1965 Commencement Program /or emmanuel College --4lumnae Family Day Saturday, May the twenty·second - 2 :00 to 4 :00 P.M. Alumnae Hall Lawn - Emmanuel CoUege Campus Chairman - Mrs. George H. Hogarty, Jr. (Mary Gramer '55) All alumnae and their famili es are welcome. Come and enjoy the clown, balloons, magician, games and refreshments. iEiverything is free! Class Day Exercises Friday, June the fourth - 2 :00 P .M. - Emmanuel College Campus Reception for P arents and Friends of the Class of 1965. Library Dedication Saturday, June the fifth - 3 :00 P.M. on the Campus His Eminence Richard Cardinal Cushing presiding Library Dedication Dinner Saturday, June the fifth - Reception and Dinner at seven o'clock Baccalaureate Mass Degree Day Exercises Emmanuel College Library Dedicat ion Dinner Grand Ballroom, Sherat on-Boston Hotel, Prudential Center $10.00 per person. Chairman - Miss Elisabeth M. O'Hearn Reservation for Dinner Tickets must be made by May 25, 1965. Checks may be made ]>aya,b l e to EMMANUEL DEDICATION DINNER and mailed to Chairman Dedication Dinner, Emmanuel College, 400 the Fenway, Boston, Mass. 02 115. T'i ckets will be m ailed upon receipt of payment. Dispensation from fast granted to guests. Sunday, June the sixth - 10 :00 A.M. Cathedral of the Holy Cross, Boston Sunday, June the sixth - 4 :00 P.M. - War Memorial Auditorium Prudential Center Conferring of Degrees - His Eminence R,i chard Cardinal Cushing, D.D ., LL.D., Archbishop of Boston Address to the Graduates - J. F. Leddy, D.Phil., D.Litt., LL.D., D.es L., D.C.L., President - University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario --- ----- --- -- ------ ---- ---- --- -- --------- ------ ----- ----- ------ --- ---- --- --- --- ------ --- -- --- --- --- ACADEMIC PROCESSION - . M,e mbers of the Board of Management and alumnae who are members of the reunion classes of '25, '30, '35, '40, '45, '50, '55, '60 or who have relatives or friends' in the class of 1965 are invited to wear their academic attire in the Procession. Please indicat e below so th at a place may be reserved for you. I plan to take part in the a ca demic procession:* NAME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CLASS ... .. .. . Baccalaureate Mass (yes) (no) Alumnae Degree Day Exercises (yes) (no) " " will assemble in Cathedral High School at 9 :30 A.M. " " at 3 :30 P.M. at Civic Auditorium Prudential Center *Please tear off and return to Alumnae Office by May 2 5, ' 1965. (Tear Off) Official Ballot 1965 The duly elected Nomi nating Committee with Ma rie McAuliff e '45 serving as Cha irman has pla ced the following candidates in nomination. Alumnae a r e u rged t o exercise their rights· t o vote, eit her by writing in t he candidat e of their choice or by v oting f or t hose whose names appear on the ballot . It is importan t that all alumnae VOTE. I MPORTANT: - The By-Laws of the A ssociation provjde that n o ballot shall be deemed va.Iid which has not been clearly marked; sealed in an envelope u pon which sh all be written the word BALLOT ; said envelope enclosed in an outer envelope containing your nam e and class numerals, ,a nd retu r ned t o the Alum nae Of fi'ce, 400 The F enway, Boston, Mass. 0211 5 not later t han 48 hours p receding the commencement exercises. MARK X PRESIDENT 0 - E LISABETH M. O'HEARN 50 Grayfield Ave., West Roxbury, Mass. A.B. Emmanuel 1947. M.S. Simmons 1950. Teacher-Guidance Counselor Brock ton, Mass. Chairman of Class Presidents, Emmanuel College Alumnae Association 1960-1962. Vdce-P.resident, Emmanuel College Alumnae Association 1962-1963. President, EmmaJ1uel College Alumnae Association 1963-1965. Member, Massaohusetts Teaoher's Association, Plymouth County Teacher's Association, Brockton TeaClher's Association, Simmons College Alummae Association. D CORRESPONDING SECRETARY SUZANNE HYLAND 27 P leasant Pk. Rd., Winthrop, Mass. A.B. Emmanuel 1964. Teacher, Boston, Mass. Class Agent, 1964-1967. Member, Aquinas League. TREASURER [] J OSE)PHINE SHELZI PINKHAM 35 Elijah St., Wobuxn, Mass. A.B. Emmanuel 1953. Housewife. Glass Agent. mass Secretary. Member, St. CJra'r les Women's Club, League O'f Women Voter,s. CHAIRMAN OF CLA SS AGENTS MARGARET HORGAN HANLY 17 Bowen Rd., Sowth Peabody, Mass. A.B. Emmanuel 1938. Member, North Shore Emmanuel Chapter _ Past Vice-Pl"Iesident, St. J ohn's Parent A,s sociation - Past President, St. William's Guild of St. J,O'hn's Prep., St. Anselm's College Parents Clu b. D CHAIRMAN OF GEOGRAPH IC GROUPS PATRICIA A. CONCANNON 45 H oll:is St., Milton, Mass. A .B. Emmanuel 1952. D (WRITE IN CANDIDATE ) ~--~~~========~~========~--D ---FOR MEMBERS OF THE NOMINATING COMMITTEE 1965 - 1966 Mark X VOTE FOR FIVE : * I. Betty Sweet Noonan - '53 2. Jean Carr Walsh - '49 3. Helen Goodwin Watt - '39 4. Mary Vaas Pink - '35 5. Catherine Rya n Dacey - '45 6. Mary G ramer Hogarty - '55 7. Rita Fiorillo Ponte - '48 8. Margaret McKenna - '48 9. Ma rion Burns Dauwer - '47 10. Rita Deleo - '36 D D D D D D D D D D (Write in candidate) D * If y,o u elect to write in a candJidate vote for four. Notice Five places are still available for the Emmanuel College Alumnae Tour leaving Boston, August 5, 1965 and returning August 26, under the leadership of Rt. Rev. Msgr. Stanislaus T. Sypek. F or further -information write Monsignor % Alumnae Office Emmanuel College. emmanuel College Commencement 1965 Emmanuel College Alumnae 400 The F enway Boston, Massachusetts 02115 Non-Profit Organization u.s. POSTAGE PAID Boston, Mass. Permit No. 54784
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