April 2015 - League of Nebraska Municipalities

Nebraska Municipal
Clerks Newsletter
Kellie Crowell, Ravenna Clerk/Treasurer,
NMCA President
IIMC 2015 is only a few weeks away and the
excitement is building…I think my husband is
ready for me to go and I’m sure it has nothing
to do with me singing “Leaving on a Jet Plane”
pretty much on a daily basis.
I am beyond honored to represent Nebraska
as your President during the events! I am also
excited to share with all the other clerks from
around the world what an amazing place we live
in and invite them to see it for themselves during
IIMC 2016 in Omaha. We will have a booth with
our “Investing in Education” logo and information about Nebraska and Omaha along with the
beautiful quilt that was made by Linda Jensen
from Central City for which we will draw a winner.
Speaking of IIMC 2016, I would like to extend
a huge thank you to all the amazing clerks who
have stepped up to the challenge to help us
raise the extra funds needed for us to host this
conference! When we found out we were chosen
to host this event it seemed so far off and now
it’s only 13 months away. The task of raising the
funds also seemed like it would be impossible.
However, with everyone pitching in with different fundraisers and getting financial support
from vendors, I know we will reach our goal. Next
month, I would like to publish a “thermometer”
type artwork in our newsletter to show the financial progress toward our goal.
“All my bags are packed I’m ready to go…” oh sorry, where
was I?
Since Municipal Clerks Week is May 3–9, 2015, I
thought I would look up some history of the Municipal
1. The Municipal Clerk is the oldest of public servants
in local government, along with the tax collector.
2. Modern Hebrew translation of Town Clerk is “Mazkir Ha’ir,” which means city or town “Reminder.”
3. Early keepers of archives were often called “Remembrancers” and before writing, their memories
served as public record.
4. In Ancient Greece at the opening of a meeting, the
city secretary was to decree a curse upon anyone
who should seek to deceive the people.
Municipal Clerks are truly the heart of their communi
League of Nebraska Municipalities 1335 L Street Lincoln, NE 68508
Phone: 402-476-2829 • Fax: 402-476-7052 • Website: www.lonm.org
Continued on next page
Continued from previous page
ties, our jobs are so diverse on any given day you
could ask a Municipal Clerk what he or she does
and their answers wouldn’t be the same. I am so
proud to be a part of this remarkable group! Enjoy “your” week and treat yourself. You deserve it!
Before I say goodbye for now, I wanted to share
that I am officially a GRANDMA! Faith Victoria
Zoerb came into this world with a full head of
hair on 4/15/15 at 1:09 a.m. She weighed in at
7 lbs. 10 oz. and was 20.5” long. Mommy, daddy
Quotable Quotes
Wise advice
“The reason a dog has so many friends is
that he wags his tail instead of his tongue.”
– Author Unknown
Tick tock
“Time is free, but it’s priceless. You can’t own
it, but you can use it. You can’t keep it, but
you can spend it. Once you’ve lost it, you can
never get it back.”
– Harvey Mackay
and baby are doing great! If you’d like to see
pictures just ask me…I have a few (hundred).
‘Cause I’m leaving on a jet plane, don’t know when
I’ll be back again…
Kellie Crowell, CMC
NMCA President
City Clerk/Treasurer
City of Ravenna
416 Grand Avenue
Ravenna, NE 68869-1324
What a wonderful surprise to receive the
Clerk of the Year Award for 2015 in the Village
I cannot express how honored and humbled
I feel to receive this recognition in a group of
such hard-working and dedicated people.
I’m very proud to be a part of such a great
organization where the members are so helpful
and supportive of each other. I especially want
to thank everyone who was a part of the nomination and selection process for this award.
Having my family, friends and board members celebrate the evening with me made it all
that much more special!
Thank you so very much!
Lanette Doane, Village Clerk/Treasurer CMC
Village of Ansley
Northeast Nebraska Clerk’s Association Meeting
April 16, 2015 Minutes
A meeting of the Northeast Nebraska Clerk’s
Association was held Thursday, April 16, 2015,
at the Norfolk City Council Chambers located at
309 N. 5th St., Norfolk, Nebraska.
President Michael Fleer, Battle Creek called
the meeting to order at 1:05 p.m. Clerks introduced themselves and clerks from the following communities were present: Plainview,
Coleridge, Battle Creek, Columbus, Newman
Grove, Wayne, Norfolk, Genoa, Madison, Lindsay, Emerson, Tilden, Wisner, South Sioux City,
Ponca, Creighton, Neligh and Cedar Rapids.
Minutes of the Jan. 15, 2015 meeting had
been emailed to the group. Motion by Dana
Klabenes of Neligh, second by Betty McGuire
of Wayne to approve the minutes. All in favor,
none opposed, motion carried.
Treasurer’s report has been emailed to the
group and shows the following: $1,781.59 in
checking account as of 3/31/15; $736 in savings account as of 3/24/15. Motion by Sue
Murray-Lee of South Sioux City, second by
Sharon Anderson of Coleridge to approve the
treasurer’s report. All in favor, none opposed,
motion carried.
Gina Ainsworth of Madison presented a claim
for $23.27 for greeting cards. Motion by Betty
McGuire of Wayne, second by Joan Sokol of
Newman Grove to approve the claim. All in
favor, none opposed, motion carried.
Sunshine Committee Activity: Gina Ainsworth
reported that she has sent three cards.
Old business: Treasurer Dana Klabenes,
Neligh, reported that a check for $200 was
sent to the NMCA for scholarships for the
Clerks Institute and Academy.
New business: Dana Klabenes, Neligh,
reminded everyone about the verbal judo
workshop to be held in Neligh on April 29.
There is still room for a few more people to
The next meeting will be held on July 15,
2015 at 1 p.m. at the same location.
Meeting adjourned at 2 p.m.
Following the meeting, the 2015 Clerks
Institute and Academy was discussed.
Submitted by Rita M. Robinson,
Cedar Rapids, Secretary
Nebraska Municipal Clerk Institute and Academy Highlights
Photos provided by Kellie Crowell, CMC
NMCA President, City Clerk/Treasurer
City of Ravenna
Nebraska Municipal Clerk’s Association
General Membership Meeting
MARCH 26, 2015
President Kellie Crowell called the Nebraska
Municipal Clerks' Association (NMCA) GeneraI
membership meeting to order at 4:40 p.m.
with one hundred fifty-eight (158) members
Members of the NMCA Board of Directors
present were: President Kellie Crowell of
Ravenna. 1st Vice President Lea Ann Doak of
McCook, 2nd Vice-President RaNae Edwards
of Grand Island, Secretary Treasurer Tammy
Cooley of Morrill, District 1 Director Rosie
Russell of Kimball, District 2 Director Wendy
McKain of Trenton, District 3 Director Linda
Jensen of Central City, District 4 Director Sue
Murray Lee of South Sioux City, and District 5
Director Kathleen Gottsch of Springfield.
The sign-in sheets are attached to the original minutes and are kept with the Secretary's
records. President Kellie Crowell thanked
everyone for attending, and for attending the
Clerks Academy and Institute.
2. Secretary-Treasurer Tammy Cooley read
the minutes of the Feb. 23, 2015 General
membership meeting. Motion by Connie Jo
Beck of St. Paul, seconded by Vanee Holtmeier
of McCool Junction to approve the minutes of
the Feb. 23, 2015 General Membership meeting. Upon roll call vote, all voted aye. Motion
3. Report of Officers:
a. Treasurer's report and consideration of
claims. No claims were presented. However,
it was mentioned to everyone that if they did
have any to please get them to Tammy Cooley
so that they could be considered at the Executive Board meeting on March 27. Balance as of
Feb. 28, 2015 $55,380.74 and $50,000 in C.D.'s.
4. Election of Officers and Board Members. Discussion took place as to whether the members would be
in agreement if the current officers would retain their
offices for an additional year. President Kellie Crowell explained to everyone that with the International
Conference being held in Omaha in 2016, and all of the
extra activities and events that will be going on, it may
be easier and less confusing for everyone to retain their
offices for an additional year. Linda Carroll of Fairmont
commented that she thinks it is a good idea, as she mentioned how much time and effort goes into the planning
of such an event and that it may be too much stress on
new officers. No further discussion. Motion by Linda Carroll of Fairmont to have the current officers along with
the educational committee members retain their offices
for an additional year, seconded by Shannon Chesnut of
Beaver Crossing. Upon roll call vote, all voted aye. Motion carried.
5. Reports of Standing Committees for 2014-2015:
a. Celebration of Clerks-Susan Kloepping, Cozad,
thanked everyone for all of their help and encouraged
everyone to get ready for next year.
b. Clerk of the Year - Jane Skinner, Ogallala, congratulated all of the nominees and said get ready for the big
surprise tonight.
c. Clerks' Directory/History - Cathie Walker, Phillips.
Continued on next page
Nebraska Municipal Clerk’s Association
General Membership Meeting Minutes
Continued from previous page
Linda Jensen spoke for Cathie and encouraged everyone to get them new pictures for
the new sheets.
d. Clerks' Education - Beth Deck, Norfolk,
reported that with there being no Clerk Institute and Academy next year that Ellen will be
putting on four small separate mini sessions.
Ellen would like suggestions from everyone
on what they would like them to be on.
e. Certification/Membership - Kathleen
Gottsch, Springfield, congratulated everyone
who had received their new certifications of
CMC and MMC.
f. Clerks' Newsletter - Andrew Devine, Albion, encouraged everyone to submit articles
for the newsletter, and Beth Deck thanked
Andrew for the great job he is doing on the
g. Honorary Membership - Lea Ann Doak,
McCook, reported that she had three nominations and asked if there were any others. The
audience gave approximately 10 other names
and Lea Ann will get them all submitted.
h. Legislative Committee - Mary Peschel,
Schuyler, no report.
i. Monday Night President's Reception Kellie Crowell, Ravenna, reported that it was
a very fun evening with great food and about
85 in attendance.
j. Nominating Committee - Susan Kloepping,
Cozad, no report.
k. Scholarship Fund - Lea Ann Doak, McCook,
reported that there had been 42 applications,
40 scholarships were given with 12 of them
being first-year clerks.
I. Silent Auction -RaNae Edwards, Grand
Island thanked her committee for all of their
help, and thanked everyone for donating
items. RaNae reported that there were 155
items donated.
m. Thursday Night Banquet - Heartland
Clerk's encouraged everyone to dress up for
the banquet and reminded everyone that it was Zen
Garden theme.
n. Vendor Sponsorship Committee - Wendy McKain, Trenton, announced that there were 29 vendors
this year and that some voiced an interest in being a
vendor at the 2016 conference.
o. Wednesday Night Hospitality - Val Killinger, St.
Paul thanked everyone for attending.
6. Communications: None
7. Unfinished Business: None
8. New Business: Mitzi Grahm of Calaway read
Resolution No. 2015-001.
Motion by Lanette Doane, Ansley, seconded
by Val Killinger, St. Paul, to approve Resolution
2015- 001 thanking the Nebraska Department of
Economic Development for s $5,000 donation to
the Clerks' Scholarship Fund. Upon roll call vote,
all voted aye. Motion carried.
9. General Discussion:
a. llMC Annual Conference in Hartford, Connecticut May 17-20, 2015. Eight Clerks present
indicated they were planning on attending.
b. llMC Annual Conference in Omaha, Nebraska
May 22-25, 2016. Buster Brown, Omaha gave a
brief update and announced the main objective
right now is to continue to raise money.
10. Adjourn: There being no further business to
come before the membership the meeting was
adjourned. President Kellie Crowell declared the
meeting adjourned at 5:20 p.m.
On My Agenda – May 2015
May is a month filled with tremendous transition.
Days are stretching longer, sunshine is shining a
bit brighter, grass is growing greener and taller –
meaning the seasonal hiring cycle – mainly parks
and pool employees, but also volunteer coaches
and youth organizers – is in full swing, adding a
certain combination of anxiousness and excitement for the summer ahead.
But, the early birds are also singing – have you
heard them?
They remind us that despite the pressures to prepare our parks, pools, and public spaces for others
to enjoy that this too is a time of preparation and
transition for us as well!
On my Agenda for this month is to prioritize
some transition time for myself: dust off those
golf clubs, chase kids from soccer to baseball,
attend several graduation and commencement
celebrations, clean up the grill, and clean off the
front porch so I have a place to sit and wave to
friends and neighbors out for their evening strolls.
I recommend that you do the same. Prepare now
for the summer activities that you truly enjoy,
Andrew Devine
Albion City Administrator
whatever they may be, with the same zeal
and effort you give when helping your
communities prepare for theirs.
“If April showers bring May flowers, what
do May flowers bring?”
Andrew L. Devine, CPM, CMC,
Adminstrator/Clerk/Treasurer, City of Albion,
May Monthly Observations
Foster Care Month
Older Americans Month
National Barbecue Month
National Bike Month
National Blood Pressure Month
National Egg Month
National Get Caught Reading Month
National Hamburger Month
National Lyme Disease Awareness Month
National Photograph Month
National Recommitment Month
National Salad Month
National Salsa Month
The following Day designations are recognized
in May:
May 1
May 2
May Day
National Loyalty Day
National Mother Goose Day
National Space Day
Silver Star Service Banner Day
National Scrapbook Day
National Homebrew Day
Final Sales Before Drawing
Getting ready for 2016
IIMC Conference in Omaha!
In an effort to raise awareness and funds for
the 2016 IIMC Conference in Omaha, the Nebraska Clerks Association will be raffling off this
quilt. Tickets can be sold to anyone (Family,
friends, coworkers, citizens, etc.)
The tickets are: one chance for $3 or two chances for $5. I will have tickets at the Municipal
Accounting and Finance conference in June.
Any advance ticket sales can be brought to the
conference or mailed to Linda Jensen, PO Box
418, Central City, NE 68826. I can fill out the
information on the tickets as I get them. The
drawing for the quilt will be held at the Finance
Conference in June.
Andrew L. Devine, CPM, CMC, Adminstrator/Clerk/Treasurer,
City of Albion,
Raquel Felzien ........................ Frankln ..................... 5/1
Dawn Gall ............................... Howells .................... 5/1
Carol Arent............................. Aurora ..................... 5/2
Tamela Stephens .................... Pawnee City............ 5/3
Jessie Faber ............................. Grant ........................ 5/4
Pamela Baruth ........................ Lexington ................ 5/4
Darla McCleary ..................... Merna ....................... 5/4
Lisa Beaudette........................ Walthill .................... 5/9
Crystal Vavra........................... Milligan ..................... 5/10
Kelly Havlovic ......................... Prague ...................... 5/10
Cindy Dickinson .................... Scottsbluff ............... 5/12
Myrna Mulligan....................... Haigler ..................... 5/13
Vanee Holtmeier ................... McCool Junction .... 5/15
Loretta McCoy ...................... McGrew................... 5/16
Melissa Harrell ....................... Wahoo ..................... 5/20
Roxanne Meyer...................... Hooper .................... 5/21
Al Vacanti ................................. Wisner ..................... 5/21
Sherrie Bartell ........................ Sutton....................... 5/21
Ann Trickler-Wessel .............. Hemingford ............. 5/24
Melissa Waggoner.................. Potter ....................... 5/26
Heidi Blomenkamp ............... Royal......................... 5/27
Municipal Legal Calendar
(All statute citations to Revised Statutes of Nebraska)
MAY 2015
Within 10 days following
meeting or before next meeting
(whichever is sooner) ..........................Clerk to have minutes available for public inspection. (84-1413)
Within 15 days of Passage ....................Clerk publishes ordinances passed. (16-405)
Within 30 days following
Council meeting ....................................Clerk publishes official proceedings of meeting, including claims.
.................................................................... (19-1102)
First Day ...................................................Automatic renewal of beer and liquor licenses (except Class C).
.................................................................... (53-124, 53-135)
At end of month ...................................Clerk files monthly report. (16-317)
Within 20 days after end of month ..Treasurer files monthly financial report. (16-318)
* * .............................................................Clerk must prepare agenda prior to next Council meeting. (84-1411)
Within 10 days following
meeting or before next meeting
(whichever is sooner) ..........................Clerk to have minutes available for public inspection. (84-1413)
Within 15 days of Passage ..................Clerk publishes or posts ordinances passed. (17-613)
Within 30 days following
Council meeting .....................................Clerk publishes official proceedings of meeting, including claims.
.................................................................... (19-1102)
First Day ..................................................Automatic renewal of beer and liquor licenses (except Class C).
.................................................................... (53-124,53-135)
Within 20 days after end of month....Treasurer files monthly financial report. (17-606)
* * .............................................................Clerk must prepare agenda prior to next Council meeting. (84-1411)
Within 10 days following
meeting or before next meeting
(whichever is sooner) ..........................Clerk to have minutes available for public inspection. (84-1413)
Within 15 days of Passage ..................Clerk publishes or posts ordinances passed. (17-613)
Within 30 days following
Board meeting.........................................Clerk publishes official proceedings of meeting, including claims
.................................................................... (19-1102)
First Day ..................................................Automatic renewal of beer and liquor licenses (except Class C).
.................................................................... (53-124, 53-135)
Within 20 days after end of month....Treasurer files monthly financial report. (17-606)
* * ..............................................................Clerk must prepare agenda prior to next Board meeting. (84-1411)