Terms of Reference (ToR) for development of the 2015 Egypt Population Situation Analysis on behalf of United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) RFQ-UNFPA-EGY-15- 008 I. Background: The Population Situation Analysis (PSA) is a UNFPA publication which is developed to analyse and demonstrate the relevance of population issues in countries’ development strategies. The PSA primary function is to be used to prepare UNFPA’s participation and technical inputs in the forthcoming development of the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF). The PSA should be based on a substantive dialogue with national counterparts and other stakeholders, such as civil society, identified through a stakeholder analysis. Further, it should serve as a benchmark, and provide an advocacy and programme strategy to close the policy gaps identified through the analysis. The PSA can be a publication written by one individual/company, or a compilation of texts covering different themes within the field of population and development written by different authors. If a company or the latter option is chosen, one dedicated team leader needs to be selected. The team leader will be responsible for functioning as the main editor; consulting with UNFPA; submitting the framework, the final draft; and the final PSA to UNFPA and the Ministry of Population (MoP). The development of the PSA is to strictly adhere to UNFPA guidelines, and UNFPA and MoP are to be consulted regularly throughout the process. At the same time, the MoP and the National Population Council (NPC) are proposing to produce a Population Report that can be used as a baseline for the NPS. It has therefore been decided that the Egypt 2015 PSA will fulfil both purposes. The Egypt 2015 PSA is to be written in English. II. Objectives of the PSA: 1. Serve as a baseline for monitoring the implementation of the National Population Strategy; 2. Provide technical input and recommendations to UNFPA’s 10th Country Programme; 3. Serve as the main UNFPA resource for technical input and recommendations to the forthcoming UNDAF. III. Deliverables: Expected outcomes: Final version of the Egypt 2015 PSA developed and submitted by 15 September 2015. The content and the structure of the Egypt 2015 PSA should be according to this ToR, meet guidelines set forth in the UNFPA publication ‘Population Situation Analysis – A Conceptual and Methodological Guide’ and build upon consultations with UNFPA. The PSA should be developed through an inclusive process involving national stakeholders from the governmental sector and civil society. The PSA should review the population and development situation in Egypt, it should incorporate and review the priorities set forth in the National Population Strategy 2015 – 2030 (NPS) and the National Action Plan for the implementation of the NPS, and provide a baseline for monitoring the implementation of the NPS. Further, it should analyse current population policies and programmes and make recommendations for improvements of programmes and advocacy strategies in Egypt. Thematic areas and deliverables: 1 The Egypt 2015 PSA should at least include the following themes and deliverables: i) ii) An analysis and a baseline of the current population situation in Egypt which includes disaggregated data on national and governorate level to be used for monitoring and evaluation of the results of the implementation of the NPS and for the upcoming UNDAF; Analysis of main thematic areas included under the ‘population and development’ umbrella and UNFPA’s mandate. The following should be included: Sexual and reproductive health (SRH), including family planning Reproductive rights (RR); Gender based violence (GBV) and Female Genital Mutilation (FGM); Youth development, with particular attention to SRH, RR, access to information and education on SRH and RR, employment and participation in decision making processes; HIV and AIDS, including prevalence, estimates of key populations and prevalence among key populations (men who have sex with men (MSM), people who sell sex and people who inject drugs); Women’s rights & empowerment of women; Child, early and forced marriage; Education with particular focus on girl’s education, quality of education and drop out rates; Inequality and inequities; Child labour; Basic health services; Information and data systems; Identify research gaps; Advocacy and social awareness raising campaigns on all of the above. For all of the above mentioned thematic areas a section on adolescent and youth and inequalities/inequities should be included. These sections come in addition to the separate sectors/chapters on these two topics. The section on inequities should at least include disparities stemming from gender, socio-economic status, age, geographic location, ethnicity and other marginalizing factors, and highlight lack of rights or ability to exercise their rights for any of the mentioned groups and key populations. Intersectionality of inequalities/inequities should be highlighted. The review of the above listed themes should be human rights based, and include information on relevant international commitments – or lack thereof – made by Egypt. iii) An analysis of how the current population policies and programmes in Egypt meet the needs for interventions, with particular focus on current gaps in policies and programmes. The analysis should be concluded with recommendations on: Advocacy and programme interventions to close the current gaps identified in population programmes and policies, with specific focus on the thematic areas listed above; How to make advocacy and programme interventions more rights based and how to better target marginalized groups; young people; and how to improve gender mainstreaming. iv) Recommendations on substantial areas and interventions for UNFPA’s Egypt CO’s 10 th Country Programme v) Recommendations on substantial areas and interventions UNFPA should advocate for including in the forthcoming UNDAF 2 vi) Recommendations on outputs, outcomes, baselines and targets to be included in the forthcoming UNDAF for thematic areas which falls under UNFPA’s mandate An appendix with an overview over policy and programme interventions in a manner that is relevant for actors responsible for the social and economic development agenda, and not only for actors who are involved in sectorial issues. vii) Structure: The Egypt 2015 PSA should build on the UNFPA guidelines for the development of PSAs, and should therefore follow a similar structure to the outline of the chapters in the UNFPA guidelines1. The attachment to this ToR ‘Outline of chapters for the Egypt 2015 PSA’ outlines the structure for the Egypt 2015 PSA. The chapters should be structured in a way that takes into consideration the NPS and its National Action Plan, the Egypt Demographic Health Survey 2015 (EDHS) and the Survey of Young People in Egypt 2015 (SYPE), instead of replicating sections of the NPS, the EDHS and the SYPE. Emphasis should also be placed on data to provide a baseline for the implementation of the NPS, and on assessing gaps in current programmes and policies – in addition to include the above mentioned themes. To meet the objectives of the 2015 Egypt PSA, these aspects therefore need to be included within the attached outline of the chapters for the 2015 Egypt DHS. Deadline: 1. Framework to be submitted to UNFPA 15 May 2015; 2. Final draft to be submitted to UNFPA for comments 15 August 2015; 3. Final version to be submitted to UNFPA 15 September 2015. IV. Process The selected consultant/company or group of consultants will be responsible for developing the Egypt 2015 PSA according to this ToR, the UNFPA guidelines ‘Population Situation Analysis – A Conceptual and Methodological Guide’ and consultations with UNFPA and the MoP/NPC throughout the process. A framework that gives an overview of the suggested structure of the Egypt 2015 PSA should be submitted to UNFPA and the MoP/NPC for comments and approval no later than 15 May 2015. At least one final draft needs to be submitted to UNFPA and the MoP/NPC for revision and comments one month prior to set deadline for submitting the final version of the Egypt 2015 PSA to ensure that comments and suggested revisions can be included in the final version. The final draft should thus be submitted to UNFPA and the MoP/NPC 15 August 2015, and the final version should be submitted 15 September 2015. UNFPA and the MoP/NPC jointly need to approve the framework, the final draft and the final version. If the deliverables are not approved the payments will be withheld. For the modality of one group of consultants/company, one dedicated team leader must be chosen. The team leader will be responsible for the following: i) 1 Function as the main editor to make sure that the PSA meets the objectives and the themes as stated in this ToR, and that the PSA adheres to the suggested structure as stated in this ToR and the UNFPA guidelines ‘Population Situation Analysis – A Conceptual and Methodological Guide’; The ‘Population Situation Analysis – A Conceptual and Methodological Guide’ 3 ii) iii) iv) v) vi) i) Function as the main editor to ensure that the chapters are integrated and that the final PSA is a holistic product; Ensure that the Egypt 2015 PSA hold high substantial quality; Submitting the framework and final draft to UNFPA within the set deadline; Incorporating comments given to the final draft and submitting the final version of the PSA to UNFPA within the set deadline; Consulting regularly with UNFPA throughout the process; Guide the work of the rest of the team, and submit monthly brief progress reports on behalf of the team. The reports should state progress compared to submitted detailed time-framed work plan. The process of developing the Egypt 2015 PSA and the final product cannot deviate from this ToR unless otherwise is agreed upon between the parties in writing and a new ToR is developed. The 2015 Egypt PSA will be a joint Ministry of Population and UNFPA publication, with UNFPA holding the copyrights to the publication. Payments: Payments will be approved based on the deliverables submitted to UNFPA. The installments will be as follows. 1. 20 % of the total amount upon submission of framework to UNFPA 15 May 2015, 2. 40 % of the total amount upon submission of final draft to UNFPA for comments 15 August 2015; 3. 40% of the total amount upon submission of final version to UNFPA 15 September 2015. Payments will be made upon approval of the deliverables by UNFPA. If the deliverables do not meet the expected quality and/or are delayed, UNFPA holds the right to withhold the approval of payments. UNFPA also holds the right to reduce the payment if the quality of the deliverables and/or the delay of the deliverable lead to the stated deliverables in this ToR not being met. If a modality with a team leader is chosen, the approval of payments from UNFPA’s side will based upon the deliverables submitted to UNFPA, and thus the deliverables of the team, represented by the team leader. No payments to individual consultants or company will therefore be made based upon individual performance and submission of individual deliverables to UNFPA. Attachment for reference: 1. The outline of the chapters for the 2015 Egypt PSA 2. United Nations Population Fund (2010): ‘Population Situation Analysis – A Conceptual and Methodological Guide’ 4
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