APRIL 2015 AHJ NEWS - Agnew H. Johnston Public School

Agnew H. Johnston School
145 Churchill Drive, Thunder Bay, ON P7C 1V6
Telephone (807) 577-6448 Fax (807) 577-9978
Mrs. Maureen Abbott, Principal
Ms. Maria Casasola, Vice Principal
Find the news on our website @ http://agnew.lakeheadschools.ca/
Agnew Bulldogs believe in
Cooperation, Community, Commitment
Principal’s Message
This month, our Student Leadership Theme is
Optimism. We recognize that the power of “belief in
one’s own abilities and positive thinking” are tools that
move us forward.
We will recognize and focus on different themes: PINK
Day in support of acceptance and anti-bullying, RED
Day for awareness of Autism, and YELLOW Day in
recognition of Jack’s Cops for Cancer Fundraising. I
look forward to seeing the rainbow of colours this
month, and thank our families for embracing and
supporting our initiatives. Last month, our brave Polar
Plunge Team raised $4,180 to donate to Special
Olympics ON, which was more than twice our goal!
Spring has sprung, which will soon means puddles,
and mud! Students are reminded daily about staying
off the ice and out of puddles, but they are still so
tempting to many! Spring is a great time to send an
extra pair of pants and socks for your child to keep in
his/her backpack.
Dates to Remember:
PIZZA FRIDAYS: April 10 and 17
April 3: Holiday – No School
April 6: Holiday – No School
April 8: WEAR PINK! To celebrate diversity
April 15: School Council Meeting @ 6:30 in the
Library – Lakehead Public School’s David
Wright (Superintendent of Business), SherriLynne Pharand (Superintendent of Education),
and Rod Bessel (Manager) have been invited
to talk to us about long-term planning for
Agnew School.
April 22: Earth Day
April 23: WEAR RED! For autism awareness
April 24: PA DAY – No School for students
May 1: WEAR YELLOW! Spirit Day – Bring $2
to donate to Cops for Cancer Campaign
Jack Metcalfe is a grade seven student in Mrs. Harri’s class at Agnew H. Johnson
School. Jack has been participating in Cops for Cancer since 2011 and has raised
over $7500.00 for the Canadian Cancer Society in 4 years. Jack wanted to celebrate
his 5th year of participation and decided he wanted to raise $5000.00! Jack is
requesting support from all of his classmates, teachers and Agnew families in
helping him to reach his big goal. There will be a few events happening throughout
the next few months and Jack will also be at the Spring Fling for those wishing to
donate to his campaign. Thank you in advance for all of your support!
If you want to donate to Jack… Online: visit Jack’s Page (search “Cops for Cancer
Thunder Bay Jack Metcalfe or Email: kristajack2011@gmail.com.
Jack’s hair, which he has grown since last May, will be shaved on Saturday, May 9th at Intercity Mall.
School Council News:
Mark your calendar – do not miss this fun, family event!
Agnew’s Annual Spring Fling Thursday, April 23rd
Bring the family and come out to have supper (pizza, juice/water
and baking for sale), play games, bid on penny auction items and
class theme baskets. This is a rain or shine event that takes place
inside the school. Watch for information coming home soon!
Diversity and Equity Dates:
Lakehead Public School’s Equity and Inclusive Education Working Committee has recently published an on-line calendar
of Inclusive Holidays and Events on Lakehead Public School’s Website. Our Student Leadership Team uses this calendar
to announce Holidays and Events to our students and staff as part of our morning announcements and to plan events.
The calendars for the year can be found at: https://www.lakeheadschools.ca/school-calendars/
PLEASE NOTE: We receive many notices from Community Partners to share with our school families.
While trying to include as many as possible, we also try to consider the amount of paper we are sending
home. If you’re having trouble reading these scaled down versions, try opening the PDF in colour on our
website, where you could increase the viewing size @ http://agnew.lakeheadschools.ca/