April 19, 2015 St. Thomas Aquinas Parish & School 955 Alton Road East Lansing, MI 48823 Office Phone: 517.351.7215 School Phone: 517.332.0813 St. John Church & Student Center 327 MAC Avenue East Lansing, MI 48823 Office Phone: 517.337.9778 www.elcatholics.org ST. THOMAS AQUINAS Weekend Mass Times ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST Weekend Mass Times Saturday 4:30 pm Sunday 9:00 am & 11:00 am Sunday 8:00 am, 10:00 am, Noon, 5:00 pm & 7:00 pm Weekday Mass Times Monday – Friday 6:30 am Wednesday & Friday 9:00 am Weekday Mass Times Monday, Wednesday & Friday at 12:15 pm Tuesday & Thursday 9:15 pm Sacrament of Reconciliation Monday, Wednesday & Friday 11:00 am - Noon Tuesday 8:00 pm Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 3:00-4:00 pm & following the 4:30 pm Mass 1 Third Sunday of Easter April 19, 2015 Fr. Mark’s Remarks A note from Dcn. Mike Murray Last Sunday afternoon, I blessed the new outdoor Stations of the Cross on the west side of St. Thomas Aquinas Church. Positioned between the two entrances to the church in what many refer to as the “back parking lot” they are a beautiful, prayerful and inspiring addition to our parish grounds. I am humbled and gratified by the warm, prayerful support that the STA / SJSC community has given my family and me in the past year. Now, I must ask for still more prayer. With the support of Father Mark, Bishop Boyea is permitting me to take some classes at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit, with an eye to possibly being ordained a priest in June 2016. During this time, I'll still be at the parish, at my regular job, and around town as usual. If I sometimes am wearing black clerics, do not be alarmed! Seriously, I would ask you to keep this in prayer, seeking that the Lord's will, whatever it may be, will be accomplished. The Stations of the Cross prayer garden is the Eagle Scout project of Lukasz Spiewla, a parish member and part of Troop #293 sponsored by St. Thomas Aquinas/St. John Church & Student Center. He was assisted by fellow scouts Nate LaCroix and Paul Tombelli. Adult leaders included Wieslaw Spiewla, David Zygmontovich and John Listerman (Troop Committee Member). Thank you all for enhancing our parish grounds with this great prayer tradition of our Catholic faith! Thanks, Dcn. Mike Don’t forget to buy your tickets for the annual and popular Steak & Song Music Ministry Fundraiser. I can guarantee that there will be good food and great entertainment. Proceeds from this fundraiser will provide Catholic students with scholarships for their studies at MSU, in exchange for their musical contributions toward worship here in the Parish. Have a blessed week! Reception for Fr. Jerry Today Today, Sunday, April 19, Fr. Jerry will be ordained 40 years as a priest of the Lansing Diocese. In celebration, he will be saying a Mass of Thanksgiving at Noon at St. John Church and Student Center. Following the liturgy, there will be a small reception in McDevitt Hall. If you are not able to attend, please hold Fr. Jerry in prayer. 2 for Steak & Song are available in advance and can be purchased in either church office. New Catholics This Easter 2015 Congratulations to the 38 people who completed their initiation into the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil on April 4. 17 catechumens (in white robes) were baptized, confirmed, and received their First Eucharist; 20 people made a profession of faith, were confirmed, and received their First Eucharist; one person received confirmation. Front row from left to right: Jacob Sturgeon, Colin Gardner, Vanessa Stine, Luke Stine, Latham Sherwood, Matthew Peters, Madeline Peters Second row: Amanda Barros, Lillian Roldan, Jeremy Bohl, Kenneth Burch, Priscila Fojan, Brittany Hitchcock, Elena Miller, Samantha Stewart, Jennifer McDuffy, Tia Burch, Thomas Hazelwood, Ethan Santaangelo, Katherine Peters, Brian Peters, Mario Talerico Third row: Sean Lawrie, John Sheets, Allison Longton, Fraol Galan, Abigail Mitchell, Carelis Rios-Santiago, Fr. Mark, James Lower, Timothy Jacque, Dcn. Jim Kasprzak, Elizabeth Clement, Gregory Bolles, Kevin Cunningham, Bruce Winters, Lindsey Schaefer Not pictured: Ashley Allen, Trevor Muska, Bonnie Piotter Prayers for the Sick & Deceased Offertory Actual Offering through April 5 Budgeted Offering through April 5 Contribution to reserves: $1,866,242 $1,865,444 $798 Please pray for all those who are ill, especially Lisa Nestor, William Holtgreive, Susan Peters, Ann Thelen, Abagale Rose Shaw, Eunice Klewicki, Sohed Rodriguez, and those listed in our book of prayer. Please Note: The fiscal year began 7/1/2014. Offertory consists of cash and checks given at Mass; electronic giving from parishioner checking and credit cards; and stock gifts. We pray that those who in life believed Jesus to be the Christ, the Son of God, may now rejoice and be glad in God’s steadfast love that endures forever. We remember Dorothy Dale, Carole Ann Orr, Bonnie McNaughton, Phyllis Carey, Joan Kelly, and William Stapleton. Christian Service - Matthew 25 April 19: Hands Together provides vital services to people living in Haiti’s poorest slums. Services include food and water assistance, a mobile medical unit and emergency medical assistance, drilling wells, and reforestation. DSA Update April 26: Kids Alive International Violence in South Sudan has left thousands of people dead and half a million people have fled. A significant number of refugee families have located in the area around Wau where Kids Alive has a Children’s Home. Disease and sickness, including an outbreak of measles are threatening the lives of children . Donations will help meet a refugee’s family with basic needs of food, clothing medicine and plastic sheets. Thank you to everyone who has shared the many blessings they have received with your generous gift to our Diocesan Services Appeal. Thank you for your generosity! Matthew 25 Meeting Today, Sunday, April 19 at 5:00pm. All are welcome to attend. 3 We are still working toward our goal. Every household is important so that our parish can be successful. And, half of any money over the goal amount comes back to our parish. If you have not yet made a gift or a pledge, you are invited to join the faithful of our parish community who have taken an active role in the mission of the Church. Envelopes are available at both churches. Our Parish goal is $201,734 and has been pledged to help us reach that. St. John Student Center - Home of the Catholic Spartans Sr. Dorothy’s Spiritual Nourishment Sr. Dorothy - srdorothy@elcatholics.org Director of Campus Ministry Katie Diller - kdiller@elcatholics.org Director of Student Outreach UPCOMING EVENTS Priesthood Discernment Group Monday, April 20: 7:30-9:00pm Student Lounge, downstairs SJSC At the spring retreat this year, one activity was for students to write a mission statement. Please email Fr. Dan Westermann (frdan@elcatholics.org) for more information, or RSVP on Facebook. New men ages 18-28 are welcome. My Mission by Kathryn Elizabeth Thomas More Collins I never want to go through the motions. I want passion, reason and the Holy Spirit to direct my actions in the Church—whether personal or ministerial. I want to avoid the plague of being lukewarm. Church History in the Modern Period with Fr. Tucker Tuesdays: 6:30-8:00pm April 21Circle the Wagons: The Counterreformation and the Council of Trent (1545-1563) I want to make a difference, whether in ministry, physical therapy, as a mother, or whatever I may be called to. I want to use my God given gifts for God’s glory and to positively impact others, my community and the world. I want to change the world. April 28: Aggiornamento: The Second Vatican Council in the era of the Space Age Popes (1962-1965) All college students, members of the Graduate Student & Young Professional Group and any young adults aged 18-28 are invited to join Fr. Tucker to explore the Modern Period of Church History. We will meet in the Library, downstairs at SJSC. I want to learn to willingly accept crosses, to maybe even love them. I want to be able to joyfully suffer patiently. I want to master the virtues of courage, wisdom, patience, love and humility while conquering the vices of fear, gluttony, impatience, anger, and pride. Emmaus House Formation Night Sunday, April 26: 7:00-8:30pm Emmaus House (320 M.A.C. Ave) All college women are welcome to join the Emmaus House ladies after Sunday Supper for a formation night! Dessert will be provided. I want to be a saint. I want to overcome human weakness with God’s help and become the saint and woman God created me to be. I want to be strong in my faith, to remain forever curious, I want to remain childlike. I want to be in the world but not of it. I want to be free. I don’t want to be slave to food or drink or material pleasures. I want to learn to trust and love unconditionally. Are you going to walk at Graduation in May? We want to celebrate you! I want to give this fight of faith the best I can give; I want to leave this world with nothing left to give, but open to receive all the graces of Heaven. I want to walk this life giving all the glory to God, being forever grateful for the gifts I have been given and using those gifts to the best of my abilities. I want to come home to the words “Well done, good and faithful servant.” 4 Catholic MSU graduates of all levels and their families are invited to join us for Mass and a brunch to follow. We will be finished in time for you to participate in the Friday afternoon activities. Brunch is complimentary, but seating is limited and reservations are required. Contact Denise Zakerski at 517-337-9778 or sjsecretary@elcatholics.org by May 1st to RSVP. You can also RSVP online at stjohnmsu.org Dinner? Snacks? Sweets? Caffeine? Step right up Ladies and Gentlemen!! Can you help us to provide food and hospitality for our studious and stressed Catholic Spartans? If you can commit an evening to serve supper to students, you will have a great time. The students really appreciate the interaction. And of course we need to keep energy up so cookies or other snacks are ALWAYS appreciated! Please contact Katie Diller - kdiller@elcatholics.org. It’s ALMOST Here! STA Annual Spring Carnival Friday, April 24, 5:30-8:30pm Fun for the entire STA Family!! Food, Games, Petting Zoo, Face Painting and More!! Psalms Bible Study The Wednesday Morning Bible Study Group is going to begin studying the Psalms. They will meet each Wednesday morning, 10:00-11:45am, in the STA Fireplace Room, beginning Wednesday, April 22. Faculty/Community Book Discussion Group Our reading group meets this Thursday, April 23, 5:30-7:00pm in Room 12 (Library) at St. John. We will be discussing another article from Commnweal, “Clerical Errors”, which is comprised of three subarticles. The entire set of articles can be found directly online or in in the March 6, 2015 issue of Commonweal. All are welcome to join us! The Book of the Psalms is a unique collection of the song-prayers of Israel. To study Psalms is to study prayer, ultimately to enter into prayer. The study (from Little Rock Scripture Series) will challenge participants to reflect on their own prayer and life experiences. This study focuses on a selection of twenty-eight psalms divided into three categories: Psalms of Descriptive Praise; Psalms of Trust or Confidence; and Wisdom Psalms. All are welcome – questions, please contact Carol Ann at wwilca@aol.com or Al Weilbaecher at 351-5460. Attention Families with Special Needs Children The Our Lady of Grace Special Families Ministry would like to invite you to our final Super Bowl Sunday! event for the school year on Sunday, April 26. Families with children who have special needs gather together to have fun bowling and build friendships. The cost is $2.50 per game and there is no charge for shoes. Pizza and pop are provided courtesy of the Knights of Columbus. Join us at City Limits from 12:30 to 2:00 pm. Please contact Amy Schneider for more information at amyschneider9698@gmail.com or 651-9033. Lansing's Riverwalk Theatre Sat. April 25 at 8:00pm | Sun. April 26 at 2:00pm Join the sentimental and fun-filled journey with the Singers on The Grand when they’re “Takin’ the Show on the Road” to classic American musical destinations with Broadway, jazz and pop standards. Lansing Diocesan Men’s Conference “Rise Up” This lively ensemble features several of our own parishioners. Vocalists Ellen Hoard, Kelly SandulaGruner and James Hall; dancer Michael Chan; and Deacon Jim Kasprzak plays trumpet with the Grand Band! We would LOVE to see some of our parish family at the show! There is still time to sign up for the annual Diocesan men’s conference! It will be held Saturday, April 25, 8:30am to 3:00pm, at St. Mary Magdalen Church in Brighton. Register now at Acceptthechallenge.org. The cost is $40 for Adults, $30 for Students and includes lunch. 5 Tickets can be purchased online, or by calling 517-482-5700, or at the door. CALLED. STEUBENVILLE YOUTH CONFERENCE Your teen (graduating 8th graders through graduating high schoolers) is invited to join our parish trip to the Steubenville Youth Conference the weekend of June 19-21. SMALL THINGS This is the final class of the year for preschool Grade 8. Thank you for making the effort to get your children to class over this past school year. Take a moment to thank your children's catechists. We owe them a debt of gratitude for their wonderful dedication over this past year. The Steubenville Youth Conference has a forty year history of celebrating the Catholic faith, holding up the teachings of the Church, and offering participants a vibrant experience of Sacrament and prayer. At SYC, teens often experience their faith in powerful ways they have not imagined possible previously. Information is being sent to teens active in our youth programs. If you didn't get information at home, it can be picked up from one of our offices, or mailed to you if you e-mail or call us. SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION students DO have class next week. We are asking all Sunday morning students to attend during the 4:30-5:45pm session on Sunday, April 26. (They will meet with their own catechists, and classmates, but at a time when the church is free.) Monday students will meet as usual on Monday, April 27. Our FIRST COMMUNION RETREAT MORNING is set for Saturday, April 25. Children will have the opportunity to make bread from grains of wheat, do a special craft, have a rehearsal in the church, and will meet with Mr. Eldred to sign the songs they will be singing at their first Communion Mass. Children should meet by 9:30am in their assigned classrooms in the school. They can be picked up from church at noon. [An identical retreat for the STA School children will be held on Thursday afternoon, April 23.] This conference is for ALL teens in the parish. Lansing Catholic students and homeschooled students are warmly invited to attend. Please contact Dian at dsilvey@elcatholics.org or 351-5460 to get registration information. STEUBENVILLE YOUTH CONFERENCE registration forms MUST be turned in no later than this Wednesday, April 22. We will be releasing any unfilled spaces so don't miss the opportunity! THIS WEEK our fourth graders studied the Rosary, reviewing the mysteries with large "Rosary Posters" and concluded the session by making their own special box to keep their rosary in. Could You Help By Sponsoring a Student? Meet Hannah Hannah is not only attending the Steubenville Conference; she has also been selected to attend LEAD - a week-long program offered by the Franciscan University of Steubenville prior to our group's conference weekend. LEAD will prepare Hannah not only to be a leader at the conference, it will prepare her for leadership in our youth group and parish in the future. Hannah is already a key member of our Youth Leadership team. What would we do without her? No matter what the event, she comes early to help prepare and stays late to clean up. She's been active in our retreats, our pro-life activities and never hesitates to assist in the background to make things go smoothly. Almost $1,000 has been collected through the Rice Bowl program. If you haven’t done so yet, please RETURN YOUR RICE BOWLS to the Parish office at either church. “The Paschal Mystery” Our Catholic Update Series concludes next Sunday morning, April 19, 10:20-11:30am (during religious education classes) in the STA School Library. 6 The topic of the DVD presentation will be “The Paschal Mystery . . . the Mystery of Jesus’ Death & Resurrection.” The Paschal Mystery is a core doctrine of the Church, one of the essential beliefs of all Christians. Though all doctrines are important, it can also be said that this is one of the doctrines which defines the very heart of the Christian faith. Please join us for coffee, juice, fellowship, an informative DVD and some informal discussion. Questions? Contact Al Weilbaecher at al@elcatholics.org or 351-5460. RCIA Update STA School News Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults Upcoming Events to add to your Calendar: This past Sunday the neophytes (formerly catechumens) and the newly received (formerly candidates) had their first mystagogy (follow-up) session. They looked back on their experience of the Easter Vigil and how God spoke to them through that experience. They heard from a couple of last year's RCIA people regarding their first year's experience as a new Catholic. They discussed forgiveness and Thomas' struggle to believe from the gospel of the day. Finally, they received an explanation about registering in a parish. Run 4 Riley Saturday, May 16 10:00am Start at Reno’s East STA “Tartans for Teachers” Festival Saturday, May 16 6:00pm at STA Playground An adult event to raise funds for our “Tartans for Teachers” continued educational development. Join us for a pig roast and evening of fun! This past week the inquirers and their sponsors learned about the liturgical year. The Church celebrates in a recurring annual cycle the way God's time breaks into our time. God sanctifies all of time. We continually move forward in God's time; we are not trapped in an endless cycle. April 29 Putting Our Lives Together Jesus’ Help Annual Senior Day of Reflection The liturgical year is built around the central events of Jesus' life. Advent and the Christmas season surround his birth. Lent, Holy Week, and the Easter Season surround his passion, death, Resurrection, Ascension and the sending of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. The rest of the year is called "ordinary" time. This is not because the time is unimportant. Rather, it means those weeks in both winter and summer are "ordered" to a regular celebration of the Resurrection and our sharing in Christ's unending life. All seniors are invited to join Fr. Larry Delaney at St. Francis Retreat Center in DeWitt on Wednesday, April 29. Register and pay your $10 in either office if you would like to attend because reservations are closing Monday, April 20 and seating is limited. Doors open for coffee at 9:00am and dismissal is at approximately 2:30pm. The day is sponsored by the Lansing Area Catholic Council on Aging under the auspices of St. Vincent Catholic Charities. Also during this session the group explored the topic, "If Jesus Started One Church, Where Did All the Churches Come From?" They heard a brief overview of the history of the major breaks which occurred among the Christian Churches. Please Pray for Our People in the Military If you have any questions about the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, or would like to discuss the possibility of joining the next group of inquirers, call Pete Ries at 517-351-5460, ext. 1328 or e-mail him at pries@elcatholics.org. Electronic Giving is Possible - and EASY!! Save time and save paper; enroll in electronic giving. All of our systems are safe, secure and confidential. You set the amount and can change it at any time. For more information, contact our Administrator, Keith, at keith@elcatholics.org. 7 Caleb Stevens Greg Paquette Lance Bell Bryan Forney Matthew Forney Mark Johnson Paul (PJ) Walker Derek Cowell Matthew Danner John Orleans Kyle Richardson Daniel Rashke Scott McKenna Steve Davich Nicholas Copper Matthew Tijerina Christopher White Franz Rademacher Michael J. Twarozynski Buffy Abbott James B. Robinson Andrew Bush Emily Metzger Trevor Shoemaker Christopher P. Murdoch Stefan Gliwa John Waldecker Nathaniel Stine Mark Lepczyk Vance Richmond Brian E. Jacobs Michael Christensen Stacks Robert Daza Rosary Altar Society For Women of All Ages Who Wish to Serve the Church St. Veronica Guild Annual Dinner The Annual Dinner for St. Veronica’s Guild will be held May 5 at 5:30pm at STA in Fr. Mac Hall. The meal will be catered. The cost is $15. Reservations and money are due by May 1. Please mail to Terri Brantley at 1237 Blake, Lansing, MI, 48912. All women of the Parish are welcome. Any questions, please call 517-285-3587 or 517-485-4258. Please pray for those people who have received prayer blankets from our Prayer Blanket Ministry. 31st Annual Fr. Mac Scholarship Dinner Please join us in supporting Catholic education at our 31st Annual Msgr. Jerome V. MacEachin (Fr. Mac) Scholarship Dinner. The dinner will be held at the Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center at MSU on Tuesday, May 12. The Keynote Speaker is John Shinsky, founder of Ciudad de los Ninos in Matamoras, Mexico. The 2015 Community Service Award will be given to David M. Flint, D.D.S. The Fr. Mac dinner is the primary scholarship fundraising event for Lansing Catholic High School. Ticket price is $125/person. Proceeds to benefit the Fr. Mac Scholarship and the Tuition Assistance Fund. Contact Colleen Murray at 267-2109 or email colleen.murray@lansingcatholic.org for tickets or for more information. We hope to see you there! Outreach Mass The Outreach Mass airs every Sunday at 6:00am and 10:00am on WLAJ-TVLansing, ABC 53, and every Sunday at 10:00am on WBSF-TV - Flint, CW 46. Please invite someone unable to attend Mass to join us in this celebration. Thank you for your support of this evangelical ministry! St. Vincent DePaul In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus explains the meaning of the scriptures. Like the disciples, when we offer and receive forgiveness our hearts burn because we encounter the risen Christ within us. Have you considered answering the call to “help the poor find forgiveness and healing in their life” by joining the Society of St. Vincent de Paul? Volunteer Opportunity Readings for the week of April 19, 2015 Sunday Third Sunday of Easter Acts 3:13-15, 17-19; Ps 4; 1 Jn 2:1-5a; Lk 24:35-48 Monday Acts 6:8-15; Ps 119; Jn 6:22-29 Tuesday Acts 7:51—8:1a; Ps 31; Jn 6:30-35 Wednesday Acts 8:1b-8; Ps 66; Jn 6:35-40 Thursday Acts 8:26-40; Ps 66; Jn 6:44-51 Friday Acts 9:1-20; Ps 117; Jn 6:52-59 Saturday Saint Mark, Evangelist 1 Pt 5:5b-14; Ps 89; Mk 16:15-20 Sunday Fourth Sunday of Easter Acts 4:8-12; 1 Ps 118; 1 Jn 3:1-2; Jn 10:11-18 Faith Sharing Questions For Next Sunday We invite you to prepare for next Sunday’s liturgy (the Fourth Sunday of Easter) by reflecting on the Gospel: John 10:11–18 I am the good shepherd, and I know my sheep and they know me and hear my voice and there will be one flock, one shepherd. Saturday May 2, 9:00am-12:00pm. Volunteers are needed for the annual spring garden clean up at the Questions: How can I be a better role model in my St. Francis Retreat Center, DeWitt. No experience community? What is my vision of life? needed, just a willingness to help. Please bring a rake if you can. Lunch will be provided. Please call the More reflections are available at elcatholics.org under Retreat Center office at 517-669-8321 by Monday, Adult Faith Formation - Bringing Home the Word. April 27 if you are able to help. Thank YOU! 8 Events In our Parish Mass Intentions Monday, April 20, 2015 10:00am Faith Sharing Group (STA) 4:30pm Religious Ed Classes (STA) 5:30pm Centering Contemplative Prayer (SJSC) 6:30pm JustFaith (STA) 7:30pm St. John Spring Concert (SJSC) Tuesday, April 21, 2015 6:30pm Chinese Prayer Group (SJSC) 6:30pm RCIA (SJSC) 6:30pm Group Spiritual Direction (STA) 6:30pm 3rd Order Dominican (STA) Wednesday, April 22, 2015 10:00am Rosary (STA) 10:00am Bible Study (STA) 12:00pm Senior Committee Meeting (STA) 3:15pm, 4:15pm Cherub Choir Rehearsal (STA) 7:00pm Korean Prayer Group (STA) Thursday, April 23, 2015 9:30am Mom’s Group (SJSC) 12:00pm First Communion Retreat (STA) 3:15pm, 4:30pm Seraph Choir Rehearsal (STA) 5:30pm Faculty/Community Book Group (SJSC) 6:00pm Choir Rehearsal (STA) with new member reception to follow 6:30pm Choir Rehearsal (SJSC) with new member reception to follow 7:30pm GSYP (SJSC) Friday, April 24, 2015 5:00pm STA School Carnival (STA) 7:00pm Euchre Tournament (SJSC) Saturday, April 25, 2015 9:00am Food Cupboard (SJSC) 9:30am First Communion Retreat (STA) 10:00am Immersion Day (SJSC) 5:30pm Steak & Song (STA) Sunday, April 26, 2015 9:45am Choir Rehearsal (STA) 11:00am RCIA Mystagogy (SJSC) 1:00pm “Caring for Children” (STA) 1:00pm Boy Scout #293 Meeting (STA) 3:00pm Collegiate Ensemble Rehearsal (SJSC) 3:00pm ESTEEM (SJSC) 3:50pm Korean Community Mass (STA) 6:00pm Spaghetti Supper (SJSC) Monday, April 20, 2015 6:30am (St. Thomas Aquinas) Dawn Mothersell req. by Roseann Zumbrink 12:15pm (St. John) Charles Shane req. by Jean Shane Tuesday, April 21, 2015 6:30am (St. Thomas Aquinas) Tom Kinney req. by Jon & Roseann Zumbrink 9:15pm (St. John) Wednesday, April 22, 2015 6:30am (St. Thomas Aquinas) Lola Carter req. by Roseann Zumbrink 9:00am (St. Thomas Aquinas) Ruth Ganakas req. by St. Veronica Guild 12:15pm (St. John) Charmain Moses req. by Morris Moses Thursday, April 23, 2015 6:30am (St. Thomas) Int. of Thursday Volunteers at Burcham Hills req. by Mimsy Celio 9:15pm (St. John) Friday, April 24, 2015 6:30am (St. Thomas Aquinas) Ruth Parsley req. by Friday Breakfast Group 9:00am (St. Thomas Aquinas) Frederick and Marjorie Kane req. by Family 12:15pm (St. John) Mary Ossi David req. by Elaine Knox Saturday, April 25, 2015 4:30pm (St. Thomas Aquinas) Int. of Ray & Lori Brennan req. by Family Sunday, April 26, 2015 8:00am (St. John) People of the Parish 9:00am (St. Thomas Aquinas) Jean Harte req. by Bruce & Janis Harte 10:00am (St. John) Daniel Curran req. by Engaging Spirituality Group 11:00am (St. Thomas Aquinas) Scott Kuhnert req. by STA PEC 12:00pm (St. John) Rose & John Kruso req. by Betty Tesner 5:00pm (St. John) Doug Johnson req. by Kaylene Johnson 7:00pm (St. John) Dcn. Joseph Kraofil req. by the Parish Family ATTENTION SINGLES (mid 30s & up) Lansing Catholic Singles invites you on April 25 for a Wine Tasting from 6:30 to 8:30pm at Burgdorf’s Winery in Haslett. Cost: $25. RSVP and payment due April 21. Limit: 25 people. For more information and phone (517)321-7886 or email lansingcatholicsingles@live.com. 9 Jesus has conquered death and unlocked for us the path to eternity. 10 11 12
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