newsletter - St. Johns United Methodist Church

A monthly
A monthly newsletter of St. John’s United Methodist
Volume 12, Issue 12
Saturday Dec. 6
Fort Mill Christmas Parade
St John’s Float
Sunday, Dec. 7
UMW Christmas Gathering
Monday, Dec. 15
WEE School Christmas Program
Tuesday, Dec. 16
WEE School Christmas Program
Wednesday, Dec 24
Christmas Eve
1PM– Praise & Worship
4PM– Traditional Service
6PM– Traditional Service
Thursday, Dec 25
Christmas Day
December 2014
The Witness of the Candy Maker
When we join the United Methodist Church one of the components of our membership vows is
witnessing. Some people would contend that witnessing should primarily be the function of their
pastor, however let it be known that each of us has a faith story that needs to be shared. If we are
willing to share our faith stories with each other, we will discover how God’s story always
breaks through in our faith story. As we journey through the season of Advent in preparation for
Christmas I am reminded of a candy maker who wanted to the share his faith story with others.
He simply used the gifts that God had given him as a candy maker to make a statement about his
A candy maker in Indiana wanted to make a candy that would be a witness to his
faith, so he made the Christmas Candy Cane. He incorporated several symbols of the
birth, ministry and death of Jesus Christ.
He began with a stick of pure white hard candy. White to symbolize the Virgin Birth
and sinless nature of Jesus; and hard symbolize the Solid Rock, the foundation of the
Church, and the firmness of the promises of God.
The candy maker made the candy in the form of a “J” to represent the precious name
of Jesus, who came to earth as a Savior of all mankind. It could also represent the
staff of the Good Shepherd with which He reaches down into the ditches of the world
to lift out the fallen lambs, who like all sheep have gone astray.
Thinking that the candy was somewhat plain, the candy maker stained it with several
small strips representing the stripes Jesus received when He was beaten before the
Crucifixion; The stripes that the Bible says we were healed by. The Large red stripe
is for the blood shed by Christ on the cross so that humankind would have the promise
of eternal life.
The candy maker used the gifts that God had blessed him with and today the fruit of his gift has
been shared with the world. As members of St. John’s we also can share our faith stories during
the Advent and Christmas season by sharing the story of the Candy Maker and inviting others to
worship with us during this holy season.
See you at St. John’s where we are going to take this opportunity to witness to our faith
and give thanks for the birth of our Savior, Jesus.
Thank You St. John’s
Thank you for your continued
support of the Fairfax Salkehatchie
Camp. We could not perform God’s
work without you and this
congregation. God Bless.
Frank & Dee Gravely
Dear Friends at St. John’s,
Thank You for a wonderful Work Day
Offering for Epworth in September.
You have done a great job of
providing for the children and we
are grateful for your partnership.
Andrew Boozer
VP of Development/Communication
Dear congregation of St. John’s,
Thank you for your generous donation of
813 pounds to Fort Mill Care Center
during the month of November. Your
donations allow us to distribute food and
personal care items to the many people
in need within our community.
We Sincerely Thank You.
Jeane Cassidy
Food Pantry Chair
Fort Mill Care Center
A Maintenance Sheet for the Trustees has
been put on a clip board in the hallway
outside the church office. If you see
something or know of something that the
Trustees need to be made aware of, please
jot it down on the list in the hallway. Also
include your name and phone number so
you can be contacted in case there are
questions. The clip board (Maintenance
List) is in the hallway heading down to the
fellowship center next to the list for name
tag requests.
Thanks for all you do !
The VIPS are traveling to
Charleston in December, so we will
not be having a luncheon this
month. Watch the bulletin for
details about a visit to the Billy
Graham Library in January!!
Library News
The library has Christmas
books and videos for adults
and children: Max Lucado,
Louisa May Alcott,
Karen kingbury
and Charles disckens.
The new vbs art is on the wall.
December Birthdays
and Anniversaries
Evan Bolduc
Phoebe McCallum (95 yrs.!)
Chad Stevens
David Johnson
Bill Jones
Nikki Kane
Brad Pittman
John Yankech Jr.
Leesa Kane
Lauren Anderson
Cade Gainey
Ricky Hosage
Lynn Dickinson
Trudie Heemsoth
Gerald Talley
Zane Wright
Alaina Gilewicz-Mercer
Holly Hirsch
Michael Sullins
Marilyn Turner
Benjamin Roberts
Brooke Thoden
Drew Johnson
Kristen Richardson-Frick
Emily Ham
Sydney Mason
Kevin Meenaghan
Vivian Edwards
Kayla Hirsch
Larry Spinks
Joyce Griffin
Chip Morris
Julia Thompson
Gavin Deal
Connie Morgan
Susan Morris
Jessica Bunch
Barbara Ryan
Anneleise Dickens
Tim Poteet
Frances Franklin (91 yrs!)
John Howard
Larry Bunch
Jenny Douglas
John Thoden
David Frazier Jr.
Charlotte Kinley
Ricky Williams
Lillian Boatwright (92 yrs.!)
Ellen Davies
Charles Wiley
Carolyn Rowland
Gwen Rhinehardt
Richard Hammond Jr.
Abby McCall
Sophie Poteet
Margaret Barber
Doug Bowers
Robin Champion
Tim Hill
Debbie Hirsch
Judy Masters
Steve Siebert
Angie Vaughan
Nancy Neal
Gene Ervin
Tabitha Krueger
Michelle Messer
Lantz Turner
Brian Christopher Edwards
Kathryn Harroff
Eric Kell
Odell Pettus
Tommy and Phyllis Chambers
Buddy & JoAnn Becknell
Charles and Peggy Powers (57 yrs!)
Ed and Ruth Crocker
John and Becca Bridges
Del and Becky Terry
Ned and Anna McAteer
Pete and Charlotte Adkins
David and Valerie Nims
Charles and Martha Sides
Matthew & Melanie Edwards
Jeff and Emily Easterling
Ushers: Johnny Myers (head)
Kenneth Rouse
Dec. 07
Dec. 14
Dec. 21
Dec. 28
Dec. 07
Dec. 14
Dec. 21
Dec. 28
Dec. 07
Dec. 14
Dec. 21
Dec. 28
Brent Meche (head)
Luke Meche
Alex Meche
Bonnie Meche
Terri Carr
Eric Carr
Phoebe Corn & Tillman Shiplett
Joy Luther & Jane McGee
Paige & Judy Moore
Melanie Edwards & Jane McGee
Katherine Burns & Sandra Wallace
Fellowship Center
Education Building
Joy Luther
Don Whelchel
First Time Visitors:
Dec. 07
Matt Geesey
Dec. 14
David & Frieda Price
Dec. 21
Matt Geesey
Dec. 28
No Assignment Made
Dec. 07
Dec. 14
Dec. 21
Dec. 28
Phoebe McCallum
Altar Guild
Alter Guild
Vandergriff Family
Altar Guild for the month:
Elaine Cryderman and Phyllis Helms
Thank You for your Service
Children’s Church — December Schedule
Dec. 07
Dec. 14
Dec. 21
Dec. 28
Manger Making
Cookie Making
Candy Cane Making
Leader 1
Judy Odom
Jennifer Mayes
Kristy Elliott
Kristi Vandergriff
Jennifer Mayes
Karen Vinson
Julie Williams
Heather Myres
Melanie Edwards
Elaine Cryderman
Manger. Shepherds. Angels. Good News. Fear. Baby
Jesus. Savior. Joy. Sharing the Story. Missionaries. Can
you imagine the night the shepherds were out in the field
watching over their sheep? An angel of the Lord suddenly
stood before them. “Do not be afraid,” began the sentence
prompting fear. “I bring you good news of great joy.
To you is born this day in the City of David a Savior, who
is the Messiah, The Lord. This will be a sign for you: You
will find the child wrapped in bands of cloth and lying in
a manger.” The angel’s news was astounding! The Savior
was born for all. Immediately upon learning the good news
the shepherds became missionaries. To this day, we are
called beyond our everyday lives like the shepherds to tell
the good news. United Methodist Women members tell
this good news through their faith in this very same
Messiah through their service and advocacy on behalf of
women, children and youth in our communities and
throughout the world. To share the good news for all
people is perhaps the first Christmas gift and It is one that
we can still give today.
Bless His Name!
Judy Tilly, President
Tony Leonard
John & Renee Howard
Ray Hozey
Nell Becknell
Ann Hozey
Amelia P. Graham
Lindsey & Billie Vaughn
Carline Hopkins Rogers
Peggy Goodman
Nell Becknell
Elliott Close
Epworth in honor of SJUMC
Frances G. Outen
The St. John’s United Methodist Men met for a
breakfast meeting on Sunday, November 16.
After our usual delicious meal, we discussed what
to do with the funds that were earned from
Oktoberfest. The men decided to make a
contribution to the “Christmas Is Not Your
Birthday” fund and will make a decision next
year regarding what to do with our remaining
funds. In December we will once again be
sponsoring a breakfast in advance of the
Christmas parade, and will end the year with
our Advent prayer breakfast and program
during the Sunday School hour on December 7.
If anyone has any suggestions for programs or
activities involving UMM in 2015, please feel
free to contact any UMM member or
Steve Siebert at (803) 548-1384.
SJUMC in honor of Karen Radcliffe
Georgia Kidd
In Loving Memory
We extend Christian sympathy
To the family of Nell Becknell, who entered
into eternal rest on Nov. 14, 2014.
To the family of Judy Tilly, who lost her
father Carl Miller on Nov. 16, 2014.
Choir Notes
Make your plans now to be present during the month of December
to be blessed by all of the wonderful music of this season
of our Lord's Birth!
Please also be reminded that the children of the church
are meeting each
Sunday morning from 9:30 (after the first service is finished) until 9:55
in the choir room. We are preparing for the children's musical,
which will be on Sunday, December 14th at 4:00 p.m.
Looking forward to sharing Christmas music together!
Sunday, December 7 (at Advent Breakfast)
Children's Handbell Choir
Sunday, December 14th, Both Worship Services
Adult Handbells and Youth Choir
Sunday, December 14, 4:00 p.m.
Children's Christmas Musical
Sunday, December 21, Both Worship Services
Adult Choir Cantata
Beth Meador
Director of W.E.E School
The W.E.E. School has been super busy the last couple of months and continues
to be busy as we move into the Christmas season. We had a fantastic Halloween
Carnival Oct 30th and 31st. The kids had so much fun playing games and collecting
treats. During the month of November we have been collecting canned goods for
the Fort Mill Care Center and preparing for a time of Thanksgiving with our
families. Santa visited the W.E.E. School mid November and the children had their
pictures taken and then they decorated cookies with their class. On December 6th
some of our little elves will be participating in the Fort Mill Christmas Parade and
they are super excited! They have also been working very hard preparing for our
Christmas program December 15th and 16th.
The W.E.E. School would like to wish you and your family
a very blessed Christmas season.
W.E.E. School Registration 2015-2016
W.E.E. School registration for the 2015-2016
school year begins Monday, January 26 at 9:00am
for currently enrolled students and their families.
Registration will be open to the public on
Monday, February 2 at 10:00am
in the Fellowship Center.
For more information please contact
Beth Meador at (803)547-7538 or
Jennifer Mayes
Director of Children’s Ministries
Children’s Church (ages 4 through 2nd grade) will be full of fun activities
in the month of December! Be sure to include your child in the following
festivities during the 11 am worship service:
December 7th: Chrismons with Judy Odom
December 14th: Manger Making!
December 21st: Baking Christmas Cookies
December 28th: New Year’s Celebration
Vacation Bible School dates will be announced in the
January Newsletter. Please be sure to mark your calendars and
Corey, Ava, Blake, and I would like to wish you and your family a
very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I look forward to
the wonderful things 2015 will bring to St. John’s UMC.
God bless each of you.
Brandon Galbraith
Youth Director
Saturday, 12/6
Monday, 12/7
Sunday, 12/14
Sunday, 12/21
Wednesday, 12/24
Saturday, 12/27
Christmas Parade- 9 am at Church
Youth Group/ The Zone 4- 5:30
Angel Tree Delivery- 12 until finished
FISH- Radcliffe
Luminaries- 4pm-6pm- Church
Salkehatchie Saturday
Angels and Lights
Angel Tree
This is my second year at St. John’s to witness the generosity of our congregation towards
members of our community. Last year, all angels were taken off the tree and the youth was
able to see the impact when delivering the gifts to our sponsored families. To see the joy and
appreciation of parents who would be able to provide a special Christmas morning was truly
amazing. I am convinced that this program is an opportunity to share God’s love with others.
Please help us to keep this program running by taking an angel from the tree. The youth will
deliver the gifts on the 14th. As always, I am proud and honored to serve in a church that
supports our community. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
Luminaries are now on sale by the Angel Tree. You can purchase one in memory of a person or
in their honor. All proceeds will be given to the Salkehatchie account to be used to support
this summer service project. The luminaries will be placed outside in between the 4 and 6
o’clock services on Christmas Eve.
Pastor Radcliffe has volunteered to host FISH this month!
We will meet at the church at 5 pm on the 21st.
Thank you for everything you do to support these young Christians.
Our next craft time is on December 13th
January 1st is the cut off for turning in the
plastic bags to help with the mats.
Thank You to all that have helped with this project !
The finished mats need to be turned in
by the end of January/beginning of February.
You can bring them to the church office.
After January 1st, if anyone has extra bags and would
like a place to donate them to, the Humane Society thrift
store here in Fort Mill is always accepting them.
Care Center Sunday
December 28th
Toiletries, Soap, Toilet Paper,
Lotion, Toothpaste, Deodorant
and Non Perishable Food Items.
We would like to Thank you
in advance for any help you may
be able to provide.
Your congregation is a blessing to many.
Fort Mill Care Center
Board of Trustees
Sunday, December 14
Scripture verses will be attached to
individually wrapped snacks that will
then be distributed to the surgical
waiting areas at Piedmont Medical
Center for the patients’ families and
other area outreach ministries. Please
remember to bring your donation of
snacks for these outreach ministries!
(Please note that snacks must be left in
their pre-wrapped store-bought condition
to be used in this ministry. Thank you.)
Coming Soon
January 25 4:00 PM
In the Fellowship Center
Our Wednesday night supper at St John's United Methodist Church is free and open to the community.
Bring a friend or neighbor and join us at 6:00pm. Leftovers are boxed and available for take home at
6:40pm. If you need a FULL meal or meals to take out, please email or call the
church office. Donations are accepted and appreciated! Update your calendar for your Wednesday
meal. There will be NO Wednesday night supper on Wednesday, December 24 or Wednesday,
December 31. On Wednesday, December 03, the Cub Scouts and Tevis Vandergriff will be doing the
meal. Come, have dinner, and support the scouts. Also, if you have borrowed ANY items from the
church kitchen, please return them as soon as possible.
We are having to purchase replacements for the missing items.
If you have not signed up for confirmation and are
still interested, Please call the church office.
Confirmation will begin Jan. 4th 2015.
We will meet each week during Sunday School.
There will be a Confirmation retreat
April 17-19 at Lake Juneluska.
Confirmation Sunday is May 17, 2015.
Don’t forget to pick up an “ANGEL”
from the Angel Tree !
Located in the Fellowship Center.
Please be sure to sign-out your “angel” on the clipboards
located on the table beside the tree.
Deadline for the gifts are Sunday December 14th at Noon. Gifts need to be
wrapped with the gift tag attached that you picked off the tree.
Thank You for serving your community for those who are in need….UMYF
Church Office Christmas Schedule
Monday Dec. 22
Tuesday Dec. 23
Wednesday Dec. 24
Thursday Dec. 25
Dec 26
Monday Dec 29
Dec 30
Wednesday Dec.31
Thursday Jan 01
Jan 02
Office will be open
Office will be open
Office Closed
Office Closed
Office Closed
Office Closed
Office will be open
Office Closed
Office Closed
Office Closed
Christmas Mailbox
There is a mailbox
station in the
hallway outside the
fellowship center
for the members of
st. john’s to use.
Rather than mailing your
Christmas greetings to other
st john’s members, put them in the
Christmas mailbox.
Please do not put out of town or out of
state mail into the christmas mailbox.
st john’s will not be
responsible for greetings that need
to be in the US Mail.
Luminaries are a way to Honor and/or in memory of someone
Special on Christmas Eve. Candle lit bags with these individuals
names will be placed along the sidewalk during the
Christmas evening services.
Luminaries are $2.00 each. All funds raised go toward
our Salkehatchie fund.
Please fill out the form located in either the Sanctuary
Hallway or Fellowship Center (table near the Angel Tree).
An envelope is provided to place your order & payment. Then drop
in the box designated for the Luminaries.
Thank You in advance for your purchase of this wonderful &
beautiful way to show the love for someone special
In your life or memory.
Morning Glory Circle meet at Judy Odom’s
12:00 UMW Christmas Gathering
12:00 Children’s Council Meeting
4:00 Jesus in the Gospels
4:00 Jesus in the Gospels
4:00 Kidz Rock
9-12 WEE School
Christmas Program (FC)
9-12 WEE School
Christmas Program (FC)
6:30 PM SPRC Meeting
7:00 PM Charge Conference
12;15 Family Ministries (FC)
4:00 Jesus in the Gospels
4:00 Jesus in the Gospels
4:00 Kidz Rock
Office Closed
Office will be open.
5:30 PM Children’s Choir.
5:30 PM Children’s Handbell Choir
6:00 PM Youth Choir Rehearsal
7:00 PM Adult Choir.
7:00 PM Boy Scouts (Zone).
6:00-6:45 Wed. Night Supper
Fort Mill Christmas
Parade, Community
8:30-12:00 WEE School (FC)
5:30 PM Children’s Choir.
5:30 PM Children’s Handbell Choir
6:00 PM Youth Choir Rehearsal
7:00 PM Adult Choir.
7:00 PM Boy Scouts (Zone).
6:00-6:45 Wed. Night Supper
No Wed. Night Meal
Office Closed
Office Closed
Office Closed
Office Closed
Office Closed
10-12 Adult Craft Time.
11:00 –2:00
Lions Club Stew (FC)
5:30 PM Children’s Choir.
5:30 PM Children’s Handbell Choir
6:00 PM Youth Choir Rehearsal
7:00 PM Adult Choir.
7:00 PM Boy Scouts (Zone).
6:00-6:45 Wed. Night Supper
Christmas Eve Services
1:00 PM Praise & Worship
4:00 PM Traditional
6:00 PM Traditional
No Wed. Night Meal
The vision of St. John’s UMC is to make
disciples of Jesus Christ by reaching out
to God’s community through worship,
witness, nurture, and service.
Monday Night Worship: An Invitation to a Changed Life
When is it?
Monday Nights at 6:30PM
(Hospitality Time 6:00)
What is it?
An alternative time for worship that reaches out to our community and
A worship experience for those who work or miss Sunday services.
A casual environment for praise and worship.
130 Tom Hall Street
P.O. Box 1298
Fort Mill, SC 29716-1298
Phone: 803-547-7538 Fax: 803-547-7539
Rev. Karen H. Radcliffe, Pastor
864-313-9348 (Cell )
Sonja Bell…………….…………………...…. Secretary
Cindy “C.J.” Foster….…..…..Church Administrator
Jim Harris ……………………………….….Accounting
Bill Cummings….… Monday Night Worship Leader
Pamela Johnson…….…………..……..Choir Director
Jim Lowery…………..………………Church Organist
Beth Meador…..….……..…Director of WEE School
Jennifer Mayes... Director of Children’s Ministries
Brandon Galbraith.….Director of Youth Ministries
Jeannine Hillhouse………………………....Custodian
When Using the Facility for functions, please
respect the classrooms and most of all, the
Members and non-members need to be sure that children
are not running through the Sanctuary or education building classrooms. W.E.E. School classrooms usually have
projects out drying or in progress of being completed.
Also, Please do not leave a child in a room unattended, and
if you are using a room to entertain your child, please
clean up and leave the room as you found it. These rooms
are usually already cleaned and prepped for the following
day. We are having instances where the whiteboards have
things written on them, things left out of place, and trash/
crumbs left on tables and floors. Please be respectful of
the Your Church Property and clean up after yourself.
Deadline for the newsletter is the 15th of each month.