DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE Name of the course: Mathematics

Name of the course:
Mathematics I
Type of teaching:
Lectures and Tutorials
Code: FBEE01
Semester: 1
Lessons per week:
L – 3 hours;
T – 3 hours
Number of credits: 8
Assoc. Prof. PhD A.Georgieva (FAMI) – tel.: 965 2356, email:
Assoc. Prof. PhD I. Trendahfilov (FAMI) – tel.: 9653341, еmail:
Technical University of Sofia.
COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: Compulsory for all students in the Electrical
Engineering BEng programme of the Technical University of Sofia.
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: At the end of the course the students are
expected to be able to work with complex numbers and polynomials, to calculate determinants, to
execute operations with matrices, to solve systems of linear equations, to operate with vectors and
solve problems in two- and three-dimensional analytical geometry, to have basic knowledge in
differential and integral calculus of a function of one real variable.
DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: The main topics concern: Matrices and determinants;
Systems of linear equations; Differential and integral calculus of function of a single real variable
with applications; Vector calculus; Analytical geometry.
PREREQUISITES: Mathematics for 9-th, 10-th, 11-th and 12-th class from the secondary school.
TEACHING METHODS: Traditional lectures and tutorials.
METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: Two tests at the middle and the end of the term (20%) and written
exam during the session (80%).
Доневски Б., Петров Л., Бижев Г., Линейна алгебра и аналитична геометрия, ТУСофия, 2004.
С. Доневска, И. Трендафилов, Висша математика - Приложен математи- чески анализ
на една променлива, СИЕЛА, София, 1998.
К. Пеева, Математически анализ, София, 1997.
Маринов М. и колектив, Задачи за упражнения по висша математика І,ІІ, 2006.
И. Проданов, Н. Хаджииванов, И. Чобанов, Сборник от задачи по диференциално и
интегрално смятане, СОФТЕХ, София, 2006.
К. Пеева, М. Узунова, Изпитни задачи по Математика 1, София, 2000.
Л. Петров, Д. Беева, Модул 1, 2, 3, С., 2007.
Name of the course:
Physics I
Type of teaching:
Lectures, Tutorials, Laboratory work
Code: FBEE02
Semester: 1
Lessons per week:
Number of credits: 7
L – 2 hours; T– 1 hour,
LW – 1 hour
Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. V. Mikhailova (DAP) – tel.: 965 30 96; e-mail:
Technical University of Sofia
COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: Compulsory for all students in the Electrical
Engineering BEng programme of the Technical University of Sofia.
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: The aim of the Physics course is to make the
students well-grounded in the phenomena, laws and the basic principles of the Classical Physics and
to do an introduction to the quantum properties of the matter. This gives combination of
experimental and theoretical methods in cognition of surrounding nature and solving of particular
problems. The General Physics course ensures the necessary scientific background that allows
upgrading of basic and special engineering courses.
DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: The General Physics course represents a selfconsistent
system of terms, laws and principles that describe the fundamental and the most general features of
the matter at classical and elementary quantum-mechanical level. The course of "Physics I" consists
of the following chapters: Mechanics of material point, Mechanics of perfect rigid body,
Thermodynamics and molecular physics, Electrostatics and electric current. Universal physical
terminology is introduced and used throughout the course. The fundamental conservation laws are
presented. The only units the student is asked to master are those of the Systeme International (SI).
PREREQUISITES: A background of Physics at an elementary level is required. Some elements of
the differential and integral calculus, the vector algebra and analysis are useful too.
TEACHING METHODS: Lectures are presented by the conventional way, while schemes,
drawings, pictures, can be visualized by slides, panels, etc. Large number of experimental
demonstrations is used to illustrate the physical phenomena. Laboratory and Seminar works
accompany and support the teaching in Physics. Textbooks on General Physics and Manual on
solving of physical problems written by members of the Department of Applied Physics are
available. The Laboratory work is doing using a specially prepared Manual.
METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: Written examination in the end of the term.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. V. Mikhailova, "Fundamentals of Physics" parts I and II, Sofia, Siela, 2005;
2. N. Ilkov, S. Nikolov, "Physics", Sofia 2003; 3. M. Maksimov, "Fundamentals of Physics", Sofia
2000; 4. K. Jovtchev "Physics" Parts I, II, Sofia 1998
Name of the course:
Type of teaching:
Lectures and laboratory work
Code: FВЕЕ03
Semester: 1
Lessons per week:
L – 1 hour;
LW – 1 hour
Number of credits: 4
As.Prof. PhD Lilia Ivanova Pindeva (FETT), phone 965 3161
Technical University of Sofia
COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: Compulsory for Electrical Engineering students in
the BEng programme of TU – Sofia.
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: The aim of the study in “Chemistry” is students
to obtain knowledge about the structure and the properties of the substances and their
transformations. This will allow them quickly and competently to solve the problems related with
the quality and reliability of the articles, and also a numerous important problems, connected with
the choice and purposeful application of the materials and technologies.
DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: Problems are observed, directly connected with the profile
of the studying specialties as: States of the art in structure and properties of the substances and the
chemical bonds; Fundamentals of electrochemistry and its application in electrochemical power
sources; Corrosion and metals corrosion protection methods; Physical chemistry essence and
properties of the polymer materials.
PREREQUISITES: Basic knowledge of Chemistry from the secondary school is necessary.
TEACHING METHODS: Lectures are delivered with the support of visual materials. Laboratory
exercises, performed by the laboratory guide and protocols, made by students and checked by the
assistant professor.A guidance is worked out for the performing of the laboratory exercises.
Laboratory exercises consolidate and broaden the already acquired knowledge in the lectures. The
experiments in them are subordinated with the existing standard methods for mark of the indexes of
the materials and realization of the control upon the technological systems.
METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: Written exam in the first session.
МАТЕРИАЛИ, ст.н.с.дхн.Д.Стойчев, доц.М.Велева, доц.П.Копчев, гл.ас. К.Обрешков,
“Техника”,София, 1992 г 2. ОБЩА ХИМИЯ, проф. дхн Хр.Петров, доц. М.Енчева,
Издателство на ТУ-София, 1999 г. 3. Ръководство за лабораторни упражнения по химия,
Т.Ганчева, Е.Добрева, И.Яначкова, ”Наука и изкуство”, София, 1990.
Name of the course:
Programming and Computer Application I
Type of teaching:
Lectures, Laboratory work
Code: FBEE04
Semester: 1
Lessons per week:
L – 2 hours;
LW – 2 hours
Number of credits: 6
Assoc. Prof. Stoyan Maleshkov, PhD (FCSC), phone: 965-2052, e-mail:
Technical University of Sofia.
COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: Compulsory for all students in the Electrical
Engineering BEng programme of the Technical University of Sofia.
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: The students develop skills for solving
separately and in team problems. The subjects studied and the skills developed in this course are
applied in the subsequent fundamental and engineering courses and projects.
DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: The course examines the structure and the principles of
functioning of computer system and the approaches of presenting information. The students acquire
knowledge and develop skills to solve problems. Some of the main algorithms and data structures
are considered. The basic principles of the method of structural programming and its
implementation with specific programming language (ISO C) are described in details. As a result
the students gain theoretical and practical preparation on how to use computer systems in the further
education and practical work. The laboratory exercises are carried out in computer labs, operating in
Windows environment.
PREREQUISITES: This is initial course; no previous knowledge in programming and computer
applications is required.
TEACHING METHODS: Lectures are delivered by the use of demonstration materials and slides
in electronic format, presented with computer and multimedia projector. The laboratory exercises
are carried out in computer labs with local and global network. Students develop group and
individual practically oriented course works. The laboratory exercises are carried out following the
“A textbook on C Programming – part one”, prepared by staff members of the department.
Additional educational materials for the lab assignments are provided to the students in electronic
METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: Students’ grades are determined at the end of the semester
according to the results of midterm and end term assessments.
RECOMMENDED LITERATURE: 1. Momchev I., K. Chakarov. Programming III (C and C++),
TU Sofia Publishers, Sofia 2002. 2. Georgieva J.., M. Goranova, I. Jordanov, S. Maleshkov, R.
Pavlova. A textbook on C Programming – part one, Siela Publisher, 2001. 3. Herbert Schildt. Teach
Yourself C, Softpress Ltd., 2001; 4. Kelly Al, Ira Pohl. A book on C, Addison Wesley, 2002.
Name of the course
Fundamentals of Engineering Design I
Type of teaching:
Lectures (L), Laboratory work (LW),
Course assignment
Code: FBEE05
Semester: 1
Lessons per week:
L – 1 hour;
LW – 2 hours
Number of credits: 5
Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. M. Georgiev (MF) – tel.: 965 3787, email:
Technical University of Sofia
COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: Compulsory for all students in the Electrical
Engineering BEng programme of the Technical University of Sofia.
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: Basic knowledge about the design process and
documentation of technical objects of electro technique and automation giving to the students. The
students are expected to get fundaments of engineering design and to be able to create engineering
documents using CAD as well as to decipher the information in the applied documents.
DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: The main topics concern: Design process – nature and
structure of design process; General requirements for design, technical documentation; Design and
documentation of process – electrical diagrams, classification, application, general and specific
requirements for their preparation; Design of parts - main problems, forms, documentation,
mechanical connections, basic technologies; Design of assembly units with electrical mounting –
design and documentation of wiring bundle, electrical panels, devices with electrical windings;
Documents for the purposes of product’s life cycle – design, technological, operating and service
documentation; Engineering analysis of technical products - methods of prospecting and
development of products, heuristic methods, engineering and value analysis; Generation variants of
technical articles, Design and development of technical documents to CAD systems, (AutoCAD,
AutoCAD Electrical, Cadstar etc.).. AutoCAD - a characteristic feature; Cadstar - modules, main
PREREQUISITES: Basic knowledge on geometry and using computers is necessary.
TEACHING METHODS: Lectures delivered by using traditional educative and technical means
with graphically examples, laboratories using computers and course work.
METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: Current control using two assessments (total 25%), laboratories
(total 5%) and course work (total 20%). The current assessment (total 100%) finalizes at the end of
the second semester (FED II).
BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Leparov, M., M. Vicheva, M. Georgiev, Fundamentals of engineering
design, S., Softtrade, 2008 (bg). 2. Georgiev, M., V. Stancheva, Fundamentals of engineering
design – Drills handbook (electro technique and automation), S., Softtrade, 2009 г. (bg), 3. Ganeva,
N., M. Leparov, G. Stanchev, Fundamentals of engineering design – Drills handbook, S., Softtrade,
2008 (bg). 4. Hubanova, V., M. Georgiev, Handbook for automation of technical documentation, S.,
Softrade, 2000 (bg). 5. AutoCAD 2009 - easy steps, SoftPress, S., 2008, 6. George Omura,
Professional basis of AutoCAD 2007, SoftPress, S., 2006. 7. SolidWorks Part.1, The basic
modeling and drawings, TechnoLogica, S., 2008 (bg). 8. SolidWorks Part 2, Advanced options,
TechnoLogica, S., 2008 (bg).
Name of the course
Foreign Language I
Type of teaching:
Code: FBEE06
Lessons per week:
T – (2) hours
Semester: 1
Number of credits: 0
English: Senior Lecturers Emiliya Alexieva, tel.:965 – 31-60
German: Senior Lecturer Stanka Murdzheva, tel.: 965 – 31-52
Russian: Senior Lecturer Aneliya Bojkova, tel.: 965 – 31-62
French: Senior Lecturer Svetlana Daskalova, tel.: 965 – 31-64
(DFLTAL) Technical University – Sofia
COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: Compulsory for all students in the Electrical Engineering
BEng programme of the Technical University of Sofia.
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: The aim of the foreign language education is to enable
students in using scientific literature and specialized texts, as well as to enhance their communicative competence adopting culturally appropriate modes of behaviour relevant to the concrete situation and apply
effective compensatory strategies in overcoming communicative problems. The additional practice of micro
and macro language skills are targeted at preparing students for successful participation in international
scientific conferences and symposia, graduate and post-graduate exchange programmes sponsored by the EU
or bilateral agreements with partner universities.
DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: The students are taught according to a flexible modular system, adjusted to the three proficiency levels identified by means of an entry test in the respective language. The
programme of study consolidates and enriches the linguistic knowledge acquired in secondary schools with
new categories, notions and lexis characteristic for each discipline. By means of authentic course books the
students gain in-depth knowledge in grammar, syntax, word formation, phraseology, and specialized terminology. Foreign language education builds up communicative abilities and competence allowing students to
socialize and function effectively in real-life professional situations. They develop the four language skills /
Listening, Reading, Speaking and Writing/ aiming to facilitate their adequate auditory and visual comprehension of information, offered in a foreign language, as well as their active ability to respond in keep with the
stylistics and norms of multicultural communication. The correlation general to specialized language is 1:2.
The modern equipment and facilities of the Department of Foreign Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics allows the use of up-to-date audio-visual and technical equipment such as: language labs, VDU, cassette
recorders, OHP-s, and computers.
PREREQUISITES: The course of study requires basic knowledge of the language and elementary rules of
grammar and basic lexical items and their use, taught at secondary schools and vocational schools.
TEACHING METHODS: The selection and structuring of syllabus content is carried out by way of an
integrated theoretical-practical communicative approach, taking into consideration the functional needs of
students to use the language competently in cross-cultural and professional medium. Various interactive
methods of classroom management are applied, such as discussions, presentations, case studies, role, theme
projects, computer tests in grammar and lexicology on different proficiency levels, as well as translation of
specialized scientific texts. The modular principle of foreign language teaching allows for a synthesis of a
learner-centered seminar work in a given sphere with individual forms of study and self-study.
METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: In addition to the ongoing assessment, based on the participation of
students in workshops, presentations and written tests during the semester, the final exams are administered
in the form of standard EU recognized exit tests on several proficiency levels to estimate the achieved
progress and quality of acquired knowledge. Some specialties request that part of the final assessment
includes translation of an abstract from a scientific book in a subject-specific field from a foreign language
into Bulgarian. The final grade is made on the basis of two written tests for the period of training throughout
the semester (an overall of 80%) and active participation in seminars and workshops and individual
presentations (an overall of 20%).
INSTRUCTION LANGUAGE: English, German, French, Russian.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: A number of course materials and textbooks have been developed under European
projects and in collaboration with the British Council and Goethe Institute in the sphere of specialized
language teaching for science and business purposes. There are rich resources available at the English,
German and French Departmental libraries and multimedia packages of original software programmes in
Name of the course:
Type of teaching:
Code: FBEE07
Lessons per week:
T – (3) hours
Semester: 1
Number of credits: 0
Assoc. Prof. PhD. Ivan Bozov (DS), tel.:965 2016, email:,
Senior lecturer. Kiril Georgiev (DS), tel.:965 3003, email:
Senior lecturer Roumyana Tasheva (DS) – tel.: 965 3274, e-mail:
Senior lecturer Sonia Paspalanova (DS) - tel.: 965 2012
Senior lecturer Ivan Venkov (DS) - tel.: 965 3005
Technical University of Sofia.
COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: Compulsory for all students in the Electrical
Engineering BEng programme of the Technical University of Sofia.
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: To increase the capacity of students with
physical exercise and sports, to unloads of mental activities. Let them create lasting habits for sports
activities. To acquire new skills and knowledge of individual sports.
DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: An inaugural lecture (during the first week) aims to
acquaint the students with the aims and objectives of the physical education. Students follow a
flexible modular system, tailored to their abilities and desires (choice of sport). Programs allow to
improve the skills aquired during secondary and primary education in selected sports. Students
acquire a thorough knowledge of the sport, but in some - such as skiing and volleyball, can acquire
judicial rights in addition. The TU Sports Complex makes it possible to conduct many types of
sports, including swimming, tennis, soccer, tennis, fitness (for men, women), basketball, volleyball
and others. Along with sports practiced outside the sports complex - hiking, skiing, rock climbing,
rowing, sailing and more, students have the choice of 20 different sports.
PREREQUISITES: General motor skills and abilities.
TEACHING METHODS: In structuring the curriculum contents a practical communicative
approach is used that is consistent with the functional and physical abilities of students. The
modular principle enables the learning of sporting skills in the corresponding sport.
METHODS OF ASSESMENT: Tests of physical capabilities, as well as tests for motor skills and
habits in different sports are carried out.
Name of the course
Mathematics II
Type of teaching:
Lectures and Tutorials
Code: FBЕE08
Semester: 2
Lessons per week:
L – 3 hours;
T – 2 hours
Number of credits: 6
Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. V. Kaschieva (FAMI) – tel.: 9652352, еmail:
Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. M. Raeva (FAMI) – tel.: 965 2354,
Technical University of Sofia
COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: Compulsory for all students in the Electrical
Engineering BEng programme of the Technical University of Sofia.
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: At the end of the course the students are
expected to be able to study a convergence of numerical and functional series, to work with a
function of many variables, to solve ordinary differential equations, to calculate multiple and line
DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: The main topics concern: Numerical series, Sequences and
series of functions, Fourier’s series, Differential and integral calculus of a function of two and more
variables, Elements of differential geometry, Ordinary differential equations.
PREREQUISITES: Mathematics I (Differential and Integral Calculus of a Function of One Real
Variable, Linear Algebra, Analytical Geometry).
TEACHING METHODS: Traditional lectures and tutorials.
METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: Two tests at the middle and the end of the semester (20%) and
three-hour exam during the session (80%).
Б.Чешанков, А.Генов, Математически анализ II, София, 1991 г.
К. Пеева, Математически анализ, София, 1997.
О.Каменов, Висша математика 2, СИЕЛА, София, 2001.
Л.Бояджиев, О.Каменов, Висша математика 3, СИЕЛА, София, 2002.
С. Доневска, И. Трендафилов, Висша математика - Приложен математически анализ на
една променлива, СИЕЛА, София, 1998.
В. Пашева, Я. Арнаудов, Основи на числените методи, ТУ-София, 2002.
Маринов М. и колектив, Задачи за упражнения по висша математика І,ІІ, 2006.
И. Проданов, Н. Хаджииванов, И. Чобанов, Сборник от задачи по диференциално и
интегрално смятане, СОФТЕХ, София, 2006.
Л. Петров, Д. Беева, Модули 4, 5, София, 2007.
Name of the course:
Physics II
Type of teaching:
Lectures, Tutorials, Laboratory work
Code: FBEE09
Semester: 1
Lessons per week:
Number of credits: 5
L– 2 hours; T– 3 hours;
LW – 1 hour
Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. V. Mikhailova (DAP), tel.:965 30 96; e-mail:
Technical University of Sofia
COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: Compulsory for all students in the Electrical
Engineering BEng programme of the Technical University of Sofia.
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: The aim of the Physics course is to make the
students well-grounded in the phenomena, laws and the basic principles of the Classical Physics and
to do an introduction to the quantum properties of the matter. This gives combination of
experimental and theoretical methods in cognition of surrounding nature and solving of particular
problems. The General Physics course ensures the necessary scientific background that allows
upgrading of basic and special engineering courses.
DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: The General Physics course represents a selfconsistent
system of terms, laws and principles that describe the fundamental and the most general features of
the matter at classical and elementary quantum-mechanical level. The course of "Physics II"
consists of the following chapters: Electromagnetism, Oscillations and Waves, Ray Optics and
Wave Optics, Quantum Optics, Quantum Mechanics. Universal physical terminology is introduced
and used throughout the course. The fundamental conservation laws are presented. The only units
the student is asked to master are those of the Systeme International (SI).
TEACHING METHODS: Lectures are presented by the conventional way, while schemes,
drawings, pictures, can be visualized by slides, panels, etc. Large number of experimental
demonstrations is used to illustrate the physical phenomena. Laboratory works and Tutorials
accompany and support the teaching in Physics. Textbooks on General Physics and Manual on
solving of physical problems written by members of the Department of Applied Physics are
available. The Laboratory work is doing using a specially prepared Manual.
PREREQUISITES: A background of Physics at an elementary level is required. Some elements of
the differential and integral calculus, the vector algebra and analysis are useful too.
METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: Written examination in the end of the corresponding term.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. V. Mihailova, "Fundamentals of Physics", parts 1 and 2, Siela, Sofia 2005;
2. N. Ilkov, S. Nikolov, "Physics", Sofia 2003; 3. M. Maksimov, "Fundamentals of Physics", Sofia
2000; 4. K. Jovtchev "Physics" Parts I, II, Sofia 1998.
Name of the course:
Material Science
Type of teaching:
Laboratory work
Code: FBEE10
Semester: 2
Lessons per week:
L – 2 hours;
LW – 1 hours
Number of credits: 4
Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. Peter Dobrev, tel.: 965 25 36, email:
Technical University of Sofia
COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: Compulsory for all students in the Electrical
Engineering BEng programme of the Technical University of Sofia.
Its main aim is to accomplish transition from general scientific to design and technological
knowledge and give the students necessary knowledge about the materials and technologies.
DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: Structure, properties, application in Electrical Engineering
and technologies of metallic and nonmetallic (ceramics, glasses, polymers) are studied in details.
PREREQUISITES: Necessary knowledge of Chemistry and Physics.
TEACHING METHOD: There are book and lecture notes for easy comprehension of the lectures.
The workshops are clarified by manual. The workshop syllabus is synchronized with the lecture
course. The laboratory workshop experiments and investigations enlarge the knowledge, obtained
by the lectures, as an immediate experimental verification of the theory validation is being done.
METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: A written examination after 2nd semester of bachelor degree.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Buchkov D., Kanev M., Material Science, Tehnika, 1998; Kalev L., Material
Working Technologies, Tehnika, 1985; Balevski А., Metal Science, Tehnika, S., 1988.
Name of the course:
Type of teaching:
Lectures, Tutorials, Course assignment
Code: FBEE11
Lessons per week:
L – 2 hours;
T – 2 hours
Semester: 2
Number of credits: 6
Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. M. Eng. Konstantin Arnaudov (FT), tel.:965 22 34, email:,
Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. M. Eng. Geno Duntchev (FT), tel.:965 32 49, email:
Technical University of Sofia.
COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: Compulsory for all students in the Electrical
Engineering BEng programme of the Technical University of Sofia.
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: After the finishing of the course of the
Mechanics and passing the examination the students are expected to be able to put into engineering
practice the basic axioms, laws and methods of static, kinematics, engineering approach to the
calculation of devices, apparatuses and machines and the theoretical basics of the courses in the
future teaching.
DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: Basic topics: Reduction and equilibrium of an arbitrary
plane system of forces; Gerber beams and three-joint structures; Equilibrium in case of friction;
Kinematics of a point in Cartesian and natural coordinate system; Velocities and accelerations of a
point; Kinematics of translation, rotation and plane motion of a solid; Kinematics of relative motion
of a point; Dynamics of a point in different coordinate systems; Right and inverse problems;
Natural and disturbed oscillations of a point; Kinetics energy of a point, solid and material system
and theorems for its changing; Dynamics of simple motions of a solid and material system;
Kinetics; Basics of Strength of materials; one- and two dimensional stress; Stresses and
deformations; Pure tension (extension); Geometrical inertia moments; Pure special bending of
simple beams; Strength calculations.
PREREQUISITES: Knowledge of Physics and some sections of high Mathematics, in particular
vector calculation and calculus, differentials and integrals.
TEACHING METHODS: Lectures using models for some topics, seminars according aims of the
course and work with the given in advance materials.
METHODS OF ASSESMENT: Two one-hour written tests in the middle and end of semester:
(10% of final mark), and (20% of final mark), correspondingly, and final written examination of 3
hours (70% of final mark).
BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1.Pisarev, A.,M. and collective. Theoretical Mechanics I part, “Technics”,
Sofia 1986; 2.Pisarev, A.,M. and collective, Theoretical Mechanics II part., “Technics”, Sofia 1988;
3. Buchvarov S. and collective, Methodical Book for solved problems of Theoretical Mechanics I
part, 1990; 4. Buchvarov S. and colletive, Methodical Book for solved problems of Theoretical
Mechanics II part, 1992; 5. Mandichev G., Strength of Materials, 1996; 6.Mandichev G. and
collective, Collection of problems and methodical instructions on Strength of Materials,1993.
Name of the course
Programming and Computer Application
Type of teaching:
Lectures, Laboratory work, Course
Code: FBEE12
Semester: 2
Lessons per week:
L – 2 hours;
LW – 1 hour
Number of credits: 5
Assoc. prof. Ivan Ivanov PhD (FA) – tel.: 965 2041, email:
Technical University of Sofia
COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: Compulsory for all students in the Electrical
Engineering BEng programme of the Technical University of Sofia.
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: This course extends knowledge on computer
systems, introduces advanced algorithms and data structures, and standard I/O control.
DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: This part of the course extends knowledge of operational
principles of computer systems. Main goals are advanced algorithms and data structures, humanmachine interface, and introduction to object-oriented design; implementation on ISO C
programming language. Laboratory exercises are based on Visual Studio 6 or 7 and MS Windows
PREREQUISITES: Programming and computer application I.
TEACHING METHODS: Lectures, using slides, case studies, laboratory exercises, project.
METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: Continuous assessment.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Kernigan B. and D. Ritchie. The C programming language, Prentice Hall,
Name of the course:
Fundamentals of Engineering Design II
Type of teaching:
Lectures, Laboratory work
Code: FBЕE13
Semester: 2
Lessons per week:
L – 1 hour;
LW – 1 hour
Number of credits: 3
Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. M. Georgiev (MF) – tel.: 965 3787, email:
Technical University of Sofia
COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: Compulsory for all students in the Electrical
Engineering BEng programme of the Technical University of Sofia.
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: Basic knowledge of design process and
documentation of technical objects of electro technique and automation giving to the students. At
the end of the course the students are expected to be able to create engineering documents using
CAD as well as to decipher the information in the applied documents.
DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: The main topics concern: Design of electrical parts, form,
features and requirements, materials, design of electrical units assembled, engineering analysis;
Design of electrical assembled units, the main issues involved in the technical description of the
subject, Design of electrical systems, electrical circuits, electrical panels, electrical connections;
Methods for searching and improving products – structure analysis, functional analysis, value
engineering analysis; Heuristic methods - intuitive methods for solution searching, classification,
maintenance, system methods for solution searching; Functional analysis and synthesis of products
- engineering effects and phenomena, descriptions of technical object, automation; CAD systems automation of design and documentation, SolidWorks / Inventor - characteristics functionality, 3D
modeling and wiring, 2D drawings.
PREREQUISITES: Basic knowledge on using computers is necessary.
TEACHING METHODS: Laboratories using computers.
METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: Continuous control using two assessments (total 25%),
laboratories (total 5%) and course work (total 20%). The continuous assessment (total 100%) is
calculated from the first and second semester.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Leparov, M., M. Vicheva, M. Georgiev, Fundamentals of engineering
design, S., Softtrade, 2008 (bg). 2. Georgiev, M., V. Stancheva, Fundamentals of engineering
design – Drills handbook (electro technique and automation), S., Softtrade, 2009 г. (bg), 3. Ganeva,
N., M. Leparov, G. Stanchev, Fundamentals of engineering design – Drills handbook, S., Softtrade,
2008 (bg). 4. Hubanova, V., M. Georgiev, Handbook for automation of technical documentation, S.,
Softrade, 2000 (bg). 5. AutoCAD 2009 - easy steps, SoftPress, S., 2008, 6. George Omura,
Professional basis of AutoCAD 2007, SoftPress, S., 2006. 7. SolidWorks Part.1, The basic
modeling and drawings, TechnoLogica, S., 2008 (bg). 8. SolidWorks Part 2. Advanced options,
TechnoLogica, S., 2008 (bg).
Name of the course
Foreign Language II
Type of teaching:
Code: FBEE15
Lessons per week:
T – (2) hours
Semester: 2
Number of credits: 0
English: Senior Lecturers Emiliya Alexieva, tel.:965 – 31-60
German: Senior Lecturer Stanka Murdzheva, tel.: 965 – 31-52
Russian: Senior Lecturer Aneliya Bojkova, tel.: 965 – 31-62
French: Senior Lecturer Svetlana Daskalova, tel.: 965 – 31-64
(DFLTAL) Technical University – Sofia
COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: Compulsory for all students in the Electrical Engineering
BEng programme of the Technical University of Sofia.
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: The aim of the foreign language education is to enable
students in using scientific literature and specialized texts, as well as to enhance their communicative competence adopting culturally appropriate modes of behaviour relevant to the concrete situation and apply
effective compensatory strategies in overcoming communicative problems. The additional practice of micro
and macro language skills are targeted at preparing students for successful participation in international
scientific conferences and symposia, graduate and post-graduate exchange programmes sponsored by the EU
or bilateral agreements with partner universities.
DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: The students are taught according to a flexible modular system, adjusted to the three proficiency levels identified by means of an entry test in the respective language. The
programme of study consolidates and enriches the linguistic knowledge acquired in secondary schools with
new categories, notions and lexis characteristic for each discipline. By means of authentic course books the
students gain in-depth knowledge in grammar, syntax, word formation, phraseology, and specialized terminology. Foreign language education builds up communicative abilities and competence allowing students to
socialize and function effectively in real-life professional situations. They develop the four language skills /
Listening, Reading, Speaking and Writing/ aiming to facilitate their adequate auditory and visual comprehension of information, offered in a foreign language, as well as their active ability to respond in keep with the
stylistics and norms of multicultural communication. The correlation general to specialized language is 1:2.
The modern equipment and facilities of the Department of Foreign Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics allows the use of up-to-date audio-visual and technical equipment such as: language labs, VDU, cassette
recorders, OHP-s, and computers.
PREREQUISITES: The course of study requires basic knowledge of the language and elementary rules of
grammar and basic lexical items and their use, taught at secondary schools and vocational schools.
TEACHING METHODS: The selection and structuring of syllabus content is carried out by way of an
integrated theoretical-practical communicative approach, taking into consideration the functional needs of
students to use the language competently in cross-cultural and professional medium. Various interactive
methods of classroom management are applied, such as discussions, presentations, case studies, role, theme
projects, computer tests in grammar and lexicology on different proficiency levels, as well as translation of
specialized scientific texts. The modular principle of foreign language teaching allows for a synthesis of a
learner-centered seminar work in a given sphere with individual forms of study and self-study.
METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: In addition to the ongoing assessment, based on the participation of
students in workshops, presentations and written tests during the semester, the final exams are administered
in the form of standard EU recognized exit tests on several proficiency levels to estimate the achieved
progress and quality of acquired knowledge. Some specialties request that part of the final assessment
includes translation of an abstract from a scientific book in a subject-specific field from a foreign language
into Bulgarian. The final grade is made on the basis of two written tests for the period of training throughout
the semester (an overall of 80%) and active participation in seminars and workshops and individual
presentations (an overall of 20%).
INSTRUCTION LANGUAGE: English, German, French, Russian.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: A number of course materials and textbooks have been developed under European
projects and in collaboration with the British Council and Goethe Institute in the sphere of specialized
language teaching for science and business purposes. There are rich resources available at the English,
German and French Departmental libraries and multimedia packages of original software programmes in
Name of the course:
Type of teaching:
Code: FBEE16
Lessons per week:
T – (3) hours
Semester: 1
Number of credits: 0
Assoc. Prof. PhD. Ivan Bozov (DS), tel.:965 2016, email:,
Senior lecturer. Kiril Georgiev (DS), tel.:965 3003, email:
Senior lecturer Roumyana Tasheva (DS) – tel.: 965 3274, e-mail:
Senior lecturer Sonia Paspalanova (DS) - tel.: 965 2012
Senior lecturer Ivan Venkov (DS) - tel.: 965 3005
Technical University of Sofia.
COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: Compulsory for all students in the Electrical
Engineering BEng programme of the Technical University of Sofia.
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: To increase the capacity of students with
physical exercise and sports, to unloads of mental activities. Let them create lasting habits for sports
activities. To acquire new skills and knowledge of individual sports.
DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: Students follow a flexible modular system, tailored to their
abilities and desires (choice of sport). Programs allow to improve the skills aquired during
secondary and primary education in selected sports. Students acquire a thorough knowledge of the
sport, but in some - such as skiing and volleyball, can acquire judicial rights in addition. The TU
Sports Complex makes it possible to conduct many types of sports, including swimming, tennis,
soccer, tennis, fitness (for men, women), basketball, volleyball and others. Along with sports
practiced outside the sports complex - hiking, skiing, rock climbing, rowing, sailing and more,
students have the choice of 20 different sports.
PREREQUISITES: Sports sem.1.
TEACHING METHODS: In structuring the curriculum contents a practical communicative
approach is used that is consistent with the functional and physical abilities of students. The
modular principle enables the learning of sporting skills in the corresponding sport.
METHODS OF ASSESMENT: Tests of physical capabilities, as well as tests for motor skills and
habits in different sports are carried out.