D.A.V PUBLIC SCHOOL, EAST OF LONI ROAD, DELHI-110093 CLASS II ENGLISH Read English Newspaper daily and find out two new words. Write the words with their meanings. A friend in need is a friend indeed. Recall names of any ten friends of yours and arrange their names in alphabetical order. Paste the picture of your friends too against their names and write a sentence on each friend. Your Mom and Dad do many things for you everyday. Write down atleast ten things that you can do for your parents and elders. Write atleast fifteen pages of neat handwriting during the holidays. To minimize the use of polybags that causes land pollution , make your own paper bag or jute bag for shopping , a cover for your lunchbox , pencil box or mobile cover etc. and write any three harmful effects of using polybags EVS ‘Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an Indomitable will.’ 1. Make a bird bath and bird feeder. Hang it on a tree near your house. Fill it with water every day. 2. Make a birthday card for your friend but don’t write anything inside it. 3. Make any animal or scenery using dry leaves.(A4 size sheet) 4. Plant a seed, water it grow. Note down the changes of the plant. For ex. numbers of leaves, buds, flowers etc. 5 Make a list of special days or festivals that you enjoy with your family together. (ii) Paste the photographs of those occasions and write few sentences on the same. Note-: Bring the Holiday’s Homework when the teacher asks for it. MATHEMATICS General Instructions: Make a scrap book for holiday homework. Use a colorful cover using beautiful mathematical shapecuttings like triangles, squares, rectangles, etc. Write your name, and grade on the scrap book. Do activity work on drawing sheets. Write and learn tables from 2 to 6 (twice) in your scrap book. Recite these tables to your parents twice in a week. Use different shapes such as square, rectangle, circle, triangle, cube, cone, cuboid, cylinder, sphere etc of colorful papers and make scenery, birds, animals, vehicles, colourful picture composition , house, bus, train, rocket, post box, robot on a small chart paper (Any one). Tangram activity: Make a tangram pattern dog, candle, boat, cat, fish, chair or any other formation. a) b) c) Do 10 sums on each of the following concept in your scrap book. Addition with carrying (H T O ) Subtraction by borrowing (T O ) Ascending and descending order Computer 1. You must read the newspaper daily, Collect the prices of CDs, Keyboards, Printers, CPU, Mouse from the IT supplement which comes weekly with every newspaper. Make your own price list on A4 size sheet. 2. Collect pictures of objects which signify speed, storage, accuracy, versatility, diligence and paste them in A4 size sheet. For example : Speed (Car, Aeroplane), Accuracy (Calculator, Computer) G.K:1. Learn the Syllabus done so far 2. Do some drawing related to page number -5 (Ch. Road safety) हहन्दी हनदेश : १ सभी कायय स्वच्छ्ता से एवं स्वयं करें । २ हिहखत कायय पुहस्तका मे एवं रचनात्मक कायय ए-४ अथवा ड्ााँईगशीट पर करें । कायय - १ सप्ताह में तीन सुिेख हिखो । २ कहानी पुस्तक (मई अंक - चंपक) पढ़िए और अपनी पसंद की ढ़कन्हीं तीन कहाहनयों के शीषयक, पााँच कठिन शब्द अथयसहहत हिखकर वाक्य बनाइए। ३ दो चुटकु िे एवं दो पहेहियााँ हचत्रसहहत हिखो। ४ दस- दस संज्ञा शब्दों और ढ़िया शब्दों को हचत्रसहहत करो। ५ ढ़दए गए हवषयों से संबंहधत कोई एक कहवता याद करोक) पयायवरण ( अनुिमांक १ से १२ तक ) ख) जि ( अनुिमांक १३ से २४ तक ) ग) देशभहि ( अनुिमांक २५ से ३६ तक ) घ) समय अथवा पठरश्रम ( अनुिमांक ३७ से अंत तक ) धमयहशक्षा पाि १ से ३ तक। (पुनरावृहत) याद करें । Note: During the holidays, parents must also help their wards to become familiar with the game of chess & handling of the Rubik’s cube effortlessly and with intelligence.
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