TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR 2015/16 11+ COURSE (MARCH 2015) THE PROVISION 1. Sir Tailor Master Tutor Ltd will provide tuition and the use of resources in preparation for 11+ tests in verbal reasoning, numerical reasoning and non-verbal reasoning. 35 sessions are planned. (Note that creative writing is not part of the course but will be provided separately after the end of the course, at additional cost, to those who want it.) 2. We take pride in helping your child to learn and in guiding you in how to support this. This is most effective when our pupils and staff are allowed to work in a pleasant, calm and collaborative atmosphere, so please respect the right of staff and pupils to work free from any sort of disruptive, disrespectful, intimidating, abusive or aggressive behaviour. In order to protect the well-being of others, such behaviour by parent or pupil may result in the removal of the child from the course. Your support is appreciated. 3. We are earnest in what we do and have faith in the effectiveness of our work. We back this up with a money-back guarantee for those who fulfil their part. Full terms of money-back guarantee: In order to qualify for a £300 reward (i) The pupil must (a) attend all 35 sessions of the 11+ Course; and (b) complete all given work (paper, online and videos) and corrections by the given deadlines. All work done on paper must be retained for inspection until 31st December 2016. (ii) The pupil must complete the 11+ tests for Buckinghamshire and all the Slough area grammar schools (Herschel, Langley, Slough and Upton Court) without attaining a score that makes them eligible to be considered for a place. (iii) All course payments must be received by us as scheduled. (iv) Copies of result letters for Buckinghamshire and for the Slough area grammar schools must be received by us on or before 4th Nov 2016. Any pupil for whom the required result letters have not been received by this deadline, for any reason, will not be considered for the money-back guarantee. 4. The Learning Coach (tutor) does some marking and recording. Parents (or applicants) are required to do marking and recording of some work that is set for completion at home. 5. All resources (materials, equipment and online resources) provided by us are for the sole use of the pupil who is subscribed to the course. Sharing or copying of resources is strictly prohibited. Sanctions may be applied to transgressors. 6. All resources (materials, equipment and online resources) provided by us remain property of Sir Tailor Master Tutor Ltd except items specifically marked as nonreturnable. You may be asked to return some items when leaving the course. A charge will be made for any such items not returned when requested. 7. Later joiners to the course and early leavers are entitled only to the resources (materials, equipment and online resources) issued during the part of the course that they are subscribed to. 8. Your application is for the course and not a particular tutor. Requests for or against particular tutors or tutors of a particular sex will not be considered. MONEY MATTERS 9. The total course fee payable is £2,987. The use of equipment and materials (paper, online, and practice papers) is included in this. Pro rata fees are payable by late joiners and early leavers. Late joiners can have access to online resources from the start of the course at a charge of £17 per session missed. 10. The Initial Payment of £227 is payable with the application. The initial payment received will be deducted from the fees before your standing order payment is calculated. The payment schedule will be made so that payment is completed by 3nd Aug 2016. The monthly payment is to be received by the 3rd of each month. 11. There is no refund or reduction in fees if the pupil misses or omits parts of the course for any reason. 12. If a payment is not received in full when due (i.e. in accordance with the payment schedule), the pupil’s access to the course may be partly or fully suspended until payments are brought back on schedule. A pupil may be removed from the course for persistent erratic payment or non-payment. 13. A 10% surcharge will apply to any payment still outstanding after 3nd Aug 2016. 14. Rewards apply only to pupils who complete the whole course and are fully paid up by 3nd Aug 2016. Late joiners and early leavers are not eligible for any rewards. Final Statements will be sent by 31st Dec 2016, and any rewards soon thereafter. Reward category Amount Money-back guarantee £300 Loyalty Foundation Course £50 £50 Priority booking £50 Full payment up front £50 Result letters £25 Qualification criteria Published terms of money-back guarantee have been fulfilled. (See term 3.) Sibling of pupil completed more than 50% of our 11+ Course. Pupil completed more than 50% of our Foundation Course. Both the application form and initial payment are received by 30th Apr 2015. Full payment of £2,987 is received on or before 3rd Sep 2015. We received copies of the 11+ result letters for Buckinghamshire and the Slough Consortium on or before 4th Nov 2016. 15. Leaving the course early. You may leave at any stage after submitting the application form by emailing 3 lessons’ notice to Manager@ElevenPlusTutor.org.uk. You are liable for fees (calculated pro rata) up to the end of your notice period and will not be eligible for any rewards. Your notice period begins the lesson after the day that your email notice is received. 16. Leaving without email notice. If a pupil stops attending without email notice having been received, notice will be deemed to have been received after one lesson after the final attendance, so that you will be liable for the fees (calculated pro rata) for 4 lessons after the final attendance. 17. You will be liable for all costs incurred by us in recovering a debt from you. All monetary amounts are inclusive of VAT at the standard rate.
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