TUUCCSSOONN HIIGGHH MAAGGNNEETT SCCHHOOOOLL DAAIILLYY ANNNNO OU UN NC CE EM ME EN NT TSS Student Announcements Wednesday March 25, 2015 It’s our Spring Spirit Week! Wednesday is Duo Day. Dress like a twin. Thursday is Water Safety Day. Don’t forget your floaties! Friday is Marine Life Awareness Day. Wear your blue and green! THMS Intermediate Dance Concert is Wednesday, April 1, 2015 at 7pm in the Auditorium. The concert is featuring intermediate jazz, ballet, and modern choreography. Attendance is free but donations are always appreciated. Students enrolled in any AP classes: AP Mentor Meeting this Thursday (3/26) during both lunches in room T-377. All Junior and Senior girls interested in playing flag football for the first ever Becky Bowl at Tucson High, please pick up a packet NOW in V115 and turn them in no later than March 27th. That is this Friday. ATTENTION SENIORS! Do you want to make a speech at graduation? Please email your speech to Ms. Perez by 4/2. Her email address is delisa.perez@tusd1.org. Please include your contact info in the email to Ms. Perez. Finalists will be notified of auditions. Auditions will take place the week of 4/13. Seniors, there will be a series of sessions to help you and your parents apply for student financial aid. Come by to the College & Career Center (T146) to get assistance with filling out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA during the school day, or from 6-8 pm on the following dates: March 31st and April 7th. For more information go to the Tucson High website, or call 343-8297. Do you need to complete service hours, or just want to help out our community? If so, there is an opportunity here at Tucson High every fourth Saturday. Produce on Wheels Without Waste aims to get produce to people around our community for a low price. Volunteers are needed to keep this event running. Want to help out this March 28th, or at a later date? Come and sign up on one of our sign up sheets that are in the library, and v121. Don't miss this great chance to help our community. Summer school information is now available! Summer school is available to students for credit acceleration, grade replacement, or credit recovery. Registration paperwork, which includes dates, times, classes, and costs, are now available in the counseling office or on THMS website. Enrollment is on a first-come basis and classes may be canceled due to low enrollment. Cost is $125/one semester or $200/for both semesters. If you need to take summer school for credit recovery purposes, be sure to get a counselor signature on the registration form to qualify for a lower fee of only $50 total. Registration will be held during conference periods in the cafeteria and the forms must be completed at the time of registration. Friday March 13th was the awards ceremony for the Southern Arizona Research Science and Engineering Fair. THMS sent 22 projects from the Honors Research Methods and Biotechnology 3,4 classes. A total of 14 students won awards. Tucson High won top High School! Please congratulate Diego Aubert-Vasquez and Pearl Dixon who were selected to represent Southern Arizona at the International Science and Engineering Fair in Pittsburgh PA May 10-15, 2015. Diego and Pearl also received $2000 scholarships to the University of Arizona. Kayla Bright received a $1000 Simon-Strauss Scholarship Award. The following students received 1st place in the Grand Awards in their specific categories: Diego Aubert-Vasquez, Pearl Dixon, Meagan Bethel, Zachary Benz, Kayla Bright, Tahlia Segura, and Leila Murrieta. The following students received 2nd place in the Grand Awards in their specific categories: Nathaniel Gallegos, Joseph Hernandez, Shania Pablo, Denise Anais Salas-Villa, and Genesis Zazueta. Other students received many special awards, including several who were recognized for conducting research on a topic that addressed a community concern, such as invasive grasses, Alzheimer's disease and what microbes are lurking in your carpets after you clean them! Go Badger Scientists! Staff Announcements AIMS Science Test on Thursday: please review the email with the Science AIMS attachment with your students so they know where to report for the test on Thursday. Congratulations to Margaret Wilch for being awarded the top high school teacher at the awards ceremony for the Southern Arizona Research Science and Engineering Fair. THMS sent 22 projects from the Honors Research Methods and Biotechnology 3,4 classes. A total of 14 students won awards! Official SAT Question of the Day Critical Reading > Sentence Completions Choose the word or set of words that, when inserted in the sentence, best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole. Bolstered by his unflagging determination and ------- physical preparation, Tom Whittaker became the first amputee to successfully climb to the summit of Mount Everest. Answer Choices • (A) fortuitous • (B) assiduous • (C) heedless • (D) expeditious • (E) pedantic Correct Answer: B Explanation Choice (B) is correct. In climbing Mount Everest, Tom Whittaker was “bolstered,” or supported, by the type of physical preparation required to reach the summit of Mount Everest. “Assiduous,” or careful and persistent, preparation coupled with “unflagging determination” would help someone complete such a challenging task. Badger Pride!
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