School Website: davpskherakhurd.com , school mail davkkdelhi@yahoo.co.in
1. Make a collage on earthquake in Nepal in your activity file. Write a paragraph expressing
your views on this natural disaster.
2. Make a crossword puzzle of your ten favourite things. (Take the help of Primary Plus to
make the puzzle.)
3. Watch any one movie from the list below and review it:
a) Karate Kid
b) Toy Story
c) Madagascar
d) Up
Film Review
 My favourite characters in the movie are:_________________________________
 The film was about:
 I liked/ not liked this film because:
4. Paste any one article of your choice from the newspaper or any magazine. Frame five MCQs
from it.
Note: Do all the work in your English Activity File.
5. Complete Unit – I (Nouns) and Unit 3 (Apostrophe)of your English Practice Book.
सामान्य निर्दे श :
सभी प्रश्िों के उत्तर विद्यालय द्िारा र्दी गई काययपस्ु ततका में ललखें I
कायय तिच्छ,तष्ट एिं सुंर्दर ललखािट में ललखें I
1. हिन्र्दी की किानियों की एक पुततक खरीर्दें और उसकी किानियों को
ज़ोर-ज़ोर से भाि सहित पढ़िे का अभ्यास करें I
2. एक किािी को सुन्र्दर लेख में अपिी काययकलाप पुस्ततका में ललखें I
फिर उसमें से व्यस्तत िाचक संज्ञा,जानतिाचक संज्ञा,भाििाचक संज्ञा,फिया और विशेषण शब्र्द छााँट कर
उन्िें अलग-अलग शीषयक के अंतगयत ललखें I
3. पढ़ी िुई किानियों में से फकस किािी का कौि सा पात्र आपको सबसे अच्छा लगा और तयों ? उस पात्र के
बारे में कम से कम र्दस िातय ललखें I
Do it in your Maths Activity file :1. Write the names of 5 Indian Mathematicians along with their pictures and mention their
2. Solve any five (5) Sudoku from newspaper and cut & paste it in your file.
3. Make a Fraction Burger in a thin cardboard (like your notebook’s cover) showing each
fraction with different shades of colour & paste it in your file.
½ , ¼ , 1/8 , 1/16 , 1/32
Q1. Make collage of Forest products in activity File.
Q2. Draw the following in your activity file.
a.) Food chain
b.) Food web
c.) Healthy Eating pyramid
Q3. Make ‘ Leaf Zoo ‘ ( At least 5 animals)
Q4. Read chapter ‘ Food and Health.
1. Visit any monument of Delhi or any other city , read the details written over there, click the
photographs , paste them in your activity file and write some information about it.
2. On a political map of India locate and label and colour the following
A northern state which witnessed floods in 2014.
A state which witnessed Hud – Hud floods.
A state which supplies labour to agricultural state.
A city that attracts migrants from rural areas.
A country which was hit by earthquake in April 2015.
3. Who is your role model? Mention the qualities which you admire in him/her and would like
to imbibe.
4. What is your special talent.
सात फ़लों के िाम ललखें ि यार्द करें |
2 सात सब्जीयों के िाम ललखें ि यार्द करें |
3 सात पशओ
ु ं के िाम ललखें ि यार्द करें |
4 सात पक्षियों के िाम ललखें ि यार्द करें |
5 सात रङ्गों के िाम ललखें ि यार्द करें |
6 कोई सात िततओ
ु ं के िाम ललखें ि यार्द करें |
7 प्रथम तीि अध्याय यार्द करिे िैं और उि में से कोई पांच
ु ं के चचत्र बिाकर उसका िाम संतकृत में ललखें |
General Knowledge
Do it in your G.K. notebook :1. Write the impact of earthquake in Nepal in about 150-200 words.
(paste pictures also)
2. Write one main headline daily.
Which tool am I ?
I I can draw a circle …………………..
ii) I can fill colour in an enclose figure ………………….
iii) I can Spray colour ……………………
iv) I can make the figure then it’s actual size …………………
v) I can write name …………………
Q.2 Collect pictures showing the use of multimedia in your daily life from magazines or
news paper and make a collage on it.
Q.3 Make a PPT on the family festival celebration.
Q.4 Make a poster on “SAVE WATER.”
Q.5 Read Lesson 2 and 3.
1. Learn sargam 1,2,3,4,5,6
2. Make a chart of all these 6 sargam.
Make any object with waste material
Instructions: Make any object of your choice , like wall hanging , aquarium , magazine holder ,
pot decoration , newspaper your can use : Old newspaper , Hey , bamboo sticks , Broomsticks ,
shoe box , stones of different colours , waste clothes , wool etc.
Note: All the projects and pasting’s have to be done in your subject activity file provided by the
school .