6:35 pm
Chancel Choir 7 pm
3 no Friendship
Breakfast this month
Women’s Bible Study
9:30 am
Handbell Rehearsals
5:30 - 7:30 pm
Volleyball 7-9:30 pm
Widows & Friends
1 pm
De-wax the Sanctuary
9 am
Santa’s Luncheon
Breakfast with Santa
8 to 10 am
ABC Christmas
Program and Party
11:30 am
Food Bank - Team 6
Church Family Dinner
served from 5-6:30pm
Angel Choir 6 pm
Junior Praise 6:35 pm
Chancel Choir 7 pm
GUMY Advisors’
Meeting 7 pm
Longwood Gardens
Trip 9 am to 4 pm
Handbell Rehearsals
5:30 - 7:30 pm
Volleyball 7-9:30 pm
7 GUMY Leadership 8
Luncheon 11:45 am
Widows & Friends
TY Santa Mission
1 pm
Project 12 - 2 pm
iBlast Rehearsal
TLC Meeting 6 pm
4:45 - 6:15 pm
GUMY Bob Night 6:30
5 pm - Children’s
7 pm - Family
9 pm - Candlelight
24 Christmas Eve
Worship Services:
Handbell Rehearsal
5:30 - 7:30 pm
7 and 9 pm Living
Nativity Practice
7 pm
Volleyball 7-9:30 pm
Widows & Friends
1 pm
18 God’s Girls 2:45 19
Church Family Dinner TY/GUMY Caroling at
served from 5-6:30pm Grace 6 pm
5 pm Living Nativity
Practice 6 pm
Angel Choir 6 pm
Junior Praise 6:35 pm
Chancel Choir 7 pm
GUMY/TY Holiday
Potluck noon
Prayer Shawl Group
3 pm
iBlast Rehearsal 4:45 6:15 pm
No evening GUMY
Widows & Friends
1 pm
Widows & Friends
1 pm
iBlast Rehearsal
4:45 - 6:15 pm
No evening GUMY
28 Blessing of the
Toys Come As You Are
Combined Service
10:45 am
Prayer Shawl 3 pm
iBlast 4:45 pm
Happy Birthday Greetings To ….
12/1 Dolly Bashore
Judith Price
Morgan Stumpf
12/2 Dan Ail
David Steiner
Angela Hollinger
Jeremy Hoffman
Christopher DeCock
Janelle Laudermilch
Taylor Behney
12/3 Carly Elias
Nathan Ocker
Ian Fogleman
12/4 Janice Shepler
Marjie Hartz
Alec Dormer
12/5 Barbara Baylor
Audrey Wilder
Jane Wrenn
12/6 Holly Simpson
Melissa Snyder
12/7 Stacy Erdman
Chandlir Pinkham
Spencer Bashline
12/8 Nicholas Svirbely
James Lynch
12/9 Angela Hepner
Piper Burns
12/10 Paul Swartz
Georgieann Nissley
Holly Brubaker
Christina Watkins
Christopher Elliott
Mark Heisey
Idalee Simpson
Tyler Haynes
12/11 Becky Sweigard
Aiden Davis
Megan Smith
12/12 Leslie Fox
Tamara Ebert
John Holey
12/13 Debra Crum
Valerie Stricker
Samantha Stearman
12/14 Michael Hubler
Kelly Giannascoli
Ben Bashline
Lily Kratz
Adelynne Heffner
12/15 Connie Finley
Mark Brown
Ellen Zitko
Katherine Jones
Elizabeth Jones
12/16 Patricia English
Kay Dohne
Thomas Messenger
Thomas Theuret
Fred Marotta
12/17 Jeffrey Rosensteel
12/18 Jocelyn Hercher
12/19 Nicholas Stoner
Jillian Kolva
Zoe Fulton
12/20 Leisha Kreider
Joel Bergey
Travis Hershey
12/21 Doug Crum
Hannah Schulteis
12/22 Doug Betley
12/23 Philip Grow
12/24 Christopher Stricker
12/25 Cheryl Black
Ryan Little
Rebecca Brownell
Isaac Lupp
12/26 Elaine Fogleman
12/26 Linda Anastasi
Chris Dunlap
Maria Elias
Bob Laudermilch
Ethan Riccio
12/27 Dorothea Dulick
12/28 Michael Mullikin
Keith Hoover
Darin Kehler
Elliot Miller
Jacob Neithercoat
12/29 Maudie Diamond
Julianna Jeaannette
Jennifer Cook
Bradley Keifrider
Rowan Angstadt
Peyton Moffett
12/30 Sandra Harper
Sec Briselli
Christan Kehler
Cassandra Cenko
Brian Passuello
Laura Glasmire
Nathaniel Wolfe
12/31 Keith Ocker
Daniel Eisenhooth
Adam Clay
Konrad Hercher
Ryan Koons
Hannah Russell