Saturday, June 14, 2014D3 CROSSWORD PUZZLE THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME by David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek NARPK ©2014 Tribune Content Agency, LLC All Rights Reserved. DIVOA TULIDE Check out the new, free JUST JUMBLE app Unscramble these four Jumbles, one letter to each square, to form four ordinary words. 575 Northside Rummage Rummage: Friday, June 13th 8-5pm and Sat. June 14th 8-2pm. 1475 110th Street. On D-12, just cross the railroad tracks, go straight East 1 1/2 mile. Large multiple family rummage. If you have kids, this one is for you. Over 200 matching sets of girl clothing fm NB to 14 by Gumboree, Gap & Justice. Most in excellent shape. Trendy teen girl styles. Boy shirts, shorts and jeans. Lots of large and women plus sizes priced to sell. Tons of home & linen items. disney, Barbie, Dora and more toys, games, movies and books. Ball shoes, bats and tees. Tents and yard play stuff. We reorganized and have all items sorted for you. For directions 712-223-1847 3100 Block of Court, 8-2. Furniture, books, VHS tapes, clothes, misc. NEEGAG Answer here: Yesterday’s Now arrange the circled letters to form the surprise answer, as suggested by the above cartoon. (Answers Monday) Jumbles: AGAIN OMEGA DISOWN ENTOMB Answer: When he realized that their golden retriever wasn’t in the backyard, he said — “DOG-GONE-IT” Yard Sale & Bake Sale, 1114 Iowa St., Fri. June 13, 3pm-7pm & Sat. June 14, 8am-2pm. Clothes & misc. N’side Neighborhood Clothes & Plant sale 3500 blk Grandview Blvd, Fri. 1-6, Sat 8-12. Lots of boys & girls clothes, houseehold items, many NEW young healthy house plants (Spider plants) & many nice hostas potted ready to plant in your garden 2910 & 2918 Jackson, Sat. 8-1. HUGE SALES!! Too much to list! Estate/Rummage Sale. 4616 Chatham Lane, Sat. 8-2. SU | DO | KU PUZZLE 2623 McFaul St. Furniture, toys, clothes, household goods. 10-4pm Fri., Sat. & Sun. 1352 Fox Ridge Trail, Sat. 8-1. Furn., kids books & toys, housewares. Multi family sale, 3816 Winona Way, Fri. 4-7, Sat. 8-12. Toys, clothes, household misc. 403 Eton Court. Fri., 2-8PM & Sat., 7-noon. 2945 Sunset Cir. Sat. only 8-12. Collectibles, old prints, quilts, household, rugs, clothes. Something for Everyone! Womens & mens clothes, girls clothes baby to 6x, household items, tarp, holiday items, TVs, furniture, DVD player. 3028 Cheyenne Blvd. Fri. 3-7; Sat. 8-1 575 Riverside Rummage 1024 Whitcher, 9am-3pm. Clothes sm-3X, toys, furn, BR set, frig, misc. Womens and teen clothing, kids stuff, furniture and misc. Fri & Sat 8am-1pm 2208 Hanford St. Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains every digit from 1 to 9 (no number will repeat in a row, column or box). The answer will be published in tomorrow’s Sioux City Journal classifieds section. %5,'*( 7KH UXOHV DUH PDGH WR EH IROORZHG By Phillip Alder 3ULQFHVV 'LDQD VDLG ´, GRQ·W JR E\ WKH UXOH ERRN , OHDG IURP WKH KHDUW QRW WKH KHDGµ 6KH ZDV WDXJKW EULGJH EXW , GRXEW WKDW VKH VSHQW PXFK WLPH SOD\LQJ +RZHYHU VRPH EULGJH SOD\HUV JR E\ WKH UXOH ERRN EXW WKH EHWWHU RQHV XVH WKHLU KHDGV ,Q WRGD\·V GHDO ZKDW VKRXOG :HVW OHDG DJDLQVW IRXU VSDGHV GRXEOHG" 6XSSRVH :HVW FKRRVHV WKH KHDUW WKUHH (DVW WDNHV WKH WULFN ZLWK KLV TXHHQ EXW ZKDW VKRXOG KH GR QH[W" $IWHU (DVW RSHQHG RQH KHDUW 6RXWK ZDV WHPSWHG WR SUHHPSW LQ VSDGHV NHHSLQJ KLV GLDPRQG VXLW DV D VHFUHW ZHDSRQ +RZHYHU ZRQGHULQJ LI KLV VLGH PLJKW RZQ WKH GHDO KH VHWWOHG IRU RQH VSDGH :HVW KDG WKH YDOXHV IRU D WZRKHDUW UDLVH 1RUWK WKHQ PDGH D SUHHPSWLYH MXPS WR WKUHH VSDGHV VKRZLQJ IRXU VSDGHV DQG D ZHDN KDQG :LWK JDPHLQYLWDWLRQ DO RU VWURQJHU YDOXHV KH ZRXOG KDYH FXHELG WKUHH KHDUWV (DVW ELG WKH JDPH KH H[SHFWHG WR PDNH 6RXWK FRQWLQXHG WR IRXU VSDGHV XQVXUH ZKR FRXOG PDNH ZKDW EXW FRQILGHQW WKLV FRQWUDFW ZRXOG QRW EH H[SHQVLYH (DVW GRXEOHG IRU SHQDOW\ ,W VKRXOG EH FOHDU WR :HVW WKDW 6RXWK LV VDFULILFLQJ :KHQ WKDW LV WKH FDVH DW D KLJK OHYHO LW LV DOPRVW DOZD\V ULJKW WR OHDG D WUXPS ,I :HVW GRHV WKDW WKH FRQWUDFW ZLOO IDLO :HVW ZLOO JHW EDFN LQ ZLWK D GLDPRQG ZLQQHU DQG FDQ OHDG DQRWKHU WUXPS WR KROG GHFODUHU WR WZR UXIIV LQ WKH GXPP\ DQG QLQH WULFNV LQ DOO VL[ VSDGHV WZR UXIIV DQG WKH GLDPRQG MDFN ZKLFK FDQ EH HVWDEOLVKHG 6LPLODUO\ LI :HVW OHDGV D KHDUW (DVW VKRXOG ZLQ WKH WULFN DQG VKLIW WR D WUXPS Estate Sale, June 21, 8-2. Call for advance viewing/sales. 712-301-8243. LR set w/beautiful buffet, BR set, table & 2 chairs, port. Dishwasher, stove, antique dresser, TV, lg wall mirrors, m/f clothes, lots of kitchenwares, photo frames, sewing machine, tools, seasonal decor, so much more! 513 Appliances Whirlpool Duet frontload washer and dryer set with matching pedestals. Color: white $450.00/set OBO 712-574-0442 GE Profile washer. 3 yr. Excellent condition. $300 OBO. (712) 943-5053 Maytag dishwasher, $75 or best offer. (402) 632-4300 after 1PM. GE Self-Cleaning Radiant Range, White with black cook top - excellent condition $150.712-251-1804 29 cu.ft. white GE side by side refrigerator. 3 yrs. old. $275. Call 712-546-6345 or 712-574-3962. G.E. washer w/stainless steel tub, $200 OBO. (712) 269-3520 Frigidaire Over-the-Range Microwave Oven. Stainless Steel- Like New. $150 - 712-251-1804 520 Bicycles Ladies 10 speed bike, nice. $50 OBO. 712-420-5775 530 Cemetery Lots / Memorials 4 SALE: 6 cemetary lots in Memorial Park, SC. (850) 682-4016 4 Spaces in Memorial Park, Garden of Good Shepherd. $2000- for 4, $600 separately/obo Call 712-324-2788. 540 Computers / Software DELL DEMINSION 2400 DESKTOP COMPUTER. 2.4GHz, WINDOWS VISTA, 1 GIG RAM, 80 GIG HD, DVD, & CD RW, PLUS MONITOR. $60.00. CALL 712-281-4021 NO TXT MSG. GATEWAY DESKTOP COMPUTER WITH MONITOR. 2.80 GHz, 2 GIG RAM, 160 HD, DVD RW & DVD DRIVES, FLOPPY DRIVE & SD CARD DRIVE. $50.00 CALL 712-281-4021 NO TXT MSG. DELL POWEREDGE 2900 SERVER. $70.00 CALL 712-281-4021 NO TXT MSG. 545 Home Furnishings Painting by Robert Wood called “Early Spring”, gold gilded frame included, 40 x 28½, $50. Call & leave message (712) 223-0452 FURNITURE FOR SALE!! Come in and see what many people already know. We carry Quality Furniture such as LANE, COMFORT CRAFT, RESTONIC, ASHLEY, SIG. DESIGN to name a few. These brands are carried by other stores in the area. Our point is we offer these great brands at prices that really connot be beaten. The Quantities in here are huge. Example 100 Lane Recliners while they last, 80 sofa & loveseat sets while they last. Come in and count ‘em. Mattress sets twice the quality at half the price. Dining room sets, curio cabinets, entertainment centers. We’re worth a serious look. There is no pressure to buy here. Come in look for yourself, you’ll be pleasantly surprised! MIDTOWN FURNITURE 724 Pearl St. 10-6 Mon.-Sat. 12-4 Sun. Victorian earthtones sofa, one cushion, 6” fringe, 84”, $300. 712-281-7039 This is crazy! Washers, dryers, frigs, stoves, beds, $99 & up. Floyd Blvd Furniture 4017 Floyd Buying estates & appliances 712-239-7229 MIDTOWN FURNITURE Just one time! Just once! Come in and compare prices. this building is a lot bigger inside than you might think. We have enormous quantities of really fine furniture. I promise I have the same brands you’ve been looking for...Lane, Ashley, Stylecraft, Restonic, Comfort Craft, Sig. Design, etc. I beat everybody’s “SALE” price every day. If you want to buy it, I’ll sell it to you right now! We used to be the best kept secret in town. People are finding us. I think the secret is out. MIDTOWN FURNITURE 724 Pearl St. 10-6 Mon-Sat 12-4 Sun. 560 Miscellaneous (Merch. For Sale) Someone must need a good clean near new toilet. (Complete) and a stainless kitchen double sink. ready to install. $40. for both. 712 255 1385 SINGING HILLS SECONDHAND FINDS & FURNISHINGS Fun Flea Market Consignment Used Furniture Antiques & Collectibles 712-233-2345 Precious Moments in original boxes, storybooks and plates, $10-$15 ea. (712) 276-0121 Barrel chair, light rose back and seat, wood legs and arms, $45.00, 712-947-4386 For Sale: 1 bookcase, no wheels, $15. (712) 252-0765 Shower door over the tub style frosted glass doors. $25 OBO. (712) 281-3745 1 pair steel antique wheels 25’’ diameter. $17.50 per wheel. (712) 567-4031 Three working vacuum cleaners. 2 Hoovers. (1 Big wind tunnel, 1 lightweight) 1 Bissel lightweight. $40. for all. 712 255 1385 For Sale: 1 gal. black paint, exterior, $12. (712) 252-0765 3 axel flatbed trailer, $900. 3 trailer house axels $200 ea. 2 horse tire swings, $40 ea. (712) 239-4181 Wood dog house, $25. 20 gal. Fimco sprayer, $185. Magellan GPS $75. Punch bowl set, 27 pc. $45. (712) 943-6714 Electric stove heater, black metal, looks like fireplace, like new condition. $50. (712) 233-1635 McKelvey Fireworks Is now OPEN at Exit 18, off I-29, Elk Point. Call (605) 356-2290 New Century Link modem, $100. Own don’t rent. (605) 232-4295 Woodworker Retiring. 6x48 sander. $200. (402) 695-2390 belt Ostrich egg. Very good cond. No cracks, great for crafts. $35. (402) 695-2390 Charbroil elec. patio caddie kettle grille, good condition. $40. 712-233-1635. Two chairs, Broyhill swivel rockers, solid red-orange fabric, tufted back, great condition, $100.00 each, 712-947-4386 DR set, Leather couch, oak tbl, lawn tract, snow thrower, trailer, 65”TV, 605-659-5388 Woodworker retiring. 10’’ Sears tablesaw, $200. (402) 695-2390 ROADSIDE RELICS Antiques & More! Hwy. 75 at the light. Hinton, IA. Antiques, Flea Market, Furniture & More! Kenmore air conditioner. 5150 BTU, used one summer, works great, $60 firm. (712) 281-0866 Fisher Price kitchen, good condition, some dishes, $25. (712) 252-0094 14 garden stacks, $1.25 each. (712) 239-3610 Sofa,beige with light blue, red, green floral print, 3 cushion, 82” long, excellent condition, $100.00, 712-947-4386 For Sale: 10 small yard flags. $4 each. 252-0765 Solid oak oval table, 42’’ x 52” with 3) 12’’ leaves, like new, $300. (712) 281-7039 Barrel chair, red-orange back and seat, wood woven sides, wood legs, $45.00, 712-947-4386 MIDTOWN FURNITURE MATTRESS SALE!! If you buy a mattress set somewhere else and then come here, you’re going to feel bad. Just ask to see what we have and then go look somewhere else. You’ll be back. Nobody sells better mattresses anywhere. No I’m not kidding. We’re just that good! MIDTOWN FURNITURE 724 Pearl St. 10-6 Mon-Sat 12-4 Sun. Camp cot, $45. Piano bench, $35. TV shelf, $5. BBQ charcoal grill, $10. Ladies boot sz. 8, $5. 2 prs. sz. 8 pump shoes, new, $5 ea. 7 life vests $3.50 ea. Ice cream maker, 4 qt., $75. (712) 943-6714 Bassinet, white wicker with pad. $10. (712) 252-0094 Mirror in ornate real cherry wood frame, 30 x 40, new, never used! $200 or best offer. Call & leave message (712) 223-0452 Household Goods For sale 1950’s chrome kitchen table. Green top. In good condition. $40. 239-2183 evenings. Highchair, good condition, big tray, Graco, $25. (712) 252-0094 Refrigerators, apt. size stoves & frigs, adjustable twin bed, rolltop desk, sectional, lrg recliner, kids table & chair set, Mary Moo-Moos, sleeper leather sofa Peters Park Flea Market 3938 Transit Avenue 550 Woodworker retiring: 30’’ Sears wood lathe, $200. (402) 695-2390 Wheel Chair Tracer LX Model 1000 Series Plus Walker Perfect Condition $150.00 OBO Call 712-274-7747 More than 40 Sports action figures, nfl, mlb, nba. Contact Scott 712 389-8143 $200.00 Ruger 22 cal Bisley Target revolver. Like new. Blue, engraved, Mint cond. Has been stored 27 yrs. Collectors item. 712 255 1385 $499. Conga/Bongo set. Bongo stand included. Blue finish. Cases included. $150.00. 712-389-8143 For Sale: adult walker, $5. 252-0765 Refrigerator $130. Four drawer make-up dresser with mirror $35. Startrek movie posters, 23”x62”, $25 each. (712) 203-9820 Four good tires. 225/65R16 Blackwall. 2 have 3/4 tread left, 2 have 1/2 tread left. They were on a Dodge Grand Caravan. $100. 712 255 1385 Extension ladder, alum., 20’, $55. (712) 269-3520 For Sale: 11 teapots, various sizes & designs, $5 ea. (712) 252-0765 Baby swing, good condition with toys, Graco, $25. (712) 252-0094 Black 7 Decker 7 1/4’’ circular saw, 120 volts. $50. (605) 232-4072 Air conditioner, 115V, 139 OW, 125,000 BTU, $125. (605) 232-4072 Set of 4 Cragar wheels with tires, $475. 712-727-3348 Char-Broil electric grill w/cover & tools $125, used once. 712-276-5103 Jigsaw Black & Decker, $30. (605) 232-4072 ALL AMERICAN MADE WALK IN TUBS 2 1/2’’ step up to enter from floor level. Very reasonably priced. Good quality workmanship. 402-290-1691. Roofing material: 6 plank jacks $5/ea. 6 different lengths of planks $5/ea. 4 black felt roofing paper $5 ea. (712) 252-3305 I can’t return long distance calls. Center island cart, very nice looking. Adds charm to your kitchen. $40 or best offer. (712) 281-3745 Schwinn Airdyne Evolution Comp dual-action stationary bike with booklet. Great condition. Would like $200 or best offer. Sioux City. 712-252-6096 Disk belt sander, Craftsman, $35. (605) 232-4072 Stroller, heavy duty, good condition. $20. (712) 252-0094 Two Lazyboy recliners, large solid blue, excellent condition, only 3 years old, $100.00 each, 712-947-4386 2 Tickets to Michael Jackson The Immortal Cirque Du Soleil Tues June 24 8:00pm Pinnacle Bank Arena Lincoln NE. Reg price $80ea, will sell both $75 274-8001 563 Musical Musical Equipment/Instruments for sale from recording to PAs & everthing in between. Too much to name. Call Kenny at (712) 490-0164 Organ Transiter Spinet very good shape $100.00. Call (712) 239-3610 Upright Werner Piano built in Chicago around 1910. Free to a good home or best offer. You haul. Call 402-355-2378 570 Pets & Supplies Free kittens to good home, 7- 8 weeks old, (712) 281-8729 Vaccination Clinic at SC Animal Adoption on Hawkeye. Sun June 22nd. 10-2 . AKC Great Dane puppies, blk w/white markings, European bloodlines, 1F 2M, born April 19, $600. (712) 360-0061. AAA Quality Chesapeakes, field bloodlines. Fully guarananteed. $600. 712-251-8994 or 258-4055 8ft long by 4 foot wide 6 foot high dog kennel for sale $75.00 call 712-251-8072 or 712-899-1449 French Bulldog, 2F,2M,AKC, 11wks,family raised,one year health guarantee, 712-276-0604 $800 FOR LEASE: Grooming, Boarding, Training, Breeding Facility Contact 712-251-8994 55 gallon fish aquarium with stand and accessories $250.00 OBO 712-574-0442 Adopt a Cat Month 1/2 Price all kittens & cats. Free cat carrier. Siouxland Humane Society, 1015 Triview Ave. English Bulldog 11wks old. Brindle. fun energetic puppy. Ida Grove 712-369-9819 $1800 Sgt Bluff Mature, loud untame male Gray Tiel needs a mate. No cage avail. Leave msg 943-2987. 150.00 573 Pools & Spas For all your pool & spa needs go to siouxcityjournal. com/classifieds 575 Leeds Rummage 4425 Tyler. 9-? In alley. Big toys, antiques, furniture, bedliner for Ford Ranger, bounce house,much more 4348 Central St. Sat. 8-2p Kids clothes, shoes, bikes and Little Tykes. Bike trailer and more 575 Morningside Rummage HUGE sale! Household items, girls 12M-4T, furn., lots more. 711 So. Westcott, Sat. 8-1. 1308 So. Alice. Fri.,12-7; Sat., 8-2. Port. garage, rider lawnmower attach., furniture, stove, girls bike, changing table, carseats, more! 5 Houses on the 2600 block of So. Oleander. Fri. 2-7; Sat. 7-2. Mens, womens & kids clothes, furniture, stove, collectibles, housewares. 4112 Sergeant Rd. Sat. 8-1:30. Books, clothes, bikes, antiques. 5601 Windsor Ave. (off Lyons St.) Sat. 7-11. Furniture, collectibles, curtains, Xmas, propane grill. 1409 S Hennepin, handyman tools, crystal, household goods Fri & Sat 8:00-1:00. Multi fam-some furn., clothes, misc. Fri. 3-7, Sat. 8-12. 2821 S. Glass. 5 FAMILY GARAGE SALE! 5411 Bushnell Ave- Fri 3-7 & Sat 8-4, Furniture, TVs, Kids & Womens Clothing, Toys, Glassware, & Misc! 4500 blk of Wellington Ave. elec stove, kids-plus sz clothes. Sat. 8-?. Moving Sale: 2209 So. Cypress. Fri. 4-7; Sat. 8-2. 2729 Magnolia Ct. (Behind East Middle) Fri. 3-7; Sat. 7:30-2. Clothes of all sizes. Baby girl, Jrs, wms & plus size, comforter sets, pictures & housewares, pool table, wheel chair, wms golf clubs. Huge Rummage. Something for everyone. #2 Rose Lane off Stone Ave. Fri., 8-4; Sat. 8-3. 6443 Mickelson (Whispering Creek), Thurs. 9-5, Fri. 10-7, Sat. 9-12. Womens name brand clothes, decor, bedding, etc., 2 adult bikes. Sat. 8-1. Multi-fam. Purses, microwave, dishwasher, kennel, desk, printer, Wii games, tools, books, telescope, yg. wm clothes, mens L-2XL, misc. 4917 Oxford Dr. 5 Family. Antique gate leg table, baby items, clothes, electronics, Sony surround system, pool supplies, misc. motorcycles, HD, Kaw, Honda. Sat. 8-1. 4650 5th Ave. 2845 So. Coral. Sat. 8-? Womens, teen girls, boys 7-10, girls 2T-4, ent. ctr., bassinet, toys. 575 North Sioux City Rummage 9 Bancroft Ct N Sioux City 8-1 Sat/Sun. Percussion, sports collect., wt bench, furn., comic, foos table. 575 Sgt. Bluff Rummage NEIGHBORHOOD SALE! Kingsberry Ct, Brookshire Ct, Barrington and Winfield Cir. Fri 12-8 Sat 8-12 804 Glenwood Court. Sat. 8-noon. White baby crib, 2 toddler beds, toys, boys trucks, kids bedding, household & misc. 415 Baywood Dr. Fri 4-8; Sat 9-2 Girls clothes infant-7-8, boys infant-7-8, ladies plus sz. Eliptical & treadmill. 404 Wild Plum Way Fri. 4-8; Sat 10-5 Boys 6-8, young men’s summer, men’s & ladies HD clothes & misc. 905 Clairmont Cir. Sgt. Bluff. Wedding dress-NWT, Harley Davidson boots, tons of name brand boys and girls clothes sz 6-12. Fri. 4-8; Sat. 8-12 575 South Sioux City Rummage 5 Families. All sizes clothing lots of misc items. 1115 9th Ave behind Eagles Club. Sat 8-4. 809 El Paso Dr. 9-4 Fri; 8-2 Sat. 5 families. Name brand clothing, golf items, toys, lots of misc. Kids & adult clothes,baby items, books & CDs, TVs, household, lots misc. Fri. 10-6; Sat. 8-3. 1535 Ponderosa Lane, Tompkins Addition Sat. 8-4. 509 E. 31st St. Multi-Family. Couch, desk, Kenwood stereo, 60G air comp., frig, teen-adult clothes 575 All Areas Rummage Lawton City Wide rummage, Listings & maps available at Pronto. 585 Sporting Goods Eastfield Model 916 Smith & Wesson. 12 ga. $100. (712) 539-9640 CZ Varmit rifle 223 Rem w/Loupold scope 4-12-40. Walnut stock, matted barrel w/single set trigger, less than 8 boxes thru it. Like new! Have original box & all paper that came with it. Asking $650. 3 box+ go with gun. Call (712) 212-4798 Ladies Adams golf clubs, bag, shoes size 9, $475. (712) 276-5103 Callaway irons 3-PW. Also LW mens righthand. $145 or trade, (712) 252-3555 1918 British Enfield 303 cal. $250. (605) 232-4295 Zabala 20 ga. double barrel, $499. (605) 232-4295 War Relics Wanted. WW I & II-Guns swords, helmets & misc. Cash paid. 712-448-3868 Paullina, IA 595 Yard / Home Equipment 3hp Tecumseh Motor off of Toro Mower $10 712-898-7803 Craftsman garden tractor, 22hp engine, auto trans, 42” deck w/rear bagging system, $450/obo. 574-2190. Snapper Signature Series F-Stratton lawnmower. 5.5 motor, runs great, $75. (712) 281-0866 Lawnmower 22’’ cut, runs good & Briggs S. Fresh oil change & gas & plug. $50 firm. (712) 281-0866 Snapper rider. 13.5 HP almost new I/C engine. Bagger with new components. New battery. 28 in cut. Solid and well kept. 712/389-4591. $400 can email photo. 5 foot Husky aluminum ladder, $12. (712) 276-0121 John Deere walk behind Mower JS63C 6.5hp Self Propelled 3 speed Front Caster Wheels with bag $225 712-898-7803 8HP Snapper riding mower. 30’’ cut, elect. start, $285. (712) 420-9899 Lawnmower, self propel w/bagger, $150 OBO. (712) 269-3520 610 Farm Machinery ***Wanted: Used oil, 200 gal. minimum, free pickup service within 200 mi. of Sioux Falls. Toll free 1-866-304-6070. JD 13’ tandem disk. JD 14’ #1010 field cultivator, $1550. Vermeer 605B round baler $1550. NH 116 haybine $1850. 712-299-6608, Pomeroy John Deer 2 row cult., front mount, $400 OBO. 712-490-0280. MM shellers parts $499 OBO, (712) 490-0280 We have several crews. We do farm work. Any type: tearing up old barns, pick sticks, fencing, walking beans, also cut Canadian thistles. Call 712-943-2084. 640 Horses / Ponies Black 16’’ saddle, comfortable riding saddle w/chest strap & bridle, $150. (712) 281-3745
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