Emmanuel Episcopal Church's May 2015 Harbinger Newsletter MAY 2015 HARBINGER NEWSLETTER FATHER GREG'S PASTORAL LETTER MAY 2015 Dear Emmanuel! I want to visit you this spring. It is no bother...really. I love spending time with you. Please call or message me (231-330-6209) or call Leah at church (347-2350) to set up a time. Page 1 of 12 Volume 2 Issue 5 In This Issue Fr. Greg's Pastoral Letter May 2015 Fr. Greg's Announcements May 2015 Babysitting Night At Petoskey United Methodist Church Coordinator of Lay Ministries News EEC Financial Information From the Music Department (And, honestly. Wouldn't it be more enjoyable to sit and chat with you while things are going well than to have to call me when you are in a spiritual crisis?) Grace and Peace, Fr. Greg From the Altar Guild May Book Club News Appalachia Service Project Schedules for May 2015 Ministries May Schedule EEC Web Calendar FR. GREG'S MAY ANNOUNCEMENTS Parents: Need a night out? As a part of our mission trip to Appalachia this summer, we are doing a kid-sitting fundraiser on Friday night, May 8 from 6-9 p.m. at Petoskey United Methodist Church. We will have a meal and have activities for your children while you go out and have a meal and have activities for yourselves! We kindly request a minimum $20 donation per family for our services, and that you contact Leah and 347-2350 to reserve a space (so that we know we have enough food!) (See announcement elsewhere in the Harbinger and in the Sunday News regarding gardening/outdoor file:///C:/Users/Leah/AppData/Local/Temp/Low/9ZA5Q4RC.htm 4/23/2015 Emmanuel Episcopal Church's May 2015 Harbinger Newsletter Page 2 of 12 equipment. I own a rototiller, a power washer, and an electric leaf blower that I am willing to lend to other Emmanuelites. [see Acts 2:44] Just take care of them, and return them to the church when finished. Contact Leah to sign them out/make sure they are available.) Morning Devotions: During the months of May through September, we are going to try to precede our Sunday morning 10:00 a.m. service with Morning Devotions at 9:50 a.m. We will use as our guide the "Daily Devotions for Individuals and Families" little leaflet that we have had available, which you will also find printed on pg. 137 in the Book of Common Prayer. If it catches on, we'll keep it. If not, we won't! Summer Parking: This summer, when our parking lot will be either a mess because it is being replaced, or a heavily trafficked area due to the Building God's House to Do God's Work Capital Campaign renovations, why not park in a nearby street and take a nice little walk to church? There is plenty of parking along Kalamazoo, Michigan and State streets...to name but a few (BOY how I love how those two words go together..."Michigan" and "State"!). I think that it is a POWERFUL WITNESS to the Petoskey Community to see this church community assembling itself for corporate worship. We did this when Mitchell Street was being replaced (remember?), and I think it would be good NOW. Actually, I think it would be great this and EVERY SUMMER, especially when the weather is nice. Look for my car to be parked on one of those three streets or beyond in nice weather beginning in May. Where's Leo? First off. WHO is Leo? Leo is my car. The slick blue beast with the awesome license plate. Much like "Where's Waldo", I will be hiding him in the nearby streets (and maybe some parking lots) on Sundays this summer when the weather is nice (please see previous announcement) while I walk to church. IF you find him on Sunday, and IF you write your name on a slip of paper and slip it under my windshield wiper blade (carefully), I will enter your name into a drawing we will do during announcement time (maximum entry once per week per member...both kids and adults can play) for something cool on the first Sunday of each month. I'll make a little map so you can file:///C:/Users/Leah/AppData/Local/Temp/Low/9ZA5Q4RC.htm 4/23/2015 Emmanuel Episcopal Church's May 2015 Harbinger Newsletter Page 3 of 12 see where he was the previous week. Good Luck! (And WALK [or BIKE] to church!) BABYSITTING NIGHT AT PETOSKEY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH FOR EEC FAMILIES TOO What: Babysitting available on Friday, May 8 so you can go out! When: Friday, May 8th from 6:00-9:00pm Where: Petoskey United Methodist Church Who: Fr. Greg, Jenna and Taylor, Christina and Shannon Cartwright are all going on a mission trip with a group from the Petoskey United Methodist church to Appalachia (Kentucky) in June. They are raising money to help fund the trip. They will be doing home repair with a group called Appalachia Service Project. Cost: $20.00 minimum donation for the evening -- dinner included! Cathy Brown, Taylor, Jenna, Lara, Shannon Cartwright along with Joelle Wilcox and several others from the Methodist church will be there to watch your children! Call Leah 231-347-2350 or Joelle 231-838-4227 to RSVP. It will be a fun night for the kids and for you! Come support the mission trip and have a night out at the same time!! : ) file:///C:/Users/Leah/AppData/Local/Temp/Low/9ZA5Q4RC.htm 4/23/2015 Emmanuel Episcopal Church's May 2015 Harbinger Newsletter Page 4 of 12 FROM THE COORDINATOR OF LAY MINISTRIES Carolyn and I are deeply thankful for your support and care following the death of my Mom on Good Friday. Mom lived a long and fruitful life, and completed it with the love and care that she displayed for 92 years. Her life, thus mine, was shaped by the community of faith, which continues to surround us through our deepest sorrows and highest joys. It is time again for a gathering of Cell Leaders. Monday, May 18 (yes, a Monday) we will gather at 7:00pm and share how our Cells are going, how we can cultivate interpersonal sharing, and look at the next few months ahead. I have been reading "Christianity After Religion" by Diana Butler Bass. She asserts that we have seen a change from a sequence of Believing (religious teachings) leading to Behaving (religious practices) leading to Belonging (to a religious organization) over to a sequence of Belonging (to a community of people in a moral and emotional sense) leading to Behaving (in shared practices) leading to Believing (inquiry into traditional and enduring teaching). This makes sense in a theoretical way; I continue to puzzle over how we can best worship and serve together in this changing culture. Theology Pub, Tuesday May 5 We meet on the first Tuesday of the month in the Resort Room (next to the Noggin Room) in the lower level of the Perry Hotel. Bill Nicholson will lead our discussion on "The Language of Hierarchy" as it emerged in early Christian theology as a distinction from the political powers of the Roman Empire, and its useful today. Come join us for a thoughtful and energetic conversation. Dave Penniman Coordinator of Lay Ministries, Emmanuel Episcopal Church, Petoskey dpenniman@gmail.com (231) 330-5445 EEC FINANCIAL INFORMATION file:///C:/Users/Leah/AppData/Local/Temp/Low/9ZA5Q4RC.htm 4/23/2015 Emmanuel Episcopal Church's May 2015 Harbinger Newsletter Page 5 of 12 MARCH 31, 2015 EEC Financial Update BUDGET YTD ACTUAL YTD DIFFERENCE Member/Pledge $ 90,157 Contributions $ 91,511 $ 1,354 Total Operating Income $ 98,480 $100,125 $ 1,645 Total Operating Expense $ 95,226 $ 94,599 Income Less Expenses $ 3,254 $ ($627) 5,526 BUILDING GOD'S HOUSE TO DO GOD'S WORK CAPITAL CAMPAIGN UPDATE as of April 20, 2015 Total Number of Pledges Received 105 Total Amount Pledged $505,337 Total Amount Received $312,632 Percent Received 62% FROM THE MUSIC DEPARTMENT Summer will quickly be upon us, which means time to plan for our summer music program. The student artist from the Bay View Music Festival will once again be sharing their talents with us here at Emmanuel for Sunday Worship. In exchange, we pay each student performers $75.00 for their time, talent and preparation. This program has been made possible each summer by the generosity of individual sponsors from the parish. This is not a budgeted item. Any money collected above the cost of file:///C:/Users/Leah/AppData/Local/Temp/Low/9ZA5Q4RC.htm 4/23/2015 Emmanuel Episcopal Church's May 2015 Harbinger Newsletter Page 6 of 12 the summer program is used to pay for guest soloist throughout the church year. If you can help in this endeavor, please consider sponsoring a student for a Sunday during the eight week session. Please make your check payable to Emmanuel Episcopal Church and note "Summer Music" on the memo line. Any amount will be appreciated and guarantee this wonderful program will continue to enhance our Summer Worship experience! Thank you all for your continued support and generosity! Joe Fortin, Music Director FROM THE ALTAR GUILD This year Pentecost, will be on Sunday, May 24 th. Sandy Selden, is putting on her creative hat to give us a new look for the tongues of fire and the Holy Spirit. As you may have noticed in the Sunday bulletin this week, there was a request for donations to help with this new display. Please consider making a donation to help with the cost . Because of the work being done to the church roof and the parking lot this summer, there will be no red Geraniums planted around the church except for the 4 pots near both front doors. We have decided to keep the gardens at a minimum because of all the construction surrounding the church. We look forward to seeing Sandy's creation and a beautiful Pentecost. All Altar Guild members please sign up for May and June, as soon as possible. Thank you, Karel Howse, Altar Guild Director file:///C:/Users/Leah/AppData/Local/Temp/Low/9ZA5Q4RC.htm 4/23/2015 Emmanuel Episcopal Church's May 2015 Harbinger Newsletter Page 7 of 12 MAY BOOK CLUB NEWS EMMANUEL'S BOOK GROUP On you mark! Get set. GO!! It sounds as if our book pick for May will be a barn burner!! On November 14, 1889, Nellie Bly, the crusading young female reporter for Joseph Pulitzer's World newspaper, left New York City by steamship on a quest to break the record for the fastest trip around the world. Also departing from New York that day-and heading in the opposite direction by train-was a young journalist from The Cosmopolitan magazine, Elizabeth Bisland. Each woman was determined to outdo Jules Verne's fictional hero Phileas Fogg and circle the globe in less than eighty days. The dramatic race that ensued would span twenty-eight thousand miles, captivate the nation, and change both competitors' lives forever. This sounds like a precursor to our present day reality shows! Think "The Amazing Race", but over 125 years ago without cell phones or a GPS. Just good old fashioned common sense and ingenuity!! The author of this fun book is Matthew Goodman and our host for the evening will be Sue Droste. We'll meet at church at 6:30 and car pool to the Droste's on Monday May 11th. Any questions? Contact Nancy Turner at either petturn@baypinesvet.net or taketurns@charter.net APPALACHIA SERVICE PROJECT (ASP) Appalachia Service Project (ASP) is a Christian ministry, open to all people, that inspires hope and service through volunteer home repair in Central Appalachia. This project provides one of the most rewarding structured service opportunities in the nation -- bringing thousands of volunteers from around the country to rural Central Appalachia to repair homes for low-income families for over 40 years. The vision of the project is that substandard housing in Central Appalachia will be eradicated and that everyone who comes into contact with this ministry will be transformed. The overall goal of file:///C:/Users/Leah/AppData/Local/Temp/Low/9ZA5Q4RC.htm 4/23/2015 Emmanuel Episcopal Church's May 2015 Harbinger Newsletter Page 8 of 12 the mission is to make homes "warmer, safer and drier" for needy families. The guiding principles of ASP include: • We believe that each person is a child of God imbued with dignity and worth • We accept people right where they are and just the way they are. • We believe that affordable, safe, sanitary housing is a basic human right. • We are committed to witness through the good quality of our work and careful stewardship of our resources. • We believe God calls volunteers to serve others as partners in ministry and we will encourage their growth in faith as they are involved in this service. • We believe where ASP is involved in local communities we will encourage, affirm, and support social and economic justice This June, we have a group of 14 adults and youth from both Emmanuel Episcopal Church and Petoskey United Methodist Church traveling to rural Kentucky to serve with Appalachia Service Project. Our group has been fundraising through local yard work projects, Kids Night Out, and we will be participating in the upcoming car wash. We appreciate your support!! For more information visit www.asphome.org or contact Father Greg or Joelle Wilcox (joellewilcox@me.com or 838-4227) SPRING TIME SHARE-A-THON file:///C:/Users/Leah/AppData/Local/Temp/Low/9ZA5Q4RC.htm 4/23/2015 Emmanuel Episcopal Church's May 2015 Harbinger Newsletter Page 9 of 12 It's Springtime and with that comes "clean-up", Emmanuel would like to encourage those of us with "special" tools like power washers, rototillers, etc., to join a list of people willing to "share" their "specialness". If interested in being a part of this list, please contact Leah in the Church Office at 231.347.2350 or via email at emmanuel1020e@gmail.com. SCHEDULES FOR THE MONTH OF MAY COFFEE HOUR: May May May May May 3: 10: 17: 24: 31: TBD The Nicholsons TBD Bill Wilson and Megan Wilson Ben & Lisa Ernsberger MAY BIRTHDAYS: 05/01 05/06 05/10 05/13 05/20 05/20 05/23 05/28 05/30 - Hennie Reimer George Perrett Wendy Price Angela Lasher Leland Kreid Megan Braendle Christina Cartwright Taylor Brown Mary Hall 05/03 - Kathy Hart 05/07 - William Cabana 05/12 - Andrew Krzymowski 05/14 - Gary Street 05/20 - Timothy Tippett 05/21 - Megan Makela 05/26 - Susan Hannah 05/29 - Eric Hall 05/30 - Andrew "Jim" Braidwood MAY ANNIVERSARIES: 2nd: William & Ann Chatterson 13th: Robert & Susan Bleyaert 16th: Michael & Kay Farrimond 17th: Jason & Lorelei Scott 19th: Ben & Lisa Ernsberger 20th: Geroge & Carol Tippett 29th: Andrew "Jim" & Phyllis Braidwood 30th: David & Joy McBride file:///C:/Users/Leah/AppData/Local/Temp/Low/9ZA5Q4RC.htm 4/23/2015 Emmanuel Episcopal Church's May 2015 Harbinger Newsletter Page 10 of 12 MAY 2015 PENTECOST MAY 24 MAY 31 MAY 3 MAY 10 MAY 17 LEM: Julie Eckhardt Maryln Graham LEM: Tom Hord David Penniman LEM: LEM: LEM: Julie Eckhardt Peggy Maryln Peggy Eichenberger Graham Eichenberger David Tom Hord Penniman POP: POP: Lynn Glahn Mary Hord POP: Tim Tippett Acolytes: Acolytes: Caroline Shannon Farley Cartwright Katie Farley Taylor Brown Thomas Farley Acolytes: Acolytes: Acolytes: Fiona Scott Annie Jones TBD Will Scott Ellie Jones Addison Tollas Lector: Joyce Riordan Lector: Bill Heil Lector: George Perrett Ushers & Greeters: David Farley Joan Neubrecht Ushers & Ushers & Greeters: Greeters: Wendy Price TBD Nancy Turner Lector: Bruce Turner Ushers & Ushers & Greeters: Greeters: Bill & Ginny Bruce & King Connie VaLaura Booth Nibbelink POP: Julie Eckhardt POP: Lynn Glahn Lector: Cricket Kelbaugh Coffee Hour: Coffee Hour: Coffee Hour: TBD The Nicholsons TBD Coffee Hour: Bill Wilson and Megan Wilson Coffee Hour: Ben & Lisa Ernsberger VPOW: Nancy Turner VPOW: Russ Carpenter VPOW: Angela Lasher VPOW: VPOW: Rod Hammond Bruce Koch Plate Plate Coordinator: Coordinator: Ron Rinker Sandy Selden Plate Coordinator: Franz Neubrecht Plate Plate Coordinator: Coordinator: S/A Spence Gary Street Altar Guild: Karel Howse Altar Guild: Louise Graham Altar Guild: Altar Guild: Louise Graham, Karel Howse Altar Guild: Christina Cartwright file:///C:/Users/Leah/AppData/Local/Temp/Low/9ZA5Q4RC.htm 4/23/2015 Emmanuel Episcopal Church's May 2015 Harbinger Newsletter Page 11 of 12 Emmanuel Episcopal Church Calendar MAY 2015 Click here to visit our website. We think differently. We act differently. We worship together. We welcome all. Emmanuel Episcopal Church 1020 East Mitchell Street Petoskey, MI 49770 Phone: 231.347.2350 Fax: 231.347.3699 STAFF OF EMMANUEL: Rector: The Rev. Gregory Brown 231.347.2350 Ext. 11 (ofc) (revgregbrown@gmail.com) 231.330.6209 (cell) 231.709.8108 Music Director: Joseph Fortin 231.347.2350 Ext. 14 (ofc) 231.420.4988 (cell) (musicdir@att.net) Coordinator of Lay Ministry: David Penniman 231.330.5445 (cell) (dpenniman@gmail.com) Office Manager: Leah Cell 231.347.2350 Ext. 10 231.340.0519 (cell) (emmanuel1020e@gmail.com) VESTRY OF EMMANUEL: Connie Booth,Sr. Warden 2016 Nancy Turner, Jr. Warden 2016 Angela Lasher 2016 Russ Carpenter, Clerk 2017 David Farley 2017 Todd Petersen 2017 Rod Hammond 2018 Bruce Koch 2018 Ashley Price 2018 330-0957(c) javajo54@gmail.com 330-1510(c) taketurns@charter.net 302-4635(c) ajlasher@hotmail.com 348-0736(h) russcarpenter1113@gmail.com 487-9113/881-9113(c) dncfarley@gmail.com 622-8044(h) tmpetersen51@gmail.com 330-2992 (c) rod@rainbowseamless.com 439-9228 (h) bkoch@ncmich.edu 881-0715 (c) aspvallarta@aol.com CONTACT LIST FOR CELL GROUP & PROGRAM LEADERS Beyond Our Walls / Outreach Cell Kathy Petersen 622-8044 kapetersen70@gmail.com Finance Cell Chair & Interim Treasurer: Todd Petersen 622-8044(h) tmpetersen51@gmail.com Asst. Treasurer: Franz Neubrecht 517-281-9106(c) franz@franzrx.com Git R Dun Cell Kent Cartwright 348-1152(h) kentc@chartermi.net Memorial Cell Margo Todd 347-8443 margotodd@sbcglobal.net Stewardship Cell Father Greg Brown, Interim Leader Structure Cell Scott Sheperd 622-8020 sheperdr@yahoo.com Gardens: WOW Cell T. Jones 487-9574 djandt@charter.net Lorelei Scott 622-8302 Lorelei.s@charter.net Coffee Hour/ Kitchen: Nancy Nicholson 347-0117 grannynanny37@hotmail.com Book Club : Nancy Turner 330-1510 taketurns@charter.net file:///C:/Users/Leah/AppData/Local/Temp/Low/9ZA5Q4RC.htm 4/23/2015 Emmanuel Episcopal Church's May 2015 Harbinger Newsletter Page 12 of 12 Welcome Cell Joan Neubrecht 517-281-9002 franz@franzrx.com Liturgy & Worship Cell Peggy Eichenberger 881-2025 peichenbee@gmail.com / Maryln Graham 347-1742 marcusbarcus@sbcglobal.net The Rev. Greg Brown, Rector 330-6209 revgregbrown@gmail.com Karel Howse, Altar Guild 348-5406 terrapin@freeway.net Joe Fortin, Music Director 347-2350 musicdir@att.net Tom Hord, Acolyte Scheduler 622-8306 tom.hord@yahoo.com Connie Booth, Chief Usher 347-5134 javajo54@hotmail.com Maryln Graham, LEM Coordinator 347-1742 marcusbarcus@sbcglobal.net Mary Kreid, Lector Scheduler 526-6036 Youth Spiritual Formation Cell Leader: Dan Armstrong 557-8879 diamonddanarmstrong@gmail.com Safeguarding: Leah Cell 347-2350 emmanuel1020e@gmail.com Nursery contact: T. Jones 487-9574 djandt@charter.net Worship Center: Christine Carpenter 348-0736 ccarpenter@racc2000.com Sunday School Grades 2-5:Carrie Farley 487-9113 shop@cutlersonline.com Middle School Youth: Dan Armstrong 557-8879 diamonddanarmstrong@gmail.com Senior High Youth: DJ Jones 838-8671 foundationwizard@gmail.com Wendy Thatcher 881-0715 Greg Brown 330-6209 revgregbrown@gmail.com Diocesan Summer Camp: Cathy Brown 758-2465 petoskeybrowns@gmail.com Training Leaders for Christ: Greg Brown revgregbrown@gmail.com Thursday Guild Ernie Mainland 347-9061 erniemainland@gmail.com Adult Spiritual Formation Education for Ministry Program Herb Glahn 526-0155 herb@glahnbookkeeping.com Theology Pub David Penniman 330-5445 dpenniman@gmail.com "We Care" Program Gene Dixon 439-0210 Episcopal Diocese of Western Michiga Communicator: http://www.edwm.org/news_and events.html Forward email This email was sent to emmanuel1020e@gmail.com by emmanuel1020e@gmail.com | Update Profile/Email Address | Rapid removal with SafeUnsubscribe™ | Privacy Policy. Emmanuel Episcopal Church | 1020 E. Mitchell St. | Petoskey | MI | 49770 file:///C:/Users/Leah/AppData/Local/Temp/Low/9ZA5Q4RC.htm 4/23/2015
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