Holidays Home Work 2015-16 Class – IV Subject : Maths 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Learn and write tables 2 to 20 in H.H.W copy . Do pg. 22,24 , 26 and 27 in Maths book. Do practice on Multiplication. Make one toy using geometrical shapes. Collect any five Maths puzzles or sudoko from newspaper or magazine. Paste them in H.H.W file and solve them. 6) Paste wrappers of biscuits, chocolates, noodles etc. in H.H.W file . Write the cost of each item and add them.(five wrappers) 7) Make chart according to your roll number: Topics Roll no Fractions 1 to 8 Time 9 to 17 Money 18 to 25 Factors and multiples 26 to 34 Multiplication 35 to 43 Division 44 to 53 हिन्दी (1) बीस सल ु ेख अवकाशकालीन कॉपी में ललखखए I (2) प्रतिहदन हिन्दी समाचार पत्र पहिए और बीस कहिन शब्दों के अर्थ अवकाशकालीन कॉपी में ललखखए I (3) भाषा संजीवनी व्याकरण माला में पष्ृ ि 21, 22, 25, 26, 30 और 31 कररए I (4) नैतिक मल् ू यों से संबधं िि कोई एक किानी याद कररए I (5) तनम्नललखखि किातनयों की पस् ु िकें पहिएपंचिंत्र की किातनयााँ, नंदन, चंपक, दादा-दादी की किातनयााँ , मेरी प्यारी नानी की किातनयााँ , चोखी किातनयााँ (गीिा प्रेस , गोरखपरु ) I (6) अपनी हिंदी की पाठ्यपस् ु िक में से कोई कवविा या किानी चार्थ पर धचत्रत्रि कीजजए I (7) पााँच वगथ पिे ललयााँ समाचार पत्र या पत्रत्रकाओं से कार्कर (ए-4 आकार की शीर्) पर धचपकाइए और िल कीजजए I (8) सब ु ि की सैर कीजजए और ककन्िी पााँच पक्षियों के पंख एकत्रत्रि करके (ए-4 आकार की शीर्) पर उनके नाम सहिि धचपकाइए I Drawing 1 .Make a model of baby cradle (refer to art book pg - 23) . 2. Make a beautiful scenery with spray printing or zoo scene by paper crumpling in the file . 3 .Make a use of waste box in making your ‘MINI COLOUR BOX’ cover it with hand- made or glitter sheet and decorate it with mirror ,sparkle ,glitter etc . ********* Modern Child Public School Summer Holidays Homework (2015-16) Subject:-EVS Class:-IV 1. Read and learn full ex. of L-1,2 from book and copy. 2. Read L-3 to 5 thoroughly to improve your reading. 3. Make a table and put all the given animals according to their food habits in practical file from lesson 1 and 2. 4. Collect the feathers of at least 4 birds and paste them in scrap file. Also write the name of the bird besides its feather. 5. Make a nest of any bird (Project Work) Act. of FA2. 6. Cut and Paste weather clippings from newspaper from 23rd May to 23rd June on A4 sheet or Chart. 7. Do EVS pages from Young Angels Magazine. 8. Do the worksheet given below: ************** Modern Child Public School Summer Holidays Homework (2015-16) Subject:-English Class:-IV 1. Write 20 short quotations in cursive handwriting in Holiday’s H.w Notebook(On 20 pages) 2. Learn full grammar work from English A copy and do the given assignments on plurals and pronouns. 3. Read L-1,2 thoroughly and learn difficult words and full. Ex.For FA2 activity English quiz (5 Marks) 4. Read English newspaper daily and find out the names of any 2 Indians who have done exceptionally good work for the country in any field.(ex. Singers, Writers , Cricketers etc.) paste their pictures and write about the important things that they have done. (Project work given on page-19 English Reader) (Roll no -1 to 27) 5. Imagine you have won four tickets for a free holiday trip to Goa. Discover more about Goa (climate, heritage,culture etc.)Make a list of any 8 items that you would like to carry with you. Paste pictures too.(Project work given on P-30 English Reader) (Roll no -28 to 53) 6. Picture composition –Colour the pictures given on P-14 (W.B) and write few sentences on them in Eng. Work book only. 7. Complete English pages from Young Angels Magazine of May –June. 8. Make a chart of any English poem from your English reader with picture. Subject:-Computer Science Project Work Roll no:- 1 to 10 Make a collage on ‘INPUT AND OUTPUT DEVICES’. Collect the pictures from the magazines, newspaper or Internet with the help of your parents. Roll no:-11 to 20 Collect pictures of various storage devices from computer magazines, newspaper or Internet etc. and make an informative chart on ‘Types of Storage Devices’. Roll no:-20 to 30 Make a chart on the topic ‘Generations of Computer’, collect information from magazines, newspaper or Internet etc. Roll no:-30 onwards Make a chart on the topic ‘Applications of Computer’, collect information from magazines, newspaper or Internet etc. ********** HAPPY HOLIDAYS
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