EDWARDS HALL PRIMARY SCHOOL Macmurdo Road ‧ Eastwood ‧ Leigh-on-Sea ‧ Essex ‧ SS9 5AQ E-mail: office@edwardshall.southend.sch.uk Tel: 01702 524470 ‧ Fax: 01702 512993 Headteacher: Mr J.H. Johnson Website: www.edwardshallprimary.co.uk Newsletter 26 – Friday 8th May 2015 Year 3 Activity Evening & Hyde Hall Trip Well done to all those children shown below. They received an award as part of our Celebration this week! This week’s Headteacher’s Award was presented to Riley P (5C) Squirrels Hedgehogs 1M 1W 2F 2J 3H 3U 4L 4M 5B 5C 6J 6O Jessica B and Lexi-Mae W Jesca B and Kian M Zac S-B and Maisie V Abby A and Macey J Ellie K and Amelia W Ella S and Melia C Rebecca G and Rhianna B Ryley K and Tommy W Luke S and Josh B Brooke J and Christian M Macey J-S and Callie N Alex N and Levi D Taylor L and Charlotte D-J Phoebe S and Jack D-S Thank you! Our Reception classes would like to say a huge thank you to Mr Pearson who has hand built their fantastic new mud kitchen. Also, thank you to Marc Matthews Services, Kitchens & Bathrooms who supplied the sink and granite worktop to complete the kitchen. If anyone has any old pots, pans, baking trays or utensils they are able to donate we would be extremely grateful! The children are really looking forward to using their new kitchen! On Friday 24th April, the children from Year 3 returned to school in the evening to take part in a series of team building activities including map work, relays and discussions about light and shadow which they had looked at during the day. The children had a fabulous time which culminated with a quiz and hot chocolate before being collected. On Thursday 30th April, Year 3 visited Hyde Hall as part of their new topic looking at English Country Gardens. The children were engaged and demonstrated great enthusiasm for their learning where they explored a variety of artefacts and took part in several creative art tasks. They were even lucky enough to see a mother duck and her ducklings whilst also learning about the plants and where they come from. Thank you to our parent helpers who joined us at Hyde Hall, your support is appreciated. Well Done! Well done to our Year 5/6 boys’ football team who have had a fantastic year, winning their league and putting them through to the ‘Champion of Champions’ final being held on Friday 22nd May at Roots Hall! This is an amazing opportunity and we are all extremely proud of the boys and this brilliant achievement. Whatever the outcome, we know the boys will do the school proud, as they have done all season. Congratulations to all of the boys who have been part of the football team this year. WORKING TOGETHER AS PART OF A HAPPY, POSITIVE AND CARING LEARNING COMMUNITY Reminders for your diary Monday 11th May Wednesday 13th May Thursday 14th May Sunday 17th May Mon 18th-Thu 21st May Tuesday 19th May Next Week to Year 6! Year 6 SATs Commence EHSA Meeting (2-3pm) Year 2 to Bluebell Woods (am) EHSA Car Boot Sale (10am-12pm) Year 6 Bikeability Level 2 Class Photos (am) FS New Intake Afternoon (2-3pm) Themed Lunch Day Year 6 Rounders Tournament (pm) at Thorpe Hall School FS New Intake Afternoon (2-3pm) EHSA Coffee Afternoon (2-3pm) Boys Football Match at Roots Hall (3.40pm) Thursday 21st May Friday 22nd May Gunners Park A World War 1 Commemorative Event Southend Libraries Bedtime Reading Nights nd Friday 22 May 6-7.30pm The Forum, Elmer Approach th Sunday 24 May 10am – 3pm Free Entry th Tuesday 26 May 5-6.30pm Leigh Library, Broadway West Guided walks to raise awareness of local wildlife, history and heritage. Bedtime stories for families with children aged 6+ Exciting games and family fun – refreshments provided Come in your PJs and bring a pillow and a grown up! £3 per child – tickets available at www.eventbrite.co.uk During next week all our Year 6 children will be completing their SATs. We wish them all the best of luck and are sure that all their hard work will help them to do their very best. Don’t forget - to make SATs week as stressfree as possible, we are arranging a free breakfast for Year 6 children to come and enjoy each morning in the Bosworth Hall from 8.30am - a great opportunity for them to come and chat and relax with their friends before the day gets under way. There will be toast and cereal-a-plenty, as well as fruit juice. This will take place every morning the children sit their tests, (Monday 11th May – Thursday 14th May). So relax over the weekend and get some sleep – we are sure you will do yourselves proud! EHSA Meeting & Coffee Afternoon - All Welcome Our Parents Association are holding a meeting th on Wednesday 13 May and a coffee st afternoon on Thursday 21 May both from 2 - 3pm. If you can spare a little time and would like to become involved with the school and help raise much needed funds, then please come along. Please sign in at the office. Craft activities for children Historical artefacts on display Information on military buildings and World War defences For more information go to www.essexwt.org.uk/whats-on SOUTHEND AND THE GREAT WAR 1914-1918 An enormous amount of lost property has been donated to our recycling bin this week. We do like to reunite any lost or forgotten items with their owners but can only do this if they are named clearly. Please make sure all uniform, coats, packed lunch boxes and PE kit are named. Thank you. Next week we are on Week 2 of the new School Lunch Menu. For full details of the complete 3 week menu plan please see our website www.edwardshallprimary.co.uk. MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY Jacket Potato Bar with Pasta Bolognaise Premium Burger in a Bun Roast Pork and gravy Fish Fingers Grated Cheese/BBQ Chicken Macaroni Cheese Vegetable Burger in a Bun Quorn Fillet Jacket Potato Tuna Mayo/Baked Beans Garlic Bread Potato Wedges Roast Potatoes Chunky Chips Coleslaw /Salad Cauliflower/Carrots Coleslaw or Baked Beans Carrots or Broccoli Peas or Baked Beans Chocolate Cake and Chocolate Sauce Fruit Jelly and Ice Cream Assorted Cookies Honey and Lemon Sponge with Toffee Sauce Homemade Flapjack Available Daily: Jacket Potato with Filling, Salad, Fresh Fruit, Yoghurt Don’t forget our newsletters are available every week on our school website www.edwardshallprimary.co.uk House Points Current Totals Danes Normans Saxons Vikings 3538 4107 4233 3895
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