APPENDIX Dumfries and Galloway Small Communities Housing Trust Request to Dumfries and Galloway Council for Further Funding – Realising Affordable Rural Homes Project The Realising Affordable Rural Homes project (RAHR) has been running, in its current form, for two years (May 2015) and over that period significant progress has been made in terms of supporting communities who wish to appraise and seek to intervene in local housing issues. The Council are being asked to provide match funding to that already granted by the Robertson Trust in order to allow the RARH programme to continue for a further year via ongoing salary to the in-post Project Officer. The sum that is requested is £16,100, with £16,100 already committed by Robertson Trust, conditional upon attaining match funding from DGC. The Scottish Government are currently supporting and developing a country-wide Rural Housing Initiative. This is currently being developed in consultation with the Rural Housing Partnership (Rural Housing Scotland, Dumfries and Galloway Small Communities Housing Trust (DGSCHT) and the Highlands Small Communities Housing Trust). Policy being developed around the Rural Housing Initiative will be oriented towards working directly with communities to address rural housing issues, shortfall of specific tenures and community-led solutions. The work currently being undertaken by the RARH project is well positioned to both lead on and take advantage of this political support. The report below outlines progress to date with the RARH project: Realising Affordable Rural Homes Project Since RAHR was re-commenced in May 2013, the primary focus has been as follows: Re-engagement with specific communities who had previously indicated an interest in engagement with housing projects and initial engagement with a number of new communities; Initial development of specific projects with those communities who are in a position (from a financial, structural and governance perspective) to consider routes to and options for delivery; Assessment of a range of housing options that may be applied to D&G rural communities, relative to tenure (private sale, self-build, co-housing, private rental, affordable rental) and funding (in particular wind-farm contributions, Scottish Land Fund, mortgage borrowing by community groups, Rural Housing Burden / planning conditions) and more creative rental structures, for example long-term secured maintenance leases on redundant residential property. Whilst RAHR is specifically a community housing-led project, it has also sought to broaden the approach in a manner that sets overall goals within the wider context of community regeneration, and a wider agenda of community resilience and APPENDIX sustainability. Often, in consideration of a community development plan, housing issues are not taken into account. Our survey work consistently demonstrates a lack of suitable and affordable housing for working younger people, older people and families and, in particular, housing for rent. Therefore, the provision of the right types of housing contributes to the sustainability of a community, but also its long term interests in terms of retaining economically active residents. Community ownership of housing also has the potential to contribute to the financial sustainability of a Community Development Trust. Whilst borrowing may be involved initially, it provides the community with a source of income, in the long term, which can be reinvested in other community-oriented projects. During the course of the RARH project we have established relationships with ethical lenders, for example the Charity Bank or Triodos, who are actively seeking to engage with and loan to community groups at long-term fixed rates of interest. RARH is currently engaged with a range of communities across the region. In each of the communities, the project officer is working with the relevant body to actively consider and appraise all potential housing sites. In practice, the approach of the project has been such that communities have also wished to appraise existing properties (in some cases, properties that have remained for open market sale for sustained periods of time) or projects have been opportunistic, reacting to specific development opportunities that provide an option for community ownership (either in partnership with private developers or Registered Social Landlords). A summary of current engagement with specific communities is provided below: 1. Closeburn The community of Closeburn has made significant progress in respect of a community-led housing project and here the RAHR project has developed a key funding and delivery model. This has now led to their Community Development Trust taking ownership of a new-build private unit which has now been rented to a member of the local community. A case study based upon the delivery model has been developed to be promoted across the region and utilised and/or adapted for other small communities. The second phase of a new housing development in Closeburn is nearing completion, the first phase having been entirely affordable units in the ownership of Loreburn Housing Association. One of these units for private sale was to be sold at 38% below market value as a result of planning condition. RARH worked with the local Community Development Trust - Nith Valley Leaf Trust – to consider local housing need and develop a means and funding model to purchase this property. RARH supported this process throughout project development, conclusion of all missives and all work leading towards the local trust becoming a registered landlord. A further 3 properties have been sold (at 15% below market value, again as a planning condition) to members of the local community who satisfied specific affordability criteria. DGSCHT marketed these properties and found the buyers. APPENDIX The sale of the house to the Community Development Trust now having concluded, this represents the first house in Scotland to be developed in Scotland via the use of windfarm funds in conjunction with borrowing (with mortgage repaid from rental incomes). For DGSCHT, this represents an important precedent that can be used to establish best practice for other communities throughout the region, and indeed further afield. In this case the borrowing has been provided by the Charity Aid Foundation. The RARH Project Officer assisted the community in the process of marketing the property, identification and allocation of a suitable tenant (development of forms and information sheets and engagement in the allocation process), registering as a landlord, finalising lease and deposit registration arrangements and an ongoing management and factoring regime. Further to this, the overall experience has now given the community the appetite and confidence to pursue further housing in their ownership and site options are currently being appraised, alongside ongoing dialogue with the Scottish Land Fund. 2. Moniaive The village of Moniaive established a Community Development Trust at the tail end of 2013, a process supported by RAHR, assisting their model and engagement with the Development Trust Association Scotland. Moniaive Initiative has also been extremely active in respect of housing proposals and successful in attaining funding to appraise options for community housing / community engagement. Moniaive are appraising housing from two angles: 1. Village Centre Regeneration – the core of the village contains a number of empty properties that are having a negative impact upon the physical fabric of the High Street. The Initiative are being supported in an appraisal of these properties, inclusive of housing options. 2. Housing for the Elderly – community engagement has indicated overwhelming support for the provision of more suitable accommodation for the elderly. A project team has been established to develop this project further. A site has been identified and conversations are ongoing with the Scottish Land Fund. In the development of these project proposals, and with the support of RARH, Moniaive Initiative has secured funding from the following sources: Scottish Government Learning Networks Challenge Fund; Big Lottery Fund – Investing In Ideas; Development Trust Association Scotland – Town Centre Regeneration Fund. The Learning Networks Challenge Fund has allowed the community to hold a number of workshops around housing issues, each of which RARH helped to facilitate. This approach has strengthened the level of community consultation around housing issues. APPENDIX 3. Moffat Engagement with Moffat has been ongoing over the course of the two year period. RARH has provided support around a number of issues, and a Housing sub-group of the Community Council is now being established, with a particular eye on providing input to DGHP’s emerging plans for the former Moffat Academy site. This group will meet on a regular basis in order to ensure ongoing discussion and action around: • The Academy site and engagement with DGHP; • Local Development Plan sites; • The possible formation of a Community Development Trust to consider housing and windfarm funds. In addition, RARH is also engaged with the private owner of the major housing site identified within the Local Development Plan to consider affordable housing allocation and engagement with the local community. 4. Langholm Engagement with a number of groups and landowners Langholm has also been ongoing for the duration of the RARH project. Currently, support is being given to the Langholm Initiative as they seek to bid to the Scottish Land Fund on one or two sites with a view to developing a community housing project. Initial proposals relate to the two sites to the Southeast of the town, both of which are owned by the same private developer. One previously had consent for a care home, the other for 25 flatted homes intended for older residents. The Initiative are attempting to negotiate with the landowner to purchase the sites and are already working with the Scottish Land Fund. Thereafter their aspiration is to develop housing for older people, in the ownership of the community trust. Whilst the project will require to be fully appraised, this is likely to involve either a smaller number of units that the Initiative themselves can source funding for, or a larger number of units delivered in partnership. RARH is supporting project development and, currently, application for some initial feasibility funding. A housing needs survey is also being carried out. 5. Eskdalemuir RARH is currently supporting the Development Trust in Eskdalemuir through a joint bid to the National Forest Land Scheme and the Scottish Land Fund for a piece of forestry land, currently at the heart of a small building group. It is the intention of the community to develop proposals for housing in the ownership of the development trust. Following an expression of interest in late 2014, they have (along with the Forestry Commission) instructed a joint valuation of the site and are working towards a deadline to submit their application and business plan to the Scheme. The purchase of the site, albeit via the Forest Land Scheme, will require to be funded by the Scottish Land Fund. RARH is supporting the process of an “Investing In Ideas” bid to appraise the site conditions and consider initial design work. A housing survey is APPENDIX also being carried out to support the community’s evidence base in their application to the Land Fund. The site itself currently has planning consent for two individual housing plots, but potentially could support up to four houses. In addition, it is inclusive of a former steading that the community believe could be redeveloped either for residential purposes or as a bunk house to support local tourism. 6. Kelloholm / Kirkconnel Since 2014, RARH has been supporting the Board of the emerging Community Development Trust for Kirconnel and Kelloholm. Their Community Plan (produced with the support of the Coalfields Regeneration Fund) has already identified housing as a key priority. We have started to appraise sites, and community representatives have attended workshops run by RARH. The community remain in the process of establishing their (SCIO) development trust. Once the Trust is established, they intend to proceed with an Investing In Ideas bid to examine site-specific proposals in greater detail and RARH will fully support this process. A detailed Housing Needs Survey has already been carried out for these communities by DGSCHT in 2014. 7. Glenluce / New Luce Initial engagement has taken place with both these communities. Local elected member, Councillor McClung has engaged proactively with the RARH officer in order to encourage development of community-led housing proposals in each community, designed up capitalise upon current levels of windfarm benefit monies. This process will be ongoing in 2015. In addition, RARH were asked by the Community Council to provide support in terms of engagement with DGHP relative to a former hotel site acquired by the RSL and scheduled for redevelopment in 2016. Stakeholder Engagement In addition to working alongside specific rural communities, RARH has engaged with: Galloway Cohousing Group and, more broadly, with the Cohousing UK support network and the Lilac Cohousing development (fully delivered) in Leeds. The Empty Homes Officer employed by Shelter / Dumfries and Galloway Council. Community-led housing developments in Cumbria and the passive houses at Dormont Estate and arranged a project visit to the Highland and Islands Small Communities Housing Trust. Scottish Land Fund advisors. Development Trust Association Scotland; and; Scottish Government Rural Housing Initiative. APPENDIX Dumfries and Galloway Community Housing Learning Network In November 2014, RARH was awarded Scottish Government funding to establish a learning network around community-housing across the region, whilst also gathering qualitative and best practice data on community housing in Dumfries and Galloway and further afield. This initial funding required to be committed by 31 March 2015, but has resulted in the formation of a group of communities who will now continue to meet and share information as projects develop. RARH has now held two extremely well attended workshops and a study visit. Workshop One: The first workshop focussed on a Case Study of the Closeburn project and was facilitated by the Chair and Vice Chair of the Nith Valley Leaf Trust. It was attended by representatives from Eskdalemuir, Glenluce / New Luce, Kirkconnel / Kelloholm, Moniaive and D&G LEADER programme. Workshop Two: The second workshop was focussed on the Scottish Land Fund, this having been a topic that had been raised throughout the course of discussion at Workshop One. It was facilitated by Catherine Francis of Highlands and Islands Enterprise / the Land Fund and was attended by representatives from Langholm, Moniaive, Glenluce / New Luce, Kirconnel / Kelloholm, the Galloway Co-housing Group and D&G LEADER programme. Study Visit: With the support of the Cumbria Rural Housing Trust, the group visited two delivered community housing projects: Keswick Community Housing Trust (delivered 11 homes for rent in community ownership, and now project planning a further 25 on a second site). Lyvennet Community Development Trust (delivered community ownership of 10 homes for rent and 2 for shared ownership, along with a further 8 serviced plots for self-build. Information Sharing: In addition to bringing together communities in, what has become, an ongoing information sharing and support group (particularly for those communities who are all at the outset of project planning), RARH is providing an online resource for dissemination of information from the workshops, the study visit and best practice from elsewhere. A website is currently being established – APPENDIX RARH Funding Request for 2015/16 DGSCHT are requesting one year of project funding from the Council of £16,100, with match funding already committed from the Robertson Trust for the same period. This funding would be broken down as follows: REVENUE BUDGET (RARH project) Year 3 £ 2015-16 Projected Expenditure Gross Salaries, NI, Pensions Travel Expenses and Other Staff Costs Project Costs (Mobile phone, Stationery) £29,925 £1,775 £500 TOTAL Confirmed Income The Robertson Trust (on condition of match funding) TOTAL Projected Income Dumfries and Galloway Council (Housing Services) £32,200 £16,100 £0 £16,100 TOTAL £32,200 BUDGET SHORTFALL £0
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