Volume 3 Issue 7 July 2015 Growing in Grace 12 Questions for a Six-Month Spiritual Checkup By Chuck Lawless If you are like me, I set goals at the beginning of every year so that I aim at a target of spiritual growth. I was challenged by these questions this week to evaluate my walk with God as we approach the halfway mark of 2015, making sure I am always moving in the right direction. Please take a few moments and ask these questions with a desire to commit to experiencing life change as we strive to grow closer to Christ. Do you need to forgive someone? Jesus is clear that if we don’t forgive others, the Father does not forgive us (Matt. 6:14-15). So, while we may think our anger is justified, it only hurts us to stay bitter. The cost, in fact, is serious as it harms our relationship with God. Does your daily talk reflect godliness? It’s hard to read Ephesians 5:4 (“Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk or coarse joking, which are out of place, but rather thanksgiving”) without evaluating our daily conversations. If other believers heard everything you said last week, would your witness be strengthened or harmed? Does your budget reflect a commitment to God’s work? I know it sounds trite, but what we give toward God’s work really does have eternal dividends. Any sacrifice so others may know Jesus is no sacrifice at all. Would your checkbook show you prioritize God’s kingdom? Cont. on page 5 Inside this issue From the Pastor..................... 1 Grace Kids ............................ 2 Grace Youth .......................... 2 Ben Franklin Bible Club ......... 3 Birthday’s/Calendar ............... 4 Missionary Updates ............... 5 Upcoming Events September 4-7— Family Weekend @ Bethany Camp Check out the work from the recent Work Day last month. The front of the church is looking great! play a part in an amazing story. It doesn’t take some super power to stand up and start acting like a superhero That’s why we’re taking the months of June and July to discover what it means to Stand Up: Get in the Story as we learn more about conviction. Conviction is standing for what’s right, even when others don’t. Yay, it's Summer! Though we do not meet on Wednesdays through the summer, we still have plenty going on Sunday mornings. Take the opportunity to attend one of the adult Equipping Classes as kids spend some time learning verses, looking at scripture and talking with their leaders about what Scripture means for their lives. 1-6 Grades Almost all kids want to be superheroes and dream of being cast in the pages of their own comic books. I wonder if that’s because most kids don’t know that they can already Let’s take Jesus for example. Even for Jesus, the Son of God, it wasn’t always popular to do the right thing. Sometimes doing the right thing meant hanging out with tax collectors, blessing the little children or even forgiving someone who had done something wrong. No matter what it was that Jesus needed to do, He did it because it was the right thing to do. We will continue to look at the life of Daniel, in the Old Testament. Then we will end the month in Acts, looking at Peter and John and how they handled some tough situations. Birth-Kindergarten In July, preschoolers will hear all about Moses. They will learn how God had an amazing plan to save him by having his mother place him in a basket in the reeds. Then, they will hear how God led Moses to part the Red Sea by holding up his staff. Finally, they’ll hear how Moses used that same staff to hit a rock and provide His people with water. Do you see what is going on here? Lots more water stories. We are continuing Camp Splish Splash after all! The preschoolers will end the month by learning the story of Naaman and how they can do what God says even when it’s hard. Why should they do what God says? Because God’s way is perfect! If you have any questions or would like to be involved in Grace Kids, please contact me! Chrissy Reid Upcoming Events- Teen Leadership Conference-July 27-Aug. 1 Please be at the church by 8:30 am on Monday. Pool Party-Sunday July 12 from 1-8pm, at the The leaders hope to return by 3 pm on SaturT’s house. 3 Hemlock Lane, Lancaster. day. Carpool from church after the morning service. Pray with your students before you get to TLC Parents will need to pick up from the T’s. and ask God to do something unbelievably Please bring $5 for food, a modest swimsuit amazing in their hearts this week. and towel. This is a week to focus on God, His Word and leadership development for us ALL! As I serve in Honduras in a totally new setting, it is neat to have those moments where I realize that counseling at TLC has equipped and prepared me to do this now. It helped form me into the person I am today who, believe me, is far different than the person I was a few years ago. I recently found myself sitting and talking with two girls for almost two hours. I hadn't met them until just then. The confidence I had to go sit and talk with them, the conversational skills, the fact that I was comfortable speaking with them, and the way I was able to keep the conversa- 2 tion going and get to know so much about them so quickly, all of this I attribute to God's work in me through counseling at TLC. And it is so cool to see that. The skills and mindset I have gained through serving in the ministry of TLC are invaluable. I praise God and thank both Him and TLC for the influence in my life!!! Jocelyn Mantz, TLC Counselor Ben Franklin Elementary Bible Club, and Middle School Extension Bible Study I am very excited to share with you this month, testimonies of children, parents, and those that have served in The Ben Franklin Bible club for the 20142015 school year. why they come to club, and one of the girls boldly stood up and said, "My parents don't take me to church, so this club is all I have to learn about Jesus." Also, Karen has started Prayer Groups this year and, at the end of each Tuesday meeting the Adults & kids break into small groups to share good things & difficult things that **I like Bible club because of prayer group time. One are going on in their lives/home...this way we (leaders) thing I really enjoyed was the woman who wrote my can model how to give your thankfulness / worries to a name in braille. It’s fun to learn about the Bible. loving caring God. It’s been an awesome experience! -Aluna (5 yrs. old) Ben Franklin has definitely affected many kids to seek after Jesus. Karen does a great job organizing & com**I am very grateful for Bible club. It has helped my municating with the parents. This outreach truly does daughter understand that God has a plan for all of us. reach into these families as well as the students. Karen Aluna is excited every Tuesday for Bible Club, and she has a couple of summer activities planned to try and learns so much through the songs, lessons, verses, stay connected to the kids! Looking forward to that and crafts, and fellowship of Bible club. It has helped her being a part of this God - focused ministry again in the meet new friends and be more outgoing in a group set- fall. ting. The women who take time from their lives to vol-Because of Him, Cindy Mineo unteer with the children are truly a blessing and enrich many young lives! **Volunteering for the Franklin School bible Club this -Ruth Luczak past year has been a wonderful experience for me. Although my motivation for volunteering was to help the children there to come to know God’s word and to love Jesus, I realize that I have learned right along with them. It amazes me to see them memorize the books of the Bible and Bible verses with ease while I have to work really hard at it just to keep up. The Bible stories, especially, that Rhonda Bilson enthusiastically acted out, have helped me have to have a better and deeper understanding of God’s word. I believe the Bible Club is a blessing to the children as well as to the teachers there. It is a special place where children can come together to learn and love God’s word as well as **This was my first year back at Ben Franklin since to enjoy the fellowship of other children. 2009, and a lot of new things have happened. First how -Dora Graziano great is it that we're meeting in a public school! One of the many changes I've noticed is how hungry the kids are to learn. At the closing program a few kids shared **My child Adrianna Carbonell attended Bible study first grade through sixth what a great experience it was for her she enjoyed it and learned a lot about God. Also the staff was wonderful to the children and made themselves available to the children for any questions that they needed answered. This was a wonderful program for my daughter to learn about God and make new friends. I would personally like to thank the staff for helping my daughter to learn about God more. -Mrs. Carbonell Pi² Next Door Connection BAR B QUE July 26th—Purpose is to thank our neighbors on Eggert Road and Briarhurst Drive and make them feel appreciated for their tolerance of Sunday traffic. To ensure they know we are here, willing to help, live life together with them. You have been praying for people on your Pi² list. Here is a great opportunity for YOU to invite them. Buy them dinner. No strings attached. Get to know them; build a relationship. Invest. Tickets will be available in the Fireside Room starting July 12th. Cost is $6 per person. Kids 5 yrs. and under are free. Meal deal includes a half chicken, plus salads, roll, beverage and dessert. It will be an outdoor picnic buffet. Everyone must have a ticket. PRAY, INVITE, INVEST Bring a lawn chair 3 1—6:30 pm Grace Youth Life Groups-Teal Couple’s, Tirone 7 pm Trustee Meeting Birthdays this Month 7/2-Jeff Fadale 7/3-Nathaniel Edwards 7/7-Kristen Monroe 7/8-Sue McNess Riley Meyer Bette Strom 7/10-Dora Graziano 7/12-Lukas Monroe 7/13-Tom Sweet 7/15-Ken Knight Matt LaDuca 7/16-Gerry Moore Rob Rodriguez 7/17-Delaney Reid 7/18-Rob Wilde 7/19-Dave Monroe 7/20-Helen Mazur 7/14-James Hayes 7/22-Melissa Mazur 7/23-Job Fahmer 7/25-Jennifer Cooper Dewey Kennedy Maddie Moore 7/26-Kathy McQuown Christine Pereny 7/28-John Strom 7/29-Jason Fahmer 7/31-Peter Lanier 4—Independence Day 5—9 am Quarterly Report 10:30 am Worship Service 6 pm Life Groups—Mazur, Mineo 7 pm-C2 6—6:45pm Twardowski LG 19—9 am New Equipping Classes 10:30 Worship Service 2:30 pm Tonawanda Manor Ministry 6 pm LG Mazur, Mineo *7 pm C2 20—12 pm King’s Daughters Picnic 6:45pm Twardowski LG 7 pm City Mission Min. 21—9 am Men’s BKFT @ Athena’s 22—6:30 pm Grace Youth LG Teal Men’s, 23—6:30 pm Ladies Praise LG 7—9 am Men’s BKFT @ Athena’s 8—6:30 pm Grace Youth Life Groups-Teal Men’s, 9—6:30 pm Ladies Praise LG Shower 7 pm Deacon 26—9 am Equipping Classes 10:30 Worship Service 12 pm Pi2 Neighborhood Connection 6 pm Life Groups-Mineo, Fadale, Longwell *7 pm C2 27– Aug. 1—Grace Youth to TLC 11—9 am-Expressions of the Heart 28—9 am Men’s BKFT @ Athena’s 12— 9 am Missions Emphasis 10:30 Worship Service 1 pm GY Pool Party 3 PM-Schofield Residence Min. 6 pm LG Mineo, Longwell, Fadale *7 pm C2 29—6:30 pm Grace Youth *C2 meets in various homes on Sunday evenings during the summer. Please contact Del or Chrissy Reid for more information. 14—9 am Men’s BKFT @ Athena’s 15—6:30 pm Grace Youth LG—Teal Couples, Tirone 7 pm—LG Roberts 4 Please join us on July 12 for our Missions Emphasis Sunday. We are pleased to have Justin Kennedy as our guest speaker. Welcome new member-Mike Hamilton Mike Hamilton was recently baptized and joined Grace. He and his family currently live in the Town of Tonawanda. Mike and his wife, Taria, have three daughters. Nathiefa (19), Tashanique (15) and Michaela (10). Mike is accustomed to being the only male in a household of females. He grew up with four sisters and his mom. Michael grew up in Jamaica and was saved there. At 15 years old, he left Jamaica and also left the Lord. He wandered spiritually throughout high school, three years in the army and finally arrived in Tonawanda where he was hired by Black Rock Roofing and has been employed by Black Rock for 19 years. more concerned about the latest fashion than the gospel. Michaela began attending Ben Franklin Bible Study. Somehow, Mike received a mug from Grace Baptist and the family decided to give Grace a try. Four Easter Sundays ago, the family came to Sunday service and was immediately made to feel welcome. The family sat briefly under Pastor Hamilton, but then Pastor Jon's teaching sealed the deal. They have been faithfully attending since. Mike's favorite thing about Grace is the people. He feels Michael began to be prompted by the Holy Spirit several we are transparent and on the right track. We have, as a years ago. He and his family attended several different family, the same goals...to make more and better discichurches including a predominately black church on Del- ples aware, but soon realized that church was shallow and From the Pastor Cont. from front page Do you know your neighbors and co-workers? It’s easy to be so “on the go” that we know our neighbors and coworkers on only a superficial basis, if we know them at all – which makes it difficult to share Christ with them. Even our prayer for them is surface-level if we don’t know them. Do you pray regularly for leaders? Regardless of our political positions, we are mandated to pray for those in authority (1 Tim. 2:1-2). Think about those for whom you might pray: school officials, bosses, mayors, governors, the president. Obedience here is especially important in this election season. Do you read more blog posts than you do the Bible? Obviously, I tread softly here, as I’m deeply grateful you’re reading this post. On the other hand, what bloggers have to say is nothing compared to the Word of God. Do you pray only when you have to? Many of us pray more reactively than proactively. Prayer is not in our DNA; it is only our response when we face something we can’t handle. That kind of praying misses the point of being in a relationship with God. If you’re married, does your marriage reflect the love of Jesus for His church? Do you love your spouse sacrificially (Eph. 5:25), to the point of being willing to die? Would your spouse agree with your response to that question? Are you hiding anything? Hiddenness is usually a sign the enemy is winning in one’s life. Then, the anguish of such sin is only deepened by the efforts we expend trying to keep it covered up. Do you really love God’s church? Paul thanked God for the Corinthians at the beginning of his letter to them (1 Cor. 1:4-9) and expressed his love for them in his closing (1 Cor. 16:24). In between, though, he described them as a mess. Only God can give us this kind of love for His bride, especially when the church is problematic. Are you ready to quit? Maybe your church role has drained you to the point you wonder if it’s worth the effort. If your faith is being stretched to its limit, I encourage you to gather prayer partners and talk with friends before giving up. Where do you most need to strengthen your walk with God for the rest of this year? Reading this article will make no difference unless you make an intentional plan to change. By God’s grace and strength, let’s make a commitment to life change so that every day we are not what we were yesterday as we become what Christ wants us to be today. Enjoy your journey, PJon 5 New classes begin July 19. Whether you are a new believer or want to grow in your faith, there is a class for you. Please sign up now for Equipping Classes at the Welcome Center. Nurturing New Believers for the Faith Journey. This class is a guide to the whats, whys, and hows of faith in God. Gain a better understanding of the Bible and how to apply it to everyday life. Philippians-Christ, the Source of Joy and Strength. As believers we can have peace, joy, contentment and serenity no matter what our circumstances. Come join us as we study this powerful letter from Paul and allow the truths of God’s Word to penetrate not only our minds but our hearts and trans form our lives. Grace-More Than We Deserve, Greater Than We Imagine by MaxLucado. We talk as though we understand the term. But do we really? Do we settle for a wimpy grace or God’s wild one? Grace is the voice that calls us to change and then gives us the power to pull it off. From afraid to die to ready to fly! PLEASE PLACE STAMP HERE 2525 Eggert Road Tonawanda, NY Contact us at 716-836-1525 www.graceoneggert.com
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