[ Nursery to 10th ] 2nd Pusta, Sonia Vihar, Delhi-94, E-Mail: eliteschooldelhi@gmail.com Helpline No.: 011-65458788 Website: www.eliteinternationalschool.org Holiday Home Work Session: 2015-16 CLASS : III Holiday Home Work : 2015-16 Note : 1. Holiday Home work should be done in seperateseperate file. 2. Home Work should be Neat and Clean. Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 ENGLISH (Reading) Read the following seen comprehension passage carefully and and answer the following questions : The two tailors spent a wonderful month in the palace. They were served the best food. They took long naps in their comfortable beds. They hung a 'Do not disturb' sign outside their door and pretended to work. Whenever they left the room, they pretended to be exhausted from the work they were doing. Answer the following questions a. Who spent a wonderful month in the palace? b. What they were served? c. Write the synonym of the 'tired' from the passage" Read the following unseen comprehension passage carefully and answer the following questions: Once there was a merchant who was very rich. He had lots of cattle and a good amount of gold and silver. He also had a wife and children. He had a very special talent. He could understand the language of all kinds of animals and birds. Answer the following questions a. What special talent did the merchant have? b. Who were in merchant's family? c. Write synonym of animals from the passage. (Writing) Do handwriting in cursive. Write the answers of the following questions. a. What is the main message of the poem everyday things? b. How do you think the emperor felt when he heard the little boy's comment? Holiday Home Work : 2015-16 (Class-III) 2 c. Why are millionaries, presidents and kings like ordinary people? d. Name a few more things that the rich do and which ordinary people also do? Q.5 Add the ending and write out the words. a. dig + ing = ............... b. big + er = ............... c. clean + ing = ............... d. wet + est = ............... Q.6 Write and learn an Essay The Cow. Q.7 Write an application on urgent piece of work. Q.8 Unscramble the jumbled words given below to form the items you keep in your school bag : ersera, ruelr, pne Q.9 Write and learn 50 word and meanings from your textbook. Q.10 Write in ten lines "How you spend your holidays". FA-I : Syllabus Communicative English - 3 L-1 : A Little Daring Child L-2 : Everyday Things Q.1 SCIENCE Answer the following questions. a. Name any five living things and paste their picture in notebook. b. Name any five non-living things and paste their picture in your notebook. c. Name any five parts of a plant and paste their picture in your notebook. d. Name any three herbivorous animals and paste their picture in your notebook. e. Name any two omnivorous animals and paste their picture in your notebook. f. Draw a picture of plant and show its all parts and colour it. g. Collect pictures of some pet animals and paste them here and label also. Holiday Home Work : 2015-16 (Class-III) 3 Q.2 Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 h. Draw a picture of germination of a seed in your notebook and colour the picture. i. Write three fruits we eat and cut and paste the picture in your notebook. Answer the following questions. a. What are the main functions of a flower? b. Why do animals need a shelter? c. Why do animals need food? d. In which way are the roots helpful to plants? Q.4 HINDI ( v i f B r x | k a' k ) i z0 1 f u E u x | k a' k d sv k / k j i j f u E u f y f [ k r i z' u k sa d sm R r j n k sA c ax k y d s, d N k sV s& l sx k ao f o o zQ e i qj e sa , d U ; k ; k / h ' k j g r sF k sA m u d k u k e H k x o k u p an zc l qF k k A l u ~1 8 5 8 b Z0 e sa m u d s? k j , d u U g sa c k y d d k t U e g qv k A e k r k & f i r k u sm l d k u k e t x n h ' k p an zj [ k k A d -f o o zQ e i qj x k ao e sa d k Su j g r k F k k \ [ k -t x n h ' k p an zd k t U e d c v k Sj d g k ag qv k \ x -x | k a' k e sa l sl e k u v F k Zo k y k ' k C n c r k v k s& i Sn k g k su k ( i f B r x | k a' k ) i z0 2 f u E u x | k a' k d sv k / k j i j f u E u f y f [ k r i z' u k sa d sm R r j n k sA y sf d u j k t kd k s f p ar k[ k k , t kj g h F k h f d j k r d k s t c j k t d qe k j h f [ k M +d h l sp k an n s[ k sx h r k sD ; k g k sx k \ o g l k sp sx h f d m l d sf i r k u sm l l s> wB k o k n k f d ; k F k k A d -j k t k d k sD ; k f p ar k [ k k , t k j g h F k h \ [ k -; g x | k a' k f d l i k B l sf y ; k x ; k g S\ x -p k an d k i ; k Z; o k p h f y [ k k s\ i z0 3 f u E u i z' u k sa d sm R r j n k sA d -y M +d sd st wr k sa d h i zf l f ¼ D ; k sa c < +r h x b Z\ [ k -j k ? k o d k sf l i k f g ; k sa u sD ; k sa i d M +f y ; k \ x -j k t k u st k sd j l sD ; k i wN k \ ? k -g e sa > j u k sa d k e h B k i k u h d g k al sf e y r k g S\ i z0 4 f u E u ' k C n k sa d sl e k u v F k Zo k y s' k C n f y [ k k sA p k an ] c k n y ] i sM +] u n h SOCIAL SCIENCE Answer the following questions. a. What is atmosphere? b. What causes days and nights? How? c. What is a globe? d. Name the seven continents and five oceans of the world? e. What is a galaxy? Write the correct option. a. The solar system consists of ......... planets. (i) Eight (ii) Nine (iii) Ten (v) Eleven b. India is a part of the ......... continent. (i) Africa (ii) Europe (iii) Asia (v) Australia c. Very high areas on the Earth are known as ......... (i) Hills (ii) Mountains (iii) Plains (v) Valley d. The Earth takes ......... or one year to complete one revolution. (i) 35¼ days (ii) 65¼ days (iii) 366¼ days (v) 365¼ days e. The ......... is the only planet on which life exists. (i) Earth (ii) Moon (iii) Mars (v) Urenas Write the meaning of the following words in English. Imaginary, Explosion, Model, Raised, Explosion Holiday Home Work : 2015-16 (Class-III) Find 30 words from chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and write their meanings in hindi and learn them. 4 Holiday Home Work : 2015-16 (Class-III) 5 i z0 5 m n k g j . k d sv u ql k j ' k C n c u k v k sA m n k g j . k % x q. k $ o k u ¾ x q. k o k u : i ] c y ] / u ] x k M +h i z0 6 t U e f n u i j f e = k d k sf u e a= k . k i = k f y [ k k so ; k n d j k sA i z0 7 f u E u f o " k ; k sa i j f u c a/ f y [ k k so ; k n d j k sA e sj k f i z; f e = k ] e SV ªk sL V s' k u i z0 8 n l l qy s[ k f y [ k k sA i z0 9 v k l e k u e sa p e d r k b an z& / u q" k v k i d k sd Sl k y x r k g S\ b an z& / u q" k e sa d k Su & d k Su l sj ax g k sr sg Sa\ f p = k c u k d j j ax H k j k sA i z0 1 0 i < +k sv k Sj c k sy k sA ( 3 c k j f y [ k k s) c sl c zh ] t Y n c k t h ] p k Sd M +h ] e wax i Q y h ] ' k r qj e qx Z i z0 1 1 f p f M +; k ? k j e sa n s[ k s t k u s o k y s n l t k u o j k sa d h l wp h c u k v k s o f p = kH k h f p i d k v k sA MATHS Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Write number name. 3456, 6853, 8709, 3059 Encircle the correct numeral. a. 7 thousand 5 hundreds 2 ones 7502, 7205, 7520 b. 3 thousand 2 hundreds 3200, 30002, 3020 c. 9 thousand 5 hundred eighty 9508, 9580, 9058 d. 5 thousand 6 tens 5006, 5060, 5600 Write the successor of 6340, 2135, 7358, 4576 Write the predecessor of ........ 1649 ........ 1987 ........ 6145 ........ 7620 Holiday Home Work : 2015-16 (Class-III) Q.5 Write the odd number just before ........ 843 ........ 49 ........ 943 ........ 719 Q.6 Write the even number just before ........ 48 ........ 96 ........ 38 ........ 1006 Q.7 Match the following. 9 XXXV 15 XVIII 12 XX 28 XXVII 20 IX 18 XV 35 XII 27 XXVIII Q.8 Fill in the balnks. Digits Smallest Number 5, 3, 4 ............. 2, 9, 7, 3 ............. 74, 6, 8 ............. Q.9 Arrange the following in ascending order. a. 380, 5984, 6520 and 830 b. 6517, 6571, 6572 and 6275 Q.10 Arrange the following in descending order. a. 1936, 6319, 6310 and 1935 b. 2501, 4019, 2051 and 1025 Q.1 6 GENERAL KNOWLEDGE Tick the correct option. a. A Kangaroo keeps its baby in its ......... (i) Pouch (ii) Bag (iii)Mouth b. A bat hangs ......... while sleeping. (i) Upside down (ii) Inside down (iii)None c. ......... in the part of the plant that stones food. (i) Stem (ii) Fruit (iii)Soil Holiday Home Work : 2015-16 (Class-III) 7 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 d. Plants make their food in the presence of ......... (i) Moonlight (ii) Sunlight (iii)None e. The movement of a dolphin is called is ......... (i) Crawl (ii) Shuffle (iii)Swim Fill in the blanks. a. ......... are known as the kitchen of the plant. b. A lizard's movement is called as ......... c. ......... is a sea animal having eight arms. d. ......... is the largest creature that has ever lived on earth. e. ......... is the most colourful part of plant. Write T for true and F for false for the following statements. a. An ostrich can fly to a great height. ( ) b. Reptiles are cold blooded animals. ( ) c. A chameleon can change the colour of its skin. ( ) d. Turtles have as many teeth as a shark has. ( ) e. Plants with soft stems are called trees. ( ) Strike the odd one out. a. Leaves, Stem, Fruit, Mustard b. Parrot, Lizard, Crocodile, Snake c. Penguin, Ostrich, Crow, Duck d. Kidney Bean, Wheat, Gram, Arhar e. Bay Leaf, Sugar, Cinnaman, Coriander Answer the following questions in one word or phrase. a. What are the largest penguins of the world? .......... b. Name a flighless bird .......... c. Name the part of the plant that keeps its straight .......... d. Name any one spice .......... e. What is the oldest tree? .......... Q.5 Define the following terms Desktop, Icon, Operating System Q.6 What is the advantage of the Recycle Bin? Q.7 What are the two kinds of scroll bars? Q.8 Write the steps to select an icon? Q.9 What are the steps for shutting down a computer? Q.10 What are output devices? Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 DRAWING Draw and colour picture of a car. Draw an Astronaut and colour the picture using crayone. Draw and colour awesome picture beautifully as per your choice. Draw and colour 'The Hare' picture neatly using crayons. Draw a Camel riding man and colour the picture. COMPUTER Answer the following questions. Q.1 What is the Input Process - Output Cycle? Q.2 Give any two examples of hardware? Q.3 What are the two kinds of software? Q.4 Write the full form of the following abbreviations CPU, ALU, RAM, SMPS, CU Holiday Home Work : 2015-16 (Class-III) 8 Holiday Home Work : 2015-16 (Class-III) 9
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