Issue Three MOSAIC MAGAZINE M EDIA K IT 2016 B E NC H M A R K H O SPI TA LI TY INTE RNATIONA L’ S L IFE S TYL E JOU RNA L MOSAIC MAGAZINE M ED I A K I T magazine details Mosaic Magazine is a luxury travel and lifestyle publication that features Benchmark Hospitality's entire portfolio of 27 resorts and hotels nationwide. Within this portfolio, the Personal Luxury Collection brand is highlighted. Each of PLC's 11 resorts delivers personal luxury in a spirit true to its own distinct locale, yet in unison with the collection's shared mission. Mosaic is dedicated to delivering the essence of this mission, effectively engaging the luxury traveler with dynamic editorial, sophisticated design, and compelling advertisements. Print Magazine 84 pages, perfect bound 8.375" x 10.875" Frequency: annual, August Readership: 1.2 million Distribution - In publication since September 2012 - In rooms of all 27 hotels as the exclusive lifestyle publication - Spas - Concierge - Sales offices - Hotel lobbies - Trade shows eMagazine The eMagazine will extend your advertising reach online. The cover will be posted and linked on Benchmark’s website and blasted out via e-mail to thousands of guests and potential guests. All web and e-mail links are active, allowing readers to click directly from the eMagazine to your website. Mosaic eMagazine places your business in front of readers just before they plan their trip. - eMagazine reaching thousands more online - posted online at - e-mailed to 2015–16 database of room confirmations publisher Since 2001, Hawthorn Creative has produced magazines and custom publications for more than 1000 luxury hotels and resorts in North America. click here to view the most recent issue 1 | MOSAIC MAGAZINE MOSAIC MAGAZINE M ED I A K I T the PROPERTIES Known for their distinct destinations that cater to providing individual attention, pleasure, comfort, and escapism, Benchmark continues to enhance their Personal Luxury brand with a magazine as unique and distinguished. The goal of this annual inroom publication is to help guide the Benchmark guest to find inspiration for the very best in food, travel, shopping, wine, and culture at each of the hotel’s 27 exclusive destinations. Personal Luxury Resorts & Hotels Benchmark Hospitality Resorts & Hotels CALIFORNIA Bardessono, Napa Valley Inn at Rancho Sante Fe, Rancho Santa Fe CALIFORNIA Chaminade Resort & Spa, Santa Cruz CARIBBEAN Sea Traditions at Santa Barbara Beach & Golf Resort, Curacao FLORIDA Costa d’Este Beach Resort, Vero Beach Marenas Beach Resort & Spa, Sunny Isles Beach Naples Bay Resort, Naples The Villas of Grand Cypress, Orlando HAWAII Cottages at Turtle Bay Resort, North Shore, Oahu CARIBBEAN Santa Barbara Beach & Resort, Curacao COLORADO Cheyenne Mountain Resort, Colorado Springs FLORIDA Bonaventure Resort & Spa, Weston HAWAII Turtle Bay Resort, Kahuku, Oahu ILLINOIS Eaglewood Resort & Spa, Itasca NEW JERSEY The Heldrich, New Brunswick ILLINOIS Hotel Arista, Naperville NEW YORK Downtown Conference Center, New York TENNESSEE The Tennessean Hotel, Knoxville Edith Macy Conference Center, Briarcliff Manor WASHINGTON Willows Lodge, Woodinville TEXAS Hotel Contessa, San Antonio VIRGINIA The Inn at Virginia Tech, Blacksburg WEST VIRGINIA Stonewall Resort, Roanoke WYOMING Snow King Hotel & Grand View Lodge, Jackson Hole JAPAN Tokyo Conference Center Ariake Tokyo Conference Center Shinagawa 2 | MOSAIC MAGAZINE MOSAIC MAGAZINE M ED I A K I T reader profile reader profile Mosaic magazine readers are affluent professionals (40% have annual HHI’s greater than $100,000). They invest their wealth in charities, enjoy good food, wine/spirits, shopping, and culture during their travels and are physically active. At a Glance - Average age: 49 - Average income: $93,000 with 40% exceeding $100,000 - Purchasing habits online exceed the national average by almost 30% - Gourmet food, wine, shopping, and travel rated as top interests (17% over the national average) They’re Investors – Our readers are among the most influential individuals in American business and are concerned about their own property. - 10% own securities, mutual funds, or stock They’re Affluent – Almost half or our readers are in the top 5% income bracket in the country with a median household income of $93,000. - 14% – annual income more than $150,000 - 25% – annual income of $100,000–$150,000 They’re Online Shoppers – Our readers are always interested in fashion, gourmet food, cultural events, and wine/spirits and spend a considerable amount of time seeking these products in areas to which they travel and online. They’re Active – Our readers enjoy attending cultural events, are active in civic/social issues, like to stay physically active/adventurous, and are always seeking new and exciting activities in their travels. Their physical activities include (in order of prevalence but are not limited to) general fitness, golf, bicycling, hiking, tennis, and running. - Donate to charities – 15% greater than national average - Physically active – 20% greater than the national average (golfing is 20% greater than national average as well) - Enjoy U.S. travel – 16% greater than national average - Enjoy fine wines – 14% greater than national average 3 | MOSAIC MAGAZINE MOSAIC MAGAZINE M ED I A K I T MAGAZINE details deadlines AD SALES CLOSE: May 1, 2015 AD ARTWORK DUE: 2 weeks from contract submission PUBLICATION DATE: August 2015 aD Rates* Display advertisers will have full creative freedom with advertisement design. Full page 8.625" w x 11.125" h $4,995 Inside back cover 8.625" w x 11.125" h $5,795 Center spread 17" w x 11.125" h $8,995 Back cover 8.625" w x 11.125" h $6,595 All rates are net. artwork submission Publication Specs Trim size: 8.375" x 10.875" Binding: perfect Color: full color Camera-Ready Advertisements Artwork Submissions E-mail (less than 4 MB): Large files (over 4MB): Submit via or DropBox, both free file transfer services. CD: Material submissions on CD are acceptable and can be sent to: Hawthorn Creative 33 Jewell Court Portsmouth, NH 03801 Resolution: 300 dpi Color: CMYK or grayscale. Preferred file format: Flattened TIF or JPG. Other acceptable formats: PDF, PSD, INDD, EPS, AI. Package all photos, links, and fonts with any unflattened files. Microsoft Publisher files will not be accepted. Full-bleed advertisements: Text, logos, and all live matter must be 0.25 inches from trim on all sides. Color and content verification: For best color accuracy, please provide a color-accurate proof for verification. For content verification, please provide a tear sheet or printout. Camera-ready ads will not receive a proof prior to press. If a printout is not submitted, Hawthorn Creative is not responsible for any errors, omissions, or font conversions. Advertisement Design Assistance Simply supply your text, high resolution photos (300 dpi), and contact information, and Hawthorn Creative will create a powerful advertisement for your company at no cost. This rate includes two rounds of revisions and three proofs. Additional revisions will be billed at $25 per proof. Any advertisement designed by Hawthorn Creative is owned by Hawthorn Creative. Copyright may be purchased for $100. 4 | MOSAIC MAGAZINE MOSAIC MAGAZINE M ED I A K I T AGREEMENT CONTACT: E-MAIL: Business Information BUSINESS NAME: PHONE: ADDRESS: WEBSITE: CITY, STATE ZIP: Payment Information aD Rates* Full page $4,995 Inside back cover $5,795 Center spread $8,995 Back cover $6,595 DEPOSIT AMOUNT: (at least one half total cost or full payment on credit card) INITIAL PAYMENT METHOD (choose one): o CHECK VISA, AMEX) o CREDIT CARD (MC, Advertisers paying by check must also submit credit card information. All rates are net. CREDIT CARD #: EXP. DATE: Advertisement Materials Please submit ad materials to magazineads@ or via a free file transfer service such ash or DropBox. CARD HOLDER’S NAME: BILLING ADDRESS: ad agreement submission Please mail or fax this form and payment to: Molly Patrick • Hawthorn Creative • 33 Jewell Court • Portsmouth, NH 03801 p 603.610.4328 • f 603.589.1174 • CONTRACT: This contract is subject to all provisions of the Hawthorn Creative rate card. The publisher reserves the right to reject any advertising, which he/she feels is not in keeping with publication standards. No portion of the publication may be reproduced in any form without written consent. A. PUBLISHER LIABILITY: Publisher will use caution to protect printing materials, but will not be liable for loss or damage. Film and materials will only be returned upon written request prior to press. Advertisers and advertising agencies assume liability for all content of advertisements printed and for any subsequent claims against the publisher, and further agree to indemnify publisher for any damages incurred resulting from such claims. It is agreed that no other liability shall arise between the advertiser and the publisher by reason of this advertising contract. B. AD SUBMISSION: If advertiser does not approve advertisement within 14 days from submission of proof, or prior to press (whichever comes first), Hawthorn Creative will print advertisement as is, and advertiser releases Hawthorn Creative from any liability for omissions or errors. Any outstanding balance will be automatically applied to the credit card on file. If advertiser fails to submit any artwork prior press, Hawthorn reserves the right to design and print an advertisement to publisher specifications. Any associated design fees will be charged to advertiser and applied to credit card on file. C. COLOR ACCURACY AND CAMERA-READY AD CONTENT VERIFICATION: Hawthorn Creative cannot guarantee exact color accuracy on press. To provide best color simulation, please provide a tear sheet. Camera-ready ads will not receive a proof prior to press. To verify advertisement content, a print or tear sheet must be provided. If a tear sheet is not submitted, Hawthorn Creative is not responsible for any errors, omissions, or font conversions. D. COPYRIGHT: Any advertisements designed by Hawthorn Creative are owned by Hawthorn Creative. Copyright may be purchased for $100. E. PAYMENT: All invoices are due and payable in two segments: One half of total advertising cost is due as a deposit payment upon submission of this agreement; second half of cost is due upon approval of advertisement or 30 days from contract date, whichever comes first. If payment is not received within 30 days, credit card will be processed. Installment plans may be prearranged with the first installment due upon submission of contract and all other installments due every 30 days. If any advertisement is not camera ready, Hawthorn Creative will design an ad for no charge, which includes two rounds of revisions and 3 proofs. Additional proofs are billed at $25 per proof. If an advertiser requests to pull the advertisement prior to press, deposit payments are due and nonrefundable. Hawthorn Creative will, however, refund all payments if unable to complete the publication. F. SERVICE FEES: A service charge of $25 will be applied for all returned checks. A service charge of $10 will be applied for all declined credit cards. Interest will be charged at a rate of 1.5% per month on past due balances (annual percentage rate 18%). Should it be necessary to have an attorney or agency make demand for payment, or if suit is instituted to collect on this contract, or any part thereof, the advertiser agrees to pay these fees and all other costs incurred. Jurisdiction lies in the State of New Hampshire. G. E-MAIL PREFERENCES: As a customer, you will receive communication about special offers, promos, and wedding industry insights to help you grow your business. 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