resume – dr. melanie agnew

University of Wisconsin–Whitewater
800 West Main Street
Whitewater, WI 53190-1790
4647 N Morris Blvd
Whitefish Bay, WI 53211
(414) 617-3051 (cell)
Citizenship: United States and Canada
University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, Ed.D
Concentration: Higher Education Leadership
Dissertation Title: Cultural Readiness for Internationalization at Three Institutions of
Higher Education; Advisor: Dr. W.D. VanBalkom
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI, M.Sc., Administrative Leadership
in Adult Education and Continuing Education
University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, B.A., Child & Youth Care
Sheridan College of Applied Arts and Technology, Brampton, Ontario, Associate Degree,
Special Education
Peer Reviewed Publications
Agnew, M. & Kahn, H. (in press). Internationalization-at-Home: Grounded Practices to Promote
Intercultural, International, and Global Learning, Metropolitan Universities Journal.
Kahn, H. & Agnew, M. (under review). Global Learning: Lessons for Teaching, Learning, and
the Internationalization of Higher Education, Journal of Studies in International
Agnew, M. & Fox, R. (2014). The Role of Education in a Globalized World: Internationalizing
the Curriculum, Journal of Emerging Trends in Educational Research and Policy Studies
(JETERAPS), 5(8), 134-137.
Agnew, M (2012). Strategic Planning: An Examination of the Role of the Disciplines in
Sustaining Internationalization of the University, Journal of Studies in
Internationalization, 17(2), 183-202.
Agnew, M. (2012). A False Dichotomy of Serving Either the Local Or the Global Community
and its Impact on Internationalisation of the University. Journal of Higher Education
Policy and Management, 34(5), 473-489.
Agnew, M., & VanBalkom, W. D. (2009). Internationalization of the University: factors
impacting readiness for organizational change. Intercultural Education, 20(2), 451-462.
Agnew, M., Mertzman, T., Longwell-Grice, H., & Saffold, F. (2008). Who’s in, who’s out:
Examining Race, Class and Gender in the Cohort Community. Journal of Diversity in
Higher Education, 1(1), 20-32.
Books And Book Chapters
Agnew, M. & Kahn, H. (in progress). Internationalization of Higher Education: A Grounded
Approach of Best Practices.
Agnew, M. (2010). Cultural Readiness for Internationalization at Three Institutions of Higher
Education. Ed. D. Dissertation. University of Calgary.
Agnew, M. & VanBalkom, W. D. (2009). Cultural Readiness for Internationalization (CRI): A
Model for Planned Change. In S. Majhanovich & M. Geo-JaJa (Eds.,) Education,
Language, and Economics: Growing National and Global Dilemmas, (p. 141-154).
Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Pub.
Professional Presentations
Agnew, M., Heimer, L., & Heyning, K. (2015). An Emerging Paradigm: A Critique of Ideology
in the Creation of a Global Education Major. American Educational Research
Association 2015 Annual Meeting, Chicago, Ill.
Lindahl, L., Agnew, M., & Benson, M. (2014). Scaling Up the edTPA: Quick Wins, Spilt Milk,
and other Lessons Learned. Teacher Education Council of State Colleges and
Universities (TECSCU) and The Renaissance Group Fall Joint Conference, Arlington,
Agnew, M. & Heimer, L. (2014). Global Education as an Emerging Paradigm in the Discipline
of Education, International Conference on Transnational Education and Learning
(ICTEL), Milwaukee, WI.
Agnew, M., Betters-Bubon, J., Chandler, S., Elliott, K., Gwalla-Ogisi, N., Heimer, L., Kolb, S.,
Okocha, A., Peterson, J., Porterfield, L., & Yard, T. (2014). Internationalizing the
Curriculum. LEARN Center, UW Whitewater, April.
Agnew, M. (2014). Developing Relationships with Political Officials and Forming Coalitions.
Invited Presentation, The American Association for Colleges of Teacher Education
(ACCTE) State Leadership Institute, June.
Agnew, M. & Fox, R. (2014). The Role of Education in a Globalized World: Internationalizing
the Curriculum, International Conference on Emerging Trends for Sustainable
Development and Human Capacity Building in the Third World Nations (ICETSDHCB,
May), Accra, Ghana.
Williams, J. & Agnew, M. (2014). Increasing Capacity for Change: Public and Private
Collaboration in Advocacy for Teacher Education. The Association of Independent
Liberal Arts Colleges for Teacher Education (AILACTE), Indianapolis, March.
Agnew, M. (2013). A Think Tank Session on Internationalizing Service Through the
Engagement of International Development as a Social Responsibility of Higher
Education, Canadian Bureau for International Education 47th Annual Conference,
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, Nov 17-20, 2013 (accepted but was unable to
attend conference).
Stevens-Griffith, A. and Agnew, M. (2013). Preparing Culturally and Globally Responsive
Educators: A Pilot Experience Co-Teaching in Jamaica. Teacher Education Division of
the Council for Exceptional Children: Innovation through ri-joo-vuh-ney-shun. Fort
Lauderdale, FL, November 5-9.
Kahn, H., and Agnew, M. (2013) Student Mobility as a Strategy to Internationalization: What
about the other 90%?. NAFSA Regions V and VI Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN,
November 3-5.
Agnew, M. and Kahn, H. (2013). Tempering Market Forces in the Internationalization of
Teaching and Learning. NAFSA Regions V and VI Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN,
November 3-5.
Agnew, M. (2013). Internationalization-at-home (IaH)! Learn Center, University of WisconsinWhitewater, October 29, 2013.
Agnew, M. (2013). Creating Curricular Fluency Across Educational Systems Emphasizing
Global Learning and the Common Core Standards. Teacher Education Council of State
Colleges and Universities, Sept/Oct, 2013 Washington.
Agnew, M. (2013). Cultural Readiness for Internationalization: Leveraging Existing Capacities
in the Management of Underlying Tensions, Annual Conference for Community Colleges
for International Development. Atlanta, GA.
Agnew, M. (2012). Sustaining Internationalization: The Role of the Disciplines. NAFSA Region
V Annual Conference, Madison, WI., October 24-26.
Agnew, M. (2012). Internationalization: A Social Justice Perspective. NAFSA Region V Annual
Conference, Madison, WI, October 24-26.
Agnew, M. (2012). Cultural Readiness for Organizational Change: A Focus on School-Level
Cultural Congruence. Training on intercultural mediation: supportive resources and
intercultural learning approaches and methodologies. University of Lodz, Faculty of
Economics and Sociology, Poland, October, 2012.
Agnew, M. (2011). Stier’s Ideological Critique of Internationalization and Higher Education.
Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education, Morris J. Wosk Centre for
Dialogue, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, B.C. Canada.
Agnew, M. (2011). Organizational inertia: demystifying the false dichotomy of serving either the
local or the global community. Annual Conference of the Comparative and International
Education Society, McGill University, Faculty of Education, Montreal, Quebec.
Agnew, M. (2010). The Moral Purpose of a University: Death by Design. Midwest Regional
Comparative and International Society Conference: Globalizing Curriculum across the
University Disciplines. Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, Michigan.
Agnew, M., & Bonds, M. (2009). Induction support for Permit Teachers, Initial Educators,
Initial Administrators and Mentors in Milwaukee Public Schools. Wisconsin Research
Seminar on Improving Educator Quality: Improving Practice and Expanding
Collaboration in Challenging Times, Wisconsin.
Agnew, M. (2008). Evaluation of Teacher Induction Support Grants in Milwaukee Public
Schools. Wisconsin Research Seminar on Educator Preparation, Induction, and
Professional Development, Wisconsin.
Agnew, M. (2008). Preparing for the Doctoral Academic Journey: Strategies for Success.
McNair Scholars Program, Marian University, Fond du Lac, WI.
Agnew, M. & VanBalkom, W. D. (2007). Cultural Readiness for Internationalization (CRI):
Model for Planned Change. World Congress of Comparative Education Societies,
Sarajevo, Bosnia.
Agnew, M. (2007). Effect of a Cohort Model Design on Social Class Reproduction. Annual
Canadian Association for Education Societies. University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon,
Non-Peer Reviewed Publications
Ross, E., Williams, J., and Agnew, M. (2013). Chapter Grant Helps Develop WACTE
Advocacy, American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE),
EdPrepMatters: Key news and insights on educator preparation.
Agnew, M., Purkey, S., and Williams, J. (2013). Group rating teacher preparation needs closer
scrutiny. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Opinion Editorial. June 9th, 2013.
Agnew, M. (2013). Addressing Disconnects in Perceptions of 21st Century Skills: Developing
Global Competency in Field Practitioners Through Curricular Development, Global
Teacher Education; Educator Preparation Resources for a Global Age, Invited Blog.
July 30.
State And Federal Reports
Annual Continuous Review Process Report (Wisconsin Institutions of Higher Education
Educator Preparation Program Approval Process, Department of Public Instruction). A
five-year program approval process involving 50+ licensable programs (2012-present).
2014 granted approval by the Department of Public Instruction for next five years.
Oversight for annual PEDS (Professional Education Data System) (2011-present).
Oversight for Title II report (data elements associated with teacher preparation programs)
Federal Report (2011-2014).
2014 American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE)
State Support Grant Program.
Award: $9,400.00 (funded)
• Selected to receive grant funds to strengthen teacher education advocacy efforts
of Wisconsin Association for Colleges of Teacher Education, a consortium of 33
public and private universities offering educator preparation programs. A major
purpose of grant is to host a Wisconsin Education Policy and Advocacy Summit
with major stakeholder groups (e.g., Assoc. of WI District Administrators, WI
Association of School Administrators) to 1) strengthen alliances in the
coordination and collaboration of policy development in support of the teaching
profession 2) organize and deliver common messages concerning shared values
and our successes related to teacher education and, 3) strengthen our base support
among the general public, interest groups, the media, and opinion leaders in
shifting public perception in full support of the development of the teaching
profession in Wisconsin.
2013 American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE)
State Support Grant Program.
Award: $5,000 (funded)
• Selected to receive grant funds to strengthen teacher education advocacy efforts
of Wisconsin Association for Colleges of Teacher Education, a consortium of 33
public and private universities offering educator preparation programs.
2012 Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship (IGERT), National Science
Foundation, External Co-Evaluator (not funded).
• Transdisciplinary Training in Environmental Metagenomics, Genomics, and
Bioinformatics Principal Investigator, Dr. Michael Carvan, Associate Professor,
School of Fresh Water Science, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, 5-year
grant, Award $2,787,783.
2012 Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship (IGERT), National Science
Foundation, External Co-Evaluator (not funded).
• Defining sustainability for our freshwater resources into the next century:
Comparative Water Sustainability Systems (CoWSS), Principal Investigator, Dr.
Rebecca Klaper, Associate Professor, School of Fresh Water Science, University
of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, 5 year grant, Award $3,499,350.
2007-2009 Education Consultant, Project Director & Evaluator
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (funded).
• Oversight and implementation of three Title I Wisconsin Department of Public
Instruction grants designed to support initial educators through district and
school-based teacher induction programs for the Milwaukee Public School
District (85,000 students), $411,500.
2006-2007, Education Consultant, Project Director & Evaluator
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (funded).
• Management and oversight of 14 Wisconsin School Districts to design,
implement, and evaluate Quality Educator Professional Development and
Retention Grant initiatives. Align grant goals to activities and assessment and
budget approval, $680,000.00.
2011 – present
Assistant Dean, College of Education and Professional Studies
University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
Major areas of responsibilities include oversight for undergraduate curriculum and programs,
international education, teacher education, faculty and staff development, and personnel.
Oversight for all undergraduate programs across eight departments
Oversight for international education strategy
Oversight for all matters relating to teacher education, including liaison to state
government, professional organizations, and 75+ school districts served
Oversight for undergraduate curricular assessment systems and reporting (state and
Supervision of seven direct reports across three offices
College Level Committees
2012- present
Teacher Performance Assessment (edTPA) Committee, Chair
Assessment Committee, Chair
Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, Chair
International Education Committee, Chair
Teacher Education, Licensing & Field Experiences Committee,
Search and Screen Committees
Ø edTPA Coordinator, Chair
Ø Academic Advisor
Ø Director of the Office of Field Experience, Chair
Ø COEPS Advising Coordinator, Chair
Ø Associate Dean
University Level Committees
Essential Learning & Assessment Review Committee
Assessment Council
International Education Council
Undergraduate Program Audit and Review
Curriculum Committee (undergraduate)
Search and Screen Committees
Ø Director of Assessment
Ø Director of the Center for Global Education
Ø Director of the Academic Advising and Exploration Center
2000 - 2011, Academic Programs Coordinator, School of Education
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Coordinate three education programs in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction in the
School of Education. Coordinated with faculty and staff in areas of program development,
implementation and evaluation, program-level policy, student admissions, course schedule,
portfolio review process, program orientations, and establish and maintain communication and
procedural systems to faculty, staff and students. Liaison with other curricular departments and
schools across campus and Milwaukee’s education community to develop, coordinate, and
deliver programs.
Middle Childhood-Early Adolescence (Grades 1-8) Teacher Education Program
Early Childhood (Infancy through 3rd grade) Teacher Education Program
Graduate Program (master’s and certificates)
Program/Department Level Committees
Department Mission Committee, Chair
Department Climate Committee, Chair
MCEA Program Assessment Committee
MCEA Leadership Team
Early Childhood (EC) Teacher Education Program Committee
Graduate Program Committee
MCEA Field Experience Committee
Middle Childhood Early Adolescent (MCEA) Teacher Education
Program Committee
School Level Committees
Midwest Research to Practice Conference, Administrative
Leadership in Adult and Continuing Education, Site Committee Member
& Conference Evaluator
Curriculum Evaluation Council, Whitefish Bay School District, WI
Strategic Planning Retreat, School of Education, University of
School of Education
United American Indian Teacher Trainer Program, Consortium
Established afterschool French program, Oak Creek School
District, WI
Spearheaded professional development in instructional technology
for elementary teachers, Shepard Hills Elementary School, Oak Creek, WI
Spearheaded book drive for elementary school in Baja, Mexico
Governance Council, Tippecanoe School of the Arts &
Humanities, Milwaukee Public Schools, Chair
University Level Committees
UW-Milwaukee Task Force on Internationalization
UW-Milwaukee Open House Committee
2015 (Spring) Development of the Young Child
College of Education and Professional Studies, University of Wisconsin, Whitewater
2015 (Spring) Reading, Analyzing, and Evaluating Educational Research
College of Education and Professional Studies, University of Wisconsin, Whitewater
2014 EDFND 780 (Fall) Reading, Analyzing, and Evaluating Educational Research
College of Education and Professional Studies, University of Wisconsin, Whitewater
2014 EDFND 780 (Spring) Reading, Analyzing, and Evaluating Educational Research
College of Education and Professional Studies, University of Wisconsin, Whitewater
2013 EDFND 780 (Fall) Reading, Analyzing, and Evaluating Educational Research
College of Education and Professional Studies, University of Wisconsin, Whitewater
2011 EDL 900 (Spring) Foundations of Research
Graduate School of Education, Leadership Studies, Marian University, Fond du Lac, WI
2009 EDL 817 (Spring) Organizational Development and Change
Graduate School of Education, Leadership Studies, Marian University, Fond du Lac, WI
Guest Lecturer
2011 EDER 619 Internationalization and Education (Online)
Graduate Division of Educational Research, Faculty of Education, University of Calgary
2009 AD LDSP-711 Organization and Governance in Higher Education Administration
Department of Administrative Leadership, School of Education, University of Wisconsin,
2008 AD LDSP 630 Organizational Theory
Department of Administrative Leadership, School of Education, University of Wisconsin,
2007 EDER 719 Internationalization of Education (Online)
Graduate Division of Educational Research, Faculty of Education, University of Calgary
Attained approval by the Office of the Associate Vice President for Academic,
Faculty, and Global Programs, University of Wisconsin System for preauthorization to plan an Interdisciplinary Global Education Major.
University of Wisconsin-Whitewater.
Developing Globalization and Education (in progress) course. To be included as a
required course in the proposed Interdisciplinary Global Education Major,
University of Wisconsin-Whitewater.
Leading four faculty members in the conceptualization and curricular design of a
proposed Interdisciplinary Global Education Major. The Interdisciplinary Global
Education Major is intended to have a minor and certificate embedded.
University of Wisconsin-Whitewater.
Redesign of 2011 EDL 900 Foundations of Research course,
Graduate School of Education, Leadership Studies,
Marian University, Fond du Lac, WI
Facilitated two workshops on internationalization of the curriculum, Spring 2014.
Education Teacher Performance Assessment (edTPA) faculty development
August 2014, half-day edTPA faculty workshop
Focus: learn from programs that have had students pilot the edTPA; learn how
students, faculty, and supervisors self-enroll into courses; begin process of
identifying program gateways and remediation plans to inform the development
of College-wide gateways and remediation plans.
January 2013, two-day edTPA faculty workshop
Focus: understand structural themes in edTPA handbooks, apply principals of
curriculum mapping to differentiate between existing assessment system
(including written communication and critical thinking) and the edTPA, and
identify next steps for program implementation.
August 2013, full-day faculty workshop
Focus: learn how to examine candidate work in relation to edTPA rubrics.
Participants will work in different discipline-based groups (Elementary,
Secondary English, Secondary Science, Secondary Math, and Secondary
History/Social Studies, Performing Arts, and Early Childhood). Each participant
will receive a sample edTPA (both commentary and video) for the appropriate
content area).
(Representative sample beyond department, college/school, and university)
Wisconsin Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (WACTE), President
WACTE is a consortium of 33 Wisconsin universities and colleges offering
educator preparation programs). Attend annual AACTE meetings and Leadership
Lead, plan and coordinate two annual conferences. Organize Day at the Capitol,
Teacher and Mentor Award Ceremony, and identify keynote speakers for each
NAFSA: Association for International Education
Leading Internationalization Network Leader
Monitor and identify potential new content of knowledge network
Coordinate the creation, review, and revision of resources
Leadership Symposium Planning Team Member
Symposium Title: “21st Century Skills” and the Future of Internationalization:
Opportunities for Leadership
NAFSA: Association for International Education
Dean’s Leadership Institute, Co-facilitator (with UW System Dir. K-16)
Teacher Education Council of State Colleges and Universities (TECSCU)
Fall Joint Conference Full Day Workshop, September 28
Global Teacher Education TAG Special Interest Group: Internationalization of
Teacher Education, Member
2012-present edTPA State Scale Up Implementation Advisory Group, Member
Advise on state-level edTPA policy
Wisconsin Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (WATCE),
(A consortium of 33 Wisconsin universities and colleges offering Educator
Preparation Programs). Attend annual AACTE meetings and Leadership Institute.
Lead, plan and coordinate two annual conferences. Organize Day at the Capitol,
Teacher and Mentor Award Ceremony, and identify keynote speakers for each
Rick’s Café, Education Consultant
Consortium of universities and schools in Europe (Portugal, Spain, Italy, Malta,
Greece, Cyprus, Turkey, Germany, Poland, and Palestinian Territories).
Conducted analysis of survey instruments, delivered presentation; led discussion
forum on school culture change
Journal of Diversity in Higher Education, Reviewer
NAFSA: Association for International Educators
NAFSA: Association for International Education, Midwest Region V
American Association for the Council on Teacher Education (AACTE)
Wisconsin Association for the Council on Teacher Education (WATCE)
Teacher Education Council of State Colleges and Universities (TECSCU)