April 14 - Elkhart County 4-H

April 23, 2015
7:00 p.m.
Registration begins
at 6:30 p.m.
High School
Middlebury, IN
Entries due
April 17, 2015
2015 4-H Performing Arts Entry Form
Name of Act_______________________________________________
Club ______________________________________________________
4-H Member in Charge _______________________________________
Number of performers __________ Phone _____________________
Names of Performers___________________________________________________________
Give Brief Description of Act_____________________________________________________
 All performers must be current 4-H members (Mini 4-H members are also allowed).
 All performers agree to be video taped and photographed.
(check one)
□ Group Act
□ Curtain Act (Musical)
Number of Performers: Five or more
Performance Time Limit: 5-8 minutes
□ Curtain Act (Non-Musical)
Number of Performers: 1-4
Performance Time Limit: 3-5 minutes
Return Entry Form to:
4-H Department
Purdue Extension Elkhart County
17746 County Road 34, Ste E
Goshen, IN 46528-6898
or email copy to: sgreybar@purdue.edu
Number of Performers: 1-4
Performance Time Limit: 3-5 minutes
□ Clover Division (Grades 3 -5)
□ Junior Division (Grades 6 – 8)
□ Senior Division (Grades 9 – 12)
(If multiple performers, check division of oldest performer.)
Check if you will use:
□ CD
(The track # must be noted and your
groups name.)
□ Accompanist
□ Electrical Connection
Purdue University is an equal access/equal opportunity institution.