2 11 e

Volume 2
Issue 11
a Newsletter of:
I recently received an article by Thom Rainer, an author and church consultant, and he shares helpful insight
into what some of the contributing factors are in why our friends and families choose not to believe the gospel of
Jesus Christ. Having been in church my entire life, I often lose sight of how unchurched people see the gospel
and have found it very helpful to try and see things from their perspective. I hope this will be helpful to you as it
has been for me. Enjoy. PJon
From the Pastor
November 2014
Growing in Grace
They have never really heard the gospel. The more I speak to people in North America, the more I
realize this truth: some folks on our continent are just as distant from the gospel as unreached
people groups around the world. Within the shadows of our church buildings are people who
have never heard the truth.
They struggle understanding the Bible. Even for those who are willing to read the Bible, the content is
often new – and challenging. If genuine believers wrestle with interpreting the Bible, it shouldn’t
surprise us that non-believers face the same battle.
They see the gospel as too good to be true. The story of the gospel really is quite astounding. That
the one and only creator God would forgive our sins, make us whole, place us in His family, and
indwell us is hard to fathom, especially if the story is new. Nobody I know – believer or unbeliever
– fully grasps God’s work of salvation.
They see hypocrisy in the church. I’ve heard this general excuse for years, but more recently I’ve
heard the words with specificity. “I don’t expect people to be perfect,” a family member told me,
“but if _______ represents what a Christian is, I don’t want to be a part.” We may defend the
church all we want, but we must not forget that watching unbelievers see the reality in our lives.
They hear other messages more loudly. Even if a non-believer hears three one-hour Christian sermons per week (which seldom happens), he still hears dozens of hours of other messages
throughout the week. The media emphasizes moral stances in opposition to Christian teaching.
Preachers of false gospels dominate the television. Political correctness reigns – and the gospel
gets clouded in the process.
They are enjoying their sin. There’s no other way to describe this obstacle. Sin can be fun (at least for
a while), and some of the people I know are having a good time. Following Christ, they assume,
would cost them too much fun. Combining this reasoning with the next reason, they see no need
to turn to Christ today.
They believe time is on their side. This is not always the case, of course. Some of my older family and
friends are now more willing to talk about eternal matters as they see their own generation passing away. Those who are younger, though, have been more interested in waiting to consider
Christianity. No urgency drives them to consider life and death matters now.
Inside this issue:
From the Pastor
Life Groups Schedule
Equipping Classes
Grace Kids
Ben Franklin Bible Club
Pie and Praise
Ladies WELL
Upcoming Events
Operation Christmas Child
Missionary Corner
They still fail to see their lostness. Their reasoning is neither new nor unique. “I treat
people well, and I try to help my neighbors.” “Let me tell you some of the good
things I’ve been doing.” “I just don’t believe a good God will send good people to
hell.” “I don’t do anything that’s just evil.” Folks who see no need for forgiveness
seldom seek it.
They cannot understand the preaching. Obviously, this reason assumes non-believers
who have attended church (as does the next one). A family member told me, “I like
hearing _______ preach, but I don’t really understand him.” Granted, the Spirit of
God helps us to understand the Word, but this message is nevertheless clear: we
who preach the Word are not there to impress; we are there to communicate the
life-giving message of the gospel. Clarity is a must.
They are overwhelmed by Christian follow up. Frankly, this response has surprised me.
Occasionally, a church fully committed to outreach and follow up has been so faithful to the task that they have frightened off a non-believer. I am grateful for
churches this passionate, but it’s worth remembering that non-believers may not
be prepared for our zeal. Sensitivity matters.
Growing in Grace
Page 2
Life Groups—Schedule
6pm Mineo’s/home– every Sunday
November 2 & 16—6pm Mazur/Beatty home
November 2, 16 & 30—Knight’s home
November 5 & 19—6:30 pm Teal (couples) GBC
Volume 2, Issue 11
7pm Roberts/home
November 10 & 24—6:45 pm Twardowski/home
Esther, It’s Tough Being a Woman-by Beth
Moore-Just as it was
tough being a woman
in Esther’s day, it’s
tough today. This portion of God’s Word
contains treasures to aid us in our
hurried, harried, and pressured lived.
Multi-purpose room.
November 12—6:30pm Teal (men’s) GBC
Villa GBC
November 13—6:30pm Ladies Praise
Thursday’s 8 pm—C2 @ Reid’s
LifeGroups continue to be a blessing to those who are attending. If you’re
interested in being a part of or starting a LifeGroup, see Ken Knight email
33 The Series-A Man and His Designexplore the basic foundations of authentic manhood
and God’s clear
design for men.
Oak Room
Grace Kids
We meet Sundays at 9 am and 10:30 am for Birth-6th graders
and Wednesday nights from 6:30-8 for PreK-6th Graders.
Please take the time to review our Health Policy posted in the Grace Kids corridor.
This month our theme is "Always With Me" as preschoolers discover that "God is with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9
WEEK 1 | JUDGES 4–5 – Deborah
WEEK 2 | RUTH 1:1-19–2:1-32 – Ruth and Naomi
WEEK 3 | DANIEL 3:10-30 – Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego
WEEK 4 | DANIEL 6:1-28 – Daniel
PreK- 6th Grade GRATITUDE
For week one, we kick off the month by taking a closer look at our memory verse: 1 Thessalonians 5:18. It says,
“Give thanks no matter what happens. God wants you to thank him because you believe in Christ Jesus.” (NIrV)
We want to help kids understand why God wants us to give thanks in all circumstances. We believe something will
happen in the heart of any child when they learn to take a TIME OUT, think about this verse, and remember the Bottom Line: You always have something to be grateful for.
Sometimes gratitude takes a little bit of intentionality. Sometimes, you have to literally take a time out and remember
what you have to be grateful for. A great way to do that is through giving.
Children grades K-5th – Elementary school:
 Crafts
 Bible clinic: getting to know your Bible
 Bible lessons for November: God’s true story, created by God’s hand, the first family, satan, and how sin
 Songs of old, and new
 Children learn 3 books of the Bible each week
 Memory verse for the month of November, John 14:15: If ye love me, keep my commandments
Children grades 6th-8th- Middle school extension Bible study:
 This month the children are learning “who God is”, the trinity, and to know the different roles that God the
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit plays in our lives
 Memory verse for November, John 1:14: And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld
his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth
 Our middle school join the Elem. Group for songs each week
Ben Franklin Bible Club
Page 3
 Stamps
 Children’s study Bibles
 Frosting containers, mini composition books, pony beads, and glue dots
 White, and variety colors of tube socks, and size
Continue to pray for all that serve in this community ministry each week, for the children that attend Bible club,
and their families.
Who sponsors Bible club, and is there any cost? There is no charge for the children to attend. The Bible club relies on the financial gifts and support of concerned adults to pay for the supplies, and treats that the children receive. For more information on Bible club, and how to support with your financial gifts, please contact Karen
Stehlin @ 835-8169.
Always giving God the glory,
Karen Stehlin
Ladies WELL
The Well Ladies' Bible Study will be packing cookie/treat boxes on Tuesday, November 4, 9:30 am in the youth
house. The care packages will be sent to Grace's college students (including our missionaries' kids that are college students) and
military. We need homemade cookies and treats--anything that someone away from home would appreciate. Some treats that
have been donated in the past are: baked goods, juice boxes, lunch size fruit cups (applesauce for example), and small jars of peanut butter. Donations towards postage would also be appreciated. Please help us minister to those away from us!
Growing in Grace
Volume 2, Issue 11
Page 4
N ove m b e r 2 0 1 4
16 Missions
Grace Kids
Grace Youth
6 Trustee Mtg. 7
11 Men’s Bkft
12 Grace Kids
Deacons Meeting
Grace Youth
18 Men’s Bkft
19 Grace Kids
20 Y @ H
25 Men’s Bkft
Men’s Bkft
Y@ H
Grace Youth
26 Pie & Praise
Upcoming Events for November, 2014
Nov. 4—7 pm Y@H Limbering Up & Balancing Well for
Winter with Rachel McCracken
Nov. 6—7pm Trustee Meeting
Nov. 9—9am Expressions of the Heart
Nov. 9—Communion
Operation Christmas Child Packing Party
3pm Schofield Residence
Nov. 10—Grace Youth/Nerf Wars-Multi Purpose Rm.
Nov. 12—6:30 Deacon’s Meeting
Nov. 16—Mission’s Emphasis/Reiner’s
2:30pm– Tonawanda Manor
Nov. 17—1pm KDC Meets
7pm City Mission
Nov. 20—7pm Y@H Lori Jonathan Trio-GBC Auditorium
Nov. 26—6:30pm Thanksgiving Eve Praise! @ GBC
Weekly-Wednesdays @ 6:30pm
Grace Youth @ Youth Center
Soar w/Grace Kids
See Equipping Ministry for schedule on previous
If there is an outreach you would like to be a part of
please contact the church and we would be happy to
get you in touch with the those in charge. The Service at Tonawanda Manor is the third Sunday of every month. It’s a good place to share music. They are
always looking for people of all ages-toddlers to the
elderly-to come and share a song or some instrumental music (or even just a smile).
Please be praying for all of our outreach ministries, a
complete list is on the back of the newsletter.
Ladies Well meets every Tuesday @ 9:30 am in the
Youth House
Men meet every Tuesday @ Athena’s for Breakfast at
November Birthday’s
11/2-Al Itjen
11/4-Linda Cooper
11/5-Bob Bankert
11/6-Suli Reyes Cruz
11/6-Amelia Wilde
11/6-Laila Tomsic
11/7-Karen Villa
11/7-Dave Twardowski
11/8-Alyssa Strom
11/9-Dorothy DeGroodt
James Farley
11/10-Eric Pieszala
11/12-Sara Villa
11/12-Chandler Korthals
11/14-Hannah Parker
11/15-Ron Little
11/16-Marthe Limage
11/18-Cathy Knight
11/18-Linda Parisi
11/21-Patrick Conner
11/21-Loli Cheng
11/24-Amy Longwell
11/25-Mike Hamilton
11/26-Rachel McCracken
Page 5
Operation Christmas Child 2014
After sharing the story of the Good Samaritan, Jesus
said “Go and do likewise.” That is the mission of Samaritan's Purse—to follow the example of Christ by
helping those in need and proclaiming the hope of
the Gospel.
Please join our packing party, which is planned immediately following the Worship Time Sunday, November 9. Come and join
the fellowship, eat a Christmas cookie or two and pack a box.
Parents Children are welcome, but parents, please keep your
smaller kids with you so they don’t play with the toys. (We want
to keep them new for the children we are sending them to)!
For those of you who are packing a box at home—remember to
pack items in the box that are non-liquids, and non-perishable.
If you have any questions you can go to their websitewww.samaritanspurse.org/operationchristmaschild, for more information.
Doodle Pads (that will fit in a shoe box)
Nerf-type balls
costume jewelry (necklaces)
socks/underwear (all ages, 2-14)
craft kits
BARS of soap (no liquids)
Pencil sharpeners
Doug and Renate Reiner first went to Brazil as missionaries of First Baptist Church of Hamburg, NY in 1987. Currently, they live and work in the city of Petrolina in the
center of Northeast Brazil. Their primary ministry is
church planting. They have established three churches
and have aided in establishing two others. They have had
a ministry to the deaf since 1996 and started First Baptist
Church for the Deaf in Petrolina. They directed the camp
ministry on Treasure Island for most of their time in Brazil. Doug also carries additional responsibilities with the
Mission’s administration. Renate ministers to the ladies,
holds children’s evangelism outreaches, and teaches English to reach out to more people in the area.
Grace Baptist Church
2525 Eggert Road
Tonawanda, NY 14150
Phone: 716-836-1525
Fax: 716-863-3537
E-mail: info@graceoneggert.com
Outreach Opportunities
Ben Franklin Bible Club-Karen Stehlin
Expressions of the Heart-Karen Fahmer
Buffalo City Mission-Bill Ryan
Tonawanda Manor-Bill Ryan
Schofield Residence-Bill Ryan
Ladies WELL Bible Study-Patty Chittley
Young @ Heart-Earlene Voss
Missionary Work Group-Kay McVittie
Congratulations to—
Beth and Bobby House on the birth of
Ryleigh Sarah on 9/1
Cassie and Chris Geist on the birth of
Caleb Donald on 9/28
Amanda and Dan Ryan on the birth of
Guinevere Eve on 10/21