A Professional Development Conference for Library Staff Ex M Re c an nc ia tin to rs g P e in ain er om st Cu De ve Se lop rv me ice nt Tr ams ices Pe ces ess ervi elln al S rogr al m g nd W hnic or P on ra in lth a Tec Auth Serv Technology You th rs g ro m l g n re ke bi Hea Fi fe ar hi Our mission is to provide professional opportunities for library staff to grow, learn, and connect with new ideas. May 8, 2015 8:00 AM – 3:30 PM Donald E. Stephens Convention Center 5555 North River Road Rosemont, IL 60018 Reaching Forward is made possible by the generous support of our sponsors: After the conference, get the latest Reaching Forward information by connecting with us on Facebook or www.reachingforward.net Follow Reaching Forward on Facebook! Save the Date! Please join us for next year’s Reaching Forward Conference on May 6, 2016. 2015 Committee NAME LIBRARY Betsy Adamowski Jorge Arroyo Sangeeta Bhargava Joe Collier Denise Considine Trixie Dantis Veronica Defazio Carol Dolin Maureen Dunne Cindy Fuerst MaryBeth Fuller Diane Gioe Jane Jenkins Patrice Johnson Sara Kaplan Vicki Kirksey Heidi Knuth Mark Kregg Kandice Krettler Debra Nelson Carla Nolidis Tobi Oberman Paula Pavelski Melinda Provost Tom Rich Roberta Richter Cynthia Robinson Barbara Rys Sally Schuster Sally Decker Smith Zach Terrill Patricia Tunstall Janet Wigodner Naomi Wolfson Denise Zielinski Wheaton Public Library Chicago Public Library Schaumburg Township District Library Mount Prospect Public Library Poplar Creek Public Library District Arlington Heights Memorial Library Plainfield Public Library District Zion-Benton Public Library Prospect Heights Public Library Vernon Area Public Library District Bartlett Public Library District Poplar Creek Public Library District Oak Lawn Public Library Talking Book Center, Chicago Public Library Deerfield Public Library Indian Trails Public Library District Bloomingdale Public Library Fountaindale Public Library District Villa Park Public Library Elk Grove Village Public Library Naperville Public Library Skokie Public Library Zion-Benton Public Library Chicago Ridge Public Library Independent Consultant LaGrange Park Public Library Illinois Library Association Retired Retired Independent Consultant McHenry Public Library District Indian Trails Public Library District Waukegan Public Library Lisle Library District Joliet Public Library Schedule 8:00 – 8:30 AM Continental Breakfast and Exhibits 8:45 – 9:00 AM Welcome 9:15 – 10:15 AM Breakout Session 1 10:30 – 11:30 AM Breakout Session 2 11:45 AM – 1:00 PM Congratulations to our 2015 Award Winners Brian Valesh The Oberman-Rich Award Luncheon and Awards 1:15 – 2:15 PM Breakout Session 3 2:30 – 3:30 PM Breakout Session 4 Alea Perez The Robert P. Doyle Award Performers’ Showcase [Room 32–33] Each program session will feature a unique lineup of performers. 9:15 – 10:15 AM Youth Performers’ Showcase Bubble Wonders Getting Excited About Science Cowboy Randy Erwin Super Stolie 10:30 – 11:30 AM Adult Performers’ Showcase Histories for Kids Kristine Marie Miller Ron & Sandie The Travel Imaginator 1:15 – 2:15 PM Youth Performers’ Showcase The Great Scott Jeanie B! Music Juggling Funny Stories! Laura Doherty Music 2:30 – 3:30 PM Adult Performers’ Showcase William Pack, Sleight of Hand & The Fine Art of Lying Lauren Pelon Musique Company TS Rhodes, Professional Pirate Linda Marie Smith Music Thank you sponsors: Please visit the exhibits throughout the day. Bags & Lanyards Pens & Post-it Notes 1 9:15 AM – 3:30 PM Management Skills for the 21st Century [Room 28–29] Want to learn how to get the best out of your people, real time, all the time? Together we’ll address the what-ifs, the how’d that happened, and the why-me’s of daily life in management/supervision/leadership. This entertaining and interactive program will explore the concepts of accountability, communication, motivation, and influence. These powerful tools play a vital role in successfully engaging today’s workforce. You will leave enthused and energized with practical tools to begin your staff resurgence. Speakers: Gail Johnson and Pam Parr, Face to Face Communications and Training Preregistration is required for this day long session. 9:15 – 10:15 AM Technology Trends and Innovation [Room 21] The world around us is changing faster than ever. Hear about new trends in consumer technology as well as the latest in how access to new technology is changing the world around us. Speaker: Monica Harris, Schaumburg Township District Library Track: Technology Kickstarting the Connection Between Security and Customer Service [Room 22] In order to deliver excellent customer service and an outstanding patron experience, safety must come first. Without a safe environment your service fails. How do you connect security with customer service? Join us for creative solutions to cultivating the best customer experience while improving your security throughout your organization. With tools from local and national law enforcement agencies, you will learn to maximize safety for your customers and your staff. Whether you’re a small or large library, this program will reward you with a more secure environment so you can get on to delivering the services that support your mission. Speakers: Jeremy Andrykowski and Mike Klean, Arlington Heights Memorial Library Tracks: Customer Service | Management 2 Outcome Based Planning [Room 23] You have a terrific program idea – so what? What difference will it make to the people who participate or to your community? You can be an advocate for your library if you can show that your program contributes to economic development, literacy, health, workforce development, or other broad community goals. Learn how to measure not just library activity, but the outcomes of library programs from the participants’ perspective. Become more userfocused and acquire skills that will help you tell the library’s story effectively. Speaker: Carolyn Anthony, Skokie Public Library Tracks: Management | Programming Help Wanted! Assisting Job Seekers [Room 24] Even as our economy continues to improve, many job seekers return to the library every day searching for jobs and polishing their resumes. How far should we go when helping a patron with a resume? What are the best ways to manage our time when working one-on-one? We will share our favorite databases, websites, and other resources and our best practices and tips for helping these patrons including how to implement them at your library. We will have time at the end of the program for sharing of ideas. Speakers: Verna Austen and Mary Frank, Berwyn Public Library Tracks: Customer Service | Professional Development Understanding Social Security: A Look at the Bigger Picture [Room 25] Are you or someone you know ready to begin receiving Social Security? If you are going to collect Social Security benefits in the next 10 years you should attend this educational session. In this session, you will learn: • The benefits of taking Social Security • When to take benefits – sooner or later? • Working while getting benefits – how are the benefits impacted? • Taxation and Social Security • Spousal Benefits Join James Flanagan of Bentron Financial Group, Inc. for a lively and informative discussion about the Social Security system. Learn what you need to know to maximize the benefits you have earned! Speaker: James Flanagan, Bentron Financial Group, Inc. Tracks: Human Resources | Professional Development Please visit the exhibits throughout the day. Programming for 20s and 30s [Room 26] Learn the ins and outs of programming for 20s and 30s, from identifying your target demographic, forming a mission statement, and developing a program strategy, to marketing and measuring outcomes. Learn how to reach this demographic where they are, with concrete ideas for online communication and off-site programs. Get ideas for fun, budget-friendly programs that actively engage your patrons and build a loyal following. Designing Badges for Libraries [Room 34] Your patrons learn all sorts of amazing things at your library, and it’s up to you to make sure that learning is recognized and rewarded. In this session, we will take a page from oldfashioned scouting and learn how to develop badge systems that can reveal learning going on at your institutions. We will also look at how to take those badges online to increase engagement and participation. Speakers: Emily Vinci, Katie LaMantia, and Kate Niehoff, Schaumburg Township District Library Track: Marketing Track: Programming The Five-Generational Workplace: The Whole Is Greater than the Sum of Its Parts [Room 27] This session will explore the dynamics now engaged in libraries with five generations of employees, and the demands those dynamics put on every generation. It will also discuss tactics and tools that can be employed to move towards successfully integrating the skills, talents and knowledge of each generation. Speaker: Kelly Krieg-Sigman, La Crosse Public Library Tracks: Management | Training The Prism Factor: Do You See What I See? [Room 30–31] Effective leadership involves looking at things from all angles. Like an optical illusion, the image can change with a shift in perspective. This fast-paced workshop is designed for the executive directors and senior level managers who desire a booster shot in their management techniques. Speaker: Laurie Guest, Solutions Are Brewing Tracks: Human Resources | Management Program sponsored by: Youth Performers’ Showcase [Room 32–33] This Performers’ Showcase will feature the following acts: • Bubble Wonders • Getting Excited About Science • Cowboy Randy Erwin • Super Stolie Performers: Geoff Akins, Bubble Wonders; Steve Belliveau, Getting Excited About Science; Randy Erwin Skalicky, Cowboy Randy Erwin; Rebecca Stoelinga, Super Stolie Tracks: Programming | Youth and Young Adult Services Speaker: Shauna Masura, Skokie Public Library 10:30 – 11:30 AM Mindfulness [Room 21] In the rush to accomplish multiple tasks, respond to job and life pressures and plan ahead for things like what is for dinner, we often lose connection with the present moment. We are not attentive to what we are currently doing or what we are feeling. Then something happens, big or small, and we react from a place of stress. In this session we will learn different techniques to bring the smile and calm back to our day. Mindfulness can improve each area of our lives. Speaker: Jill Powers, All Things In Motion Track: Wellness Program sponsored by: STEAM: Adding Science to Young Adult Programming [Room 22] STEAM stands for science, technology, engineering, art, and math. It’s a huge new initiative in schools and popular new trend in library programming. In this presentation participants will learn about practical, easy, and cheap ways to integrate STEAM into traditional library services as well as bigger program ideas. Speaker: Jessi Schulte, Skokie Public Library Tracks: Programming | Youth and Young Adult Services Just Enough to Be Dangerous [Room 23] Come learn the very, very basics of making a video, producing an audio recording, taking decent photos, and graphic design. After this talk you will not be an expert on these topics but you will know enough to be dangerous! Speakers: Mikael Jacobsen and Erika Kallman, Skokie Public Library Tracks: Technology | Training 3 What Really Works When It Comes to De-escalating Anxious, Hostile, or Challenging Behavior? [Room 24] Most individuals with mental illnesses are not dangerous, but how you respond to the behavior is often the key to defusing it. This informative workshop will demystify these medical conditions and reduce the stigma of those afflicted. Come and listen to a schizophrenia re-enactment of “hearing voices.” Strategies taught in the workshop will provide staff with a framework for decision making and problem solving to prevent, de-escalate, and safely respond to disruptive or assaultive behavior. Communications/Information Overload – or, My Brain Is Fried [Room 27] No doubt about it, this is a real occupational hazard for library employees. Just how can we sort through all the information and data coming to us without melting down? This session will offer some ideas and tips that have been employed by a veteran library administrator to prevent her brain from sizzling! Speaker: Pat Doyle, VisionforChange.net Thrown in the Deep End: A First-Time Manager’s Success Guide [Room 30–31] Many people find themselves in a supervisory position without a lot of warning or training. This session provides insight into the top five skills that can provide the life preserver you need to thrive in a leadership position. Tracks: Customer Service | Training Program sponsored by: Speaker: Kelly Krieg-Sigman, La Crosse Public Library Tracks: Training | Wellness Speaker: Laurie Guest, Solutions Are Brewing Hola! Czesc! Hello! Connecting Families through Bilingual Programs [Room 25] Do you hear “Hola” or “Czesc” daily in your library? Use exciting programs to create a community of multilingual library users. A panel of children’s librarians will help you plan Spanish programs and other bilingual programs at your library. The panelists will share resources and ideas to create imaginative bilingual storytimes and family programs that attract Spanish speaking families and English speaking families who want to learn more about other languages and cultures. If you don’t have staff who speak other languages, panelists can also help you connect the whole community by using volunteers to assist with bilingual programs. Speakers: Mary Adamowski, Orland Park Public Library; Marissa Garcia, Berwyn Public Library; Inma Leonard, Homewood Public Library; and Kelly Von Zee, Addison Public Library Tracks: Programming | Youth and Young Adult Services The Game Is Afoot [Room 26] Join us as we delve into the mind and observation skills of Arthur Conan Doyle’s magnificent fictional character Sherlock Holmes. We will use our study of Sherlock and his methods to develop our own skills in deductive and inductive reasoning! So the game is afoot and in the end it will be elementary, my dear librarians!!!! Speakers: Ronald Oberman, Old Orchard Junior High, and Thomas O’Brien, McCracken Middle School Tracks: Programming | Readers Advisory | Youth and Young Adult Services 4 Track: Management Program sponsored by: Adult Performers’ Showcase [Room 32–33] This Performers’ Showcase will feature the following acts: • Histories for Kids • Kristine Marie Miller • Ron & Sandie • The Travel Imaginator Performers: Terry and Laura Lynch, HFK Presents; Kristine Marie Miller; Ron & Sandie; and Richard Klein, The Travel Imaginator Track: Programming Soon to Be Famous Illinois Author Project: From Start to Finish and What We Learned [Room 34] In 2013, eight wild and crazy librarians/marketers decided to find and promote a self-published book by an Illinois author to demonstrate the power of libraries to influence readers. They launched a statewide project that yielded 103 entries in just three months. Seventy-one libraries participated, twentythree judges waded through the books, and the winner was announced during National Library Month in April 2014. Learn about the original project, the second year, and our ongoing efforts. Speakers: Donna Fletcher, Donna E. Fletcher Consulting, Inc.; Denise Raleigh, Gail Borden Public Library District; Julie Stam, Eisenhower Public Library District; Lucy Tarabour, Clarendon Hills Public Library; and Sue Wilsey, Helen Plum Memorial Library Tracks: Programming | Readers Advisory 1:15 – 2:15 PM Ask Jill [Room 21] This hour is for you. Bring your health, exercise, work area, nutrition, and other questions. You will get answers! Past questions have included: How do I shelve books and avoid my knee pain? How do we share the same computer without everyone’s neck feeling like a pretzel? Do I need to take a multivitamin? Feel free to bring pictures of your work dilemma! Speaker: Jill Powers, All Things In Motion Track: Wellness Married Messages Produce Great Honeymoons [Room 22] When the library partners with other community organizations, this “marriage” can produce sensational offspring like strengthening relationships, activating multiple marketing channels, creating new library users, and stretching budgets as well as enhancing the community. Speakers: Denise Raleigh, Gail Borden Public Library District; Betsy Adamowski, Wheaton Public Library; Deborah Preiser, Oak Park Public Library Track: Marketing How to Talk Technology to Patrons [Room 23] With many libraries still seen as the holy houses of knowledge and library staff as the gatekeepers or more harshly, the guarded, ivory-tower sitting, stone-faced, onefinger-constantly-to-the-mouth shooshers, it is imperative that we reach our patrons on a more personal level. After all, our patrons need to be able to confide in us and feel comfortable being embarrassed about their technology needs. Nobody enjoys asking for help. This session will outline some easy steps you can follow to get your patrons to listen and feel comfortable asking for help. Speaker: Jason Pinshower, Fox River Valley Public Library District Track: Technology Program sponsored by: How Are Things Stacking Up? [Room 24] Calling all shelving supervisors! Come and meet your counterparts from other libraries in a friendly and welcoming atmosphere. This will be a great opportunity to talk about any job-related problems that you may be having. Get advice from your peers and exchange tips and ideas about how to best manage your shelving staff. Sharing your experiences with people who understand the challenges you face is a great way to begin to find solutions. This down to earth discussion will be moderated by the author of “Hiring, Training, and Supervising Library Shelvers.” Speaker: Patricia Tunstall, Indian Trails Public Library District Track: Training Aggressively Passive Teen Programing [Room 25] Do you feel like you need a clone? Or two? Or two thousand? Do you have more work to do before 10 a.m. than most people have to deal with all day? Have we got a solution for you: an idea to impress your boss/director/ board, get teens into your space, and it practically runs itself. No, not robots, passive programming! Heard of it? No? A passive program is something that basically runs itself. You set it up and teens participate whenever they’re in the library. Short story contests, fortune teller readers advisory, pushpin poetry, and more. Speakers: Becca Boland, Hinsdale Public Library, and Joe Marcantonio, Plainfield Public Library District Tracks: Programming | Youth and Young Adult Services Small Changes, Big Impact! [Room 26] Wondering if other Technical Services departments are going through the same changes you are? Don’t stress. Come discuss the changes that are taking place! I’ll talk about tips and tricks to making small changes that make a big impact and will improve customer service. Learn about fun activities Technical Services staff are participating in outside of the department. Think your supervisor won’t go for it? Learn how to approach your supervisor to make suggestions for change and to inspire other coworkers! Speaker: Naomi Wolfson, Lisle Library District Track: Technical Services Library-Community Partnerships: Made in Heaven, or Shotgun Marriages? [Room 27] Much has been spoken and written about the critical need for libraries to form partnerships with other libraries and community organizations in order to fulfill their mission. But not all partnerships are created equal, and all too often, the library ends up on the losing end of the deal. This session will discuss the key components to a successful partnership, and how to ensure that both partnering agencies benefit equally from the relationship. Speaker: Kelly Krieg-Sigman, La Crosse Public Library Track: Management Program sponsored by: 5 Staying Relevant: 3 Things That Matter [Room 30–31] Every industry is facing a review of relevancy today. This causes stress and uncertainty. This program will look at the three most important guest encounter points in your library system using an interactive session format for discussion. The content is great for all levels of staff. Speaker: Laurie Guest, Solutions Are Brewing Tracks: Customer Service | Management Program sponsored by: eLibrary Grand Tour [Room 22] eLibrary takes its services beyond the brick and mortar walls and into the digital world by using popular downloadables like hoopla, 3M Digital Downloads, OverDrive and Freegal. What if you’re new to these technologies? How do you help your patrons take advantage of all that these digital services have to offer? This presentation will help you strengthen your digital training muscles! Come learn the lingo and figure out how to help your patrons get the most out of these eLibrary services. Speaker: Jennifer Hovanec, Deerfield Public Library Tracks: Technology | Training Youth Performers’ Showcase [Room 32–33] This Performers’ Showcase will feature the following acts: • The Great Scott • Jeanie B! Music • Juggling Funny Stories! • Laura Doherty Music Performers: Scott Green, The Great Scott; Jeanie Bratschie, Jeanie B! Music; Chris Fascione, Chris Fascione: Juggling Funny Stories!; and Laura Doherty, Laura Doherty Music Tracks: Programming | Youth and Young Adult Services Assessing the Culture of Your Library [Room 34] Does your library foster creativity? Do staff work well in teams – even across departments? Do you look forward to going to work? Is your library as effective in providing service as resources allow? Are staff keeping up with trends or leading change? You spend forty hours a week at the library; how can you make the work environment work for you and for the whole staff? What factors make the biggest difference? Speaker: Carolyn Anthony, Skokie Public Library Tracks: Management | Training 2:30 – 3:30 PM Small Changes That Deliver Big Rewards [Room 21] Jump start your health any time of the year. Would you like to know some easy tweaks to your day that can make you healthier? Would you like to understand what some of your doctor’s recommendations mean? We will cover areas of health and wellness (nutrition, exercise, physiology, ergonomics, etc.) that can help you make small changes that deliver big rewards. Speaker: Jill Powers, All Things In Motion Track: Wellness Program sponsored by: 6 SOS – Successful Outreach Stories [Room 23] How can you energize your outreach service? Learn new ways to partner with community organizations to promote excellent outreach service, whether you use bookmobiles, library vans, personal cars, or your own feet! Listen to a panel of outreach specialists as they describe how they stimulate services to the homebound, senior centers, schools, preschools, and special events held in their communities. Hear about tips to engage local businesses in productive partnerships with your library. No matter how you deliver your outreach services, we will have something for you! Speakers: Brooke Bahnsen, Cook Memorial Public Library District; Kathleen Butzen, Aurora Public Library; Sarah Kleiva, Glen Ellyn Public Library; Mark Kregg, Fountaindale Public Library; and Teresa Scallon, Arlington Heights Memorial Library Track: Marketing It’s Not About You: Presenting a Professional Response to Challenges and FOIA Requests [Room 24] With more and more libraries coming under fire regarding materials, meetings, and management, it’s often the frontline staff who get the first wave of concerns and demands. Join the Intellectual Freedom Committee for a presentation and discussion of the types of challenges and ways to respond that will lead to positive outcomes for both you and your library, while reducing stress and preserving patron relationships. Speakers: Heidi Knuth, Bloomingdale Public Library, and Susan Prokopeak, Joliet Junior College Track: Management Give Your Family a Gift That Money Can’t Buy – Record & Preserve Your Family History [Room 25] Recording the family facts, saving important documents, identifying the people in old photographs, and preserving them all for future generations are the first steps in both preserving your family history and in genealogical research. Saving the family stories is often overlooked. Write about situations that show what you or someone else was really like. Tell about the things that are really important to you or your family. Tell the stories that make your family Your Family. Followed by an overview of the genealogical research process, helpful records, and online genealogical resources, both free and subscription. Speaker: Jeffrey Bockman, Alenjes Publishing Tracks: Programing | Training Isn’t It All Just Improv, Anyway? [Room 26] Richard Oberbruner is an English Major from the University of Wisconsin, and graduate of the Second City Theater Training Center. He has facilitated improv workshops at libraries across the country, as well as ILA at Navy Pier and PLA in Philadelphia. He is boldly taking improv where it’s never been before! Recognize and utilize the elements of improv to enhance daily interactions. Learn to make the shift from “Right or Wrong Thinking” to seeing your options as “Better Choices & Best Choices.” Move towards a “yes and” attitude. Explore resolution of everyday customer service scenarios and discover the value of laughter when facing uncertainty. Speaker: Richard Oberbruner, Improv Change Agent Tracks: Programming | Training DIY Craftastic Programs for Teens and Kids! [Room 30–31] Discover fun and innovative ways to inject creativity, arts, and science into your young adult and children’s programming. Join our experts at multiple stations for hands-on presentations of DIY projects as well as great ideas on how to turn these crafts into crowd-pleasing programs. Participants will leave with completed crafts and a stack of programming how-tos! Speakers: Jess Alexander, Morton Grove Public Library; Linda Atkinson, Joliet Public Library; Lisa Bigelow, Wilmette Public Library; Penny Blubaugh, Eisenhower Public Library District; Becca Boland, Hinsdale Public Library; Trixie Dantis, Arlington Heights Memorial Library; Susan Farnum, Forest Park Public Library; Patrice Johnson, Chicago Public Library; Rebecca Jozwiak, Eisenhower Public Library District; Sonya Hill, Arlington Heights Memorial Library; Sheila Kinsella, Joliet Public Library; Portia Latalladi, Chicago Public Library; Tiffany Lewis, Eisenhower Public Library District; Joe Marcantonio, Plainfield Public Library District; Brandy Morrill, Chicago Public Library - Chinatown Branch; Kelly Stulgate, Glenside Public Library District; Monica Tapia, Schaumburg Township District Library; Maggie Wiggins, Forest Park Public Library Tracks: Programming | Youth and Young Adult Services Adult Performers’ Showcase [Room 32–33] This Performers’ Showcase will feature the following acts: • William Pack, Sleight of Hand & The Fine Art of Lying • Lauren Pelon Musique Company • TS Rhodes, Professional Pirate • Linda Marie Smith Music Performers: William Pack, Sleight of Hand & The Fine Art of Lying; Lauren Pelon, Lauren Pelon Musique Company; TS Rhodes, Professional Pirate; and Linda Smith, Linda Marie Smith Music Track: Programming Hot Sexy Book Talking [Room 34] A book talk shouldn’t be a boring account of plot points and setting but should make your audience say “I’ve got to read that book.” Learn the art of hand-selling great titles and the secrets of getting patrons to take home a big stack of books. Whether you’re presenting to a group or talking one-on-one with a patron, you’ll learn how to market and talk about your collection. After this program, your patrons will never leave the library empty-handed again! Speaker: Lynnanne Pearson, Skokie Public Library Track: Readers Advisory Speed Mentoring [Ballroom Foyer] Want to pick some experienced library brains about anything in your library life? Or do you want some career advice? Or maybe you want to bounce an idea about anything in your library life off people who have lots of experience? Then THIS is the session for you! Pre-registration on-site required for this free event. Moderator: Sally Decker Smith, Independent Consultant Track: Professional Development Please visit the exhibits throughout the day. 7 Program Tracks Customer Service 9:15 – 10:15 AM 9:15 – 10:15 AM 10:30 – 11:30 AM 1:15 – 2:15 PM Human Resources 9:15 – 10:15 AM 9:15 – 10:15 AM Management 9:15 – 10:15 AM 9:15 – 10:15 AM 9:15 – 10:15 AM 9:15 – 10:15 AM 10:30 – 11:30 AM 1:15 – 2:15 PM 1:15 – 2:15 PM 1:15 – 2:15 PM 2:30 – 3:30 PM Marketing 9:15 – 10:15 AM 1:15 – 2:15 PM 2:30 – 3:30 PM Professional Development 9:15 – 10:15 AM 9:15 – 10:15 AM 2:30 – 3:30 PM Programming 9:15 – 10:15 AM 9:15 – 10:15 AM 9:15 – 10:15 AM 10:30 – 11:30 AM 10:30 – 11:30 AM 10:30 – 11:30 AM 10:30 – 11:30 AM 10:30 – 11:30 AM 1:15 – 2:15 PM 1:15 – 2:15 PM 2:30 – 3:30 PM 2:30 – 3:30 PM 2:30 – 3:30 PM 2:30 – 3:30 PM 8 Kickstarting the Connection Between Security and Customer Service Help Wanted! Assisting Job Seekers What Really Works When It Comes to De-escalating Anxious, Hostile, or Challenging Behavior? Staying Relevant: 3 Things That Matter Room 22 Room 24 Room 24 Understanding Social Security: A Look at the Bigger Picture The Prism Factor: Do You See What I See? Room 25 Room 30–31 Kickstarting the Connection Between Security and Customer Service Outcome Based Planning The Five-Generational Workplace: The Whole Is Greater than the Sum of Its Parts The Prism Factor: Do You See What I See? Thrown in the Deep End: A First-Time Manager’s Success Guide Library-Community Partnerships: Made in Heaven, or Shotgun Marriages? Staying Relevant: 3 Things That Matter Assessing the Culture of Your Library It’s Not About You: Presenting a Professional Response to Challenges and FOIA Requests Room 22 Room 23 Room 27 Designing Badges for Libraries Married Messages Produce Great Honeymoons SOS – Successful Outreach Stories Room 34 Room 22 Room 23 Help Wanted! Assisting Job Seekers Understanding Social Security: A Look at the Bigger Picture Speed Mentoring Room 24 Room 25 Ballroom Foyer Outcome Based Planning Programming for 20s and 30s Youth Performers’ Showcase STEAM: Adding Science to Young Adult Programming Hola! Czesc! Hello! Connecting Families through Bilingual Programs The Game Is Afoot Soon to Be Famous Illinois Author Project: From Start to Finish and What We Learned Adult Performers’ Showcase Aggressively Passive Teen Programing Youth Performers’ Showcase Give Your Family a Gift That Money Can’t Buy – Record & Preserve Your Family History Isn’t It All Just Improv, Anyway? DIY Craftastic Programs for Teens and Kids! Adult Performers’ Showcase Room 23 Room 26 Room 32–33 Room 22 Room 25 Room 26 Room 34 Room 30–31 Room 30–31 Room 30–31 Room 27 Room 30–31 Room 34 Room 24 Room 32–33 Room 25 Room 32–33 Room 25 Room 26 Room 30–31 Room 32–33 Readers Advisory 10:30 – 11:30 AM 10:30 – 11:30 AM 2:30 – 3:30 PM Technical Services 1:15 – 2:15 PM Technology 9:15 – 10:15 AM 10:30 – 11:30 AM 1:15 – 2:15 PM 2:30 – 3:30 PM Training 9:15 – 10:15 AM 10:30 – 11:30 AM 10:30 – 11:30 AM 10:30 – 11:30 AM 1:15 – 2:15 PM 1:15 – 2:15 PM 2:30 – 3:30 PM 2:30 – 3:30 PM 2:30 – 3:30 PM Wellness 10:30 – 11:30 AM 10:30 – 11:30 AM 1:15 – 2:15 PM 2:30 – 3:30 PM Youth and Young Adult Services 9:15 – 10:15 AM 10:30 – 11:30 AM 10:30 – 11:30 AM 10:30 – 11:30 AM 1:15 – 2:15 PM 1:15 – 2:15 PM 2:30 – 3:30 PM The Game Is Afoot Soon to Be Famous Illinois Author Project: From Start to Finish and What We Learned Hot Sexy Book Talking Room 26 Room 34 Small Changes, Big Impact! Room 26 Technology Trends and Innovation Just Enough to Be Dangerous How to Talk Technology to Patrons eLibrary Grand Tour Room 21 Room 23 Room 23 Room 22 The Five-Generational Workplace: The Whole Is Greater than the Sum of Its Parts Just Enough to be Dangerous What Really Works When It Comes to De-escalating Anxious, Hostile, or Challenging Behavior? Communications/Information Overload – or, My Brain Is Fried How Are Things Stacking Up? Assessing the Culture of Your Library eLibrary Grand Tour Give Your Family a Gift That Money Can’t Buy – Record & Preserve Your Family History Isn’t It All Just Improv, Anyway? Room 27 Room 34 Room 23 Room 24 Room 27 Room 24 Room 34 Room 22 Room 25 Room 26 Mindfulness Communications/Information Overload – or, My Brain Is Fried Ask Jill Small Changes That Deliver Big Rewards Room 21 Room 27 Room 21 Room 21 Youth Performers’ Showcase STEAM: Adding Science to Young Adult Programming Hola! Czesc! Hello! Connecting Families through Bilingual Programs The Game Is Afoot Aggressively Passive Teen Programing Youth Performers’ Showcase DIY Craftastic Programs for Teens and Kids! Room 32–33 Room 22 Room 25 Room 26 Room 25 Room 32–33 Room 30–31 9 Conference Center Floor Plan 10 2015 Exhibitors To gain products and services for your library and your career: 3M Library Systems (Sponsor) www.3M.com/us/library | njbyl@mmm.com The global leader in library innovation for more than 40 years, 3M is committed to helping libraries connect with the diverse and rapidly evolving communities they serve. 3M’s digital lending, security, and productivity solutions give librarians the flexibility to spend more time doing what they do best–helping people. American Library Association www.ala.org | bcalvin@ala.org The American Library Association (ALA) is the oldest and largest library association in the world, providing association information, news, events, and advocacy resources for members, librarians, library support staff, and library users. Baker & Taylor www.baker-taylor.com | curt.leppert@baker-taylor.com Baker & Taylor is a leading distributor of books, DVD, and music products to libraries. Bentron Financial Group, Inc www.bentron.com | jflanagan@bentron.com Bentron Financial Group, Inc specializes in helping older adults live successfully in retirement. The advisors of Bentron routinely speak on financial matters affecting seniors throughout the Chicago area. All presentations are educational, fun, and informative. Bradford Systems Corporation www.bradfordsystems.com | dave@bradfordsystems.com Bradford Systems is a leading provider of library storage, shelving, and organizational products. College of DuPage www.cod.edu/lta | sturzc@cod.edu College of DuPage’s Library Technical Assistant program accredited by Library Support Staff Certification is available both on campus and online. Deziner Software www.dezinersoftware.com | Email: matthew. quigley@dezinersoftware.com Deziner Software provides an application to guide libraries through the process of creating business and financial plans, with access to legal services, banking, real estate, logo support, payroll services, credit reporting, and insurance. The guided application asks a series of simple but important questions, then transforms the answers into detailed plans and financial projections. Dominican University GSLIS www.gslis.dom.edu | dfoote@dom.edu Chicago’s only ALA-accredited MLIS program delivers a personalized experience along with a wide variety of courses and flexible scheduling options. In addition to the MLIS, GSLIS offers a PhD, school library media, and specialized certificates. Many courses are available online and in a blended format, as well as in-person on the main campus in River Forest, Illinois. Financial aid and scholarships are available. ELM USA www.elm-usa.com | mruffolo@elm-usa.com ELM USA manufactures ECO Brand Disc Repair Machines for DVD and Blu-Ray. Embury Ltd www.emburyltd.com | bruce.deming@emburyltd.com Embury Ltd specializes in the design, sales, and service of library and institutional furnishings and accessories. EnvisionWare www.envisionware.com | info@envisionware.com EnvisionWare provides self-service and libraryefficient solutions to over 10,000 libraries around the globe–including the 24-Hour Library. Hallagan Business Machines www.hallagans.com | hallagan@core.com Hallagan provides high speed digital printers. Illinois State Library Network of Talking Book Centers www.ilbph.org | isltbbs@ilsos.net The Network provides accessible library programs and services, opening the world of reading for the people of Illinois who cannot read print due to a physical or visual limitation. Ingram Content Group www.ingram.com | stephanie.lund@ingramcontent.com Ingram Content Group Inc. is the world’s largest and most trusted distributor of books, music, and media content. Thousands of publishers, retailers and libraries worldwide use Ingram’s fully integrated physical and digital distribution, logistics, and manufacturing solutions to access global consumer demand and realize the full business potential of book content. Joliet Junior College LTA Certificate Program www.jjc.edu/library/pages/LTAProgram.aspx | sprokope@jjc.edu Learn about Joliet Junior College’s Library Technical Assistant Program. LACONI Library Administrator’s Conference of Northern Illinois (Sponsor) www.laconi.net | gkdavis@messengerpl.org LACONI serves public libraries within the RAILS Northern Illinois Library System of Illinois. LACONI provides continuing educational programming and networking opportunities for library staff in all areas of library operations. LACONI also publishes online an Annual Salary Survey in cooperation with Innovation Experts Inc. For further information on your library becoming a member, visit LACONI’s website. Management Association www.hrsource.org | jbelloli@hrsource.org Management Association provides HR support, employer-centric legal services, comprehensive compensation surveys for libraries, and unique training opportunities to over 1,000 member organizations. Our library members call our HR Hotline for guidance and utilize us as an additional HR staff resource. We offer practical assistance and advice in this complex and challenging employment landscape. RAILS Reaching Across Illinois Library System (Sponsor) www.railslibraries.info | renee.anderson@railslibraries.info RAILS provides continuing education and consulting services, including a new consulting directory, a variety of online forums organized by topic and by location, delivery service, shared online catalogs, e-book services, talking book services, and more. RAILS serves more than 1,300 academic, public, school, and special library members in northern and western Illinois. Learn how RAILS can assist you and your library! Robert W. Baird www.rwbaird.com/fixed-income/public-finance | jpiemonte@rwbaird.com R.W. Baird provides financial advisor/underwriter services. Baird delivers the deep expertise and broad skills you need and the care and commitment you want at every step along the way. SLIS, the iSchool at University of Wisconsin-Madison www.slis.wisc.edu | student-services@slis.wisc.edu The iSchool at UW-Madison offers an oncampus and online Master’s degree in Library and Information Studies and many continuing education opportunities for everyone! 11 2015 Exhibitors (continued) ST Imaging (RMC Imaging, Inc) www.stimaging.com | rmc1imaging@sbcglobal.net ST Imaging offers premier microfilm scanning equipment and software, including the ST ViewScan III Digital Library Reader/Printer and the ST Overhead Kiosk Book Scanner. Stop Falling Productions www.stopfalling.com | info@stopfalling.com Stop Falling Productions offers T-shirts for libraries. Suzette’s Puppets suzettespuppets@gmail.com Suzette’s Puppets sells puppets perfect for storytime and creative programs for children. TBS: Today’s Business Solution, Inc. (Sponsor) www.singlecard.com | sales@singlecard.com TBS is a software and hardware solutions provider specializing in the Public Library and Higher Education markets. TBS provides BOOKSCAN Stations, Print Management, Computer Reservation, and Web-Based Printing Portals as well as a full line of payment devices. Team One (Sponsor) www.booksonreserve.com | andy@teamonerepair.com Team One provides technology products for libraries and schools. University of Illinois Graduate School of Library and Information Science www.lis.illinois.edu | vjones7@illinois.edu The University of Illinois Graduate School of Library and Information Science (GSLIS) is consistently named the top LIS school in the nation. GSLIS has earned its reputation by creating pioneering and innovative educational opportunities, including the oldest extant LIS doctoral program in the country, the awardwinning online education program LEEP, and an advanced degree in digital libraries. Students pursue comprehensive educational offerings, including MS and PhD degrees and a Certificate of Advanced Study (CAS), opportunities to specialize, and continuing professional development opportunities. Vision for Change LLC www.visionforchange.net | pat@visionforchange.net Vision for Change specializes in mental health awareness training for library staff. 12 To bring programs to your library: Brian Wismer Entertainment www.funwizz.com | brian@funwizz.com Brian Wismer’s goal is to motivate audiences of all ages to be more active and interactive while learning about the benefits of health fitness and play in a fun and entertaining way. Bubble Wonders www.bubblewonders.com | info@bubbleshows.com The entertaining Bubble Wonders program delights both young and old. The theme is “Anything is Possible” and Geoff proves it by creating a Square Bubble! Pro-reading messages are woven into Bubble Wonders to inspire others to follow their dreams. Chris Fascione: Juggling Funny Stories! www.jugglingfunnystories.com | chrisfascione@earthlink.net Award-winning family entertainer Chris Fascione brings literature to life with boundless energy and humor, receiving rave reviews from kids, parents, and librarians alike. He combines acting, comedy, and juggling as he acts out children’s books, becoming a multitude of hilarious characters. Even the audience gets involved, whether on stage or from their seats. Cowboy Randy Erwin www.cowboyrandy.com | cowboyrandy@sbcglobal.net Cowboy Randy will bring your library a show full of cowboy music, folklore and history–plus rope tricks! Hear and participate in music that has made the cowboy such a special part of American history. Dennis DeBondt–Very Funny Magic www.veryfunnymagic.com | dennis@veryfunnymagic.com Dennis DeBondt provides magic and interactive comedy for all ages! Getting Excited About Science www.getscience.net | steve@getscience.net Family-teen-adult science shows and workshops that are a perfect blend of teaching and entertainment. The Great Scott www.thegreatscott.com | scott@thegreatscott.com Family magic shows that engage the audience with participation from start to finish and create library-appropriate belly laughs. History Singers www.historysingers.com | historysingers@comcast.net History Singers, a husband/wife duo, have merged their love for history and American music. Their many musical presentations cover everything from Old American folk songs to Cyndi Lauper. Jeanie B! Music www.jeaniebmusic.com | jeanieb@jeaniebmusic.com Jeanie’s upbeat shows are jam-packed with dancing, sing-a-longs, and interactive music, which often folds important life lessons into the lyrics. Kraig Kenning www.kraigkenning.com | kraig@kraigkenning.com Singer/songwriter/national slide guitar champion Kraig Kenning has performed for libraries across the country for the past 20 years. Also available for workshops. The Laser Comedy Show www.lasercomedyshow.com | lasercomedyshow@gmail.com A one-of-a-kind storytelling experience that uses hand drawn images, live acting/voice over, sound effects, and sometimes music. The Laser Comedy Show is all done by one man behind a glowing, laser reactive curtain that can be described as the high tech etch-a-sketch of storytelling. Laura Doherty www.lauradohertymusic.com | laura@lauradohertymusic.com Chicago’s pop sweetheart acoustically rocks your kid’s world with her upbeat, interactive music programs! For pre-K through 3rd grade and families. Lauren Pelon Musique Company www.home.earthlink.net/~laurenpelon | laurenpelon@earthlink.net Lauren Pelon presents educational concerts using approximately 20 ancient and modern musical instruments and voice. Linda Marie Smith www.lindamsmith.com | linda@lindamsmith.com Linda Marie Smith, singer/songwriter/storyteller presents one-of-a-kind live music/multimedia concert experiences. “Mearra, Selkie from the Sea” is a family-friendly program that is based on the Celtic tale of the Selkie, a mystical seal that can transform into a human being. This bittersweet story of love, loss and transformation features original songs, rich orchestrations and evocative, projected animated illustrations. Macaroni Soup! www.macaronisoup.com | carole@macaronisoup.com Come talk with Macaroni Soup about engaging, developmentally-appropriate family concerts. Ask about the workshops for teachers, librarians, parents–anyone who interacts with children 8 and younger. Miss Carole’s award-winning CDs of active, participatory music and movement props to use with them will be available. Magic of Gary Kantor www.garykantor.com | garykantor@yahoo.com Gary Kantor performs large magic shows and conducts workshops where the children learn to do magic. In addition to magic workshops, Gary also conducts balloon animal workshops. The Melikin Puppets www.melikinpuppets.com | melikinpuppets@comcast.net Provide your patrons with an introduction to live theater through the art of the puppet. The Melikin Puppets are available year ’round and specialize in summer reading-themed programs. The Mystery Shop www.themysteryshop.com | tms@themysteryshop.com The Mystery Shop specializes in interactive mysteries and programs for adults and children. Paddy Lynn Storyacting www.paddylynn.com | paddytale@aol.com Paddy Lynn Storyacting offers interactive storytelling programs for children and history programs for adults. Rick the Singing Cowboy! www.bigstrikemusic.com | rickpickren@yahoo.com Rick Pickren provides music programs with historical anecdotes and storytelling. Ron & Sandie “Sing & Swing” www.ron-sandie.com | rons2g@aol.com “Sing and Swing” team Ron & Sandie entertain with the best of song from Swing, Pop, Big Band, and Country music, as well as music of the 1950’s and 1960’s Rock ’n Roll. They mix music with slides and stories for themed shows, including their Aussie Theme Show, Love Boat Theme Show, and Hawaii Theme Show. ScribbleMonster www.scribblemonster.com | mail@scribblemonster.com ScribbleMonster offers award-winning creative play music programs for families, children, preschoolers, and children with special needs. Their Musical Fit Club program is perfect for the iRead and CSLP 2016 summer reading themes. ShawChicago Theater Company www.shawchicago.org | outreach@shawchicago.org ShawChicago Theater Company presents concert readings of plays–ideal for library audiences! Smarty Pants www.smartypantsworld.com | smartypantsworld@gmail.com The Big Balloon Show features magic, all-ages comedy, and Smarty’s completely unbelievable giant balloon props. Woven into the fun and fantastic visuals is the message that the library is an exciting place to visit and books are the key to learning. Sonja Michelle Crockett www.facebook.com/sonjamcrockett.author | taisanaa03@yahoo.com Author Sonja Michelle Crockett will share her books Christianna, From Test to Testimony: My Memoir and Meriah Goes to Church. Stories by Dot www.dotkane.com | sbdkane@sbcglobal.net Choose from a variety of programs from Dot: active and engaging storytelling shows for ages 2-12 and their families; storycise, a series for ages 3-6 that develops literacy and verbal skills through movement and imagination; and the Dot and Susan show, stories and songs for ages 2-7 and their families with award-winning singer/songwriter Susan Salidor. Sue Fink www.suefink.com | sue@suefink.com Chicagoan Sue Fink provides engaging musical/ concert programs for adults. She sings and plays guitar, originals and standards, solo or as “SongSisters” (with two other women). Wit and fun! Super Stolie www.superstolie.com | stolie@superstolie.com Super Stolie presents catchy, original poprock children’s music, with traditional nursery rhymes sprinkled in and a focus on language, alliteration, pronunciation, and rhyme. With her colorful outfits and personality, kids want to be her friend, join the band, and be their awesome selves! The Travel Imaginator www.travelimaginator.com | travelimaginator@yahoo.com As a travel imaginator, Richard Klein is a passionate speaker who presents to audiences from all walks of life about classic films, musicals, biographies, and heritage travel. TS Rhodes www.tsrhodes.com | info@tsrhodes.com Pirate for hire! TS Rhodes provides pirate programs for adults and children. William Pack www.williampack.com | bill@williampack.com Professional, entertaining, memorable, and fun, William Pack provides performance lectures and storytelling for teens and adults. World Music Trio www.worldmusictrio.weebly.com | seraph6@sbcglobal.net Learn about a music program that takes you around the world…in an hour! To gain work/life balance: A.M.B. Jewelry www.ambjewelry.com | ambjewelry@gmail.com Discover miniature book jewelry, hand-stamped quote pendants & more! A Taste of Michigan Cherries www.atasteofmichigancherries.com | june@atasteofmichigancherries.com A Taste of Michigan Cherries offers a large variety of delicious gourmet cherry delights made from America’s “Superfruit,” the Michigan Montmorency cherry! The Bag Lady/Sheet Lady www.sheetsbykaren.com | karencarlene@aol.com Sleep in comfort and luxury with soft and wrinkle-free sheets at attractive prices per set! Extra pillowcases also available. Chocolate Twist www.chocolate-twist.com | kate@chocolate-twist.com Visit Chocolate Twist for small batch, handcrafted confections. Chromatic Maille http://chromaticmaille.indiemade.com/ | chromaticmaille@icloud.com Visit Chromatic Maille for colorful anodized aluminum chainmaille jewelry. Esclusso www.esclusso.com | meg@esclusso.com Visit Esclusso for beautiful handmade décor candles. These exquisite candles feature pressed flowers and other real botanicals. Fine Jewelry by Karen karenzagone@sbcglobal.net Visit Fine Jewelry by Karen for silver jewelry and mother-of-pearl and Tiffany-inspired pieces. LovingLeigh Yours, Inc. www.lovingleighyours.com Find graphic design and home decor at LovingLeigh Yours! Women At Risk, International www.warinternational.org | td@warinternational.org Shop stunning products hand-made by, and sold in support of, at-risk and rescued women locally and abroad. 13 Reaching Forward Special! Join ILA for $25 ILA Personal Membership Application NAME INSTITUTION MAILING ADDRESS CITY / STATE / ZIP WORK PHONE Copy and return form to: Illinois Library Association 33 W. Grand, Suite 401 Chicago, IL 60654 or fax to 312-644-1899 FAX E-MAIL HOME ADDRESS CITY / STATE / ZIP PHONE $25 payable by: Cash Check Credit Card: Visa MasterCard AmEx Discover Account Number: _____________________________________ Expiration Date: ______________________________________ Name of Cardholder: __________________________________ Signature: ___________________________________________ Personal Membership Benefits • Professional development workshops, seminars, and conferences at discounted member rates • Participation opportunities in ILA’s different special interest groups, addressing issues from intellectual freedom to social responsibility, and serving the needs of special groups from academic to youth services librarians, from public library managers to library trustees • Legislative advocacy through ILA’s legislative program, which represents the library community at legislative hearings and issues legislative alerts and updates to ILA’s membership • Employment services through the Library Jobline of Illinois • Networking with colleagues throughout Illinois and increasing legislative contacts • ILA Reporter, a bimonthly newsletter that covers legislative topics, current issues, and information on ILA activities • Savings on ILA publications • Discount on Illinois Library Association Handbook of Organization and Membership Directory, an essential reference tool for association information and networking • Recognition through ILA’s awards programs, honoring deserving individuals each year for their accomplishments in the library community After the conference, get the latest Reaching Forward information by connecting with us on Facebook or www.reachingforward.net
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