Contents Cover: Vicky Earle. Warm up Journal of the British Association of Sport and Exercise Medicine 635 Editorials 636 Karim Khan (Qatar) 638 T: +44 (0)20 7383 6622 F: +44 (0)20 7383 6787/6668 E: Twitter: @BJSM_BMJ 640 Guidelines for Authors and Reviewers Reviews Disclaimer: BJSM is published by BMJ Publishing Group Ltd (a wholly owned subsidiary of the British Medical Association) and the British Association of Sport and Exercise Medicine. The owners grant editorial freedom to the Editor of BJSM. BJSM follows guidelines on editorial independence produced by the World Association of Medical Editors and the code on good publication practice of the Committee on Publication Ethics. BJSM is intended for medical professionals and is provided without warranty, express or implied. 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Periodicals postage paid at Jamaica NY 11431 POSTMASTER: send address changes to British Journal of Sports Medicine, Air Business Ltd, c/o Worldnet Shipping Inc., 156-15, 146th Avenue, 2nd Floor, Jamaica, NY 11434, USA. 673 Why registries analysing cruciate ligament surgery are important BMJ Publishing Group Ltd BMA House Tavistock Square London WC1H 9JR, UK ‘Load me up, Scotty’: mechanotherapy for plantar fasciopathy (formerly known as plantar fasciitis) M S Rathleff, K Thorborg Original articles 681 The juxtaposition of science and medicine in sport. Can we all play together nicely? Clinician-friendly lower extremity physical performance measures in athletes: a systematic review of measurement properties and correlation with injury, part 1. The tests for knee function including the hop tests Clinician-friendly lower extremity physical performance tests in athletes: a systematic review of measurement properties and correlation with injury. Part 2—the tests for the hip, thigh, foot and ankle including the star excursion balance test MRI findings in soccer players with long-standing adductor-related groin pain and asymptomatic controls S Branci, K Thorborg, B H Bech, M Boesen, M B Nielsen, P Hölmich 692 The Copenhagen Standardised MRI protocol to assess the pubic symphysis and adductor regions of athletes: outline and intratester and intertester reliability S Branci, K Thorborg, B H Bech, M Boesen, E Magnussen, M Court-Payen, M B Nielsen, P Hölmich E J Hegedus, S McDonough, C Bleakley, C E Cook, G D Baxter 649 Do exercises used in injury prevention programmes modify cutting task biomechanics? A systematic review with meta-analysis E Pappas, E J Nightingale, M Simic, K R Ford, T E Hewett, G D Myer D A Opar, E Rio 642 Efficacy of platelet-rich plasma injections in osteoarthritis of the knee: a systematic review and meta-analysis A B M Laudy, E W P Bakker, M Rekers, M H Moen L Engebretsen, M Forssblad, M Lind Editorial Office ISSN: 0306-3674 (print) ISSN: 1473-0480 (online) Impact factor: 4.171 657 Lower limb injury: improving our translation of research into clinical practice for acute injuries and long-term sequelae E Rio, D A Opar Editor Full instructions are available online at guidelines.xhtml. Articles must be submitted electronically http:// Authors retain copyright but are required to grant BJSM an exclusive licence to publish journals/instructions-for-authors/ licence-forms Volume 49 Issue 10 | BJSM May 2015 Republished research from the BMJ 700 Treatment for acute anterior cruciate ligament tear: five year outcome of randomised trial R B Frobell, H P Roos, E M Roos, F W Roemer, J Ranstam, L S Lohmander E J Hegedus, S M McDonough, C Bleakley, D Baxter, C E Cook Subscription information British Journal of Sports Medicine is published monthly; subscribers receive all supplements Receive regular table of contents by email. Register using this QR code. Institutional rates 2015 Print £728; US$1420; €983 Online Site licences are priced on FTE basis and allow access by the whole institution. 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