EDWARDS HALL PRIMARY SCHOOL Macmurdo Road ‧ Eastwood ‧ Leigh-on-Sea ‧ Essex ‧ SS9 5AQ E-mail: office@edwardshall.southend.sch.uk Tel: 01702 524470 ‧ Fax: 01702 512993 Headteacher: Mr J.H. Johnson Website: www.edwardshallprimary.co.uk Newsletter 27 – Friday 15th May 2015 New School Menu and Packed Lunch Option for after half term! Well done to all those children shown below. They received an award as part of our Celebration this week! This week’s Headteacher’s Award was presented to Christian M (4M) Squirrels Hedgehogs 1M 1W 2F 2J 3H 3U 4L 4M 5B 5C 6J/6O Milly J and Elliott V Lily P and John C-S Remi M and Summer R Freddie E and Freddie R Daniel B and Reece P Madyson A and James S Lucy S and Aaron M Taylar N and Iris F Isabella D and Skye S Isabella B and Emily L-T Harry M and Flynn C Ruby S and Luca D All children were stars this week! Following the success of their previous sale our caterers, Harrisons will be holding a Tray Bake sale on Friday 22nd May at 3pm, selling a variety of cakes at 50p each. This will be an opportunity for you to not only buy some delicious cakes but also to have a chat with our chef if you have any questions about our school dinners. The sale will be held at the Bosworth Hall Lobby and the Macmurdo Playground shelter. Harrisons catering company have devised a new school hot dinner menu for after half term that is both nutritious and attractive to the children. The new look menu is being emailed today so please look out for your copy! In addition, we are pleased that after half-term, from Tuesday 2nd June, we will be offering a school packed lunch option for the remainder of the summer term. This option will cost the same as a hot dinner (free for FS/KS1 and £2 for KS2 children). As you can imagine taking the school dinner registers each morning can prove a little more challenging for the children with the extra option available - especially for the younger ones. With this in mind we would ask you to help your child if need be, and remind them to ask for a ‘school packed lunch’ when answering the morning register. You can find a copy of the full menu (both hot and packed lunch) on our website and also displayed in the school office for your convenience. Special Summer Lunch W e will be hav ing a special lunch on Thursday 21 st May! We will be holding our annual Year 6 barbecue st on 21 July and are looking for some volunteers to help replace our existing barbecues. If anybody is able to help in building a new barbecue, or two, please could you contact the office. Old oil cans would be ideal but any other ideas are welcome! Hot Dogs with Ketchup (Premium Butchers Sausage or Vegetarian Sausage) Potato W edges Baked Beans **** Jelly and Ice Cream **** Fruit Squash The cost is £2 and should be sent into school in a named env elope as normal. W e hope that the children will enjoy this special lunch! Class Photo Our class photos are being taken next Tuesday, 19th May. As the photographers will be using a white background, if your child is wearing a white polo shirt please ensure they also bring their school cardigan/sweatshirt. We would love to see some of the girls wearing their summer pink dresses for the photo but do realise that this is dependent on the weather! WORKING TOGETHER AS PART OF A HAPPY, POSITIVE AND CARING LEARNING COMMUNITY Reminders for your diary Sunday 17th May Mon 18th-Thu 21st May Tuesday 19th May Thursday 21st May Friday 22nd May Monday 25th-Friday 29th May Monday 1st June Friday 5th June Saturday 6th June EHSA Car Boot Sale (10am-12pm) Year 6 Bikeability Level 2 Class Photos (am) FS New Intake Afternoon (2-3pm) Themed Lunch Day Year 6 Rounders Tournament (pm) at Thorpe Hall School FS New Intake Afternoon (2-3pm) EHSA Coffee Afternoon (2-3pm) Boys Football Match at Roots Hall (3.40pm) Tray Bake Sale (3pm) Half Term Holiday Non-Pupil Day Year 1 Colchester Zoo Trip (All day) Year 4 Colchester Castle Trip (All day) EHSA Quiz Night (7pm) EHSA Coffee Afternoon All Welcome 4 Week Course for Parents & Carers Healthy Eating on a Budget With Professional Chef Martin Buckley Demonstrations, Tasting & Free Recipes Come along, have fun and learn to cook At: Garon Park Date: 3rd, 10th, 17th & 24th June Time: 5-6.30pm Our Parents Association are holding a coffee afternoon on Thursday 21st May from 2 - 3pm. If you can spare a little time and would like to become involved with the school and help raise much needed funds, then please come along. Please sign in at the office. Look out ! To book a place, contact Lisa Holloway on 01702 212820 or email lisaholloway@southend.gov.uk Flyers will be emailed to you today for Sunday’s Car Boot Sale, the Summer Fete and Adventure Island Wristbands! Good Luck! Year 6 and Year 2 SATs Good luck to all the children in our boys and girls rounders teams who are competing in the tournament at Thorpe Hall School on Thursday! A huge well done to all the children in Year 6 and Year 2 who have worked so hard this week completing their SATs. We are sure all your efforts will be rewarded when the results are published later this year! Sixth Form Proposal for Fitzwimarc Your Views are Important The Fitzwimarc School Academy Trust has unanimously agreed to submit a proposal to the Department for Education to introduce a sixth form to the Fitzwimarc School. It has been a longheld ambition of the school to provide sixth form education and believe the young people of Rayleigh, and the surrounding area deserve to have a high quality provision locally, rather than having to travel lengthy journeys. It is the school’s intention to add a sixth form from September 2016, subject to approval and decision making timescales. Regulations state that a public consultation must be held to ensure they have backing from the local community. th th The consultation is running from 5 May – 7 July at 4pm and the school requires your views. Please visit www.fitzwimarc.essex.sch.uk (About Us/Sixth Form Proposal) for more information and to submit your opinions on the proposal. Alternatively you may send your comments by post to Mrs M Howard, Clerk to the Governing Body, The Fitzwimarc School, Hockley Road, Rayleigh, SS6 8EB or email governorsclerk.fitzwimarc@gmail.com. The consultation returns are vital as they will be used as part of the discussions with the Department for Education to demonstrate that there is a demand for a sixth form on the Fitzwimarc site. Next week we are on Week 3 of the new School Lunch Menu. For full details of the complete 3 week menu plan please see our website www.edwardshallprimary.co.uk. MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY Pizza Day - Various meat and vegetarian pizzas Chicken in a tomato and basil sauce Lasagne Themed Lunch Day Breaded Fish Vegetable Lasagne Jacket Potato Vegetable Tower Wrap Coleslaw or Baked Beans Steamed Rice Jacket Potato Salad Green Beans Broccoli Peas or Baked Beans Rice Pudding with Jam Jam and Coconut Sponge Cheese and Biscuits Rice Crispy Cake Chunky Chips Available Daily: Jacket Potato with Filling, Salad, Fresh Fruit, Yoghurt Don’t forget our newsletters are available every week on our school website www.edwardshallprimary.co.uk House Points Current Totals Danes Normans Saxons Vikings 3652 4245 4384 4003
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