October Newsletter From the Principal ….

Parents, your
SENIORS will be
receiving the
general scholarship form in their
SENIOR Conference. This application is required
for ALL of our
scholarships and
must be returned to the
Counseling Center by Dec. 1st.
There will be
additional forms
for some of our
which will be
available on our
website at a later
Team Meeting
for all new and
October Newsletter
From the Principal ….
The 2014-15 school year
is off to a great start. I
want to focus on the academic help that is available for your student: first, please make
sure you are checking
Infinite Campus for information on how your student is doing in classes. If there is an issue,
emailing the teacher will
normally help to clear up
any confusion there may
be. If your student is in
need of academic help,
please remind them that
afterschool labs are
available Monday thru
Thursday from 3:15 to
4:15 in English, math,
social studies and
science. Other subject
areas have labs throughout the week as
well. Please
utilize these
labs for any
academic help
your student
may need. They
can be a great
help for any students who are struggling.
Our first parent/teacher
conference evening is
Wednesday, October
8th from 3:30 until 7:30 in
the P.E. center. Also,
the first meeting of our
Badger Parent Advisory
Group will take place
that same evening in the
recital hall
at 6:00. Please attend
to hear about what is
happening now at Badger and what future plans
Bob Kopydlowski
October 28
Room 609 at
3:15 PM
Picture Retakes
October 7
Main Gym
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Parent/teacher conferences will be held on
October 8 from 3:30—
7:30PM in the PE center.
Remember to access
Infinite Campus to print
and bring your child’s
schedule/grade information to conferences.
Grade reports WILL
NOT be provided at
conferences. For those
without computer access—there will be a
limited number of computes/printers available
in the library for your
Introduction to Wrestling Clinic
Hosted by the Badger
Youth Wrestling Club the
clinic is open to all area
youth, boys and girls, in
grades 4K—2.
Registration nights are
Monday, September 29th
and Wednesday, October 1
from 6:00—7:00PM in the
wrestling room. Season
begins on October 6.
“A smile is
you'll find
right under
your nose.”
Tom Wilson
For more information visit
our website at
club.com or send an e-mail
to badgeryouthwrestlingclub@hotmail.com.
You can also contact Shane
Koehl, Badger Varsity
Wrestling Coach, at 3482000 ext. 2501.
Class of 2015
Senior yearbook photos are due Friday, October 31, 2014.
Late photos will not be
accepted. Plan ahead
and mention the due
date to the photographer. If you do not
submit a photo your
student ID photo will
be used. Directions for
submitting photos are
on the Badger homepage under students
and yearbook. The
photograph must be
vertical and in hiresolution. Email photos to badgerhsyearbook@gmail.com with
your picture saved as
your full name and the
subject of your email
as your full name.
WKCE Statewide Test
November 4 all sophomores will take the State
of Wisconsin WKCE test
in science and social
studies. Please be sure
that your student is in
school this day.
Reminders to students:
o Eat a good breakfast
the day of the test.
Snacks and water shall be
provided before testing
as well.
o Practice good test
taking strategies such as:
reading each question
thoroughly, reading
through each possible
answer, eliminating those
that do not fit, and selecting the best possible
o Relax and do the very
best you can.
FFA Holiday Sale Coming Soon
It’s Almost Time…
Badger FFA Holiday
Fruit and Plant Sale
Starting November
7th, 2014
Your source for fresh citrus, balsam wreaths,
poinsettias, Wisconsin
cheese and sausage.
Great for corporate giving!
Contact Larry Plapp, Chapter Co-Advisor at 262-3482000 x2332 for more information.
Sometimes the
smallest step in
the right
direction ends
Future Junior Testing-Please be Present
Attention Juniors - the ACT
test will be administered to all
Juniors on March 3, 2015. This
is the assessment used to determine career and college
readiness for technical colleges
and 2-4 year universities. This
is a great opportunity for students to get feedback on where
they stand in this process. The
ACT test is paid for by the
school district and the score
may be shared by the student
with prospective colleges.
On March 4th, Juniors will take
the WorkKeys test which is a
test measuring applied math,
reading for information, and
locating information
skills. Students who pass all
three tests will receive a Na-
Driver’s Education
Driver’s Education is offered
to Badger High School student through CESA #2. To
register for class you can go
to CESA #2’s website at
http://cesa2.com. There you
can register for the Badger
program (Badger is listed
under Lake Geneva-Genoa
City Union High School). If
you have any questions on
registration, please contact
Wendy Schultz at
wendy.schultz@cesa2.org or
call her at 608-588-3727.
tional Career Readiness Certificate. This certificate is used by
many employers, including state
and federal government, as part
of the employee selection process.
Please make plans for your Junior to be in school on these
up being the
biggest step of
your life. Tip
toe if you must,
but take the
Badger High School
220 E. South Street
October 1
Badger Beats 7:00PM Main Gym
Admission: $2/students, children; $3/adults
October 2
Powder Puff Football 6-7:3PM Jonas Field
October 3
Homecoming Parade 4:30PM
Football Game 7:00PM
Fireworks 9:15PM
Free/Reduced Priced Lunches
October 4
Homecoming Dance 7-10:30PM
New forms must be completed each school year.
If you have not submitted a form for the 2014-15
school year or received a direct certification approval letter, please call to request an application. You will be responsible for all meal charges
until approval. For more information, please call
October 7
Picture Retakes 7:45AM-1PM Main Gym
October 8
Parent/Teacher Conferences
3:30-7:30PM PE Center
October 9
2 Hour Late Start
October 13
Fall Concert 7:00PM
October 17
AG Science Day
October 24
No School—Inservice
October 31
End of 1st Quarter
Lake Geneva, WI 53147
Phone: 262-348-2000
Fax: 262-248-6178
Meetings are held on Thursdays
Room 604
Students Attend International Manufacturing Trade Show
On September 8th students
from Advanced Metals Concepts and Careers and Production in Metals attended
the IMTS (International
Manufacturing Trade Show)
held at the McCormick
Place in Chicago. The field
trip was organized and
funded by Mike Reader
(President) and Barry
Butters (Director of Education and Outreach) from
PrecisionPlus. The highlights of the show were the
student summit where students were able to operate
remote control robots and
use a 3D printer to make
customized rings. On the
trade show floor students
saw a variety of milling centers, water jet systems, robots, tooling, and lathes.
The main attraction on the
floor was a company that
was producing a fully functional 3D printed electric
car during the trade show.