Table of contents PDF - Emergency Medicine Journal

Primary survey
255 Highlights from this issue
M Dawood
Volume 32 Issue 4 | EMJ April 2015
301 Proper compression landmark and depth for
cardiopulmonary resuscitation in patients with
pectus excavatum: a study using CT
K H Lee, K W Kim, E Y Kim, H S Kim, J H Kim,
J Cho, H J Yang
256 A moral or an ethical issue?
M Dawood
Editor in Chief
Ellen J Weber (USA)
Deputy Editors
Steve Goodacre
Acute Medicine (UK)
Ian Maconochie
Paediatric Emergency Medicine (UK)
Original articles
Editorial Office
BMJ Publishing Group Ltd, BMA House,
Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9JR, UK
T: +44 (0)20 7383 6909
F: +44 (0)20 7383 6668
Twitter: @EmergencyMedBMJ
ISSN: 1472-0205 (print)
ISSN: 1472-0213 (online)
Impact factor: 1.776
Disclaimer: Emergency Medicine Journal
is owned and published by the Royal College
of Emergency Medicine and BMJ Publishing
Group Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of the
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Y S Cha, J M Yoon, W J Jung, Y W Kim, T H Kim,
O H Kim, K C Cha, H Kim, S O Hwang, K H Lee
258 How familiar are clinician teammates in the
emergency department?
P D Patterson, A J Pfeiffer, J R Lave, M D Weaver,
K Abebe, D Krackhardt, R M Arnold, D M Yealy
Associate Editors
Teri Reynolds
Global Health (USA)
Mary Dawood
Emergency Nursing (UK)
Paul Middleton (Australia)
Prehospital Care and Resuscitation
Simon Carley
Social Media Editor (UK)
304 Evaluation of usefulness of myeloperoxidase
index (MPXI) for differential diagnosis of
systemic inflammatory response syndrome
(SIRS) in the emergency department
263 Moral experience and ethical challenges
in an emergency department in Pakistan:
emergency physicians’ perspectives
Prehospital care
308 Can routinely collected ambulance data about
assaults contribute to reduction in community
B Ariel, C Weinborn, A Boyle
W Zafar
269 A novel multipatient intranasal diamorphine
spray for use in acute pain in children:
pharmacovigilance data from an
observational study
J Kendall, I Maconochie, I C K Wong, R Howard,
on behalf of the DIASAFE study
274 Management of Bell’s palsy in children:
an audit of current practice, review of the
literature and a proposed management
A S Youshani, B Mehta, K Davies, H Beer, S De
281 Triaging older major trauma patients in the
emergency department: an observational study
314 Abnormal breathing of sudden cardiac
arrest victims described by laypersons and
its association with emergency medical
service dispatcher-assisted cardiopulmonary
resuscitation instruction
H Fukushima, M Imanishi, T Iwami, T Seki,
Y Kawai, K Norimoto, Y Urisono, M Hata,
K Nishio, K Saeki, N Kurumatani, K Okuchi
318 Predictive performance of universal termination
of resuscitation rules in an Asian community:
are they accurate enough?
W-C Chiang, P C-I Ko, A M Chang, S S-H Liu,
H-C Wang, C-W Yang, M-J Hsieh, S-Y Chen,
M-S Lai, M H-M Ma
W Lukin, J H Greenslade, K Chu, J Lang,
A F T Brown
287 Is there a diurnal difference in mortality of
severely injured trauma patients?
B Dybdal, C Svane, R Hesselfeldt, J Steinmetz,
A M Sørensen, L S Rasmussen
291 An application of the learning curve–cumulative
summation test to evaluate training for
endotracheal intubation in emergency medicine
This article has been chosen by the Editor to be of special interest
or importance and is freely available online.
S Je, Y Cho, H J Choi, B Kang, T Lim, H Kang
295 Impact of a GP-led walk-in centre on NHS
emergency departments
This article has been made freely available online under the BMJ
Journals Open Access scheme.
M Arain, M J Campbell, J P Nicholl
This journal is a member of and subscribes to the principles of the
Committee on Publication Ethics
Volume 32 Issue 4 | EMJ April 2015
335 Bet 2: should we use an age adjusted D-dimer
threshold in managing low risk patients with
suspected pulmonary embolism?
303 Correction
324 Unscheduled return visits (URV) in adults to the
emergency department (ED): a rapid evidence
assessment policy review
C R Trivedy, M W Cooke
Short report
330 The Medical Boomerang: Will it come back?
T Jaconelli, S Crane
Images in emergency medicine
313 A rare cause for a shortened tingly finger
C I Efrimescu, A Moore, S O’Rourke, R Eager
338 Deep vein thrombosis: remember the
mechanical causes
T D Dobbs, N Aveyard, M J Bratby, P Hormbrey
C McDermott, M Sheridan, K Moore, A Gosbell
Best Evidence Topic Reports
333 Towards evidence based emergency medicine:
Best BETs from the Manchester Royal Infirmary
S Carley
333 Bet 1: topical lignocaine patches in traumatic
rib fractures
H Williams, E Carlton
339 Cervical necrotising fasciitis with descending
C-Y Hsiao, A P-H Huang
340 Cardiac arrest: an infrequent radiologic
A P Escoda, J H Gañan
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