April 12, 2015 St. Thomas Aquinas Parish & School 955 Alton Road East Lansing, MI 48823 Office Phone: 517.351.7215 School Phone: 517.332.0813 St. John Church & Student Center 327 MAC Avenue East Lansing, MI 48823 Office Phone: 517.337.9778 www.elcatholics.org ST. THOMAS AQUINAS Weekend Mass Times ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST Weekend Mass Times Saturday 4:30 pm Sunday 9:00 am & 11:00 am Sunday 8:00 am, 10:00 am, Noon, 5:00 pm & 7:00 pm Weekday Mass Times Monday – Friday 6:30 am Wednesday & Friday 9:00 am Weekday Mass Times Monday, Wednesday & Friday at 12:15 pm Tuesday & Thursday 9:15 pm Sacrament of Reconciliation Monday, Wednesday & Friday 11:00 am - Noon Tuesday 8:00 pm Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 3:00-4:00 pm & following the 4:30 pm Mass 1 Second Sunday of Easter/Divine Mercy Sunday Fr. Mark’s Remarks Our school principal, Mr. Frank Sander, has been appointed the Superintendent of Catholic Schools for the Diocese of Gaylord effective July 1. I am sorry to lose him but happy that Bishop Raica has placed his confidence in him for this diocesan ministry in northern Michigan. Frank will stay until the end of the school year and be here to facilitate the transition to a new principal. Congratulations to Mr. Sander on his new position and keep him in your prayers. I received word that a one hour documentary on the life of my uncle, Fr. Joe Walijewsi, will air on EWTN on Saturday, April 11 at 10:00pm. The cause for his canonization was opened two years ago and is progressing well. I learned a few things I did not know about my uncle and found the documentary very moving. After it airs on TV it should be posted on the website www.frjoeguild.org . I remember leaving the Monday after Easter in 2006 to attend his funeral in Lima, Peru where he ministered for 40 years. His intercession helps me in my ministry today! This Friday, April 17, at 7:00pm the Music Ministry at St. John Church & Student Center will present their spring concert in St. John Church. We are blessed to have so many talented musicians among the Catholic MSU students and our permanent community. They freely share the gifts and talents that God has given them. They are blessed too with the great leadership of Matt Eldred, our Director of Music. Plan on attending and enjoying an evening of fine liturgical music presented by the outstanding music ministry we hear at every weekend Mass at both parish sites. See you there! Have a blessed week! April 12, 2015 Faustina: The Apostle of Divine Mercy This Sunday, April 12, the Second Sunday of Easter, we celebrate Divine Mercy Sunday, as established by Pope John Paul II. Join us on Monday evening, April 13, 7:00pm, in the Baraga Room at St. Thomas Aquinas, for this DVD presentation on the life of Sister Faustina Kowalska, a member of the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy, based on her experiences recorded in her spiritual diary. She received from Our Lord the visions of Divine Mercy early this century, and was both beatified and then canonized in 2000 by Pope John Paul II, making her the "first saint of the new millennium." Speaking of Sr. Faustina and the importance of the message contained in her Diary, the Pope calls her "the great apostle of Divine Mercy in our time." Today, we continue to rely on Saint Faustina as a constant reminder of the message to trust in Jesus' endless mercy, and to live life mercifully toward others. One Day CAN Make a Difference! All-Parish Service Event Join us for the 4th Annual KIDS AGAINST HUNGER food packaging event. 5th Graders to Seniors are needed to help package 40,000 meals for hungry children worldwide. These meals will be used to feed the hungry around the corner and around the world! This fun and popular event needs LOTS of volunteers. If you would like to volunteer or learn more, please reply to Ellen Campbell at ellecampbell.ec@gmail.com Many Thanks to all of our Soup Preparers! They provided a wonderful array of soups for our “Soup & Substance” program this past Lent: Peg Schneider, Margaret Beahan, Ellen Burns, Claudia Lusch, Ann McMillan, Maureen Price-Zalba, Sherry Dunn, Cindy Charette, Tom Dolata, Anne Davich, Paul Charette, Therese Cody, Anne House, Christine Fisher, Jim Zalba, Ellen Trecha, Trish Cunningham, Betty Merva, Paula Thomas, Gail Meyer, Amy O’Brien, Donna Zopf, Elaine Adams, Amy Moore, Lisa Oliva, Cheryl Louden, Ban Anayi, and Jack & Julie Barron. We are also very grateful to all of our presenters this season: Pat Dillon, Patrycia Gasior, Saundra Lawson, Aida Cuadrado, and Sam Thomas, as well as Katie Diller and all of our MSU students who shared their meaningful 2 ASB experiences with us! Thank you all! Offertory Actual Offering through March 29 Budgeted Offering through March 29 Year-to-date Deficit $1, 794,109 $1, 798,361 $4,252 Please Note: The fiscal year began 7/1/2014. Offertory consists of cash and checks given at Mass; electronic giving from parishioner checking and credit cards; and stock gifts. Christian Service - Matthew 25 April 12: Macheo provides lifesaving nutritional feeding to prenatal mothers and infants through three months in the poorest slums of Kiandutu, in Kenya. They also provide medical care to prevent infant and maternal death. April 19: Hands Together provides vital services to people living in Haiti’s poorest slums. Services include food and water assistance, a mobile medical unit and emergency medical assistance, drilling wells, and reforestation. Fr. Jerry Celebrates 40 Years of Priesthood On Sunday, April 19, I will be ordained 40 years as a priest of the Lansing Diocese. It has been a wonderful grace-filled journey and many wonderful faith filled people have touched my life and my journey. I would like to share this experience with you. I would like to invite you to join me for a Mass of Thanksgiving at Noon, Sunday, April 19 at St. John Church and Student Center. There will be a small reception in McDevitt Hall following the liturgy. Please, NO gifts; your presence with me on this special day is all the gift that I need. The people at St. John and St. Thomas have become a very special part of my life and my journey. l look forward to sharing this day with you. If you are not able to attend, just hold me in prayer that day, along with Fr. Denis Spitzley and Fr. Alan Wakefield, the two priests I was ordained with. May God continue to bestow His blessings on all of us. Thank you for your generosity! DSA Update Thank you to everyone who has shared the many blessings they have received with your generous gift to our Diocesan Services Appeal. If you have not yet made a gift or a pledge, you are invited to join the faithful of our parish community who have taken an active role in the mission of the Church. Envelopes are available at both churches. Our Parish goal is $201,734 and $123,114 has been pledged to help us reach that. We are at 61% of our goal! Prayers for the Sick & Deceased Please pray for all those who are ill, especially FrankTuma, William Holtgreive, Susan Peters, Ann Thelen, Abagale Rose Shaw, and those listed in our book of prayer. We pray that those who have died and whose lives are hidden with Christ in God. May they live forever with Christ in the glory of the resurrection. We remember Carole Ann Orr, Bonnie McNaughton, Phyllis Carey and Joan Kelly. THANKS FOR SUPPORTING OUR BUTTER AND CHOCOLATE LAMB SALE! Here is the Ukrainian boy who will be receiving our "scholarship" to help a family host him for a summer visit to the U.S. Usually families are considering adopting the child who comes to visit them. Please keep V. in your prayers. He loves the outdoors, especially playing soccer. El Madrid is his favorite team. He would love to visit the U.S and "see a big bridge" while he is here. He hopes to be a great soccer player or drive big trucks some day. His ideal parents would love to have a boy his age to play with on a summer morning. A simple wish. Pray it comes true. To find out more about V. or to view photo listings of other children available this summer for hosting, you can go to the website at http://nhfc.org/ Operation Rice Bowls If you participated in this wonderful almsgiving experience during Lent, we ask that you return your boxes to the parish office at either site so that we can forward the funds collected as a parish family to Catholic 3 Relief Services. Many thanks for your generosity! St. John Student Center - Home of the Catholic Spartans Sr. Dorothy’s Spiritual Nourishment After reading this article by Soren Kierkegaard, a Danish philosopher, theologian, poet, social critic, and religious author, I thought it was worth sharing. It will give us something to ponder this week. Sr. Dorothy - srdorothy@elcatholics.org Director of Campus Ministry Katie Diller - kdiller@elcatholics.org Director of Student Outreach Not so for the follower. The follower aspires with all his/her strength, with all his/her will and all the love in his heart to be what he/she admires. “Blessed is he who has learned to admire but not envy, to follow but not imitate, to praise but not flatter, and to lead but not manipulate.” William Arthur Ward Are you a follower or an Admirer? Jesus used the words, “Come and follow me.” He wants us to be followers. He never asks for admirers, worshippers or adherents. No, he calls disciples. Jesus came into the world with the purpose of saving, not instructing it. He came to be the pattern, a role model, to leave footprints for the person who would join him, who would become a follower. This is why Jesus was born and lived and died in lowliness. There is absolutely nothing to admire in Jesus, unless you want to admire, poverty, misery, and contempt. What then is the difference between an admirer and a follower? A follower is or strives to be what he admires. An admirer, however, keeps himself personally detached. He fails to see that what is admired involves a claim upon him, and thus he fails to be or strives to be what he admires. If you want to admire instead of follow Jesus is not necessarily an invention by bad people. No, it is more an invention by those who spinelessly keep themselves detached, who keep themselves at a safe distance. Admirers are related to the admired only through the excitement of the imagination. The difference between an admirer and a follower still remains, no matter where you are. The admirer never makes any true sacrifices. He always plays it safe. Though in words, phrases, songs, he is inexhaustible about how highly he prizes Jesus. He renounces nothing, gives up nothing, and will not reconstruct his life. He will not be what he admires, and will not let his life express what it is he supposedly admires. UPCOMING EVENTS Catholic Warriors: College Men's Group Mary: The Secret to Sainthood 7:30pm Monday, April 13 Student Lounge, downstairs SJSC Theotokos Catholic Women's Group Embrace the Strength You Were Made for: True Feminism 7:30pm Monday, April 13 Women's Lounge, Rm 13, downstairs SJSC Campus Bible Study James 5 9:30pm Monday, April 13 105B Berkey Hall Church History in the Modern Period with Fr. Tucker 6:30-8:00pm Tuesdays beginning April 14 St. John Student Center, Library April 14: Shake Your Foundations: Martin Luther and the Call to Revolt (16th Century) April 21: Circle the Wagons: The Counterreformation and the Council of Trent (1545-1563) April 28: Aggiornamento: The Second Vatican Council in the era of the Space Age Popes (1962-1965) All college students, members of the Graduate Student & Young Professional Group and parish young professionals aged 18-28 are invited to join Fr. Tucker 4 to explore the Modern Period of Church History. Psalms 1 Bible Study You are invited to join an ongoing Bible Study as they begin studying a new book of the Bible, the Psalms. They meet on Wednesday mornings, 10:00-11:45am, in the STA Fireplace Room, beginning Wednesday, April 22. Step right up Ladies and Gentlemen!! SAVE THE DATE STA Annual Spring Carnival Friday, April 24, 5:30-8:30pm The Book of the Psalms is a unique collection of the song-prayers of Israel. To study Psalms is to study prayer, ultimately to enter into prayer. The study (from Little Rock Scripture Series) will challenge participants to reflect on their own prayer and life experiences. Psalms I focuses on a selection of twenty -eight psalms divided into three categories: Psalms of Descriptive Praise; Psalms of Trust or Confidence; and Wisdom Psalms. All are welcome – questions, please contact Carol Ann at wwilca@aol.com or Al Weilbaecher at 351-5460. Fun for the entire STA Family!! Food, Games, Petting Zoo, Face Painting and More!! Booklets Available The Little White Easter Booklets (from the Diocese of Saginaw) are still available in the back of Church to help you continue your celebration of the entire Easter season through the Feast of Pentecost. . . . a great follow-up to the little black Lenten booklets with the same 6-minute-a-day reflection for each day of the Easter season! Bereavement Support Group If you are struggling with loss in your life, we are here for you. Our Bereavement Support Group meets this Wednesday, April 15, 6:00-8:00pm, in the Dining Room of the former rectory at STA. Also available in the back of Church are A Minute in the Church booklets (Volume II) by Gus Lloyd, which offers one-minute answers to questions about the Catholic Faith. Please take a moment to pick a copy of one (or both!) of these helpful booklets. If you would like more information or plan on attending, please call Joy in the parish office at 351-7215. We generally meet every other week on Wednesday, at 6:00pm. Brochures describing the bereavement support group are available in our formation racks. All are welcome to attend! The Knights of Columbus Council 7816 wishes to extend a very special THANK YOU to everyone that attended and supported our Lenten activities. These include our Fish Frys, Blood Drive, Tootsie Roll Drive, and 40 Cans for Lent. The proceeds from these events are used to support our parish, school, the unborn, and those in need of physical and mental assistance within our community. Beyond Parish, Student Center and School organizations, some of the community ministries supported are Advent House, Habitat for Humaity, Right to Life of Greater Lansing, Students for Life, Rainbow Homes, Haven House, and Ele’s Place. For a complete list, contact Denise Z. at sjsecretary@elcatholics.org. Retrouvaille Weekend Love is a decision, not a feeling. It is an initiated action, not a knee-jerk reaction. If your marriage is struggling and you need help, please consider Retrouvaille. Decide today to be committed to love even if your spouse has lost most of their interest in receiving it. 5 Retrouvaille can help… Our next program date is April 17 – 19 at St. Francis Retreat Center. Call for more information: 517-290-5596 or visit our website: www.retrouvailleoflansing.com SMALL THINGS RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASSES meet this week! FINAL CLASSES for this year for every class except Sacramental Preparation will be April 19 and 20. SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION students will meet: Saturday, April 25 for the First Communion Retreat, 9:30am - noon. Sunday or Monday, April 26/27 for a final Religious Education class. 4:30pm classes will meet as usual. Sunday morning classes will meet, this day only, at 4:30pm. That allows us to rehearse in the church. FIRST HOLY COMMUNION is Saturday, May 2, at 10:00am. WELCOME TO THE TABLE Masses - a special welcome for all First Communicants will be at all the morning Masses on May 3 at both sites. CALLED. Any EIGHTH GRADE RE students who have not taken the Diocesan Religion Exam will be sent information about how to take it online. If you don't get information before the next class, please email or call and let us know. STEUBENVILLE YOUTH CONFERENCE Your teen (graduating 8th graders through graduating high schoolers) is invited to join our parish trip to the Steubenville Youth Conference the weekend of June 19-21. EIGHTH GRADE Religious Education students who have missed more than half of the classes will be asked to take the online version of the program at home this summer. It is an important component of the Confirmation Preparation program. “The Paschal Mystery” The Steubenville Youth Conference has a forty year history of celebrating the Catholic Faith, holding up the teachings of the Church, and offering participants a vibrant experience of Sacrament and prayer. At SYC Teens often experience their faith in powerful ways they have not imagined possible previously. Information is being sent to teens active in our youth programs. If you didn't get information at home, it can be picked up from one of our offices, or mailed to you if you e-mail or call us. This conference is for ALL teens in the parish. Lansing Catholic Central students and homeschooled students are warmly invited to attend. Please contact Dian at dsilvey@elcatholics.org or 351-5460 to get registration information. Our Catholic Update Series concludes next Sunday morning, April 19, 10:20-11:30am (during religious education classes) in the STA School Library. We are using the new Symbolon DVD series by the Augustine Institute as our resource. Our topic on April 19, will be “The Paschal Mystery . . . the Mystery of Jesus’ Death & Resurrection.” Please join us for coffee, juice, fellowship, an informative DVD and some informal discussion. Questions? . . . contact Al Weilbaecher at al@elcatholics.org or 351-5460. 6 All are welcome! Putting Our Lives Together Jesus’ Help April 29 RCIA Update Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults Thanks to the RCIA Team for the long hours and their many talents in making the RCIA process possible for STA and SJSC. They facilitate inquiry, RCIA and mystagogy sessions, assist with interviews of candidates, and bring to mind and assist with dozens of items which need attention. Thanks go to Doug Adelman, Paul Charette, Lizzy Colunga, Abbey Doyle, Theresa Kaminski, Dcn. Jim Kasprzak, Karen Kasprzak, Gina Klco, Angie Liberato, Patrick Morgan, John Rashid, Denise Waytes, and Al Weilbaecher. Thanks to Karen Kasprzak and Annie Kitching for coordinating the outstanding reception after the Easter Vigil. Thanks to Gene Klco who takes pictures at all the rites. Also, thanks to the dozens of RCIA sponsors who agreed to walk with one of our catechumens or candidates on their journey of faith. And thanks for the continuing prayers of our community for all the people who are on various stages of the RCIA journey. The witness of your faith is what draws people to the Catholic Church. Annual Senior Day of Reflection All seniors are invited to join Fr. Larry Delaney at St. Francis Retreat Center in DeWitt on Wednesday, April 29. Doors open for coffee at 9:00am, followed by a presentation at 10:00am, Mass, Lunch, a presentation, and dismissal at approximately 2:30pm. The day is sponsored by the Lansing Area Catholic Council on Aging under the auspices of St. Vincent Catholic Charities. Please contact the parish office to register and pay your $10 fee. Reservations are required by Monday, April 20 and seating is limited. Bus Tour of Houses of Worship in the Lansing Area Wednesday, April 22 All are welcome to join us. The cost is $45 and includes lunch and snacks. We will visit Red Cedar Friends, Cristo Rey, Islamic Center of East Lansing and Bharatiya Temple. This Easter season may cause you to think of someone who might want to begin the RCIA process. If you have been attending St. Thomas Aquinas or St. John Church and Student Center because of some interest in the Catholic Church, call Pete Ries at 517-351-5460, ext. 1328 or e-mail him at pries@elcatholics.org. If your spouse or a friend is waiting for an invitation to check out the Catholic Church, suggest they give Pete a call. To reserve your spot on the bus, please drop off a check at either St. Thomas or St. John. The deadline is April 14. If you have any questions, please call Larry Meyer at 517-927-6125. A new group of inquirers is being formed and will begin meeting Tuesday, May 12, 7:00 - 8:30pm and Sunday, May 17, 2:00 - 3:30pm, both at St. John Church and Student Center. This fall there will also be a group for children and teens. Spring into Giving! for STVCC is launching April 1 to April 30! Please join us in this opportunity to provide basic household items that will help to make a house a home for so many of the clients that we serve! Most commonly needed items include pots and pans, alarm clocks, cooking utensils, bowls, plates, silverware, twin and double sheet sets and blankets. Items can be dropped off at participating MSU Federal Credit Union branches: Mon -Thurs, 9:00am - 5:30pm; Friday, 9:00am - 6:00pm; Saturday, 9:00am - 3:00pm; or at STVCC Service Center Donation Drop off. For additional information contact Thomas Woods at 517-323-4734, ext. 1203 or woodst@stvcc.org. INFORMATION PROGRAM ON ANNULMENTS 7 Come learn more on Thursday, May 14, from 7:00pm - 8:30pm, at St. Jude Parish Community Center (409 Wilson, DeWitt). The program will include information about marriage as a covenant, invalid marriage and submitting a case to the tribunal. The session will be conducted by Dr. Eileen Jaramillo, a judge of Diocese of Lansing tribunal. For more information contact Terry Humenik at 517-669-8335, ext. 18 or terryhumenik@stjudedewitt.com. 31st Annual Fr. Mac Scholarship Dinner Rosary Altar Society For Women of All Ages Who Wish to Serve the Church Please join us in supporting Catholic education at our 31st Annual Msgr. Jerome V. MacEachin (Fr. Mac) Scholarship Dinner. The dinner will be held at the Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center at MSU on Tuesday, May 12. The Keynote Speaker is John Shinsky, founder of Ciudad de los Ninos in Matamoras, Mexico. The 2015 Community Service Award will be given to David M. Flint, D.D.S. Rosary Event The Rosary Altar Society will be gathering to recite the Rosary on Monday, April 13, at 10:00am in the Chapel at STA. All are invited to join us, especially if you have a special intention. These “Prayer Pals” will include all requests in their prayers. Please plan to attend. All are welcome! The Fr. Mac dinner is the primary scholarship fundraising event for Lansing Catholic High School. Ticket price is $125/person. Proceeds to benefit the Fr. Mac Scholarship and the Tuition Assistance Fund. Contact Colleen Murray at 267-2109 or email colleen.murray@lansingcatholic.org for tickets or for more information. St. Veronica Guild Annual Dinner The Annual Dinner for St. Veronica’s Guild will be held May 5 at 5:30pm at STA in Fr. Mac Hall. The meal will be catered. The cost is $15. Reservations and money are due by May 1. Please mail to Terri Brantley at 1237 Blake, Lansing, MI, 48912. All women of the Parish are welcome. Any questions, please call 517-285-3587 or 517-485-4258. We hope to see you there! Readings for the week of April 12, 2015 Sunday Second Sunday of Easter or Sunday of Divine Mercy Acts 4:32-35; Ps 118; 1 Jn 5:1-6; Jn 20:19-31 Monday Acts 4:23-31; Ps 2; Jn 3:1-8 Tuesday Acts 4:32-37; Ps 93; Jn 3:7b-15 Wednesday Acts 5:17-26; Ps 34; Jn 3:16-21 Thursday Acts 5:27-33; Ps 34; Jn 3:31-36 Friday Acts 5:34-42; Ps 27; Jn 6:1-15 Saturday Acts 6:1-7; Ps 33; Jn 6:16-21 Sunday Third Sunday of Easter Acts 3:13-15, 17-19; Ps 4; 1 Jn 2:1-5a; Lk 24:35-48 Please pray for those people who have received prayer blankets from our Prayer Blanket Ministry. Outreach Mass In June 2014, the Diocese of Lansing welcomed five newly ordained priests, including our own Father Dan. Because each new priest celebrated the Outreach Mass, you can see them on the web at http://www.dioceseoflansing.org/ outreach_mass. Pray for these young priests and the success of their ministries. Faith Sharing Questions For Next Sunday We invite you to prepare for next Sunday’s liturgy (the third Sunday of Easter) by reflecting on the Gospel: Thank you for your support of the Outreach Mass, and being a part of this evangelical ministry! Luke 24:35–48 Jesus was made known to them in the breaking of bread. Touch me and see, because a ghost does not have flesh and bones as you can see I have. St. Vincent DePaul In the Gospel today, Jesus stands in the midst of us and says: “Peace be with you!” Questions: When do I find it hard to tell and live the truth? Where in my life do I lack initiative? During Mass we turn to each other and say “Peace be with you!” As you put your gift into the St. Vincent de Paul poor box you say “Peace be with you!” to those who are poor and hungry. More reflections are available at elcatholics.org under Adult Faith Formation - Bringing Home the Word. 8 Events In our Parish Mass Intentions Monday, April 13, 2015 10:00am Rosary Altar Society Rosary (STA) 10:00am Faith Sharing Group (STA) 2:00pm Compassionate Minister Meeting (STA) 5:30pm Centering Contemplative Prayer (SJSC) 6:30pm JustFaith (STA) 7:00pm Spring/Summer DVD Series (STA) Tuesday, April 14, 2015 6:30pm Chinese Prayer Group (SJSC) 6:30pm Group Spiritual Direction (STA) 7:00pm RCIA Inquiry (SJSC) 7:00pm St. Vincent de Paul (SJSC) 7:30pm K of C #7816 Meeting (STA) Wednesday, April 15, 2015 10:00am Rosary (STA) 10:00am Bible Study (STA) 3:15pm, 4:15pm Cherub Choir Rehearsal (STA) 6:00pm Cub Scout Meeting (STA) 6:00pm Bereavement Support Group (STA) 7:00pm Korean Prayer Group (STA) 7:00pm Light Weigh (STA) 7:00pm Quest Group (SJSC) 7:00pm St. Vincent de Paul (STA) Thursday, April 16, 2015 9:30am Mom’s Group (SJSC) 3:15pm, 4:30pm Seraph Choir Rehearsal (STA) 4:30pm RCIA with Teens & Children (STA) 6:00pm Choir Rehearsal (STA) 6:30pm Choir Rehearsal (SJSC) 7:30pm GSYP (SJSC) Friday, April 17, 2015 5:00pm Confirmation Retreat (SJSC) 5:00pm Living in Love Dinner (STA) 7:00pm Spring Music Concert (SJSC) Saturday, April 18, 2015 9:00am Food Cupboard (SJSC) 9:00am Kids Against Hunger (STA) 11:00am Confirmation Retreat (SJSC) Sunday, April 19, 2015 8:30am, 10:20am Religious Ed Classes (STA) 9:00am JustFaith Retreat (SJSC) 9:45am Choir Rehearsal (STA) 10:00am Coffee & Donuts (STA) 11:00am RCIA Mystagogy (SJSC) 1:00pm “Caring for Children” (STA) 1:00pm Fr. Jerry’s 40th Anniversary Reception (SJSC) 3:00pm Collegiate Ensemble Rehearsal (SJSC) 4:00pm Spaghetti Supper (SJSC) 6:30pm JustFaith Meetings (STA) Monday, April 13, 2015 6:30am (St. Thomas Aquinas) Richard & Dora Long req. by The Blatnik Family 12:15pm (St. John) Mary Ossi David req. by Elaine Knox Tuesday, April 14, 2015 6:30am (St. Thomas Aquinas) Helen Lothamer req. by The Whaley Family 9:15pm (St. John) Donald Quigley req. by Mark Quigley Wednesday, April 15, 2015 6:30am (St. Thomas Aquinas) John Gromen req. by David & Cindy Eich 9:00am (St. Thomas Aquinas) In Thanksgiving 12:15pm (St. John) Susan Fitzpatrick req. by John & Colleen Fitzpatrick Thursday, April 16, 2015 6:30am (St. Thomas) Roslyn Johnson req. by Joretta Beck 9:15pm (St. John) Friday, April 17, 2015 6:30am (St. Thomas Aquinas) Frank DeRose req. by Friday Breakfast Group 9:00am (St. Thomas Aquinas) Special Intention 12:15pm (St. John) Rudy Bernard req. by Mary Rhodes Saturday, April 18, 2015 4:30pm (St. Thomas Aquinas) Deceased Members of The Ross Family req. by Family Sunday, April 19, 2015 8:00am (St. John) Lawrence Klein req. by Harini Riana 9:00am (St. Thomas Aquinas) Int. of Fr. Jerry Ploof 40th Anniversary of Ordination Req. by Parish Family 10:00am (St. John) Frank & Margaret Dailey req. by the Spalsbury Family 11:00am (St. Thomas Aquinas) John Cooper req. by Bob & Lisa Rapson 12:00pm (St. John) Raina K. Naman req. by Frank & Elaine Knox 5:00pm (St. John) Int. of McMillan Family req. by Trish Cunningham 7:00pm (St. John) People of the Parish Aquinas College in Grand Rapids is hosting an AQDay on Friday, April 17 for all high school juniors and seniors interested in visiting their beautiful 117 acre campus. Get the inside scoop on academics, athletics, scholarships, service learning, study abroad, and more. Please visit our website at Aquinas.edu/undergraduate for more details or to register for the event on April 17. 9
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