May 17, 2015 St. Thomas Aquinas Parish & School 955 Alton Road East Lansing, MI 48823 Office Phone: 517.351.7215 School Phone: 517.332.0813 St. John Church & Student Center 327 MAC Avenue East Lansing, MI 48823 Office Phone: 517.337.9778 ST. THOMAS AQUINAS Weekend Mass Times ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST Weekend Mass Times Saturday 4:30 pm Sunday 9:00 am & 11:00 am Sunday 8:00 am, 10:00 am, Noon, & 7:00 pm Weekday Mass Times Monday – Friday 6:30 am Wednesday & Friday 9:00 am Weekday Mass Times Monday, Wednesday & Friday at 12:15 pm Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 3:00-4:00 pm & following the 4:30 pm Mass Sacrament of Reconciliation Monday, Wednesday & Friday 11:00 am - Noon 1 Seventh Sunday of Easter (Ascension of the Lord) Fr. Mark’s Remarks This weekend, we continue the Easter story with the celebration of the feast of the Ascension. Next weekend, we will conclude the Easter season with the celebration of the feast of Pentecost. Many parishes have people wear red, the liturgical color of the day, and this is a great way to symbolize that we are the Body of Christ and celebrate our birthday as the Church. In two weeks, all of the area high schools will hold their graduations. On Sunday, May 31, we will bless the graduating high school seniors of our parish at the 9:00am Mass at St. Thomas Aquinas and the 10:00am Mass at St. John Church & Student Center. Seniors, please wear your caps and gowns as we help to mark this happy occasion and we offer you our congratulations and ask for God’s blessings as you embark on new endeavors. Sister Dorothy has been working on a new book and it has recently been published. “Whispers from the Spirit: Michigan State University Students Listening to Their Inner Voice” is a collection of stories from MSU students that will give you hope for the future. The book has a forward by Dr. Lou Anna Simon, some favorite wisdom from MSU coaches and faculty, and five mission statements from students. Since the students were brave enough to share their stories of how the Spirit worked in their lives, I decided to tell a story of my own in the book. The back cover quotes an MSU professor saying, “Although I have been a faculty member of this secular state university for over fifty years, I have never had occasion to consider my students as spiritual beings. After reading the manuscript of Sr. Dorothy’s book, I now do. And the remarkable character of the spirituality they manifest simply amazes.” The book is available in the parish office at both sites and around town in stores. Have a blessed week! May 17, 2015 Sr. Cyril of Calcutta Presentation Today, May 17 After 9am & 11am Masses at STA Please join us downstairs in Fr. Mac Hall today, Sunday, May 17, after either of the morning Masses at STA. Sr. Cyril will share her unique story about her ministry with the children of Kolkata (Calcutta), India. You will hear the fascinating story of an Irish nun who brings street kids into a Catholic school . . . turning children from the slums into “rainbows.” Join us for a wonderful sharing over coffee and donuts! All are welcome! Do You Know Someone Graduating? Campus Ministry recommends "The Freshman Survival Guide: Soulful Advice for Studying, Socializing and Everything in Between". This book is filled with great advice for making the transition from high school to college life and written in a very engaging manner. Some topics include: Living with a Weirdo and Other Roommate Issues The Care and Feeding of a College Professor Studying and Time Management "Growing Up" Your Religion Am I safe? Don't Be Paranoid, Just Be Smart! We liked this book so much, we purchased them in bulk to offer parishioners at below list price! The books are available in both parish offices for $8. This book really would make a great graduation gift to a high schooler! Pick up a copy today! COFFEE & DONUTS Sunday, May 17 at St. Thomas following the 9:00am & 11:00am Masses Join Us!! Last chance to join Fr. Mark on his expedition to Alaska: 4 spots have just been made available to join Fr. Mark on a land/sea cruise to Alaska, July 22 through August 1. Contact Lynn Fuller at or 517-819-8442 for details! Don’t Miss Out! 2Let the fun begin! COMPASSIONATE VISITORS MEETING Please plan to come on Monday, May 18 to: 1. Discuss our ministry going forward in its second year. 2. Share our experiences. 3. Pray together in thanksgiving for the opportunity to serve. We will meet in the Baraga Room downstairs at STA at 7:00pm. Please RSVP to Angie at: 517-336-7358 or Thank you for your dedication in serving our homebound. Angie Liberato Prayers for the Sick & Deceased Offertory Actual Offering through May 10 Budgeted Offering through May 10 Year to Date Deficit: Please pray for all those who are ill, especially Mary King, Gloria Spagnuolo, and those listed in our book of prayer. $2,065,447 $2,070,786 $5,339 We pray that our beloved dead who obeyed the commandments and abided in Christ’s love, may know forever the joy of Christ. We especially remember Andy Tocarchik, Joyce Anita Lutz Hott, and Ricardo Anselmo. Please Note: The fiscal year began 7/1/2014. Offertory consists of cash and checks given at Mass; electronic giving from parishioner checking and credit cards; and stock gifts. Christian Service - Matthew 25 CANCER SUPPORT & ENCOURAGEMENT MINISTRY The May 3 charity, Manna Community Meal will receive $1,965 for the soup kitchen in Detroit to provide free, hot meals to desperately vulnerable people in the inner city. Manna serves 150-250 people five days a week. Do you have cancer or do you know of someone in the Parish who has cancer? Are you going through chemo, radiation, or surgery, or know someone in the Parish who is? WE WANT TO HELP! We want to help you to fight and beat cancer! May 17: Volunteers of America, Lansing, provides shelter, food, and other vital services for homeless people in our community, including homeless military veterans. An on-site medical clinic was recently added to the VOA’s services, providing desperately needed, immediate, and ongoing medical care for the most vulnerable and fragile of our brothers and sisters. Our Parish cancer ministry team wants to help by sending you a St. Peregrine (patron saint of cancer patients) care package, and encouraging cards and letters. St. Peregrine is the patron saint of cancer victims because a cancerous growth on his own leg was miraculously cured. May 24: Save The Children Refugees who have fled their homes in Syria are suffering extreme difficulties. Refugees and the poor families in camps face critical needs ranging from food and water shortages to children unable to continue their education. Save the Children works with partners in Syria to also help infants who are at risk for malnutrition and diarrheal disease. Please email and include the following information: Name, age, gender, mailing address, and email address. Optional information you can include: phone number, type of cancer and treatment. If you do not have a computer, you may call the Parish office to provide this information. Thank you for your generosity! 3 "Fear not, I am with you; be not dismayed; I am your God. I will strengthen you, and help you..." Isaiah 41 St. John Student Center - Home of the Sr. Dorothy - Director of Campus Ministry Katie Diller - Director of Student Outreach Catholic Spartans Sr. Dorothy’s Spiritual Nourishment Be A Part Of The Church’s Future Now! Guest Author: John Mira, Senior You often hear, college will be the "best years of your life," and society can successfully pressure us into fully believing that statement. Don’t get me wrong, your college years can be an exciting and unforgettable experience unlike any other. The illusion that these are “the best years” though, gives students the mindset to “make the most” of my college years which can lead to countless poor decisions on and off campus. Parishioners, if you share a career or experience in common with any of our ESTEEM students, please consider being a mentor. These students are faithful and while they expect to have careers and families, they also know that they will be active in the church. The mentoring time commitment is low: attend 2-3 meetings with the entire group during the academic year, and meet a couple times a semester one-on-one with your student for coffee and a chat. But, the impact that you can have is tremendous! Coming to St. John opened my eyes to see that these years are not the best years of our lives, but they are the most transformative. St. John has shown me that these years haven’t just been preparing me for a career, but preparing me for rest of my life. Now, when I say St. John, I do not mean a building with four walls. It has truly been the people, the community, this living church at St. John that has radically changed my life forever. Through the people here at St. John, I have truly encountered Jesus Christ in my life and have obtained a joy that can never be taken away in knowing Him. I’ve learned that during these influential years of our lives we must seek out what is true, good, and beautiful. We try to match students and parish mentors as closely as possible given the academic majors and career interests of the students. Please contact Al Weilbaecher ( if you are interested in being a mentor or have questions. Please meet three ESTEEM students: Rachel is a Genomics & Molecular Genetics major who hopes to become a pediatric genetic councilor. She has been involved in every conceivable aspect of campus ministry- retreats, ASB's, and volunteering in a Lansing soup kitchen. My challenge to younger students: Discover the truth that you are loved unconditionally and eternally by a Father that sees your dignity and worth as infinitely important. Seek out good friends who will encourage and challenge you to become the real you. Find friends that you can stay up all night with being silly, laughing about things that don’t matter or talking about things that deeply matter. Find the beauty and joy in this life that comes from knowing Jesus. Anthony is an Electrical Engineering major with an interest in music and circuit design. He hopes to work for an audio company to integrate his passion for music into his career. Anthony has been very involved in retreats, ASB's and has served as a cantor at Mass. In all these things, you will begin to embark on the greatest adventure of your life. An adventure that will last not just last for 4 years, but one that will last a lifetime. John Mira 4 Taylor is a Social Relations and Policy major who hopes to attend law school and pursue a career focusing on elder law and legal aid. She was a "Catholic School kid" who has enjoyed attending an ASB trip through SJSC. Staying around for the summer? Home for the summer? Email to get connected with a summer Bible Study or Faith sharing group! Undergrads or grad students aged 18-28 welcome. Opportunities for Catholics over age 28 are available through Graduate Student & Young Professional Group and Adult Faith Formation. “Come Follow Me” DVD Series: Cistercians Monday, June 1, 7:00 pm Baraga Room at STA Jesus is always seeking us and through the centuries, people have responded to Him in many different ways. In this DVD series, Albert Haase, OFM, scholar of Christian spirituality, highlights six of the most vital spiritual traditions in the history of the Church: Benedictines, Cistercians, Carmelites, Dominicans, Franciscans, and Jesuits. Our next session is on Monday evening, June 1, when we will study and discuss the Cistercians. Questions? . . . contact Al at 351-5460 or ALL ARE INVITED! TALKING WITH PEOPLE WITH DEMENTIA A discussion about talking with people with dementia will be held Thursday, May 21, 7:00-8:30pm at the Catholic Community of St Jude, 801 N. Bridge St, DeWitt. This talk is for families with someone with dementia, kids over the age of 8 who may have a grandparent with the disease, and anyone who wants to learn about the disease and best ways to communicate. Please register by contacting Terry Humenik at or 517-669-8335, ext. 18. Faculty/Community Book Discussion Group Our reading group will conclude meeting this academic year on Thursday, May 21. We will be discussing the remainder of the book, Just Love, by Margaret Farley, RSM. We meet from 5:30-7:00pm in Room 12 (Library) at St. John. All Are Welcome! Calling all Parish Book Worms Looking for a way to support campus ministry during the summer months? Our campus ministry program sponsors spiritual book clubs for students during the academic year. We are in need to three sets of books for use next fall: Bible Basics for Catholics by John Bergsma How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization by Thomas E Woods The Jesuit Guide to (Almost) Everything: A Spirituality for Real Life by James Martin, SJ We could use about 15 copies of each book. We invite YOU to pick a title, purchase it and read it over the summer. In late August, you can write a little note- well wishes, a prayer, or advice to the college student- in the binding, and donate the book to our program. That way, you get to enjoy the spiritual reading, and our students get to grow in gratitude for the parishioners who support their book clubs! Please email Katie Diller, if you can help with this project. She keeps a count so that we know how many of each book will be coming in! Three New Retreats at St. Francis Retreat Center Check out the new retreats in DeWitt directed by Tony Sperendi. "To Love & To Honor: The Heart of Marriage" for all married and engaged couples. Friday evening, May 29. "Following Jesus: Through the Wisdom of St. Paul's Letter to the Philippians." A day retreat, Saturday, May 30 "When Life Hurts: Seeking Hope, Healing & Wisdom in Suffering." A day retreat June 16. Contact the retreat center at 517-669-8321 or email for more information. 5 SUPPORT OUR TEENS From June 19-21, ten teens from our parish will be attending the Steubenville Youth Conference at Franciscan University in Ohio. This weekend will be filled with powerful speakers, uplifting music, entertainment, prayer and celebration, bringing our teens to a powerful encounter with Christ, and strengthening them to live in His love while living in a highly secularized world. CALLED. We do not want financial concerns to preclude any teen from being able to attend, so we are seeking funding to make sure every student gets to go to the conference. What a gift! - to provide a young person with the opportunity to draw closer to Christ. Your generosity will make a lasting impact on the life of another person. If you would like to make it possible for a teen to attend the conference, the cost per participant is $300, but every little donation will be greatly appreciated. For a $50 gift, a student will keep a journal for you, enabling you too, in a small way, to share this experience with them. Checks can be taken to the parish office or mailed to Annie Kitching: 955 Alton Road, East Lansing, MI 48823 COULD BEING A FOSTER PARENT BE RIGHT FOR YOU? Foster children need caring adults who can provide a safe and nurturing home. The primary goal during foster care is to reunite the child with his or her parents. This can take some time - caring adults are needed who are willing to provide stability and safety for children in their care. Foster parents should be committed individuals who are: Willing to work with the child's birth parents. Supportive of efforts to return the child home. Able to work with children who have emotional and behavioral needs. Able to encourage teens toward independent living. Willing to provide a permanent home if necessary. SMALL THINGS Make a visit, and what do you see? It can be a very sweet time when parent and child visit the church together for a few moments of silence or a prayer. Teach your child the joy of "making a visit" to Jesus in the Tabernacle. Plan to start slow; don't stay too long. Encourage your child to use his or her senses to become more present in the moment. On a warm day, appreciate how cool it is in the church. Perhaps there is a lingering smell of incense? Does the light fall in colors from the stained glass window? Listen to the silence. Look at the Tabernacle, itself. An artist created it in such a way as to help us think about the One who is there. Recently in visits to the Tabernacle at STA with our first communicants, we were all amazed and delighted in all that the children saw. Look at the Tabernacle - what do you see? Below, read about everything the children noticed. In the mosaic background, we see an image of all of the many souls who together make up the Church. How many crosses do you see? The children found three distinct ones. Do you see a sun - reflecting Jesus, Light of the World? Or, is it a Host? There is a Chi Rho. Do you know what that signifies? Jesus! Yes - the Chi Rho is formed by superimposing the first two letters (ΧΡ) of the Greek word for Christ. Why is blue used for the mosaic and the central cross? Perhaps to invoke the waters of Baptism, through which we become members of the Church and saved by the sacrifice of Christ. Do you see a "2"? That reminds us of the two natures of Jesus - God and man. Children also thought the lock and key significant - the locked Tabernacle reminds us how precious Jesus is. Do you see anything that we didn't catch? Lutheran Social Services of Michigan is looking for a foster family and potential adoptive home for unaccompanied Ethiopian siblings. The family fled their home country following harassment by Ethiopian security forces, including the destruction of the family business, all family property, and arrest of their father. The children fled to Kenya with their mother, who went missing at the border. The 6 children (ages 5 to 16) are living with a stranger, while the oldest works to provide for the family. They have no schooling or permanent housing, and the youngest children are often left without a guardian. Contact LSSM at 6 313-823-7700 for information. RCIA Update STA School News Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults Important Dates to remember: This past Sunday the catechumens, candidates, and their sponsors gathered to consider the topic, "Love, the Soul of the Apostolate". Jesus intended his Church to go out to the entire world, not stay closed in on itself. Each baptized believer is called to spread the message of salvation, especially by the love they show to others in their daily lives. Each Christian lives out his or her vocation in a particular set of circumstances which form an endless series of opportunities to be the presence of Christ. Also, Christians have always served the needs of the poor and vulnerable and in this way given a witness to the faith which animates their good works. Wednesday, May 20, 10:00am Volunteer Reception Tuesday, May 26, 6:30-8:00pm Ice Cream Social Tuesday, June 2, 7:00pm Eighth Grade Graduation Mass Thursday, June 4, Field Day Friday, June 5, Last day of school Faith & Fundamentals Coordinator Needed We are still looking for a coordinator to take on the Faith and Fundamentals fundraiser for the school. There are parents from the PEC organization who have offered their support to help with this, along with last year's chair. Whoever takes on this important position would be given plenty of support and guidance. If interested, please contact the school office. If you have any questions about the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults or would like to discuss the possibility of joining the next group of inquirers, call Pete Ries at 517-351-5460, ext. 1328 or e-mail him at There is no obligation - just an opportunity to find out more. Parent & Godparent Baptism Seminar Back by POPULAR DEMAND! Our next baptism preparation session for parents and/or godparents of infants or young children to baptize will take place on Monday evening, June 22, 7:00-9:00 pm at St. Thomas Aquinas Church in Fr. Mac Hall. S A V E T H E S E D A T E S!! The Senior Ministry is resurrecting our Summer 12:15pm Masses and Potlucks! Please contact the Catholic Formation Office if you plan to attend (351-5460 or Baptism registration forms are available through the parish offices at both sites and online at our parish web site ( Monday, June 15 with Fr. Jerry Monday, July 20 with Fr Jim Monday, August 10 TBA later More information to come soon! Earn Money for the Parish School While Recycling! St. Vincent DePaul Bring in your newspapers, catalogs, magazines, junk mail, phone books, office/school paper and hard and soft cover books by dropping them off in the green PAPER GATOR bin in the back parking lot. Every time we fill the bin, PAPER GATOR pays the School. Drop offs can be made 24/7. Today as we celebrate the feast of the Ascension we are reminded that Christ’s saving work on earth continues through his disciples…and now through us. When we give to the poor, God indeed pours his love, peace and joy into our hearts, into our lives and into the hearts of those who are poor. 7 Please do not include plastic, metal, trash, glass, cardboard or paperboard (grocery item boxes). SAINT MARIA GORETTI SCHOLARSHIP DONOR Readings for the week of May 17, 2015 Sunday Seventh Sunday of Easter Acts 1:15-17, 20a, 20c-26; Ps 103; 1 Jn 4:11-16; Jn 17:11b-19 Monday Acts 19:1-8; Ps 68; Jn 16:29-33 Tuesday Acts 20:17-27; Ps 68; Jn 17:1-11a Wednesday Acts 20:28-38; Ps 68; Jn 17:11b-19 Thursday Acts 22:30, 23:6-11; Ps 16; Jn 17:20-26 Friday Acts 25:13b-21; Ps 103; Jn 21:15-19 Saturday Morning: Acts 28:16-20, 30-31; Ps 11; Jn 21:20-25 Vigil: Gn 11:1-9 or Ex 19:3-8a, 16-20b or Ez 37:1-14 or Jl 3:1-5; Ps 104; Rom 8:22-27; Jn 7:37-39 Extended Vigil: Gn 11:1-9 or Ex 19:3-8a, 16-20b; Ez 37:1-14 or Jl 3:1-5; Rom 8:22-27; Ps 104; Jn 7:37-39 Sunday Pentecost Sunday Acts 2:1-11; Ps 104; 1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13 or Gal 5:16-25; Jn 20:19-23 or Jn 15:26-27, 16:12-15 St. Thomas Aquinas Parish and School are seeking five individual donors who can make a four-year commitment to provide $100 a year to sponsor an eighth grader to attend Lansing Catholic High School. The five individual donations combined will provide for one $500 St. Maria Goretti Scholarship to be awarded at 8th grade graduation, renewable each year the student attends LCHS. The recipient is chosen by the STA school staff. This is the ninth year that each middle school has awarded a $500 St. Maria Goretti Scholarship to a student from its parish attending Lansing Catholic High School. We would like to continue the tradition here at St. Thomas Aquinas with the help of a few donors. Please contact Colleen Murray at or 267-2109 if you are able to financially assist a young student with their Catholic Education. Faith Sharing Questions For Next Sunday Enrollment at LCHS We invite you to prepare for next Sunday’s liturgy (Pentecost) by reflecting on that day’s Gospel. Lansing Catholic High School is currently accepting applications for incoming 9th graders and for transfer students into grades 10 and 11 for the 2015-2016 school year. Applications and the tuition worksheet are available on the school’s website Families who would like more information should contact the Admissions Office at 517-267-2102. John 20-19-23 Peace be with you. Receive the Holy Spirit. Questions: How do I cooperate with the Spirit of God? What gifts am I withholding from others? More reflections are available at under Adult Faith Formation - Bringing Home the Word. Please Pray for Our People in the Military Caleb Stevens Greg Paquette Lance Bell Bryan Forney Matthew Forney Mark Johnson Paul (PJ) Walker Derek Cowell Matthew Danner John Orleans Kyle Richardson Daniel Rashke Scott McKenna Steve Davich Nicholas Copper Matthew Tijerina Christopher White Franz Rademacher Michael J. Twarozynski Buffy Abbott James B. Robinson Andrew Bush Emily Metzger Trevor Shoemaker Christopher P. Murdoch Stefan Gliwa John Waldecker Nathaniel Stine Mark Lepczyk Vance Richmond Brian E. Jacobs Michael Christensen Stacks Robert Daza Ellen Meyer MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND SCHEDULE at St. Joseph Cemetery, Lansing 8 There will be an Open House, Saturday, May 23, 10:00am-3:00pm and Sunday, May 24, Noon-3:00pm Mass will be celebrated by Bishop Emeritus Carl F. Mengeling at 10:00am on Memorial Day, Monday, May 25, in honor of those who have defended our country’s freedom. A tribute to veterans will follow. Please bring your own chair for the Mass. In the case of inclement weather, St. Gerard will host the Mass. Events In our Parish Mass Intentions Monday, May 18, 2015 10:00am Faith Sharing Group (STA) 10:00am Rosary Altar Society Rosary/Reception (STA) 5:30pm Centering Contemplative Prayer (SJSC) 6:30pm Adult Faith Formation Committee (STA) 7:00pm Compassionate Visitors Meeting (STA) Tuesday, May 19, 2015 6:30pm Chinese Prayer Group (SJSC) 6:30pm Group Spiritual Direction (STA) 6:30pm 3rd Order Dominican Meeting (STA) 7:00pm RCIA Inquiry (SJSC) Wednesday, May 20, 2015 10:00am Rosary (STA) 10:00am Bible Study (STA) 6:00pm Cub Scout Meeting (STA) 7:00pm 8th Grade Night of Recollection (STA) 7:00pm Korean Prayer Group (STA) 7:00pm Light Weigh (STA) 7:00pm Quest Group (SJSC) 7:00pm St. Vincent DePaul Meeting (STA) Thursday, May 21, 2015 5:30pm Faculty/Community Book Group (SJSC) 6:00pm Choir Rehearsal (STA) 6:30pm Choir Rehearsal (SJSC) 7:30pm GSYP (SJSC) Friday, May 22, 2015 Monday, May 18, 2015 6:30am (St. Thomas Aquinas) Int. of Dcn. Dave Drayton Anniversary of Diaconate Ordination req. by Parish Family 12:15pm (St. John) Diane Gawel req. by the Shaughnessy Family Tuesday, May 19, 2015 6:30am (St. Thomas Aquinas) Louise Zygmontowicz req. by Mike & Deb Kelterborn Wednesday, May 20, 2015 6:30am (St. Thomas Aquinas) Al Mouradian req. by Mike & Deb Kelterborn 9:00am (St. Thomas Aquinas) Brian Sladek req. by the Mayhew Family 12:15pm (St. John) Orlando Spagnuolo req. by Gloria Spagnuolo Thursday, May 21, 2015 6:30am (St. Thomas Aquinas) Carol Ann Fox req. by Carol Clack Friday, May 22, 2015 6:30am (St. Thomas Aquinas) George Merva req. by Friday Breakfast Group 9:00am (St. Thomas Aquinas) Int. of Joan Kelly req. by Leo & Peggy Kennedy 12:15pm (St. John) Charmaine Moses req. by Maurice Moses Saturday, May 23, 2015 4:30pm (St. Thomas Aquinas) Ted Sondag req. by the Cassady Family Sunday, May 24, 2015 8:00am (St. John) Ignazio Deluca req. by Mr. & Mrs. Armando Deluca 9:00am (St. Thomas Aquinas) Ruth Ganakas req. by the Perrelli Family 10:00am (St. John) Albert Mouradian req. by the Strouse Family 11:00am (St. Thomas Aquinas) Bill Stapleton req. by the Bettman Family 12:00pm (St. John) Paige Renkoski req. by Ardis Renkoski & Family 7:00pm (St. John) People of the Parish Saturday, May 23, 2015 9:00am Food Cupboard (SJSC) Sunday, May 24, 2015 - PENTECOST 9:45am Choir Rehearsal (STA) 1:00pm Boy Scout #293 Meeting (STA) 3:50pm Korean Community Mass (STA) ATTENTION SINGLE ADULTS (mid-30s & up) Lansing Catholic Singles invites you to: A Dance at Hawk Hollow Golf Course clubhouse in Bath on May 30. Meet at 8:00pm, look for balloon and sign on table. The cost is $13, which includes a snack buffet from 8:30 to 9:45pm, entry in the raffle for door prizes, free coffee, water and refills on pop. Cash bar also available. Please RSVP by noon May 30. For more information phone (517)321-7886 or email New members always welcome! Diocese of Lansing Position Opening 9 The Diocese of Lansing is accepting applications for the Director of Marriage and Family Life Ministry position. The deadline for application is Wednesday, May 27. To learn more about the position and how to apply, please visit our website at 10 11 12
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