Basingstoke& Deane Electionof ParishCouncillors for electionas a ParjshCouncillorfor ofthe personsnominated Thefollowingis a statement Ellisfield areto be elecled. SixParishCouncillors Reaaon Nam6ot Candidate HomeAddresa Oescrlption (lf any) Nameof AssentoF Proposer(+) Seconde(++) Brocas,TheGreen, Ellisfield, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG252QS WidmoorFarm, GUINNESS RG252QE TimothyWhitmore Ellisfield, Freeman Margaret R + HeaihMargaret H. ++ PARKWEIR GavinJonathan Paft WeirJaneE.A.+ AlisonM. ++ Swansion CAZENOVE CafolineJune RICHARDS DavidGodfrey Homestead, Green Independent Lane,Ellisfield, RG252QL House, Septembef CollegeLane, Ellisfield, Basingstoke, Hants, RG252QF longe. nominated ParaviciniSallyV. + Blchanan SarahA, ++ RichardsJudilhM. + GibsonSarahL. ++ TAPLIN 3 Hill Farm Cottages, Green Lane, Ellisfield,RG252QL M.+ I\ratthews Jacqueline Cazenove Caroline J. ++ TURNER PaulThomas Murray PullensCottage, GreenLane, Ellisfield, Basingstoke, RG252QP EvansJaneA. EvansJohnG. WRIGHT JulianPhilip lvy Cottage,Bell Lane,Ellisfield, Hanls,RG252QD ScholeyDeborahJ. + De Jersey-Lowney Guy A. ++ 'Oecision of lhe Retumino Offier lhat lhe nominslion € invalid or olher reason why a peBo. nominated no longer stands nom nated The personsaboveagainstwhosenameno entryis madein the lastcolumnhavebeenandstand validlynominated. 7 May2015betweenthe hoursof 7:00amand10:00pm. A POLLWILLBETAKENon Thursday for the Wherecontested this pollis takentogetherwithandthe electionof a lllemberof Parliament Basingstoke Constituency andtheeleclionof BoroughCouncillors. DatedFriday10April2015 KarenBrimacombe Officer Returning Pn ed and publlshedbyihe RellrnrngOfnc€r,Deanes,Citc Onices.Londo RGd, BasngslokeRG214AH
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