United Nations Population Fund Procurement Unit nd 2 Floor Serena Business Complex Khyaban e Suharwardy Islamabad Pakistan E-mail: squreshi@unfpa.org Web site: www.unfpa.org Date: [16th May 2015] REQUEST FOR QUOTATION RFQ Nº UNFPA/PAK/RFQ/15/S-05 Dear Sir/Madam, UNFPA hereby solicits a quotation for the following service: “Hiring of NGO “HIV prevention among young female sex workers community in Lahore and Karachi Through Awareness Raising ” UNFPA requires the provision of Hiring of Non-Government Organizations for Project Implementation through NGO for “HIV prevention among young female sex workers community in Lahore and Karachi through awareness raising” This Request for Quotation is open to legally constituted NGOs that can provide the requested services] and have legal capacity to perform in the country, or through an authorized representative. I. About UNFPA UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), is an international development agency that works to deliver a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every child birth is safe and every young person’s potential is fulfilled. UNFPA is the lead UN agency that expands the possibilities for women and young people to lead healthy sexual and reproductive lives. To read more about UNFPA, please go to: UNFPA about us II – Service Requirements/Terms of Reference (ToR) Please find attached as Annex 1 II. Questions Questions or requests for further clarifications should be submitted in writing to the contact person below: Name of contact person at UNFPA: Tel Nº: Fax Nº: Email address of contact person: Shafiq Qureshi 0518354834 0518355966 squreshi@unfpa.org The deadline for submission of questions is [insert date, time, and time zone]. Questions will be answered in writing and shared with all parties as soon as possible after this deadline. III. Content of quotations Quotations should be submitted in a two envelops marked as technical and financial proposals separately, both envelops should be packed in one single envelop: Envelop 1 Technical Proposal should contain following; UNFPA/PAK/RFQ/015/S-05 1 of 6 United Nations Population Fund Procurement Unit nd 2 Floor Serena Business Complex Khyaban e Suharwardy Islamabad Pakistan E-mail: squreshi@unfpa.org Web site: www.unfpa.org a) Technical proposal, in response to the requirements outlined in the service requirements / TORs. b) Price quotation, to be submitted strictly in accordance with the price quotation form. c) CV Both parts of the quotation must be signed by the bidding company’s/Individual consultant relevant authority and submitted in hard copy. IV. Instructions for submission Proposals should be prepared based on the guidelines set forth in Section IV above, along with a properly filled out and signed price quotation form, are to be sent by courier to the contact person indicated below no later than : 1st June 2015 by 1400Hours Islamabad Time]1. Name of contact person at UNFPA: address of contact person: Shafiq Qureshi UNFPA Pakistan, 2nd Floor Serena Business Complex Khyaban e Suharwardy Islamabad Please note the proposals must be sent in sealed envelopes as specified above and RFQ number and title of consultancy must be mentioned on envelop . Proposals that do not contain the correct address may be overlooked by the procurement officer and therefore not considered. V. Overview of Evaluation Process Quotations will be evaluated based on the technical proposal and the total cost of the services (price quote). The evaluation will be carried out in a two-step process by an ad-hoc evaluation panel. Technical proposals will be evaluated for technical compliance prior to the comparison of price quotes. VI. Award Criteria UNFPA shall award a Professional Services Contract to the lowest-priced most technically acceptable offer. VII. Right to Vary Requirements at Time of Award UNFPA reserves the right at the time of award of contract to increase or decrease by up to 20% the volume of services specified in this RFQ without any change in unit prices or other terms and conditions. VIII. Payment Terms UNFPA payment terms are net 30 days upon receipt of invoice and delivery/acceptance of the milestone deliverables linked to payment as specified in the contract. IX. Fraud and Corruption UNFPA is committed to preventing, identifying, and addressing all acts of fraud against UNFPA, as well as against third parties involved in UNFPA activities. UNFPA’s Policy regarding fraud and corruption is available here: Fraud Policy. Submission of a proposal implies that the Bidder is aware of this policy. Suppliers, their subsidiaries, agents, intermediaries and principals must cooperate with the Office of Audit and Investigation Services of UNFPA as well as with any other oversight entity authorized by the Executive 1 http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/city.html?n=69 UNFPA/PAK/RFQ/015/S-05 2 of 6 United Nations Population Fund Procurement Unit nd 2 Floor Serena Business Complex Khyaban e Suharwardy Islamabad Pakistan E-mail: squreshi@unfpa.org Web site: www.unfpa.org Director of UNFPA and with the UNFPA Ethics Advisor as and when required. Such cooperation shall include, but not be limited to, the following: access to all employees, representatives, agents and assignees of the vendor; as well as production of all documents requested, including financial records. Failure to fully cooperate with investigations will be considered sufficient grounds to allow UNFPA to repudiate and terminate the contract, and to debar and remove the supplier from UNFPA’s list of registered suppliers. A confidential Anti-Fraud Hotline is available to any Bidder to report suspicious fraudulent activities at UNFPA Investigation Hotline. X. Zero Tolerance UNFPA has adopted a zero-tolerance policy on gifts and hospitality. Suppliers are therefore requested not to send gifts or offer hospitality to UNFPA personnel. Further details on this policy are available here: Zero Tolerance Policy. XI. RFQ Protest Bidder(s) perceiving that they have been unjustly treated in connection with the solicitation or award of a contract may submit a complaint directly to the Head of Office at schreiner@unfpa.org. Should the supplier be unsatisfied with the reply provided by the UNFPA Head of the Business Unit, the supplier may contact the Chief, Procurement Services Branch at procurement@unfpa.org. XII. Disclaimer Should any of the links in this RFQ document be unavailable or inaccessible for any reason, bidders can contact the Procurement Officer in charge of the procurement to request for them to share a PDF version of such document(s). UNFPA/PAK/RFQ/015/S-05 3 of 6 United Nations Population Fund Procurement Unit nd 2 Floor Serena Business Complex Khyaban e Suharwardy Islamabad Pakistan E-mail: squreshi@unfpa.org Web site: www.unfpa.org PRICE QUOTATION FORM Name of Bidder: Date of the quotation: Request for quotation Nº: Currency of quotation: Delivery charges based on the following 2010 Incoterm: Validity of quotation: Click here to enter a date. UNFPA/CCC/RFQ/YY/NNN USD Choose an item. (The quotation shall be valid for a period of at least 3 months after the submission deadline.) Quoted rates must be exclusive of all taxes, since UNFPA is exempt from taxes. Example Price Schedule below: [Delete after properly completing the Price Schedule, also develop excel version] Item Description Number & Description of Staff by Level Hourly Rate Hours to be Committed Total 1. Professional Fees Total Professional Fees PKR Total Out of Pocket Expenses Total Contract Price (Professional Fees + Out of Pocket Expenses) PKR 2. Out-of-Pocket expenses PKR Vendor’s Comments: I hereby certify that the company mentioned above, which I am duly authorized to sign for, has reviewed RFQ UNFPA/CCC/RFQ/YY/NNN including all annexes, amendments to the RFQ document (if applicable) and the responses provided by UNFPA on clarification questions from the prospective service providers. Further, the company accepts the General Conditions of Contract for UNFPA and we will abide by this quotation until it expires. Click here to enter a date. Name and title UNFPA/PAK/RFQ/015/S-05 Date and place 4 of 6 United Nations Population Fund Procurement Unit nd 2 Floor Serena Business Complex Khyaban e Suharwardy Islamabad Pakistan E-mail: squreshi@unfpa.org Web site: www.unfpa.org ANNEX 1 Request for proposal HIV prevention among young female sex workers Background: In the South Asia region, Pakistan faces a concentrated epidemic of HIV AIDS. The HIV AIDS Surveillance Project (HASP) rounds in Pakistan, indicated substantial and widespread networks of young people as key at risk populations. It is apparent that HIV infection is increasing among these populations. It would, therefore, be important to rapidly implement effective HIV preventive service delivery programs to reduce sexual transmission of HIV among this group of population, and to curtail further expansion of HIV infection within this group and the wider population. Although prevalence is still relatively low among sex workers, evidence suggests that HIV may have been introduced only recently to sex work networks. This is a matter of concern as, if not addressed, may have the potential to spread among Female Sex Workers (FSWs) clients and the wider community. According to HIV Second Generation Round of Surveillance 2011, out 15 cities, Karachi and Lahore have the highest proportion of estimated FSWs with 28.5 % and 26.7% respectively. Considering the behavioral risks and large size of sex worker populations in these two largest cities of Pakistan, there is significant potential and risk for rapid transmission of HIV within FSW networks and beyond. A recent AIDS Epidemic Modelling (AEM) suggests 25,000 new infections are likely to occur by 2020. To deal with situation, it requires timely response to address this growing epidemic in coming years. Aim of the project: Considering these facts and possibilities, UNFPA aims to implement a project named, ‘HIV prevention among young female sex workers’ in Karachi and Lahore cities to support FSWs with provision of awareness raising and service delivery for prevention and treatment care. The focus of this project is to employ low-cost targeted interventions through strategic activities such as provision of condoms for FSWs and use of other modern methods/ approaches to prevent transmissions, promotion of antenatal care (ANCs) for FSWs at the government health facility for Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT). Other relevant activities such as organizing awareness raising sessions to overcome stigma and discrimination among FSWs and promoting attitudinal change for sexual and reproductive health rights will also be employed. The project will also put emphasis on advocacy with relevant government and non-government stakeholders to ensure availability for and access antiretroviral drugs by FSWs. In this regard, UNFPA Pakistan calls NGOs for submission of innovative, impact oriented, realistic and low cost project proposal to be implemented in Karachi and Lahore. Scope of the project: Select female sex workers communities in Karachi and Lahore. Project Outcome: Female Sex Workers (FSWs) sensitized and empowered to make informed choices and exercise their sexual and reproductive health rights. Condom use increased among sex workers. FWS sensitized on Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission and access to ARVs Project duration: 06 months Eligibility criteria for NGO selection: UNFPA/PAK/RFQ/015/S-05 5 of 6 United Nations Population Fund Procurement Unit nd 2 Floor Serena Business Complex Khyaban e Suharwardy Islamabad Pakistan E-mail: squreshi@unfpa.org Web site: www.unfpa.org Non-government organizations possess extensive experience working with key affected populations on HIV prevention and mitigation especially with female sex workers. The organization must have its presence in Karachi and Lahore. Good relations with FSWs networks. Registered, reputable organization and have well established financial and HR systems in place. Deadline for submission of proposal: 25 May 2015 UNFPA/PAK/RFQ/015/S-05 6 of 6
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