TUUCCSSOONN HIIGGHH MAAGGNNEETT SCCHHOOOOLL DAAIILLYY ANNNNO OU UN NC CE EM ME EN NT TSS Student Announcements Monday May 18, 2015 For Wednesday, May 20 and Thursday, May 21 Students may not bring backpacks or large bags to school. For students with backpacks: Campus monitors will collect backpacks at the gates, and students will pick them up after school in the Badger Den (Vocational Building). Spring Final Exams Wednesday May 20, 2015 0 Period 7:05 a.m. – 7:58 a.m. Conference 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. nd 2 Period 9:07 a.m. – 10:07 a.m. th 4 Period 10:14 a.m. – 11:14 a.m. th 6 Period 11:21 a.m. – 12:21 p.m. Spring Final Exams Thursday May 21, 2015 0 Period 1st Period 3rd Period 5th Period 7th Period 7:05 a.m. – 7:58 a.m. 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. 9:07 a.m. – 10:07 a.m. 10:14 a.m. – 11:14 a.m. 11:21 a.m. – 12:21 p.m. Students: Are you taking your first AP class next year? Have you taken an AP course before but would like to improve next time around? Or would you just like to learn more about what an AP course involves? If so, there is a new three-week, half-day opportunity from June 1 to June 18. You can attend at either Palo Verde, Pueblo, Rincon, Sahuaro, or Tucson High School, it’s FREE, and free breakfast and lunch are available. There will be a field trips to the U of A. free classroom supplies to support your class performance next year, and you will learn strategies to help you to do you best in all you classes. It’s called AP Summer Boot Camp and we’d love to see you there. Please see Ms. Arvayo in M126 for a flyer and registration form. Students are you stressed out about finals? Graduation? Come to the Mindfulness Workshop with Ms. Kneller and learn stress reduction exercises to assist you in doing well on your finals and getting through the end of the year rush. Monday May 18th during conference 2pm in Ms. Kneller’s office. Please help the Counseling Department with their end of year survey by going to the following website and answering a few short questions: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/R35KQF7 On Monday, May 18, tables will be set up outside of V114 with unclaimed lost and found items for the taking. Fernando Najera, Nathaniel Gallegos and Daylan Toledo each received a scholarship from MESA club (mathematics, engineering and science achievement) to attend the University of Arizona. Congratulations to Diego Aubert for winning 4th place in his category of Energy: Chemical from the International Science and Engineering Fair. He won $500. This is a wonderful accomplishment as the fair was extremely competitive with 1,700 projects from nearly 80 countries from around the world. Diego had an innovative project that sought to optimize the production of electricity using microbes that digested waste water as food. Pearl Dixon also competed and had a great experience. Way to go, Badgers! Summer school information and registration has been updated and is now available in the Counseling Office and on our website. Registration is during conference periods in the cafeteria. Student sought to fill vacancy on the Technology Oversight Committee: TUSD's Technology Oversight Committee needs your help! We have an opening on the committee for one high school student. If you are interested in technology and how the district makes use of technology, this could be a great opportunity for you. Meetings are held once per month after school hours. Incoming sophomore, junior, and senior students are encouraged to apply. For more information and application, please see the TOC application page<http://tusd1.org/contents/distinfo/tac/application.asp>. Only student applications are being accepted at this time. Staff Announcements Please review the final schedule with your students. The district is looking for certified teachers who are good with technology to become Teacher Technology Liaisons. This is a new program that will designate campus liaisons to train and assist campus teachers with instructional technology in the classroom. Although this person will not assume the role of a computer technician, the individual should be proficient with how computers can be used in instructional settings, able to explain basic computer concepts to others, and comfortable with troubleshooting problems working with computers. The Teacher Technology Liaisons must be able to work with teachers before and after school and must be able to attend all TTL professional development training sessions which will be held once a month. Please note that all professional development training sessions for teacher technology liaisons will be held after school hours. The stipend for the Teacher Technology Liaisons will be $2,500 per school year ($1,250 paid in December and $1,250 paid in June). Each school will receive one liaison for every 400 students. Teachers will still be required to meet their daily duties as a teacher on their campuses. The stipend will cover the work connected to Teacher Technology Liaisons beyond their contract day. If you are interested in becoming a Teacher Technology Liaison, please let Dr. Green know you would like to be considered. Badger Pride!
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