' THl ATtff A NEWS fimisiJAY. ATTICA, tf.t. SIPT. §, mi PXGB THREfi •* Johnsonburg Prayer and Bibie study Wednesday night a t Mrs. "Wilson Eastman's. The temperance program put on b.y the young people. Sunday evening, was enjoyed by all. The Home Workers will serve a chicken pie supper at the home of Mrs. Laura S m i t h Friday niihx. Adults, 9 S c : ' c h i l d r e n . 20c. Supper rerved'fffWi- eHinttl uJl a:e served Lloyd' Lf.W %xs 1B BulTalo on Wednesday. Mis5 u Len^ Godfrey and Glenn Godfre»,*fftifr in Batavia. Wednesday. .-.. , Mr. ar^d Mrs. Ernest E a t e r of Aicade were guests a t the Godfrey home the first of t h e week. McKinley O a t h a n d family of VVellsviile '*eie guests of Mr. and Mrs. J o h n Head the first uf the week. Mrs. Hat tie Head returned to Pnri*ville. Saturday Mrs. Bert Koy spent the past week in Buffalo. Mr. and Mrs. Sailor, Mr. and Mrs. Keeney and Mrs. Taylor of Poughkeepsie. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Head the past week. Cloie-iip h e w t news corninn Fiee at Family T h e a t r e . Sept. 13U-15. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Valzy of Ham bur.?, were puests of Mr. and Mrs J o h n Ram.'ey a n d Mrs. F a n n y Jones the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Hale and Allan, spent the first of the week in Poughkeepsie. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. B. Witter and daughter of Pekin. Louts Giohs and daughter of Scottsville weie recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Tuttle. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Coulter, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bauer, and Mrs. Eva Kittle attended the Kittle r e union at Li.ne Lake, Sunday. Mr. a n d Mrs. Fred James are spending a few days in Buffalo f r o m a H V M H H | irsiin a woman btCMUJS dispatched an alarm by note. telej!i«i|:ii and leieplioue in time to save tan sister's house Hum tire. On her way to Chicago after stay tug at Iter sister's* home IU Kala ruwioo. Mich., ih*» Woman suddenly realized thai before leaving the house slu1 had forgotten to turu off the switch of au electrically heated curling iron. Hastily she wrote a note and dropped It from the train as It passed through Niles. Mich The message was promptly telegraphed to the agent at Kalamazoo, who telephoned the Are department there. Firemen found the Iron wrapped Jn a smotslna towel. FINE ASSORTMENT 01 GOOD USED CARS • i n in AH Cars Priced $100*00 or over carry the RED "OK" TAG THAT COUNTS Prices will never be lower en Used Cars, Buy now .while our Special "Fall Disposal" Sale is onPRICES RANGE FROM $25.00 U P ! CHEVROLET TOWN SEDAN CHEVROLET7 COACH CHEVROLET COACH CHEVROLET" CABRIOLET CHEVROLET COUPE CHEVROLET COACH CHEVROLET CCNJPE CHEVROLET TOWN SEDAN FORD COACH BUICK COUPE CHEVROLET COACH WHIPPET SEDAN PONTIAC COACH ToRD ROADSTER FOfc'p COACH •FORD COUPE OLDSMOBEE SEDAN NASH COACH ^CHEVROLET TOWN SEDAN CHEVROLET" COACH CHEVROLETT COACH "DODGF SEDAN PONTIAC COUPE — H ^ — tm —ma a | <_ CHEVROLET COACH PLYMOUTH CABRIOLET TRUCKS! 1934 1934" 1934" 1933 1933 •^ OLDSMOBILE SEDAN 1929 1929 1929 1929 ""FORD"" COACH FORD ROADSTER FORD SEDAN -dttV&OLET COACH *• - » » *•'.'. -. * . m ** *1 . v FORD 1931 PANEL CHEVROLET 1929 131-in. w. b. T 31-in. Stake FORD CHEVROLET 1929 157-in. Stake 1 i I-in, w. b. FORD CHEV.T^-m. 1929 Pickup CHEVROLET CHEVROLET 1929 Pickup 1 57-in. Stake 1930 School Bus II, * EXTRA SPECIAL OFFER!!! 2 GALLONS ONLY $1.39 COMPLETE GARAGE SERVICE fii ? INDIVIDUAL DEEP APPLE PIES: , * 6 cups sliced apples, 1 cup brown sugai; % teaspoon salt f V. teaspoon allspice 1 tablespoons butl«* 1 ftcijK Sexy fie Croat Pare, core, and thinly slice apples. Fill 9-ounce casseroles half full of apples. Mix brown sugar, salt and a l l s p i c e t o g e t h e r . P u t half o v e r apples. Fill casseroles with remaining apples and cover with rest of sugar mixture. Dot filling with butter. Roll Spry dough %-inch thick; cut in rounds 1 inch larger than casserole. Cut small design in top, turn edges under to tit casseroles, place over plea, and seal edges with fork. Bruin with cold water and sprinkle with granulated sugar. Bake ua hot oven (425°F.) 25 to 30 minutes. Serve w a r m with Snowy Peak Sauce and a dash of nutmeg. Makes 6 pies. SPRY PIE CRUST 2% cups sifted all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon salt % cup Spry (the new all-vegetable * shortening) S tablespoons cold water . about,! Sift flour and salt together. Add % of Spry and cut in until mixture is a s fine a s corn meal.Add remaining Spry and continue cutting until particles are size of a navy bean. Sprinkle water, 1 tablespoon at a time, over mixture. With a fork, work lightly together until a dough is formed. I SNOWY PEAK SAUCE 2 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons Spry Xii teaspoon salt % teaspoon gratwl lemon rind % cup sifted confectioners' sugar C o m b i n e b u t t e r , Spry, s a l t , a n d lemon rind and mix well. Add sugar gradually, beating well after each addition. The Attica New$ $2.00 per year GREAT SOAP COMPANY KEEPS STEP WITH RISING WASHER SALES Discovers way to make famous soap better than ever Sales reports for last year show that 1,729,135 washing machines wore sold —an increase of almost 300,000 over J the year before. As more and more washerj are being sold the demand for aaoap that will give rich, lasting suds and wash clothes whiter and brighter wit h absolute safety becomes increasingly urgent. Richer suds The makers of Rinso recently anuounced the perfection of the lat est and most important step in the production of t he idojil soap for washing machines. After many months of intense rcr.oarch tnd experimentation the Rinso Laboratories have discovered a way to make Rinso better than ever. According to reports from washer owners ovrywhere, the New improved Rinso now givos from 25 to 50% more suds, even in hard water. Endoned by experts The makers of 33 far* ous washing Scene infamous New England laboratory sfluwlna uitrkrrs making sitap lexis in washing machines. machines, aware that their modern washers need I truly modern soap, have vnited in endorsing the Mew Rinso. It is estimated that almi... two million washing machines will be sold this year. Thousand* of w:isher salesmen during the yer.r will bo instructed by their compaaier to fecov./uend only Rins« for }>e«t rosuUa. E —Mrs. Louise Bower h a s sold her house on Washington street, to Carl Underwood. —Miss Helen Stedman is a t t e n d ing the R. B. I. at Baluvla. —Mr. Lowell Fox, mathematics teacher at the Attica H.. S. h a s been appointed assistant principal for the ensuing year. Mr. Elmore Vickery is the new waiter at the Diner on M a n St. —Mr. Park Baleman is enjoying a weens vacation. Bob Fuest is acting manager during his absence at the Market Basket store. Miss Ethel Ernst h a s been a p pointed sister counsellor a t the Fredonia State Normal. She will resume her studies Sept. 13th. —The Misses Irene Merle, Marian Snyder and Evelyn Merkle. members of the Busy Beavers 4-H Club of Attica and winners of blue ribbons from the Wyoming Co. Style Revue attended the W N. Y. Style Revue at Sibley, Lindsey & Curr Co., at Rochester last Tuesday, where six counties were represented. Marian Snyder won a free trip to the State Fair a t Syra cuse where she will model her com plete ensemble in a revue there. Mrkle was in the red ribbon class. T h e complete ensembles modeled by each girl were made and selected by them. Miss Merkle was in the red ribbon olass. fVV- <mM son of Quard and Mrs. Jack Semple, of Windsor St. recently fell on a milk bottle and BAKING ART To BE PRESERTEB Pillsbury Participates in Movie Cooking School I FACTS & COMMENT _ Better cakes with less worry and w o r k - that's the demand of home makers everywhere today. They want to produce a cake which will win the approval of every member of the family and add t o their IsUirels as a cake baker among Uteir friends. Not long ago, a woman wrote « rViendly note to Mary Ellis Ames, xXreetor of Pillsbury's Cooking Service. "I recently 'discovered' Pillsbury'» Sno Sheen QUce Flour," her letter read. "For years I was proud of the fact that I was acknowledged a s a baker of good cakes. Then, o r e day a friend told me of Sno Sheen and the extra-fine cakes she had baked with it. I tried it—and I'!! never be without it again." Fine cakes aren't the exception-they're the rule—with a fine flour such a s Pillsbury's Sno Sheen Cake flour, which is used in th«» Motion ?4cture Cooking Schoo'.. The reason for this !» nlmplc. The millers realized that women wanted a fine cake flour. The laboratory technicians went to work, rt was found that a blend of certain soft wheats, milled to velvety fineness, was the best for thi» baking of fine cakes. So each ye»r Pillsbury purchases the best soft wheat* available, put? the experience of many years of research into th« production of a super-fine flour, and Sno Sheen in the result. KEDETTES N e w Fall K e d e t t e s . J u s t the Black o r b r o n n ; all feather, t h i n g for s c h o o l . B r o w n a n d n e w s t y l e s . Sizes ?'-' t o 8, B l u e . Sizes 3 1 -' t o 8 . $2.25 and $2.50 Price $2.50 GYM PANTS AND SHIRTS Boy\s Gym Pants . 35 Cents TOW TRUCK f ^ l l AO NIGHT OR DAY ^-' < * M 4 J Boy's G y m Shirts 25 PANTS Young men's GYM Pants. All Cents Boy's G y m Shoes n e w Fall p a t t e r n s . Sizes 2 9 to Sizes 36. Price $2.50 up 11' to 2 ' Sizes, 2 1 -' t o 6 75c . . ! Sizes 6 ' ' t o 11 95c $] 00 F R E E . $ 1 . 0 0 Ladies' H o s e . Full particulars at t h e Family OLDSMOBILE Theatre, Monday, Tuesday Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com and Wednesday MOVIE full of beauty tips! How t o keep skin lovely t h e way 9 out of 50 .screen -tar*, do—with l.u* Toilet Soap. Use roufte find powder all you w i s h ! I,u* Toilet Soap's ACTIVE lather removes t h e m that' mijsAify — ftuards against < Osmetic Skin. Be sure t o keep your skin smooth and clear thai Lux Toilet S0Cf> way! A SHOES ; __ , „ was bstng publicly crucified for hi* SYNOPSIS sake. 'Is could bear it DO longer. "Colonel Fane; successful He left tbe courtroom, determined London businessman, is really in soma wny — any way — to aav$ ,'tm Dial, a dangerous racketeer her. who manages to become engaged \ Ricky confronted the local Pollcej to Glory Howard, famous beauty. Inapector in his oflce. "Inspector, £ Young Ricky Morgan, whom want U» xive mysatf up for the murFane once forced into a Hfe of der vf Charles Fane." crime, hears that Fane has given • respite the skepticism of thai Olory an incriminating cameo poiice, Ricky poured out to them, ring which Ricky broke when the true story of how Fane had met accidentally killing a man. Ricky his death. But when he came t o breaks into Glory's apartment the explanation of how he had gainand they fall in love, but Glory ed access to Fane's quarters—by deserts him and marries Fane. jumping down from the roof to tha On their wedding night Ricky narrow balcony — they refused t o calls on Fane; they fight and listen to him. It was impossible! Fane is accidentally shot. Glory, "All right," said Ricky, "I'll prove who still loves Ricky, shields it. I made that jump before, and him and testifies thai Fane comI'll do it again." mitted suicide. She is held for hit Swayed by his fiery insistence and murder. his readiness to prove his claim, the* Inspector finally summoned a couple of his constables and they accompanied Ricky to the Fann Chapter Six house. If h» c m l d perform the hazThe little .Knghsa country town ardous jump as he said, it was quite was agog over the indictment and possible that he had done it before. In a tew moments Ricky was u p Imminent trial of young Mrs. Fane for the murder of her husband. The the drain pipe and on the ledge of few who sympathized with her the roof. He balanced himself, drew 1 shook their heads, clucked their his form up rigid •— and leaped. But this time he was to tense, tongues, and murmured, "It looks too do-ply worried, too full of tha , fair bad for the poor girl." Ricky was of their way of think- sense of what depended on his ing, and he was determined to do jump. He missed his mark, struck something about it. Through with the edffc of the balcony railing, ! accepting her protection and en- CAfihed to the ground, and lest con BACK-TO-SCHOOL DAYS Oxfords W* FAIRBANKS^ OFFERS FOR Girl School CALL ECONOMY F I R S ! WE ALWAYS PAY HIGHEST PRICES ^ < * f DOUGLAS ™ KRAUSS STORE OXFORDS DEAD STOCK REMOVED Before giving any advice a wise m a n prepares to dodge the con- Prompt Service—Day or Night sequences. ECONOMY REDUCTION COUP. A loan widow is one who has 550 Baboock Street money out on interest. BUFFALO. N. Y. Much ot the charity that begins P H O N E — WASHtNti I ON 1793 abroad never reaches home. »i Our Expense It sometimes happens t h a t the man who dubs his home his castle •—• has the moat in his eye. A dirt farmer sometimes beSilence may be golden, but » comes a "dirty" politician. igood d*al of speech is brazen. • ;v Gilliatt-Housenger Sales Co., Inc. CHEVROLET • * Try these spicy apples and brown sugar, tucked under the flakiest crust you ever ate! Cab SUNOCO MOTOR OIL SPECIAL -School days are here agaia. —Did you forget to set your clock back one hour Monday morn mg? —The first day of Autumn will occur next Thursday. To be exact it will start at 6:13 a. at. on t h a t day. —Moon phases for September are: New moon, 4th: first Quarter. 12th: full moon, 30th; last quarter, 27th —A large number of Attica people attended the picnic a t Ben nington Center, Labor Day. —Christmas and New Years #ill fall on Saturday this year. —The Senior Guild of St. Luke's church, gave Mrs. Jos. Wood of Exchange street, a birthday surprise party. Saturday evening, a n d helped her celebrate her 81st birth day anniversary. Twelve members were present. Among others present were Mrs. Wood's daughters. Mrs. Frank Beyer and husband of Lancaster and Mrs. Harry Vickerv and husband of Franklinville. ¥**<& TRUCKS! CHEVROLET TRt>CK CHEVROLET Chassis and Your Family Will Applaud This New Version of an Old Favorite There are apple pies and apple pies- But when you serve these Individual Deep Apple Pies, we'll wager the family will shower you with compliments! For they're an extra-special treat if there ever w a s onel Juicy apples done t o a turn—and seasoned just right with brown s u g a r and allspice! Pastry that's Bimply a dream—it's so flaky, tender and golden! Topped with luscious Snowy Peak Sauce and a dash of nutmeg! Serve these grand little pies warm, too, and watch the effect of t h a t heavenly aroma on yoar g u e s t s ! Each individual pie cont a i n s a generous serving. But don't worry, the tender, flaky crust is wholesome and easily digestible, like all pastry made with Spry, the new vegetable shortening. i f you haven't small casseroles, use this recipe to make a large apple pie and top individual servings with Snowy Peak Sauce. Your family will love the blend of brown e u g a r , apples and allspice. For a l a r g e deep apple pie, use 6 to 8 'large apples, roll your crust % inch thick and bake about 10 minutes , longer than the small pies. severely lacerated both of his arms. —The flag pole at the new Attica post office corner is being raised thus afternoon. Village News ! IUXTOILETSOAP She kissed him. "Lovely dreams M I M lists com© true," she said, I TSW I dangering her life for something; sciousness. His attempted sacrifice j that had happened to htm, he [ was for nought; he had only injured marched down to the hotel where himself, " had rproved nothing .„ .„ -__ and • Olory's attorney, the famous barris- Glory's life was still in the balance.* • • • e ter Valentine was staying, and pushed his way into the room where In the courtroom Prosccuto»| Valentine was poring over his Peters was summing up. His case papers in the case. seemed complete. He pointed out "Mr. Valentine, my name is Riol-y the inconsistencies in Glory's deMorgan. I want to talk to you about fense, and the evident motive she Glory Fane. She Is Innocent — / had had in murdering hor husbr.nd killed Colonel Fanrtl I had come for the money. H.-> therefore re-3 down to settle an old scoro with quested a verdict of "Guilty". him. I had a gun — he, seized it As he v/as finishing his lmpas-"1 we struggled — it went olf «•*""' he sioncd address, a clerk rushed in'.oj was killed."' "* the courtroom and hr.nded him tvj The atlorney laughed indulgently. note. Petars read It, held a whisper-; "I'm sorry, young man. but your i ed consultation with his staff, aridj story won't hold water. Very gal- j then addressed the Judge. lant of you, but don't let's be abSir, information has just reach-J surd. I don't believe your story, and I cd me wbieh changes the entire comno one else will." And before the abashed Ricky plexion of thin case. I learn that! eould protest apy more, Valentine the late Colonel Fane's partner h a s | Just, committed suicide over a bowed him out of the room. crash In the pepper market in which And a o w Olory's fight for life win their firm was involved. Sin^e this on la earnest. She was standing substantiates the de'endant's earlier that Colonel Fane did Indeed j trial for the murder of her hus- claim have severe financial worries which band, this time with a new otory caused to take his own life, to tell the Jury - still not the true we aro him satisfied that tho defendstory, for she was determined to ant Is Innocent, and the prosecution shield Ricky before herself. She had hereby begs leave t o withdraw!" merely changed her version of It was over! Glory was free! Fane's death tr» suit the new evidence uncovered at the inquest. But Ricky — Peters, the prosecuting attorney, In a hospital cot Ricky lay re-' was cross-examining Glory. In re- covering from his Injuries, which sponse to his questioning, she told were painful but not o.* serious na- i him her story of the events on the ture. Asleep under the influence! night of Fano's death. of a sedative, he tossed and moanPeters, over the repeated objec- ed, while uneasy dreams flitted tions of Vslentino, proceeded to through his subconscious mind. Sud•hake her story by drawing from denly the course of his dream her the admission that she loved changed; ho saw a vision of Glory Ricky Morgan, and that Morgan with her a r m» about him. was penniless. Ho awpke with a start, to find ( "Exactly," exclaimed Peters, ad- Glo«-y bendlpg over him. "Glory! Oh,> dressing the presiding Judge. "It is Glory, t'va batn dreaming a lovely' the Crown's contention that the dream!" prisoner wanted Fane's money to She bent lower and kissed him.', spend on Ricky Morgan'" An excited murmur arose In the "Iyovety dreams, darl!ng. aov.Umea, come true . . . * •* eourtroom. Glory grew pale. Ricky, sitting at the rear of the room winced for the girl he loved, who Cnpjtlfhi urt bp Vsiua Arttots »n_.—- -
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