May 3, 2015 - St. Thomas Aquinas Parish and St. John Church

May 3, 2015
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish & School
955 Alton Road
East Lansing, MI 48823
Office Phone: 517.351.7215
School Phone: 517.332.0813
St. John Church & Student Center
327 MAC Avenue
East Lansing, MI 48823
Office Phone: 517.337.9778
Weekend Mass Times
Weekend Mass Times
Saturday 4:30 pm
Sunday 9:00 am & 11:00 am
Sunday 8:00 am, 10:00 am,
Noon, 5:00 pm & 7:00 pm
Weekday Mass Times
Monday – Friday 6:30 am
Wednesday & Friday 9:00 am
Weekday Mass Times
Monday, Wednesday & Friday at 12:15 pm
Tuesday & Thursday 9:15 pm
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Monday, Wednesday & Friday
11:00 am - Noon
Tuesday 8:00 pm
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday 3:00-4:00 pm & following
the 4:30 pm Mass
Fifth Sunday of Easter
May 3, 2015
Fr. Mark’s Remarks
Do You Know Someone Interested
In Becoming Catholic?
Congratulations and blessings to our
MSU graduates who will be receiving
their undergraduate and graduate
degrees next weekend! Be assured of
our prayers for you as move on to new
adventures in new places. We are
grateful for your presence here with us in the East
Lansing Catholic community. We hope that we helped
you to grow in faith as you grew in knowledge.
Everyone is invited to the Graduation Mass this
Friday at 10:00am at St. John Church & Student Center.
Faculty and graduates are asked to wear their academic
attire. There will be no 12:15pm Mass on Friday.
If you know someone who may be
interested in learning more about the
Catholic Church, please pass this information on to
them. Your invitation can make the difference!
A new group of inquirers will begin meeting Tuesday,
May 12, 7:00 - 8:30pm and Sunday, May 17, 2:00
- 3:30pm, both at St. John Church and Student
Center, downstairs in Room 25B. Individuals choose
the time which best suits their schedule. The sessions
will consider topics such as "Is there a God?", "How
can I have a relationship with God?", "How do
Catholics use the bible?", "Why is Mary so important
to Catholics?", "Who are the saints?", etc.
This coming week is exam week for MSU students, so
please keep them and the MSU faculty and staff in your
prayers. Here is a Prayer for Final Exams:
You are welcome to attend with a friend or to come
alone. Participants include undergraduate and
graduate students, year-round East Lansing and area
residents -- people of various ages. The sessions
stress answers to your questions, conversation, and
hospitality. If you or someone you know has been
thinking about learning more about the Catholic
Church, call Pete Ries at 517-351-5460, ext. 1328 or
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not flunk;
He keeps me from lying down when I should be studying.
He leads me inside St. John for a study break.
He restores my faith in study guides.
He leads me to better study habits for my grades sake.
Though I walk through the valley of borderline grades,
I will not have a nervous breakdown for God is with me.
My prayers and my friends, they comfort me.
God gives me answers in moments of blankness;
God anoints my head with understanding.
My test paper runs over with questions I recognize.
Surely passing grades with flying colors shall follow me.
All the days of my examinations.
And I shall not have to dwell at MSU forever. Amen.
If you are already a Catholic, and would like to
share your faith by being a table discussion facilitator
or an RCIA sponsor for one of the candidates, give
Pete a call. With the growing number of people
beginning the RCIA process, additional help is needed
as the East Lansing Catholic Community continues to
reach out to the people in our area.
May is the month we honor Mary, the Blessed Mother of
Jesus. May Crowning will be held this Tuesday, May 5
at 10:00am at STA. This is a beautiful ceremony with
our STA school children and is open to everyone in the
parish. Please join us, it is a wonderful tradition. Mary’s
claim to fame is that she brought Jesus and the love of
Jesus into the world. By virtue of our baptism, so should
we. She is a model of faith!
Congratulations to the Capital Area United Way
Volunteer Nominees for 2015: Dcn. Dave Drayton,
Children's Home Spiritual Volunteer (member), Stefeni
Collar, Children's Home Book Club Volunteer, (member)
and Ronald George, Refugee Services Volunteer. These
parishioners exemplify the change that we would like to
see in the world through their service at St. Vincent
Catholic Charities. STVCC is very proud of them and
so is STA parish!
Have a blessed week!
St. John Church & Student Center
Schedule Changes
(until September)
Sunday, May 3 at St. John
the 8:00am & 10:00am Masses
Graduation is almost here for our
MSU students. During the MSU
summer semester:
 NO Sunday, 5:00pm Mass,
 NO Tuesday and Thursday evening Masses
 NO Tuesday reconciliation opportunity
These will begin again in September with the fall semester.
Join Us!!
Actual Offering through April 19
Budgeted Offering through April 19
Contribution in reserve:
On Friday, May 8, there will be NO 12:15pm
Mass. Mass will be offered at 10:00am for the 2015
Michigan State University graduates. Everyone,
especially out MSU faculty, are invited to join in
celebrating our Catholic Spartans.
Please Note: The fiscal year began 7/1/2014.
Offertory consists of cash and checks given at Mass;
electronic giving from parishioner checking and
credit cards; and stock gifts.
On May 16 and 17,
East Lansing will be hosting
the 52nd Annual Art Fair.
Christian Service - Matthew 25
The April 19 charity, Hands Together, will
receive $2121 to provide vital services to people
living in Haiti’s poorest slums.
Be prepared for driving and
parking problems.
May 3: Manna Community Meal
This soup kitchen in the city of Detroit provides a
free, hot meal to desperately vulnerable people in
inner city Detroit. Manna serves 150-250 people five
days a week.
Road closures begin on Friday, May 16 at 5:00am:
May 10: International Rescue Committee
On April 25, a massive 7.8 magnitude earthquake
struck in Nepal, just northwest of the capital,
Katmandu. The people in this area were already
struggling as Nepal is one of the world’s poorest
countries. The deaths and destruction of the
earthquake have created a crisis in Nepal. As of
April 27, the Government of Nepal reported over
3,351 people are dead with over 6,833 injured.
Albert Avenue between MAC Avenue and
Evergreen Avenue
MAC Avenue will be closed from Grand River to
Abbot Road
Abbot Road from Grand River Avenue to
Elizabeth Street will be closed Friday, May 15 at
9:00am through Sunday, May 17 at 10:00pm
Access to the Grove Street parking ramp will be
open. Artists and patrons can take Elizabeth
Street to Park Lane, Linden Street to Grove Street
The parking garage at the Marriott will also be
In addition, Parking lot #1 (behind Beggars), Lot #4
(next to Dublin) and Lot #8 (near Valley Court)
will all be closed Friday, May 15- Sunday, May17.
Thank you for your generosity!
Prayers for the Sick & Deceased
Information is available at
Please pray for all those who are ill,
especially Don Hillman Sr., Helen
Dzenowagis, Pam Czubak, Marlene
Walser, Leona Mackiewicz, Joan Rudell,
and those listed in our book of prayer.
Faculty/Community Book Discussion Group
Our reading group will meet in May on Thursdays,
May 7 & 21, to discuss the book, Just Love, by
Margaret Farley, RSM. We meet from 5:30-7:00pm
in Room 12 (Library) at St. John.
We pray for the departed who were God’s children
in baptism. May they become like God in eternal life.
We remember James E. Gallagher, Elizabeth DeCess,
Jeanne Marie Graham, Gayle Recchy-Jackson, and
Thomas Colosimo Sr.
All are welcome to join us.
St. John Student Center - Home of the
Catholic Spartans
Sr. Dorothy’s Spiritual Nourishment
Calling all Tired & Stressed Students!
St. John Student Center is open to you throughout
exam week as a quiet study space. We will offer food
and hospitality Monday through Wednesday:
Ite Missa Est
Happy Graduation Mug Sunday!!! What’s
that, you ask? It’s the Sunday before finals
week (so today) where St. John gifts the
graduating seniors with a Catholic Spartan/MSU Alumnus
mug. And I cannot tell you how excited I am that I can
finally receive my mug. Yes, that’s right, I am stoked to
get a coffee mug. You can judge me all you want.
Lunch from Noon-1:00pm
Dinner from 5:00pm-6:00pm
God bless your studies!
Fr. Mark's Late Knight Breakfast
10:00pm, Tuesday, May 5
The reason I am stoked is because to me that mug
represents my “spiritual diploma” for completing my
spiritual journey at St. John. Shortly after that, I will
receive my academic diploma and with that MSU and St.
John will have both officially sent me out to the next
stages of life to go share the fruits of what I have
experienced these past four years to the communities I
will go to next.
Join Fr. Mark and our parish Knights of
Columbus for a study break after the 9:15pm Mass.
Pancakes and sausage will be provided.
Congrats to our Catholic Spartan Graduates!
All students and parishioners are
welcome to join MSU grads and their
families at the Graduation Mass
on Friday, May 8 at 10:00am.
When thinking about that, I can’t help but see the
parallels between graduation and the dismissal of the
Mass. Contrary to popular belief, the end of the Mass is
not actually the end—it’s just the beginning because it’s
a commissioning. In the Latin roots of the dismissal, the
priest used to say “Ite Missa Est,” translating to “Go, you
are sent!”
Come and pray in thanksgiving for the gift of a Spartan
education, friendships, and years of intellectual and
spiritual growth during time spent at MSU.
Catholic Spartan Summer Spirituality
Staying around for the summer?
Home for the summer?
At the “end” of Mass, we as the Christian faithful are
being sent out to go bring God to the world; to take all
the grace we just received at Mass and to share that far
and wide. And how awesome is that?!? Graduates are
called to do the same—we are called to take all the
knowledge and experiences we gained these past 4+
years and to go share it with the communities we are
being sent to.
Email to get connected with a
summer Bible Study or Faithsharing group!
Undergrads or grad students aged 18-28 welcome.
Opportunities for Catholics over age 28 are available
through Graduate Student & Young Professional Group and
Adult Faith Formation.
In reflecting on my experiences these past 4 years at
MSU, it’s amazing to see how different I am from the
freshman that came in. Like the Mass transforms us and
prepares us to be sent out to administer the Gospel to
the world, I feel like my time at MSU has transformed
me and prepared me to go conquer life’s next
challenges. And I could not be more grateful for that.
Congratulations to
our Students!!!
So thank you, St. John and MSU for all you have given
me—for all the growth that has happened, for all the
lessons learned and for the lasting communities that I
will forever be a part of. #CatholicSpartanforLife
Katie Collins, Senior
Sr. Dorothy -
Director of Campus Ministry
Katie Diller -
Director of Student Outreach
The book, “Whispers from the
Spirit: Michigan State University
Students Listening to Their Inner
Voice”, will be available for
purchase after May 4. Our
students, along with Fr. Mark Inglot share how the spirit
has worked in their lives. Some professors and coaches
have also given us quotes to ponder. All proceeds from
the book will support Campus Ministry.
i.d. 9:16 Discipleship Night For Young Adults
Sr. Cyril of Calcutta Presentation
May 17 at St. Thomas Aquinas
Join us for our next Disciples' Night, which is being
held Thursday, May 7 at 6:00pm at Church of the
Resurrection. We'll have praise and worship, Mass,
dinner and drinks and our monthly talk. The speaker this
month is Jim Murphy, who will speak about Mission.
Please find our event on the Facebook group "i.d. 916
Lansing" or RSVP to For
more information on i.d. 9:16 go to
Please join us downstairs in Fr. Mac Hall
on Sunday, May 17, after either the
9:00am or the 11:00am Masses at STA
to hear the founder of the Loreto School, Sr. Cyril.
She will share about her unique story and ministry
with the children of Kolkata (Calcutta), India.
You will hear the fascinating story of an Irish nun who
brings street kids into a Catholic school . . . turning
children from the slums into “rainbows.” Sr. Cyril has
emerged as a leader in India for brining quality
education to children. Don’t miss this wonderful
sharing over coffee and donuts! All are welcome!
Your presence is requested at a
gathering on Monday, May 18 to:
1. Discuss our ministry going forward in its
second year.
2. Share our experiences.
3. Pray together in thanksgiving for the
opportunity to serve.
PLEASE COME! Your voice is needed.
DVD Series
Come Follow Me
~ the Benedictines
We will meet in the conference room at STA on
Monday evening, May 18 at 7:00pm. Enter the office
area by following the sidewalk to the left of the bell
tower. The conference room will be on your left.
Please RSVP to Angie at:
or 517-336-7358.
Monday, May 4, 7:00 pm,
Baraga Room at STA
Down through the ages, people have
responded in various ways to the invitation of
Jesus to follow Him. Some of those responses have
attracted followers and sparked new and rich spiritual
traditions. In the Come Follow Me DVD series, Albert
Haase, OFM, and scholar of Christian spirituality,
highlights six of the most vital spiritual traditions in
the history of the Church. Join us Mondays:
5/4 Benedictines
6/1 Cistercians
6/8 Carmelites
Thank you for your dedication in serving our
Angie Liberato
Parent & Godparent Baptism Seminar
Our next baptism preparation session for
parents and/or godparents of infants or
young children to baptize is on Wednesday, May 6,
7:00-9:00pm at STA in Fr. Mac Hall. Please
contact the Catholic Formation Office if you plan to
attend (351-5460 or
6/29 Dominicans,
7/13 Franciscans,
7/27 Jesuits.
This Monday evening, May 4, we begin this series
focusing on the Benedictines. Questions? Contact
Al at 351-5460 or
All are invited!
Baptism registration forms are available through the
parish offices at both sites and online at our parish
web site
RCIA Update
STA School News
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults
Upcoming Events to add to your Calendar:
This past Sunday, 11 people celebrated
the Rite of Acceptance/Rite of Welcome.
Through this ritual they were formally
introduced to the faith community, welcomed in a
specific way, and presented with the crucifix which is
the primary symbol of the Christian faith. Pictured in
the first row from left to right are candidates
Nikalette Zuk, Marie Steele, Amelia Schon, Jill McCoy,
Geoffrey Kerley, LaShawndra Hooks, Judy Harris, and Evan
Common, and catechumens Chris Conley, Jessica Knowles
and Cynthia Scheinost. In the second row from left to
right are their sponsors Adam Gros, Sue Hallman, JohnPaul Cherniawski, Kristen Brown, Betty Johnson, Monica
Wegienda, Christine Degnan, Fr. Tucker, Katie Harger,
Ashlee Bruewer, Christian Tollini, and Larry Meyer.
Spring Carnival Thank You!
If you attended the spring carnival you saw a huge
turnout of families who came out and had a great
time on Friday night here at the school. We want to
thank Bethe Day and Mary Chris Hotchkiss for
organizing this event, but also all the countless
volunteers who assisted behind the scenes. These
are the kind of activities that no matter how much
money they make, help build community in the
school, so are invaluable. Thanks to all who
organized the event, and to all those who came out
for the evening!
May Crowning
May is the month of Mary. On Tuesday, May 15, the
school will host a May Crowning ceremony
at10:00am in the church. All students are invited to
dress up for the event and bring in a flower to give in
honor of our Holy Mother.
Also on Sunday, the neophytes and the newly
received had their third mystagogy session. They
explored a detailed explanation of the Mass. They
heard and received an invitation to participate in the
various ministries associated with the Mass at St.
Thomas Aquinas and St. John Church and Student
Center. They also heard an inspiring description of
the outreach ministry to the sick, the homebound,
and the elderly.
The PEC Council and Public Meeting
had to be re-scheduled from Thursday, April 23
to Wednesday, May 6. The PEC committee will
meet 5:30-6:50pm in the Bishop Baraga Room and
then from 7pm-8:30pm in the School Gym
for the Public Meeting.
Please Pray for Our People in the Military
Caleb Stevens
Greg Paquette
Lance Bell
Bryan Forney
Matthew Forney
Mark Johnson
Paul (PJ) Walker
Derek Cowell
Matthew Danner
John Orleans
Kyle Richardson
Daniel Rashke
Scott McKenna
Steve Davich
Nicholas Copper
Matthew Tijerina
Christopher White
Franz Rademacher
Michael J. Twarozynski
Buffy Abbott
James B. Robinson
Andrew Bush
Emily Metzger
Trevor Shoemaker
Christopher P. Murdoch
Stefan Gliwa
John Waldecker
Nathaniel Stine
Mark Lepczyk
Vance Richmond
Brian E. Jacobs
Michael Christensen Stacks
Robert Daza
Ellen Meyer
Run 4 Riley
Saturday, May 16. There is a 10:00am Start at
Reno’s East
STA “Tartans for Teachers” Festival
Saturday, May 16
6:00pm at STA Playground
This is an adult event to raise funds for our “Tartans
for Teachers” continued educational development.
Join us for a pig roast and evening of fun!
Electronic Giving is Possible - and EASY!!
Save time and save paper; enroll in electronic giving.
All of our systems are safe, secure and confidential.
For more information, contact our Administrator,
Keith, at
TEENS: Seventeen amazing parish
teens - are committed to deepening
their faith this summer. Some have
been nominated by the parish, and
selected by the Diocese to attend
the Diocesan Youth Leadership Camp. Others
will commit themselves to the powerful experience
offered at Franciscan University of Steubenville
Summer Youth Conference. The cost of these
opportunities is significant. We need your help. In
exchange for your financial support we can offer you
the opportunity to SHARE THE EXPERIENCE!
Orders are being taken for Magnifikid!
MagnifiKid! is a publication for children between the
ages of six and twelve. Subscribers will receive the
issues on a monthly basis that can be picked up at
either church. In each month’s packet, children will
find a booklet of sixteen color pages for each Sunday,
and also special issues for all major feast days
(Christmas, Ash Wednesday, Holy Week,
Ascension, Assumption and All Saints Day).
Each week Magnifikid! offers:
 All the readings and the prayers of
the Sunday Mass with explanations of the difficult
words and the meaning of the rituals
 A daily prayer adapted from the Liturgy of the
 Many suggestions on how to live the entire week
with the Lord
 Various games, a comic, and activities to help
children learn about Christian life and culture
 A page intended for the parents with suggestions
for family prayers
For a donation of $50 you can be a sponsor for one
of our teens. In exchange, when they get home, they
will share with you a journal of their experience.
Checks can be written to STA Parish or SJSC, and we
will let you know which teen you will be sponsoring!
Meet Gabby. Gabby is a sophomore at
Eastern High School. At school, Gabby
is active on the swim team, in the
marching band, and in theater. While keeping that
busy, she nevertheless has time to donate to the
parish. She is on our peer Leadership Team; she also
volunteers providing worship music for our program.
Gabby is a talented writer and speaker. She has been
selected to attend the Diocesan Youth Leadership
Camp. You would be blessed to receive a written
record of her experience there.
A one year subscription is usually $35; with our group
subscription we should be able to provide them at
$13 each! Contact Dian in the Formation Office to
place your order today: or
351-5460. (A subscription makes a wonderful first
Communion gift, too!)
Please pray for the 89 children of our parish
who are in the last week of preparing for
their first Holy Communion!
St. Vincent DePaul
at St. Joseph Cemetery, Lansing
In the Gospel today, Jesus says “Whoever
remains in me and I in him will bear much
fruit, because without me you can do
nothing.” Indeed, by helping the poor we can
“bear much fruit” and we find that with Jesus we can
do everything.
There will be an Open House, Saturday, May 23,
10:00am-3:00pm and Sunday, May 24, Noon-3:00pm
Mass will be celebrated by Bishop Emeritus Carl F.
Mengeling at 10:00am on Memorial Day, Monday, May
25, in honor of those who have defended our country’s
freedom. A tribute to veterans will follow. Please bring
your own chair for the Mass. In the case of inclement
weather, St. Gerard will host the Mass.
Your gift to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul will
show that you are indeed the disciple of Jesus as it
will bring your love to those who live in fear and
doubt, loneliness and dread.
The East Lansing Art Festival is looking for volunteers.
Be a part of our community celebration of art and culture on May 16-17.
Help keep the festival fun and running smoothly.
The online volunteer sign-up is available at
Rosary Altar Society
News & Announcements
For Women of All Ages
Who Wish to Serve the Church
Fr. Mac Scholarship Dinner
May Meeting
Tickets are still available for May 12 to
hear MSU alum, John Shinsky talk about
his work in founding an orphanage.
All women of the Parish are invited to join our
meeting on Wednesday, May 13 at 10:00am. We
meet in the Bishop Baraga room downstairs at STA.
The Fr. Mac Dinner is the primary scholarship
fundraising event for Lansing Catholic High School.
Ticket price is $125/person. Proceeds to benefit the
Fr. Mac Scholarship and the Tuition Assistance Fund.
Contact Colleen Murray at 267-2109 or email for tickets or for
more information.
Pray for Our Priests
Each month, the Rosary Altar Society sponsors a
calendar to help us all pray for our priests. We pray
to give them wisdom, patience, charity, virtue, and
zeal. We pray that they may be the light of souls and
the salt of the earth. Pick up a calendar and join
people all over the diocese in praying for a different
priest each day.
Enrollment at LCHS
Lansing Catholic High School is currently accepting
applications for incoming 9th graders and for transfer
students into grades 10 and 11 for the 2015-2016 school
year. Applications and the tuition worksheet are
available on the school’s website
Families who would like more information should
contact the Admissions Office at 517-267-2102.
Three New Retreats at St. Francis Retreat Center
Check out the new retreats in DeWitt directed by
Tony Sperendi.
 "To Love & To Honor: The Heart of
Marriage" for all married and engaged
couples. Friday evening, May 29.
 "Following Jesus: Through the Wisdom of
St. Paul's Letter to the Philippians." A day
retreat, Saturday, May 30
 "When Life Hurts: Seeking Hope, Healing &
Wisdom in Suffering." A day retreat June 16.
Readings for the week of May 3, 2015
Fifth Sunday of Easter
Acts 9:26-31; Ps 22; 1 Jn 3:18-24;
Jn 15:1-8
Acts 14:5-18; Ps 115; Jn 14:21-26
Acts 14:19-28; Ps 145; Jn 14:27-31a
Wednesday Acts 15:1-6; Ps 122; Jn 15:1-8
Acts 15:7-21; Ps 96; Jn 15:9-11
Acts 15:22-31; Ps 57; Jn 15:12-17
Acts 16:1-10; Ps 100; Jn 15:18-21
Sixth Sunday of Easter
Acts 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48; Ps 98;
1 Jn 4:7-10; Jn 15:9-17
Contact the retreat center at 517-669-8321 or email for more information.
April Baptismal Celebrations
We joyfully welcome into our Catholic
faith community the following infants
and young children who were baptized
during the month of April and we
warmly congratulate their parents!
Avery Lindy Marie Robert & Meghan Krusky
Claire Mary
Joseph & Devin Ptaszynski
Ivy Kathryn
Ian & Krystal Quartermus
Kinsley Anne
Jim & Meghan Ziehmer
Cole Davis
Eric & Jeanna Haddad
Ryan Michael
Bradley & Amanda Goll
Lucy Mae
Eric & Mary Rochow
Jack Abraham
Dustin & Kathleen Farhat
May God bless you and be with you always!
Faith Sharing Questions For Next Sunday
We invite you to prepare for next Sunday’s liturgy (the
Sixth Sunday of Easter) by reflecting on the Gospel: John
15:9–17. Jesus tells us that as the Father loves him,
so also he loves us.
Questions: What prevents me from listening to
God and keeping his commandments?
How did I come to know God?
More reflections are available at under
Adult Faith Formation - Bringing Home the Word.
Events In our Parish
Mass Intentions
Monday, May 4, 2015
Faith Sharing Group (STA)
First Communion Luncheon (STA)
Compassionate Minister Meeting (STA)
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
May Crowning (STA)
St. Veronica Guild Dinner (STA)
Chinese Prayer Group (SJSC)
Group Spiritual Direction (STA)
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
Rosary (STA)
Bible Study (STA)
St. Vincent dePaul Meeting (STA)
Quest Group (STA)
Korean Prayer Group (STA)
Light Weigh (STA)
Parents Baptism Seminar (STA)
Thursday, May 7, 2015
Mom’s Group (SJSC)
Faculty Book Group (SJSC)
Choir Rehearsal (STA)
Choir Rehearsal (SJSC)
Friday, May 8, 2015
MSU Graduate Mass & Reception (SJSC)
American Guild of Organist (STA)
Saturday, May 9, 2015
Food Cupboard (SJSC)
Sunday, May 10, 2015
Choir Rehearsal (STA)
Boy Scout #293 Meeting (STA)
Korean Community Mass (STA)
Monday, May 4, 2015
6:30am (St. Thomas Aquinas)
Art Costallini req. by Cathy Kerwin
12:15pm (St. John)
Marion Przytulski req. by Michelle Sanchagrin
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
6:30am (St. Thomas Aquinas)
Mary Lee Pricco req. by Don Pricco
9:15pm (St. John)
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
6:30am (St. Thomas Aquinas)
Doug Meyer req. by Larry and Gail Meyer
9:00am (St. Thomas Aquinas)
Ed Lane req. by Skip and Nell Wolcott
12:15pm (St. John)
Pam Czubak req. by Natalie Zoeller
Thursday, May 7, 2015
6:30am (St. Thomas Aquinas)
Lois Graham req. by Larry and Gail Meyer
9:15pm (St. John)
Friday, May 8, 2015
6:30am (St. Thomas Aquinas)
Ruth Parsley req. by Friday Breakfast Group
9:00am (St. Thomas Aquinas)
James Bullock req. by Maryjo Bullock and Family
12:15pm (St. John)
Leo J and Mary Margaret Scheetz req. by
Janet and Patrick Scheetz
Saturday, May 9, 2015
4:30pm (St. Thomas Aquinas)
Deceased Members of Cassady Family req. by the Family
Sunday, May 10, 2015
8:00am (St. John)
People of the Parish
9:00am (St. Thomas Aquinas)
Dirck Terwilliger req. by Tammy Terwilliger
10:00am (St. John)
Ruth Koepke req. by Jim and Teri Hunter
11:00am (St. Thomas Aquinas)
Ruth Ganakas req. by Gus Ganakas Family
12:00pm (St. John)
Raina K. Naman req. by Frank and Elaine Knox
5:00pm (St. John)
Housekeeping Positions are available at
St. Francis Retreat Center, DeWitt. These are
part-time positions with variable hours. You must
be at least 18 years old and available to work some
weekends. For more information, please call
Chris at 517-669-8321 ext. 15.
Aquinas College Economicology Day
Friday, May 15th
Aquinas College in Grand Rapids is hosting an AQDay
for all high school students interested in learning more
about environmental issues, sustainability and
Economicology. The immersion experience is organized
with hands-on activities and includes five entertaining
breakout sessions. Please visit our website at for more
details or to register for the event on May 15.
7:00pm (St. John)
Al Mouradian req. by Mary Kishler