Pray for This Week: Emmanuel Core Values

July 4/5, 2015
Emmanuel Core Values
At Emmanuel, our mission is to make
followers of Jesus who love and live like
Him. We value:
~ Active community: every one ministered to,
cared for & involved in ministry.
~ God-honouring worship in our gatherings
and in our lives.
~ Prayer-directed and driven ministries.
Pray for
Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all
circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ
Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (NLT)
Families of the Week:
This week, we invite you to pray with us for Emmanuel families
on page 92-93 in the 2015 phone directory.
Specific Requests:
Chicago Team for safe travel and unity for the 33 High school
students & team going out on a mission trip to inner-city
Chicago, July 11-20.
Angelica Peters for safety and for effective ministry while she
serves short term in Costa Rica.
For Community & Global Impact:
Church of God In Christ & Pastor Ralph Toews
~ Life-changing Biblical teaching for all ages.
Cornerstone Bible Church & Pastor Jared Hiebert
~ Developing and deploying godly leadership.
This Week:
~ Effective outreach to the world.
Gracious · Intentional · Generous
Missionaries: Colin Thiessen serving with YWAM
Tuesday: 7 pm - Young Adults Soccer
Wednesday: 7 pm - Prayer Meeting
Friday 6:15 am - Men’s Prayer Time
Saturday: 8 am - Men’s Prayer Time, 5:15 pm - Pre-Service Prayer,
6 pm - Emmanuel Saturday Night
Sunday: 8:45 am - Pre-Service Prayer, 9:30 & 11 am - Sunday
Colossians 2: 8-15
Weekends @ Emmanuel
| 6 pm
| 9:30 am
| 11 am
JAM (Jesus and Me) - ages 3-5 during the Sunday 11 am service
Rainbow Zone (Nursery Care 0-36 months) during all services
Pre-Service Prayer 45 minutes prior to Emmanuel Saturday
Night & Traditional
If you’re a visitor with us this weekend….
A special welcome to you! Thank-you for choosing Emmanuel as
your place of worship today. Please fill out an In Touch Card and
put it in the offering plate or drop it off at the Info Centre where
you will receive a gift. More information about the ministries at
Emmanuel can be found in our Event Guide or online at
Sharing Life at Emmanuel
Coffee Service: We are not offering coffee over the summer
months. You can get your caffeine fix at Something’s Brewing
Cafe or bring your favourite brew from home! To ensure this
ministry returns in September, we invite you to get involved.
Contact the Admin Centre at
Hey Dads: we have a gift for you! Being a father is one of the
best things and we have something to make it even better - a
3 1/2 week Devotional Guide that will help you understand what
the Bible has to say about being a dad. Pick up your copy at the
Info Centre today.
Volunteer Coordinator: Emmanuel is now accepting applications
for a 15 hour/week permanent position. The successful
candidate will work alongside ministries to recruit, screen and
train volunteers. They will also be responsible for keeping the
church database up to date. Deadline to apply is July 15. For
more information, contact Kim Pappel at
Greetings in Jesus’ Name!
I am writing to ask you to consider giving extra to the church in
the next two weeks. This is the time of year when giving is at its
lowest and our budget is feeling the pinch in a big way. We are
also quickly approaching the time of year when our expenses
will be going up as we prepare for the fall and the ministry year.
Please know that we have been monitoring our spending very
closely and spend only when we must, but still find ourselves
with a significant shortfall.
If you have some specific questions about our current financial
situation please do not hesitate to email me
( I would be happy to talk to you about
Thank you for reading this and may the Lord bless you richly.
Pastor David
On behalf of Ministry Council
Order of Service
Welcome & Video Announcements
Songs of Worship
Coming Up at Emmanuel
~ How Marvelous (I Stand Amazed)
~ This is Amazing Grace
AUGUST 10 - 14
Pastoral Prayer ~ Pastor Rob Reimer
Offering - Song of Thanksgiving ~ Revelation Song
Words to Teach Us ~ Pastor Dave Dickey
Response Song ~ Come As You Are
We are looking for volunteers
to help make this event a
Stop by the table this
weekend to get involved.
Join our Facebook page
for stories and updates on
Impact Video
Scripture Reading
High Power Sports Camps
registration deadline has been
extended till
Wednesday, July 15.
If you are interested in child
dedicated, contact the
Admin Centre by
Friday, July 17.
Questions for discussion with
LifeGroups, family, friends, or
personal reflection.
1. What is your personal experience with purchasing or using a clever look-alike/
knock-off? Why did you opt for that instead of the genuine article?
2. Paul issues a warning in v. 2:8. Why do you think he uses the imagery of being
“taken captive?”
3. What are the basic principles of this “world”–verses 8 & 20? And “the powers and
authorities”–verses 10 & 15? How does Christ give believers victory over these?
4. Christ or deceptive human traditions? How do verses 11-15 expand on these
5. What current forms of teachings on false spirituality are you noticing in our
day? Why do you think some people, including those in church, seem to be easily
deceived by these?
6. What do you think it means to have “fullness in Christ?” How does this apply to
your personal life, your church life and your work life?
360 McKenzie Ave.
Steinbach, MB
204-326-9865 |
Sermon Notes
July 4/5 2015