Training REACTOR SAFETY SOFIA SIMULATOR TRAINING – PWR OPERATION, PHYSICS AND SAFETY 18 – 22 May 2015 – Fontenay-aux-Roses, France IRSN – the French Technical Safety Organization – uses a code called CATHARE for the purpose of thermal-hydraulic analyses during a reactor accident or safety assessments. CATHARE is a system code for PWR safety analysis, accident management, definition of plant operating procedures and for research and development. It is also used to quantify conservative analysis margins and for licensing. The code is based on a 2-fluid 6-equation model including non-condensable gas equations and additional equations for radiochemical component transport. The IRSN engineering simulator SOFIA, designed to observe operation during emergency situations, contains the CATHARE code to simulate the nuclear steam supply system. It also includes hydraulic systems connected to the reactor coolant and secondary systems, the instrumentation and control systems, the protection and safety systems, including a part of the electric power distribution, the containment and core neutronic behavior. This simulator benefits from toplevel multi-physics modeling, and is representative of any French-operated nuclear power plant type, including EPR. It is a modern efficient tool for safety assessments, training and preparation of emergency response exercises. SOFIA is a flexible tool that can represent any other PWR types, capable of running and studying any past accident (as Three Mile Island). WHO SHOULD ATTEND Head Office 12, rue de la Redoute 92260 Fontenay-aux-Roses France Phone: +33 (0)1 58 35 72 32 E-mail: Mailing Address BP 89 92261 Fontenay-aux-Roses Cedex France This training course is intended for engineers who wish to acquire general knowledge in the operation, physics and safety of pressurized water reactors (PWR) under normal and emergency conditions. Some basic knowledge of PWRs would be an advantage. The maximum number of participants for this course is eight, but two sessions are scheduled this year. LEARNING OUTCOMES On completing the course, participants will: have a better understanding of physical phenomena occurring on PWR during normal operation, especially during various start-up stages, and also under emergency conditions; acquire an overall view of the main systems of the nuclear island used under normal and emergency conditions, as well as their interactions; understand the main steps of normal operation procedures, including the function of the main automatic controls of the plant unit, for different reactor states (from cold shutdown for maintenance to full power operation); understand the main actions of operating procedures regarding safety under emergency conditions (LOCA, SGTR); know and be able to assess situations that can lead to severe accidents such as loss of cooling water, loss of steam generator feedwater, or loss of power, and simulate the Three Mile Island and Fukushima accidents for demonstration purposes. PROGRAM The five-day training sessions include class courses (2 days) and practical work on the SOFIA simulator (3 days). EXAMINATION Knowledge will be tested on the full course content. TEACHING METHODS Lectures, tutorial and practical work on the SOFIA simulator are combined. In this course, class courses alternate with practical work. For each training session, documents are provided for class courses and practical work, as well as electronic copies of the course. PRICE AND REGISTRATION The price for this course is €4,900. This covers instruction, documentation, technical visits and lunch and coffee breaks. To register complete and submit the online ENSTTI form. Select: SOFIA 2015 Registration Deadline: 20 March, 2015 Training SOFIA May 18-22, 2015 – Fontenay-aux-Roses, France Type Description Lenght Part 1: PWR Systems and Normal Reactor Operation Class courses A01 - Introduction to PWR Operation Practical work on SOFIA B03 - General Information and Sequence Leading to the Hot Shutdown State Class courses A02 - Main PWR Systems 1 day C01 - Description of the CATHARE Thermalhydraulic Code C02 - Basics of Core Physics, Divergence and Core Control 1 day Practical D03 - Divergence and Power Increase, Turbine work on Coupling SOFIA Part 2: Design Basis Accidents for PWR Class courses E01 - Description of Loss of Coolant Accidents Practical work on SOFIA F01 - Large break LOCA Transient (LB LOCA) Class courses G01 - Description of Steam Generator Tube Rupture (LOCA) 1 day F02 - Small break LOCA Transient (SB LOCA) (SGTR) accidents Practical H01 - SGTR Transient work on SOFIA Part 3: Other PWR Accidents 1 day Description of two past accidents: Practical work on SOFIA Assessment I01 - Loss of SG Feedwater: Reproduction TMI Accident (SOFIA 900 MWe) I02 - Loss of Cooling Water and Power Supply: Reproduction of Fukushima Accident on a PWR (SOFIA EPR) J01 - Test to assess the knowledge acquired during the training course J02 - Debriefing 1 day
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