Latest Newsletter

Dear Church Family,
Bishop Alfred L. Norris, Resident Bishop of the Northwest Texas/
New Mexico area of our Church, recently stated, “The Bible tells us that
the universe was nothing until God whispered into the void and brought
the world into existence. It is the same with our souls’ salvation. Until
God spoke to us through the gift of Jesus Christ, we were a lost people.
Because of His coming, lives are changed, relationships are cemented,
hope is restored, love is rekindled, spirits are nurtured, and faith is renewed. All of this because God spoke silently, softly, and tenderly that
night in Bethlehem. And what then is our response to such a gift?”
Every Sunday morning worship service challenges and enables us to
consider a response to the gift of Jesus Christ. Each Sunday school class,
bible study, choir rehearsal, youth fellowship gathering, etc., helps us to
focus and accept for ourselves such a gift.
You and your family need to make worship a part of your pilgrimage
in 2015 as we celebrate the birth, life and teachings, death and resurrection of Jesus so that we may adequately respond to such a gift.
In Christian love,
To help you prepare to hear
God’s Word at worship:
Readings for January 4
Isaiah 60:1- 6
Psalm 72:1-7, 19-14
Ephesians 3:1-12
Matthew 2:1-12
Words could never be enough
to thank you for your generous
Christmas gift! Barb and I continue to value your love, prayers
and support.
With love and gratitude,
Rev. John & Barb
Readings for January 11
Genesis 1:1-5
Psalm 29
Acts 19:1-7
Mark 1:4-11
Readings for January 18
1 Samuel 3:1-10
Psalm 139:1-6, 13-18
I Corinthians 6:12-20
John 1:43-51
Readings for January 25
Jonah 3:1-5, 10
Psalm 62:5-12
1 Corinthians 7:29-31
Mark 1:14-20
Amazing Grace
 Family Western Night
will be held at Grace on Saturday,
February 21st from 4 pm to 6 pm. Start
gathering your best western wear and
stay tuned for more details on this fun
family event!
What a Holiday Season! The staff of
Grace thanks all of you who touched the
hearts of many during this holiday season!
 New Member Classes will be
offered in February and March. If you
would like to receive additional information regarding membership at
Grace, please contact Tammy Houck
at or 566-2897.
More details regarding class times
will be forthcoming.
The Holy Spirit was truly at work,
busy really, and it all happened because of
YOU! You will never know how much we
appreciate your willingness to help.
God bless you!
Recycle Your
Christmas Cards
Let’s Play
Don’t know what to do with those
beautiful Christmas Cards you received?
If you are not going to keep them, do not
put them in FILE 13!
Time to
start stretching! Pull
those sneakers
out of the closet. Start getting your “game
on” because Monday nights at 7 pm, in the
All-Purpose Room you better “bring it!”
First cut the fronts off of the cards,
and then bring them to Grace with you on
Sunday morning. You can deposit them
in the silver basket on the Missions Table
in the Narthex. The end of February they
will be delivered to the Brethren Home in
Palmyra to use for various craft items.
Thank you for supporting this ministry!
Brian Abela is hoping some of you
guys will come to Grace to play basketball.
More information will be coming soon, so
read the bulletin, get connected with Grace
at our website, or on Facebook. Let’s play!
NO Friendship Breakfast
this month – next one is
February 4th
January 2015
Rev. John will
be leading us through
the Covenant Bible
Study which is an indepth group Bible
Study that centers
around our relationships with God, with each other, and with
the world. It differs from other Bible studies in that it emphasizes the biblical concept
of the Covenant – the enduring commitment
between God and people – as a unifying pattern throughout the entire Bible. It underscores the unique relationship that God
chooses with us as God’s people.
out sacrificing committed study. Three 8week segments each explore a different aspect of Covenant life. Each will examine
what Covenant means, and the progression
of a Covenant relationship with God. We
will begin the second 8-week segment, Living the Covenant, on Thursday, January 15th.
Classes will meet weekly from 5:50 pm to
6:55 pm in the LGI/Choir Room. You can
join us for the second session even if you did
not participate in the first session.
If you are willing to commit to the 8week study or if you have any questions,
please contact Tammy Houck at 566-2897 or A sign-up sheet will also
be available at the Welcome Center. Participant books are required and the cost is $20.
To help the Covenant group deal with
busy schedules, the episodes are structured
in a modular way to provide flexibility with-
Santa and Mrs. Claus are pictured here with several of their helpers
during Grace’s annual Santa’s Luncheon.
Amazing Grace
Dear Grace UMC,
Greetings from Prague, Czech Republic! God is at
work here changing hearts, changing lives, changing people’s characters, and it’s a great privilege to be a part of it.
Thank you for being a part of it too through your prayers,
gifts, and encouragement.
A few minutes ago, a Czech girl I disciple burst into
my room full of joy and excitement. She had just met with
the pastor of her church to share some of her concerns
about not being able to grow spiritually. She had gone into
the meeting with trepidation, uncertain as to what could
be done. To her great joy he affirmed in her the desire to
know God more deeply and to share him with others. He humbly acknowledged the shortcomings of their church and encouraged her to keep following Jesus.
It is so beautiful to see God at work in a person’s life. It’s beautiful to see the humility
of the pastor. It’s beautiful to see his desire for Jesus’ name to be made known and not the
name of the church he pastors. It’s beautiful to see my friend want to know God more deeply
and the pastor affirm that. It’s beautiful to see her desire for her friends to know Jesus. It’s
beautiful to see them working together to encourage one another and see God’s kingdom grow.
My prayer for you and for me is that we would encourage and help each other know
Jesus more and more deeply and be a part of His Kingdom in the unique ways he has created
us. Thank you for the opportunity to walk with this girl and others in their journey toward
becoming disciple makers. May God continue to work in and through you Grace UMC!
With gratefulness,
Megan Ginder
Megan is a missionary working in
Prague, Czech Republic. She and her team
help Czechs discover God and purpose of
life through reading the Bible or engaging
in spiritual conversations. If you would
like to learn more or receive monthly email
updates, please contact her at megan. or find her
on facebook.
January 2015
Bundles of Warmth Mission Project Update, DecemPlease remember to mark your calendars for Sunday, January 25th to participate in
the church-wide Bundles of Warmth Project.
You are encouraged to drop by the AllPurpose Room anytime after 8 am on the 25th
to help make and assemble blankets and donated items for members of the horse training
community at Penn National Racetrack.
Boxed lunches will also be available for
purchase to feed your hungry bellies as you
work through the morning.
We are still in need of the following donations in order to meet our goal of 100 Bundles of Warmth:
70 new/gently-used blankets of fleece fabric (2 yds. each of two different coordinating fabrics)
78 men’s hats
73 men’s gloves
91 men’s scarves
65 men’s socks
gallon-size Ziplock bags
snack-size Ziplock bags
Full-sized men’s toiletries including:
35 bottles of shampoo
35 bars of soap or bottles of body wash
80 deodorant
56 tubes of toothpaste
93 combs
213 individual laundry pods
Please drop off the items in the box located on the Mission Table in the Narthex.
Your generosity is appreciated! If you have
any questions, please contact Kelly Hubler at
The Graceful Girls were “on the road again!”
The group visited the beautifully decorated Longwood Gardens in Kenwood, PA.
They enjoyed the DuPont home and grounds in addition to a fabulous lunch!
Amazing Grace
January Youth Events
January 4, GUMY Event - 6:30 to 8:30 pm
January 11, GUMY Event - 6:30 to 8:30 pm
January 13, GUMY Advisors’ Meeting - 7 pm
January 18, GUMY Event - 6:30 to 8:30 pm
January 25, GUMY Event - 6:30 to 8:30 pm
January 2015
4 Holy Communion
TY Meeting noon to
3:15 pm
GUMY Leadership
Luncheon 12 noon
iBlast Rehearsal
4:45 - 6:15 pm
6:30 pm
J anuar y 2015
7 no Friendship
Breakfast this month
Women’s Bible
Study 9:30 am
Handbell Rehearsals
5:30 - 7:30 pm
Bundles of Warmth
Meeting 6:30 pm
V-Ball 7 pm
Racetrack Worship
7 pm
Widows & Friends
1 pm
GUMY Advisors’
Meeting 7 pm
8 God’s Girls
2:45 to 4:30 pm
No Family Dinner
this week
Angel Choir 6 pm
Junior Praise 6:35 pm
Chancel Choir 7 pm
Church Office closed
Church Office closed
Family Dinner served
From 5 to 6:30 pm
Covenant BS 5:50 pm
Angel Choir 6 pm
Junior Praise 6:35 pm
Chancel Choir 7 pm
God’s Girls 2:45 to
4:30 pm
Family Dinner 5-6:30
Covenant BS 5:50 pm
Angel Choir 6 pm
Junior Praise 6:35 pm
Chancel Choir 7 pm
Children’s Musical
Rehearsal 1 to 3 pm
Go Lunch Fundraiser
iBlast Rehearsal
4:45 to 6:15 pm
GUMY 6:30 pm
Widows & Friends
1 pm
Board of Trustees
7 pm
TLC Meeting 6 pm
Women’s Bible
Study 9:30 am
Handbell Rehearsals
5:30 to 7:30 pm
GCCC Board
Meeting 6 pm
V-Ball 7 pm
Spaghetti Dinner 6 pm
Creative Ministries
Grace Family &
Friends Night
Widows & Friends
1 pm
14 WBS 9:30 am
Handbell Rehearsals
5:30 - 7:30 pm
Craft Expo Task
Force Meeting
6:30 pm
V-Ball 7 pm
Mission Committee
Meeting 7 pm
Family Dinner served
from 5 to 6:30 pm
Covenant BS 5:50 pm
Angel Choir 6 pm
Junior Praise 6:35 pm
Chancel Choir 7 pm
Bundles of Warmth
Work Day 8 am
Children’s Musical
Rehearsal 1 to 3 pm
Prayer Shawl 3 pm
iBlast 4 to 6:15 pm
GUMY 6:30 pm
Prayer Shawl 3 pm
iBlast 4:45 - 6:15pm
Confirmation Class
with Rev. John 5pm
GUMY 6:30 pm
Widows & Friends
1 pm
Women’s Bible
Study 9:30 am
Handbell Rehearsals
5:30 to 7:30 pm
V-Ball 7 pm
Happy Birthday Greetings To ….
1/01 Carol Powell
Brett Finley
Addilyn Webb
1/02 Will Driscoll
George Woodring
Teresa Isabella
Katie McDonough
1/03 Patricia Ruddle
Mike Warfel
Pete Witt
Rachel Applegate
Nicky Moosic
1/04 Kayla Woods
1/05 Doryce Bowerman
Meral Baxter
Chris Cassel
1/06 Linda Fallat
Avery Price
1/07 Ken Palovitz
Susan Schulteis
Bryan Metz
1/08 Richard Prescott
Jackie Haynes
Scott McQuinn
Katarina Elliott
Camryn Yingling
1/09 Cindy Messenger
Alan McCulley
Stacia Betley
Trystan Housman
1/10 Susan Dibeler
1/11 Daryl VanKirk
Lucio Pendolino
Sofia Pendolino
Kendall Kreider
1/12 David Price
Carissa Wenner
Kamron Nissley
Kolten Nissley
1/13 James Barrett
1/13 Beth Bates
Craig Hershey
Grace Cenko
1/14 Irvette Timms
Hank Ndlovu
Devon Wallish
Benjamin Neithercoat
Brady Neithercoat
Madison Ebert
Alice Cenko
Roger Bell Jr.
1/15 Erin Wrenn
Becky Dunlap
Elizabeth Jenkins
Tucker Valoczki
Vivienne Dotts
1/16 Lillian Russell
Kathy Hartwell
Laura Passuello
Deb Shultz
Chase Brownell
Rebekah Forshey
1/17 Alysia Fogleman
1/18 Todd Davis
Kenzie Dohner
1/19 Wendy Steiner
Mallory Harvey
David Hahn
Erin Mitchell
Nathan Orris
1/20 Ed Lerch
Jaclyn Waldron
Katie TenHuisen
1/21 Rich Hahn, Jr.
Joe Nissley
Emma Simpson
1/22 Mark Bates
Sue Smith
1/22 Jacky Onks
Elyse Shenfeld
1/23 Barbara Torcaso
Brady Yingling
1/24 John Dzurko
Kathy Rose
Lisa Harman
Christine Cook
1/25 Robyn Wagner
1/26 Gay Wells
Austin Warfel
Jared Downing
John Simpson
1/27 D. Michael Bohl
David Joyner
Richard Heisey, Jr.
Tara Santore
Cory Smith
Sarah Black
Colby Gaylor
1/28 Harold Kautz
Sam Fickes
Heather Glasmire
Kelsey Kreider
Avery Loos
1/29 Bettie Farace
Jon Maki
Jen Webb
Allison Rogers
1/30 Amy Heisey
Austin Little
1/31 Rachel Spease
Buzz Haake
Kym Paris
Jen Bean
Emily Brubaker