Girls` Opportunities to Access Learning (GOAL) Plus Project Terms

Girls’ Opportunities to Access Learning (GOAL) Plus Project
Terms of Reference for Short-Term Data Entry Clerk
The M&E unit is aimed at monitoring the USAID-GOAL Plus Project progress made since the
beginning of the implementation of project activities against set targets in order to give feedback to
staff and management in strategizing for the smooth implementation in the 60 schools in selected
communities of Grand Bassa, Bong and Lofa counties.
In compliance with the M&E responsibilities to track all the USAID-GOAL Plus 21 indicators, the
M&E unit will like to hire a Short-Term Data Entry Clerk to assist the unit in cleaning,
verifying, sorting, photocopying and entering data into the GOAL Plus Master Tracking Database
for the following indicators:
 Number of Learners enrolled in primary schools and/or equivalent non-school based setting
with USG support
 Number of in-kind scholarship awards distributed in USG supported schools
 Number of text books and other teaching and learning materials (TLM) provide with USG
 Number of girls enrolled at an appropriate age in grade 1
The Short-Term Data Entry Clerk will be hired for the period of ten (10) days to work in
Monrovia GOAL Plus Office
She/he will report to the GOAL Plus M&E Officer
Length of Contract: ten (10) days in April
Data Cleaning and Verification
 Review with GOAL Plus M&E Officer all data collected from the field to ensure that they
are inscription error free
 Verify M&E forms for duplication of data and missing data
Data Entry
 Work with GOAL Plus M&E Officer in entering data into an excel database called Master
Tracking Database
Photocopying, Sorting and Filing of Hard copy
 Photocopy all forms to have extra 2 copies each
 Assist in sorting and filing of hardcopy into cabin/shelf
 Knowledgeable and Certificate in Microsoft Offices( Word and Excel)
 Have at least 6months data entry experience
 Be a High School Graduate, Professional studies or preferable University student
All interested candidates should submit a letter of application and detailed CurriculumVitae
to and Qualified candidates will be
shortlisted for interview. The American Institutes for Research is an equal opportunity employer.
Application’s Deadline: Monday, April 6, 2015